Ingliz tilidan testlar @ingliztili_tilidan_quiz_testlari Channel on Telegram

Ingliz tilidan testlar



Ingliz tilidan testlar (Uzbek)

Sizga Ingliz tilini o'rganishda yordam bermaymi? Sizga Ingliz tilidan testlar qilishdan xursandlikmi ko'chiradi? Agar javobingiz 'ha' bo'lsa, @ingliztili_tilidan_quiz_testlari kanalimizga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanalda sizga ro'yobga chiqqan birinchi sinfdan boshlab, Ingliz tilidan testlar beriladi. Kanalimizda har bir qiziqarli mavzu bo'yicha testlar, yangiliklar va foydali qiziqarli ma'lumotlar mavjud. Admin @TB_MENEJER sizni kanalimizga qiziqishi va foydalanishi uchun mehmon qiladi. Bu kanal orqali siz o'z Ingliz tilingizni tajriba qilishingiz, vazifalaringizni muvaffaqiyatli bajarishingiz va o'z bilimingizni oshirishingiz mumkin. Sizga foydali bo'lish uchun tezda kanalimizga a'zo bo'ling va Ingliz tilidan testlarga qatnashingiz! Ingliz tilidan testlar kanalimiz sizni doimiy ravishda o'rganishga yordam beradi! Yana bir bor, @ingliztili_tilidan_quiz_testlari kanaliga xush kelibsiz!

Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 23:03

🌱Aссалому алайкум. Душанба тонги муборак бўлсин 😊👍

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

🍃Асл саодат нафас олиб турган ҳар онимизга шукр қила олишдир...
🍃Шукр ва зикрга бой кун бўлсин!

🌱Кунингиз мазмунли ўтсин!👇


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 14:35

Vocabulary time📋

Along - bo'ylab

🔸to run along – ketmoq
🔸to move along – o’tmoq
🔸to take along – o’zi bilan olib ketmoq
🔸to bring along – muvofiq kelmoq
🔸to come along – hamrohlik qilmoq
🔸to pass along – o’tmoq, uzatib yubormoq
🔸to get along – amallab kun kechirmoq

🔸to get along without food – ovqatsiz amallamoq
🔸to get along in years – keksaymoq
🔸to go along with – kelishmoq, chiqishmoq
🔸right along – doim, muntazam
🔸along the highway – kata yo’l bo’ylab
🔸along the lines of – shekilli
🔸along with – birgalikda
🔸along for the ride – tasodifan qo’shilgan
🔸all along of – tufayli
🔸along the lines – yo’nalishda
🔸along with – shuningdek, birgalikda


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 14:35

📋Ingliz tilida eng ko'p foydalaniladigan top-50 ta so'z

1 the - aniq artikl 
2 of - ning 
3 to - ga 
4 and - va 
5 a - noaniq artikl 
6 in - ichida 
7 colour - rang 
8 it - u (jonsiz narsa uchun) 
9 you - sen 
10 that- ana u 

11 was- "be"ning o'tgan zamon shakli 
12 he - u (o'g'il bolaga nisbatan) 
13 for - uchun 
14 on - ustida 
15 area - maydon 
16 with - bilan 
17 as - sifatida, ...dek 
18 I - men 
19 his- uning 
20 they- ular 

21 be - bo'lmoq 
22 at - da 
23 one - bir
24 have - bor bo'lmoq 
25 this - bu, mana bu 
26 from - ...dan 
27 or - yoki 
28 had - "have"ning o'tgan zamon shakli 
29 by - tomonidan, ...gacha 
30 hot - issiq 

31 word - so'z 
32 but - lekin 
33 what - nima? 
34 some - bir nechta 
35 we - biz 
36 can - qila olmoq 
37 out - tashqi 
38 other- boshqa 
39 were - "be"ning o'tgan zamon shakli 
40 all - hamma 

41 there- u yerda 
42 when - qachon 
43 up - tepaga 
44 use - foydalanmoq 
45 your - sening 
46 how - qanday 
47 said - aytmoq ("say"ning o'tgan zamon shaki)
48 each - har bir 
49 which - qaysi 
50 she - u (qiz bolaga nisbatan)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 14:35

Sentence Completion Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.

1. If you had played games regularly, you ……………………………… strong and healthy.

a) will become
b) would become
c) would have become

2. If you …………………………….. more carefully, you wouldn’t have made so many silly mistakes.

a) listened
b) listen
c) had listened

3. I consider …………………………….. to have this opportunity of welcoming you.

a) it a privilege
b) it privilege
c) a privilege

4. It is silly ……………………………. away your chances like that.

a) throwing
b) to throw
c) to throwing

5. What a difficult business …………………………….. to start the car with such a low battery.

a) was it
b) it was
c) it had been

6. The leader said that it would be unwise …………………………….. the democratic demands of the common people.

a) to not accept
b) not to accept
c) Either could be used here

7. You were silly ………………………….. your car.

a) to not have locked
b) not to have locked
c) Either could be used here

Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 14:35

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🚩Mavzu: Aralash gaplar

🇬🇧 I'll do my best.
🇺🇿 Qo'limdan kelganicha harakat qilaman.

🇬🇧 Thank you for your advise.
🇺🇿 Maslahat uchun raxmat.

🇬🇧 Bring me a cup of tea!
🇺🇿 Menga bir piyola choy olib keling!

🇬🇧 - Shall I tell Guli what happened?
🇺🇿 - Bo'lgan voqeani Guliga aytaymi?

🇬🇧 - No, I wouldn't say anything.
🇺🇿 - Yo'q, men hech narsa aytmagan bo'lardim.

🇬🇧 What do you eat most?
🇺🇿 Siz ko'proq nima yeysiz?

🇬🇧 I'm very sorry.
🇺🇿 Kechiring juda afsusdaman.

🇬🇧 Could you give me something for a toothache?
🇺🇿 Tish og'rig'iga qarshi birorta dori bera olasizmi?

🇬🇧 Let's go to the restaurant.
🇺🇿 Keling restoranga boramiz.

🇬🇧 Can I just have a second of your time, please?
🇺🇿 Kechirasiz, menga bir daqiqa vaqtingizni ajrata olasizmi?

🇬🇧 Do you have brothers and sisters?
🇺🇿 Aka -singillaringiz bormi?


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 14:06

#Сенсация | 39 000 сўм эвазигая..?😳

💐 Арзимаган пул эвазига хонангиз ёки офисингизни гуллатиб юборишингиз мумкин!

💰 Нархи атига: 39.минг сўм




Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 04:41

Ⓜ️avzu: It is time

Biz it’s time iborasi xabardorlikni oshirish bu narsani bajarish payti bo’ldi degan ma’no ishlatiladi. Bir nechta qoliplari bor.

🔹It’s time to V1 - biror ishni qiladigan payt
It’s time to go home Uyga ketadigan paytimiz bo’ldi
🔸It’s time for someone to V1 – biror kishini biror ishni qiladigan payti
It’s time for us to go home - Uyga ketadigan paytimiz bo’ldi

💠It’s time iborasidan so’ng gap o’tgan zamonda yasalishi mumkin, bunda gapning tuzilishi o’tgan zamonda bo’lsa ham ammo beradigan ma’nosi hozirgi va kelasi zamoni anglatib, tanbeh tandiq shikoyat ma’nolarni beradi. O’zbek tiliga allaqachon …shi kerak edi, …digan payt bo’lgani qachon edi birikmalariga to’g’ri keladi.
▪️It’s late. It’s time we went home – Kech bo’ldi. Allaqachon uyga ketishimiz kerak edi(bu payt biz uyda bo’lshimiz kerak edi)
▪️ It’s time the children were in bed. It’s long after their bedtime – Bollarning yotadigan payti bo’lgani qachon edi. Ularning yotadigan paytidan ancha o’tib ketibdi.

💠Agarda biz o’tgan zamon haqida gapirmoqchi bo’lsa biz It was time S + Past perfect shaklida gap tuzamiz

▪️ It was time you had told him the truth – Unga haqiqatni aytadigan paytingiz allaqachon bo’lgan edi

⚠️Ma’noni kucaytirish maqsadida biz “about va high” so’zlarini qo’shishimiz mumkin.
▪️It’s about/high time you stopped smoking – Siz allaqachon chekishni tashashingiz kerak edi/ tashaydigan paytingiz allaqachon bo’lgan edi.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 04:41

Vocabulary time

🔸 Happy - xursand
🔸 Sad - xafa/ g'amgin
🔸 Hungry - qorni och
🔸 Thirsty - chanqamoq
🔸 Hot - isib ketmoq
🔸 Cold - muzlab ketmoq
🔸 Tired - charchamoq
🔸 Sleepy - uyqusiragan
🔸 Surprised - hayratda qolmoq, ajablanmoq
🔸 Scared - qo'rqib ketmoq
🔸 Excited - xursand bo'lmoq
🔸 Bored - zerikmoq

💠 "To be" orqali o'zimizning holatimizni, kayfiyatimizni aytsak bo'ladi

S+ to be +

Mana shu to'rtburchak o'rniga holat va kayfiyatni bildiruvchi so'zlardan birini qo'yamiz.

Misol uchun:

🔸 I am happy
🔹 Men xursandman

🔸 She is sad
🔹 U(qiz bola) xafa

🔸 Durdona is hungry
🔹 Durdinani qorni och

🔸 We are thirsty
🔹 Biz chanqadik

🔸 I am hot
🔹 Men isib ketdim

🔸 Anvar is cold
🔹 Anvar muzlab ketdi

🔸 My students are sleepy
🔹 Mening öquvchilarim uyqusiragan (uyqusi kelgan)

🔸 You are scared
🔹 Siz qo'rqib ketdingiz

🔸 My friends are bored
🔹 Mening do'stlarim zerikkan


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 04:41

📋Ingliz tilida eng ko'p foydalaniladigan top-50 ta so'z

1 the - aniq artikl 
2 of - ning 
3 to - ga 
4 and - va 
5 a - noaniq artikl 
6 in - ichida 
7 colour - rang 
8 it - u (jonsiz narsa uchun) 
9 you - sen 
10 that- ana u 

11 was- "be"ning o'tgan zamon shakli 
12 he - u (o'g'il bolaga nisbatan) 
13 for - uchun 
14 on - ustida 
15 area - maydon 
16 with - bilan 
17 as - sifatida, ...dek 
18 I - men 
19 his- uning 
20 they- ular 

21 be - bo'lmoq 
22 at - da 
23 one - bir
24 have - bor bo'lmoq 
25 this - bu, mana bu 
26 from - ...dan 
27 or - yoki 
28 had - "have"ning o'tgan zamon shakli 
29 by - tomonidan, ...gacha 
30 hot - issiq 

31 word - so'z 
32 but - lekin 
33 what - nima? 
34 some - bir nechta 
35 we - biz 
36 can - qila olmoq 
37 out - tashqi 
38 other- boshqa 
39 were - "be"ning o'tgan zamon shakli 
40 all - hamma 

41 there- u yerda 
42 when - qachon 
43 up - tepaga 
44 use - foydalanmoq 
45 your - sening 
46 how - qanday 
47 said - aytmoq ("say"ning o'tgan zamon shaki)
48 each - har bir 
49 which - qaysi 
50 she - u (qiz bolaga nisbatan)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

16 Feb, 04:01

Ultra Smart watch T800

TW8 ULTRA Smart Watch Apple IOS 2022 
🔻Apple IOS Android ikalasida ham qotmasdan ishlaydi 
🔻Batareya chidamliligi 100% 48 soatga yetadi 
🔻Ranglari aplesin, qora, seriy, yashi l ranglari mavjud 
🔻Funksiyalari Juda ko'p, suvda ham ishlaydi 
🔻Ob-havo aniqlash qon bosm puls prabeklar qo'ng'iroq qilish 
🔴Tezda bizga murojat qiling Tanlovda adashmang.

💰 Mahsulot narxi:
-- Qora rang: 92000 so'm
-- Apelsin rang: 92000 so'm
-- Seriy rang: 92000 so'm
-- Oq rang: 92000 so'm
-- Yashil rang: 92000 so'm

🎁 2 ta mahsulot xarid qilgan mijozga buyurtma mutlaqo tekinga yetqazib beriladi,

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 23:02

🫧 Ассалому алайкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ.

☁️Хайрли Тонг!

❄️Бугунги якшанба тонгингиз муборак ва хайрли бўлсин...!!!

❄️ Аллоҳим сизни икки дунёда Азизу мукаррам қилсин...!🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 14:34

Grammar time📚


➡️Jamlovchi otlar odamlar, hayvonlar, narsa-buyumlar, fikrlarning ko’p sonlisini bitta ot bilan jamlab ko’rsatadi. Jamlovchi ot odatda birlikda ishlatiladi. Misol uchun “bezorilar to'dasi” oti haqida o’ylab ko’ring. Bu yerda “bezorilar” ko’plikdagi ot bo’lishiga qaramasdan, “to'da” bitta bo’lganligi sababli ushbu jamlovchi ot birlikda hisoblanadi☝️

🔶Ingliz tilidagi jamlovchi otlarga ba’zi misollar:

🔸A bunch of grapes or keys – uzum boshi yoki kalitlar yig’indisi;
🔸A gang of bandits – bezorilar to’dasi;
🔸A class of students – talabalar sinfi;
🔸An army of soldiers – askarlar armiyasi;
🔸A hive of bees – asalarilar to’dasi;
🔸A fleet of ships - kemalar to’dasi;
🔸A constellation of stars or galaxy – yulduzlar yig’indisi;
🔸An archipelago of islands – orollar guruhi;
🔸A bevy of girls – qizlar guruhi;
🔸A crowd of people – odamlar to’dasi;
🔸A mob of people – odamlar guruhi;
🔸A swarm of flies – chivinlar to’dasi;
🔸A jury of judges – hakamlar hay’ati;
🔸A herd of cattle – mollar to’dasi;
🔸A flock of sheep – qo’ylar to’dasi;
🔸A team of players – o’yinchilar jamoasi.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 14:34

Muloqot uchun...

🚩 At, with, about

💥 Bad at (something) - Biror narsada yomon bo'lish

💥 Good at (something) - Biror narsada yaxshi bo'lish

💥 Surprised at (something) - Hayron qolgan

💥 Pleased about (something) - Mamnun bo'lgan

💥 Pleased with (someone) - Kimdandir mamnun bo'lmoq

💥 Angry about (something) - Biror narsadan jaxli chiqqan

💥 Angry with (someone) - Kimdandir jaxli chiqqan

💥Disappointed about (something) - Biror narsadan hafsalasi pir bo'lgan

💥 Disappointed with (someone) - Kimdandir hafsalasi pir bo'lgan

💥 Worried about (something or someone) - Biror kimdan yoki biror narsadan havotir olgan


Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 14:34



🏴According to - …-ga ko’ra
🏳Apart from - …-ni hisobga olmaganda
🏴As to(as for) - …-ga kelsak
🏳But for - …bo’lmaganda
🏴By means of - …vositasida
🏳In accordance with - …-ga ko’ra
🏴As compared with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
🏳In comparison with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
🏴In conformity with - …-ga ko’ra
🏳In consequence of - …-ning natijasida
🏴In favour of - …-ning foydasiga
🏳Instead of - …-ning o’rniga
🏴On behalf of - …-ning nomidan
🏳Subject to - … bo’lsa, sharti bilan
🏴With (a) regard to - …haqida, to’g’risida
🏳With (a) respect to - …haqida,to’g’risida
🏴Provided (that)/ Providing(that)
-’lsa, sharti bilan
🏳Seeing (that) - …bilib, madomiki
🏴Supposing (that) - aytaylik, faraz qilaylik
🏳Moreover – bundan tashqari
🏴Furthermore – bundan tashqari
🏳As if/As though - Xuddi
🏴On condition (that) – …sharti bilan
🏳As…as - …-dek
🏴Than - …-dan ko’ra
🏳As a result of - …-ning natijasida
🏴Once - …-gach, bilanoq
🏳Hitherto – hozirgacha
🏴Inasmuch as – qo’shimchasiga, bundan tashqari
🏳On the contrary – shunga zid
🏴Eventually – axir, vaqti kelib
🏳Vice versa – huddi shuning teskarisi
🏴Hence – shu sababdan
🏳Notwithstanding - …-ning ta'sirisiz
🏴Meanwhile – huddi shu paytda
🏳Likewise – huddi shu usulda, bir xil
🏴Besides – bundan tashqari
🏳As a matter of fact – Shu tufayli
🏴Indeed – chindan ham, rostan ham

Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 14:00

Азизлар ҳаво харорати пасая бошлагани сари қишнинг қахратонини ҳис қила бошладик. Ҳозирдан тайёрланиб олмасак бу иситгичларни нархини қишга яқин эплаб бўмай қолади.

"Vitek" — Сифатли, қулай, хамёнбоб! Электр қуввати тежамкор ва албатта совуқ кунларда саломатлигингиз дастёри бўлиб хизмат қилади...

— Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
— Пульт орқали бошқарилади
— 25-30 квадратни иситади
— 1-2 КВ (тежамкор)
— Иситиши +36, Совутиши зўр

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти

💰Нархи: 149.000 сўм

O'zbekiston bo'yicha yetqazib berish xizmati MAVJUD. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Батафсил👉 @Operatorchi


ЕТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ БЕПУЛ! Тўлов қўлингизга олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 04:41

Differences in Speaking Band 5 and 8

Band 5: Unnaturally slow speech and many pauses and hesitations. Tends to either overuse discourse markers or uses them inappropriately.

Has a limited vocabualry and this limits their ability to talk about unfamiliar topics.

Band 8: Speaks at a normal pace without any unnatural hesitations. Uses discourse markers both accurately and appropriately.

Has a wide ranging vocabulary that allows them to accurately and clearly discuss any topic.

Band 5: Uses mostly simple sentences and makes frequent mistakes when trying to use more complex structures.

Can generally be understood but makes regular pronunciation errors and rarely uses appropriate pronunciation features.

Band 8: Uses both simple and complex structures and over 50% of sentences are error- free.

Uses a wide range of pronunciation features and can be easily understood throughout the test.

#speaking #speakingtips


Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 04:41

💠Eng koʻp ishlatiladigan iboralar

Let's go. — qani ketdik
Me too. — men ham
My name is ... —mening ismim ....
Never mind. — qo'rqinchli emas
Next time. — keyingi safar
Nice to meet you. — tanishganimdan xursandman
No problem. — muammo yo'q
No, thank you. — yoʻq, rahmat
No way. — bo'lishi mumkin emas
Not yet. — hali emas
Nothing else. — Boshqa hech narsa
On the left. — chapga
On the right. — oʻngga
Over here. — bu erda
Over there. — ana u erda
Right here. — Mana shu yerda
Right there. — U erda
Rise and shine! — koʻtarilib va porlagan
See you later. — Ko'rishguncha
See you soon. — tezda koʻrishguncha
See you tomorrow. — Ertaga ko'rishguncha
Shut up! — Og'zingni yop
Sit down, please. — O'tiring marhamat
Stand back. — Orqaga turing
Start the car. — Avtomobilni boshlang
Step aside. —Bir chetga surib qo'ying
Take care. — oʻzingizni extiyot qiling


Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 04:41

Ingliz tilidagi 30 ta kasallik nomlari

🔻Allergy [ˈalədʒi] - Allergiya
🔻Brain attack [breɪn əˈtak] - Insult
🔻Bronchitis [brɒŋˈkʌɪtɪs] - Bronxit
🔻Burn [bəːn] - Kuyish
🔻Cancer [ˈkansə] - Saraton
🔻Chicken pox [ˈtʃɪkɪnpɒks] - Chipqon
🔻Cold [kəʊld] - Shamollash
🔻Colitis [kəˈlʌɪtɪs] - Kolit
🔻Contagious disease [kənˈteɪdʒəs dɪˈziːz] - Yuqumli kasalliklar
🔻Diabetes [ˌdʌɪəˈbiːtiːz] - Diabet
🔻Dislocation [ˌdɪslə(ʊ)ˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] - Dislokatsiya
🔻Disordered stomach [dɪsˈɔːdəd ˈstʌmək] - Oshqazon og'rig'
🔻Dysentery [ˈdɪs(ə)nt(ə)ri] - Dizenteriya
🔻Epilepsy [ˈɛpɪlɛpsi] - Epilepsiya
🔻Food poisoning [fuːd ˈpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ] - Oziq ovqatdan zaharlanish
🔻Gastritis [gaˈstrʌɪtɪs] - Gastrit
🔻Heart attack [hɑːt əˈtak] - Yurak Huruji, infark
🔻Hypertension [hʌɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)n] - Gipertenziya
🔻Inflammation [ɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] - Yallig'lanish
🔻Influenza [ɪnflʊˈɛnzə], flu [fluː] - Gripp
🔻Measles [ˈmiːz(ə)lz] - Qizamiq
🔻Nephritis [nɪˈfrʌɪtɪs] - Nefrit
🔻Pharyngitis [ˌfarɪŋˈdʒʌɪtɪs] - Farangit
🔻Pneumonia [njuːˈməʊnɪə] - Pnevmoniya
🔻Rheumatism [ˈruːmətɪz(ə)m] - Revmatizm
🔻Smallpox [ˈsmɔːlpɒks] - Ospa
🔻Tuberculosis [tjʊˌbəːkjʊˈləʊsɪs] - Tuberkuloz
🔻Tumour [ˈtjuːmə] - Opuxol
🔻Ulcer [ˈʌlsə] - Oshqazon Yarasi


Ingliz tilidan testlar

15 Feb, 04:00



Qaynoq Aksiya 3 tasi 1 da Ajoyib Simsiz quloqchin

💧Eng muhimi suvdayam ishlaydi
🔊Ovoz chiqarishi yuqori sifatli
🔋Mustahkam zaryad (ham power bank)
✔️Sifatli mikrafon

💰 Mahsulot narxi: 77000 min som

To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz

🚚 O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab yetkazib berish xizmati MAVJUD. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

14 Feb, 23:04

Aссалому алайкум. Шанба тонги муборак бўлсин!

❄️ Сизга оилавий хотиржамлик, тани соғлик, хайрли амалларга тўла ва дуолар мустажоб бўлувчи лаҳзаларга бой яна жуда кўп субҳи содиқлар тилаймиз.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

13 Feb, 04:41


Ingliz tilidan testlar

13 Feb, 04:41

🗣 Billie Eilish
🎵 Therefore I Am

I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am

[Verse 1]
Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha
Get my pretty name out of your mouth
We are not the same with or without
Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal

So go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know

I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am

[Verse 2]
I don't want press to put your name next to mine
We're on different lines, so I
Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff
'Cause I hate to find
Articles, articles, articles
Rather you remain unremarkable (Got a lotta)
Interviews, interviews, interviews
When they say your name, I just act confused

Did you have fun?
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know

I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am

I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name

I'm not your friend (I'm not your friend)
Or anything, damn
You think that you're the man (They wanna, they can try)
I think, therefore, I am (I am)
I'm not your friend (Friend)
Or anything, damn (They wanna)
You think that you're the man (You're the man)
I think, therefore, I am (Therefore, I am)



Ingliz tilidan testlar

13 Feb, 04:41

📖 Dars #7 Present continuous va Present simple tense qo'llanishidagi o'ziga xosliklar

✳️ Mazkur dars umuman olganda barcha oddiy va davomiy zamonlarga taalluqli bo'lib, ushbu zamonlarda ba'zi fe'llarning qo'llanishiga bag'ishlanadi.

1️⃣ Mazkur ikkala zamon qo'llashda fe’llarni holat va harakat fe’llariga ajratib olish juda muhim.
Harakat fe’llari oʻz nomi bilan koʻrsatilganidek, biron harakatni ifodalashda qoʻllanadigan fe’llardir (to play/to read/to run..).
Holat fe’llari esa his-tuyg’uni, fikrni yoki biror holatni tasvirlashda ishlatiladigan fe’llar (to feel/to love/to want/to think…) hisoblanadi.

⚠️ Harakat fe’llari ingliz tilida - 'dynamic verbs', holat fe’llari esa - 'stative verbs' deb yuritiladi.

2️⃣ Umumiy qoidaga koʻra harakat fe’llari barcha zamonlarda (davomiy va oddiy) zamonlarda qoʻllanishi mumkin.
🔸Tom is playing football in the yard now. (oʻynayapdi… davomiy)
🔸Tom plays football in the yard every evening. (oʻynaydi… oddiy)

3️⃣ Holat fe’llari esa faqatgina oddiy yoki oddiy tugallangan (simple yoki simple perfect) zamonlarda qoʻllana oladi.
🔸I know that you are wrong. (Men bilamanki, siz nohaqsiz.…oddiy zamonda)
🔸He loves flowers. (U gullarni sevadi…oddiy zamonda)

✳️ Quyidagi fe'llarni juda yaxshi esda saqlab qolish lozim, chunki ularni bilish ingliz tilida holat va harakat fe'llarini farqlay olish va zamonlarni to'g'ri qo'llashda asqotadi.

▫️be - bo'lmoq ▫️want - xohlamoq ▫️need -muhtoj bo'lmoq ▫️prefer - afzal ko'rmoq ▫️like - yoqtirmoq ▫️love - sevmoq ▫️hate - nafratlanmoq ▫️belong - tegishli bo'lmoq ▫️❗️appear - ko'rinmoq ▫️imagine - tasavvur qilmoq ▫️exist - mavjud bo'lmoq ▫️❗️look - ko'rinmoq ▫️❗️see - ko'rmoq ▫️hear - eshitmoq ▫️resemble - o'xshamoq ▫️❗️fit - to'g'ri kelmoq▫️own -egalik qilmoq ▫️possess - egalik qilmoq ▫️owe - qarz bo'lmoq ▫️depend - bog'liq bo'lmoq ▫️adore - qattiq sevmoq ▫️dislike - yomon ko'rmoq ▫️suit - mos kelmoq ▫️involve - o'z ichiga olmoq ▫️know - bilmoq ▫️believe - ishonmoq ▫️suppose - taxmin qilmoq ▫️mean - ma'no anglatmoq ▫️understand - tushunmoq ▫️remember - eslamoq ▫️notice - sezmoq, payqamoq ▫️❗️smell - hid taratmoq ▫️❗️sound - eshitilmoq, tuyulmoq ▫️❗️taste - ta'mga ega bo'lmoq ▫️consist - tashkil topmoq ▫️❗️feel - his qilmoq ▫️admire - havas qilmoq ▫️lack - yetishmaslik ▫️wish - tilamoq ▫️forget - esdan chiqarmoq ▫️seem - ko'rinmoq, tuyulmoq ▫️❗️have - ega bo'lmoq ▫️❗️think - o'ylamoq ▫️realise - tushunib yetmoq ▫️doubt - shubhalanmoq ▫️suspect - gumonlanmoq ▫️comprise - tashkil topmoq ▫️contain - ichiga olmoq ▫️include - ichiga olmoq ▫️come from - kelib chiqmoq ▫️concern - tegishli bo'lmoq ▫️appreciate - tushunmoq, yuqori baholamoq

⚠️ Yuqoridagi fe'llarni davomiy zamonlarda qo'llash grammatik xato hisoblanadi.

🔸I am knowing the rule. (noto'g'ri)
🔸I know the rule. (to'g'ri)

⚠️ Yuqorida ba'zi fe'llarga ❗️belgisi qo'yilgan bo'lib, mazkur fe'llarning ma'nosi o'zgarganda, davomiy zamonlarda ham qo'llanishi mumkinligini bildiradi. Bu haqda keyingi darsda batafsil to'xtalib o'tamiz.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

13 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿Speaking Vocabularies Band 8.5

🔸Hit the nail on the head:
to say something that is precisely correct or соmpletely true.

E: At last, he's hit the nail on the head!
E: She hit the nail on the head when she used idioms in the IELTS speaking test.

🔸To have a weakness for something: fo have a passion for something.

E: My son has a weakness for chocolate.
E: The little girl has a weakness for cookies.

🔸 Hit the books: to study very hard.

E: I have to go home and hit the books because I have a big test tomorrow.
E: It's time to hit the books.

🔸(to have) mixed feelings: to feel both positive and negative about somеоnе or something.

E: Sarah had mixed feelings about meeting her ex-bоyfriend again.
E: My friend had mixed feelings about giving up his job.

🔸To have a sweet tooth: to enјoy eating sweet food.

E: I have a sweet tooth, so I will definitely have dessert!
E: Mary eats candy all the time. She must have a sweet tooth.

🔸 Has a heart of gold: friendly, sincere, generous.

E: Мy aunt is a woman with a heart of gold.
E: Peter is so nice. Нe must have a heart of gold.

🔸 Have/get/feel butterflies in my stomach: to feel very nervous or anxious about something.

E: Не always gets butterflies in his stomach before a test.
E: Mary always gets butterflies in her stomach before her big speech.

🔸 Hit the sack: to gо to bed.

E: I'm pretty tired. I think it's time for me to hit the sack.
E: I'm going to hit the sack early since I've got to get up early tomorrow.

Hard nut to crack: a person or thing that is difficult to understand, or deal with.

E: Tom sure is a hard nut to crack. I can't figure him out.
E: This problem is getting me down. It's a hard nut to crack.

#vocabulary #speaking


Ingliz tilidan testlar

13 Feb, 04:02

Азизлар ҳаво харорати пасая бошлагани сари қишнинг қахратонини ҳис қила бошладик. Ҳозирдан тайёрланиб олмасак бу иситгичларни нархини қишга яқин эплаб бўмай қолади.

"Vitek" — Сифатли, қулай, хамёнбоб! Электр қуввати тежамкор ва албатта совуқ кунларда саломатлигингиз дастёри бўлиб хизмат қилади...

— Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
— Пульт орқали бошқарилади
— 25-30 квадратни иситади
— 1-2 КВ (тежамкор)
— Иситиши +36, Совутиши зўр

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти

💰Нархи: 149.000 сўм

O'zbekiston bo'yicha yetqazib berish xizmati MAVJUD. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Батафсил👉 @Operatorchi


ЕТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ БЕПУЛ! Тўлов қўлингизга олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 23:02

☀️Aссалому алайкум....

Пайшанба тонги муборак бўлсин.

Тонг чоғида эсиб шаббода,
Дилингизга фараҳбахш этсин!
Қалбдан сизга гўзал тилагим,
Аллоҳим сизни асрасин!

Бугунги кунингиз омадли бўлсин


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 14:35

🇺🇿Writing task 2 in Uzbekistan — 10.04.2021

🔸In many countries, modern buildings are changing the character and appearance of towns and cities. Some people believe that countries should protect their cultural identity by insisting that all new building are built in a traditional style

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, there are increasing number of modern buildings to meet different needs of office workers and residents. Modern buildings, as one of the most important urban architecture, is playing a significant role in the society from different aspects. However, some people argue that we should erect buildings in traditional ways as they represent culture. From my point of view, modern architectures should be built; on the other hand, people should not build buildings in traditional style but to preserve the historical buildings.

Modern buildings are crucial from a number of aspects. First of all, with the growing number of residences and limited land resources in metropolitan cities, modern buildings provide more accommodation to city dwellers. In big cities like New York, Sydney and Tashkent, as they provide more job opportunities, people around the countries all move to these cities. As a result, there is great demand of housing and modern apartments with 30 storeys are able to meet the needs. Likewise, a number of multinational companies have their head office in big cities and they take up huge amount of space. It is more appropriate for these companies to have offices in modern buildings with good facilities. Additionally, as skyscrapers represent the ability in architect, developed countries aim at erecting the tallest building in the world to win the national pride. It is always reported in the newspaper that Dubai is building the most luxurious modern building in the world while Japan has the tallest tower. Modern buildings are very important in the society.

On the other hand, some argue that we should build traditional buildings because modern architectures are the same and buildings should be characteristic. I believe it is better for us to preserve the old buildings than to build new ones that are similar to the old. First of all, it is impossible to build architectures exactly the same as before because some of the raw materials are not available now. For instance, Chinese building used red bricks a lot in the past, as the production process of red bricks does great harm to the environment, government bans the use of red bricks in construction. Also, historical buildings cannot be rebuilt, as a result, government should spare more effort to protect the old blocks as they are valuable education resources and students can learn the traditional styles based on that.

In conclusion, modern architectures are important for the sake of human beings and the techniques in building will be developed continually. Moreover, conventional buildings should be protected by government.

Band 7.5 +

#writingtask2 #recent


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 14:35

📖 Dars #8 Ba'zi fe'llarning ham oddiy ham davomiy zamonlarda qo'llanishi:

✳️ Avvalgi darsda ta'kidlaganimizdek, holat fe'llarining ba'zilari boshqa ma'nolarda davomiy zamonlarda ishlatilishi mumkin.

1️⃣ feel - his qilmoq, sez(il)moq (holat fe’li), paypaslamoq, ushlab koʻrmoq (harakat fe’li)
🔸The cloth feels rough. (Mato dag’al…holat fe’li)
🔸The doctor is feeling Nick’s leg. (Doktor Nikning oyog’ini ushlab koʻrmoqda…harakat fe’li)

2️⃣ smell – hid taratmoq, hidga ega boʻlmoq (holat fe’li), hidlab koʻrmoq (harakat fe’li)
🔸The food smells awful. (Ovqatning hidi yomon…holat fe’li)
🔸The girl is smelling the flowers. (Qizcha gullarni hidlamoqda…harakat fe’li)

4️⃣ taste – ta’mga ega boʻlmoq (holat fe’li), ta’mini tatib koʻrmoq (harakat fe’li)
🔸The food tastes salty. (Ovqatning ta'mi shoʻr…holat fe’li)
🔸The cook is tasting the food. (Oshpaz ovqatning ta’mini tatib koʻrmoqda…harakat fe’li)

5️⃣ fit – mos kelmoq, toʻg’ri kelmoq (holat fe’li), oʻrnatmoq, joylashtirmoq (harakat fe’li)
🔸My shoes fit me perfectly. (Tufligim menga juda mos keldi…holat fe’li)
🔸The workman is fitting the new engine. (Ishchi yangi motorni oʻrnatmoqda…harakat fe'li)

6️⃣ look – koʻrinmoq (holat fe’li), qaramoq, qidirmoq ma'nolarida ko'makchi bilan ishlatilganda (harakat fe’li)
🔸You look tired. (Siz charchagan koʻrinasiz…holat fe’li)
🔸I am looking for my keys. (Men kalitlarimni qidiryapman…harakat fe’li)

7️⃣ have fe’li “ega boʻlmoq” ma’nosida faqatgina oddiy zamonlarda, masalan hozirgi oddiy zamonda (Present Simple Tense) qoʻllaniladi.
🔸We have six houses, five cars and one ship now. (are having… emas)
⚠️'have' fe’li boshqa soʻzlar bilan birikib, harakatni bildirib kelishi mumkin. Misol uchun to have a bath, to have dinner, to have a chat, to have a rest shunday birikmalar hisoblanadi. Bu holatda ular ham davomiy, ham oddiy zamonlarda qo'llanishi mumkin.
🔸Tom is having a bath at the moment. (Tom ayni paytda vanna qabul qilmoqda)
🔸Tom has a bath every morning. (Tom har kuni ertalab vanna qabul qiladi)

8️⃣ 'think' fe'li fikr bildirmoq' degan ma’nosida faqat oddiy zamonlarda qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I think your idea is the best. (Fikrimcha, sizning g’oyangiz eng zoʻri.)
⚠️ think fe'li oʻylamoq, fikr yuritmoq degan ma’noda har ikkala zamonda qoʻllana oladi.
🔸I am thinking of your suggestion but I can’t make up my mind. (…oʻylayapman)
🔸I think about the future a lot. (…oʻylayman)

9️⃣ 'see' fe'li koʻrmoq ma’nosida hozirgi zamonda faqat oddiy zamonda qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Do you see that man over there? (Anavi yerdagi odamni koʻryapsanmi?)
🔸I see that girl every morning. (…har kun koʻraman)
⚠️'see' - uchrashmoq, koʻrishmoq degan ma’noda hozirgi davomiy zamon qolipida kelajakdagi rejalar uchun qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I am seeing the manager tomorrow. (Men ertaga menejer bilan uchrashyapman.)

🔟 appear fe'li ko'rinmoq, tuyulmoq (look, seem) degan ma'nolarda qo'llanilsa holat fe'li hisoblanadi.
🔸He appears to be nervous.
⚠️ appear fe'li 'rol ijro etmoq, paydo bo'lmoq' degan ma'noda kelsa, harakat fe'li hisoblanadi.
🔸He is appearing in a new play.

💡 Yuqoridagi izohlarni cheksiz davom ettirish mumkin, lekin yaxshi lug’at yordamida fe’llarning qaysi ma’noda ishlatilishini, holat yoki harakat fe’li ekanligini bilib olish mumkin. Masalan, 'to weigh fe'li tosh bosmoq, vaznga ega boʻlmoq degan ma’noda holat, oʻlchamoq, taroziga tortmoq degan ma’nolarda harakatni bildiradi.

❗️ to be-boʻlmoq fe’li holat fe’li boʻlganligi tufayli faqat oddiy zamonlarda qoʻllanishini bilamiz.
🔸Peter is very helpful. He always helps his mother to do the housework. (doimo shunday yordam berishga tayyor…)
💡'to be' fe’li ba’zibir sifatlar bilan (generous, helpful, selfish, kind…) qoʻllanganda shaxsning oʻzini boshqacha tutayotganligni koʻrsatish uchun hozirgi davomiy zamon (Present continuous tense) da qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Sam is being very helpful today. He has done all the housework alone!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 14:35

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️Kundalik Suhbatlashuvlar (davomi)

🎯 You've got me wrong. - Siz meni noto'g'ri tushundiz.

🎯 You've got it all wrong. - Siz hammasini noto'g'ri tushundingiz.

🎯 You've got it wrong. - Xato tushundingiz buni.

🎯 You've twisted my words. - Siz so'zlarimni chalkashtirib yubordingiz.

🎯 You've missed the point. - Siz gapimni o'tkazib yubordingiz.

🎯 You're only hearing what you want to hear. - Siz eshitmoqchi bo'lgan yagona narsani eshitdingiz

🎯 You're not listening to what I'm saying - Siz meni gaplarimni eshitmayapsiz.

🎯 You're putting words into my mouth. - Siz meni og'zimni gap bilan yopayapsiz.

🎯 I didn't mean to give you that impression. - Sizga bunaqa taassurot qoldiraman deb o'ylamagandim.

🎯 I didn't mean to imply that. - Men buni nazarda tutmoqchi emasdim.

🎯 I didn't mean that. - Men buni o'ylamagandim

🎯 That's not what I meant. - Men nazarda tutgan narsa bu emas.

🎯 I said no such thing. - Men hech qanaqa safsata gapirmadim.

🎯 That's not what I said. - Men aytgan narsa bu emas.

🎯 I didn't say that. - Men bunaqa demadim.

🎯 That's not my point. - Bu meni fikrm emas.

🎯 That's not the point I'm trying to make. - Men sizga tushuntirmoqchi bo'lgan gap bu emas.

🎯 You just don't get it! - Siz shunchaki tushunmadingiz.

​#vocabulary #speaking


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 14:35

📖 Dars #7 Present continuous va Present simple tense qo'llanishidagi o'ziga xosliklar

✳️ Mazkur dars umuman olganda barcha oddiy va davomiy zamonlarga taalluqli bo'lib, ushbu zamonlarda ba'zi fe'llarning qo'llanishiga bag'ishlanadi.

1️⃣ Mazkur ikkala zamon qo'llashda fe’llarni holat va harakat fe’llariga ajratib olish juda muhim.
Harakat fe’llari oʻz nomi bilan koʻrsatilganidek, biron harakatni ifodalashda qoʻllanadigan fe’llardir (to play/to read/to run..).
Holat fe’llari esa his-tuyg’uni, fikrni yoki biror holatni tasvirlashda ishlatiladigan fe’llar (to feel/to love/to want/to think…) hisoblanadi.

⚠️ Harakat fe’llari ingliz tilida - 'dynamic verbs', holat fe’llari esa - 'stative verbs' deb yuritiladi.

2️⃣ Umumiy qoidaga koʻra harakat fe’llari barcha zamonlarda (davomiy va oddiy) zamonlarda qoʻllanishi mumkin.
🔸Tom is playing football in the yard now. (oʻynayapdi… davomiy)
🔸Tom plays football in the yard every evening. (oʻynaydi… oddiy)

3️⃣ Holat fe’llari esa faqatgina oddiy yoki oddiy tugallangan (simple yoki simple perfect) zamonlarda qoʻllana oladi.
🔸I know that you are wrong. (Men bilamanki, siz nohaqsiz.…oddiy zamonda)
🔸He loves flowers. (U gullarni sevadi…oddiy zamonda)

✳️ Quyidagi fe'llarni juda yaxshi esda saqlab qolish lozim, chunki ularni bilish ingliz tilida holat va harakat fe'llarini farqlay olish va zamonlarni to'g'ri qo'llashda asqotadi.

▫️be - bo'lmoq ▫️want - xohlamoq ▫️need -muhtoj bo'lmoq ▫️prefer - afzal ko'rmoq ▫️like - yoqtirmoq ▫️love - sevmoq ▫️hate - nafratlanmoq ▫️belong - tegishli bo'lmoq ▫️❗️appear - ko'rinmoq ▫️imagine - tasavvur qilmoq ▫️exist - mavjud bo'lmoq ▫️❗️look - ko'rinmoq ▫️❗️see - ko'rmoq ▫️hear - eshitmoq ▫️resemble - o'xshamoq ▫️❗️fit - to'g'ri kelmoq▫️own -egalik qilmoq ▫️possess - egalik qilmoq ▫️owe - qarz bo'lmoq ▫️depend - bog'liq bo'lmoq ▫️adore - qattiq sevmoq ▫️dislike - yomon ko'rmoq ▫️suit - mos kelmoq ▫️involve - o'z ichiga olmoq ▫️know - bilmoq ▫️believe - ishonmoq ▫️suppose - taxmin qilmoq ▫️mean - ma'no anglatmoq ▫️understand - tushunmoq ▫️remember - eslamoq ▫️notice - sezmoq, payqamoq ▫️❗️smell - hid taratmoq ▫️❗️sound - eshitilmoq, tuyulmoq ▫️❗️taste - ta'mga ega bo'lmoq ▫️consist - tashkil topmoq ▫️❗️feel - his qilmoq ▫️admire - havas qilmoq ▫️lack - yetishmaslik ▫️wish - tilamoq ▫️forget - esdan chiqarmoq ▫️seem - ko'rinmoq, tuyulmoq ▫️❗️have - ega bo'lmoq ▫️❗️think - o'ylamoq ▫️realise - tushunib yetmoq ▫️doubt - shubhalanmoq ▫️suspect - gumonlanmoq ▫️comprise - tashkil topmoq ▫️contain - ichiga olmoq ▫️include - ichiga olmoq ▫️come from - kelib chiqmoq ▫️concern - tegishli bo'lmoq ▫️appreciate - tushunmoq, yuqori baholamoq

⚠️ Yuqoridagi fe'llarni davomiy zamonlarda qo'llash grammatik xato hisoblanadi.

🔸I am knowing the rule. (noto'g'ri)
🔸I know the rule. (to'g'ri)

⚠️ Yuqorida ba'zi fe'llarga ❗️belgisi qo'yilgan bo'lib, mazkur fe'llarning ma'nosi o'zgarganda, davomiy zamonlarda ham qo'llanishi mumkinligini bildiradi. Bu haqda keyingi darsda batafsil to'xtalib o'tamiz.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 14:00

Ramsh - Alhajib qosh uchun zardob

- Ramsh-Alhajib 
- Ushbu original va tabiiy zardob ayollar va qizlarning ko'rinmas kiprik tolalarini uzun va qalin qiladi; 
- 7 kunda sezilarli natijani ko'rish imkonini beradi;
- Sun'iy kipriklar bilan go'zallik xonasiga kirish oson. 
- Ammo tabiy go'zallik baribir tabiy va u haqiqatdan ham go'zaldir.

💰 Mahsulot narxi: 69000 ming so'm

To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz

🚚 O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab yetkazib berish xizmati mavjud. Saytga kirib buyurtma qiling 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar aloqaga chiqadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 04:41

DestinationB1 lugatlari
🌼Carry on- davom ettirmoq
🌼Eat out - restanda ovqatlanmoq
🌼give up- odatdagi qiladigan ishini to'xtatmoq
🌼join in- qo'shilmoq
🌼send off- o'yindan chetlatmoq
🌼take up - boshlamoq(a hobby,
sport, etc)
🌼turn down - ovozini pastlat
🌼turn up- ovozini balandlamoq
🔷for a long time-uzoq vaqt da
🔷for fun- o'yin-kulguda,xursand
🔷in the middle(of) -o'rtasida
🔷in time (for)-vaqtida
🔷on CD/DVD/video -CDda,DVD
🔷on stage - sahnada
🌟act -V o'ynamoq, ijro etmoq
🌟action- n harakat
🌟(in)active -adj faol,harakat
chan. 🌟actor-- n aktyor
🌟athlete- n atletikachi
🌟athletic- adj atletikaga oid
🌟athletics- n atletika
🌟child-- n bola, farzand
🌟children- n (pl) bolalar
🌟childhood - n bolalik
🌟collect-v kollektsiya to'plamq
🌟collection- n to'plam, kollektsiya


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 04:41

❇️IN Predlogi haqida✳️

1️⃣da, ichida:
🔹The pencil is in the box.
🔸Qalam qutining ichida (qutida).

2️⃣vaqtni aytishda ishlatiladi:
a)-da (yil va oy oldida ishlatiladi)

🔹They will arrive in May.
🔸Ular May oyida yetib kelishdi.

b)-dan keyin:

🔹The train will be leaving in a few minutes.
🔸Poyezd bir necha daqiqadan keyin jo‘nayapti.

c)-da, davomida, ichida:

🔹He translated the article in an hour.
🔸U maqolani bir soat (ichi)da tarjima qildi.

3️⃣in ravish bo‘lib harakat fe’llari bilan ichkariga harakatni bildiradi: to come (go, walk, get) in ichkariga kirmoq, to run in yugurib kirmoq, to fly in uchib kirmoq:

🔹I couldn’t get in as the door was locked.
🔸Men ichkariga kira olmadim, chunki eshik qulf edi.

⚠️In predlogi bilan keladigan fe’llar, sifatlar va sifatdoshlar
to arrive in -ga yetib kelmoq
to deal in- biror narsa bilan savdo qilmoq
to end in -bilan tugamoq
to be engaged in - bilan shug‘ullanmoq, band bo‘lmoq
to include in - ichiga kiritmoq
to result in - natijaga ega bo‘lmoq
to succeed in - ga muvaffaq bo‘lmoq
to take part (to particiate) in - da qatnashmoq (ishtirok etmoq)
dressed in - da kiyingan, kiyimda bo‘lmoq
rich in - ga boy
to be in the habit of - odatga ega bo‘lmoq
to be in love with -ni sevmoq
to be in need of - ga muhtoj bo‘lmoq
to be interested in - ga qiziqmoq
to be in - uyda (ish joyida) bo‘lmoq

⚠️In va at predloglarini taqqoslash
❗️In predlogi vaqtga nisbatan ishlatilganda vaqtning davomiyligini ifodalaydi. In March, in 1945, at predlogi esa vaqting lahzasini ifodalaydi at ten o’clock, at midnight, at noon.
❗️In predlogi joyga nisbatan ishlatilganda mamlakatlar va katta shaharlar oldida ishlatiladi (in the United States of America, in London), at esa kichkina shahar va joylar oldida ishlatiladi (at Pushkino, at Klin).

❗️Last, next, this, every so‘zlari bilan kelgan birikmalardan oldin at, on, in predloglari ishlatilmaydi

I’ll see you on next Friday.
I’ll see you next Friday.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿 Siz har tun mening tushlarimga kirasiz 😴💓

🇷🇺 Вы мне снитесь каждую ночь 😴💓

🇬🇧I have been dreaming about you every night 😴💓

Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧Why do you cry?🤔😭

🇺🇿Siz nega yig'layapsiz?🤔😭



Ingliz tilidan testlar

12 Feb, 04:00

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Feb, 23:03


⛅️ Ассалому алайкум! Чоршанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Feb, 14:39

Throw away books! Watch and listen to real English to sound like a native!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Feb, 14:39

DestinationB1 lugatlari
🌼Carry on- davom ettirmoq
🌼Eat out - restanda ovqatlanmoq
🌼give up- odatdagi qiladigan ishini to'xtatmoq
🌼join in- qo'shilmoq
🌼send off- o'yindan chetlatmoq
🌼take up - boshlamoq(a hobby,
sport, etc)
🌼turn down - ovozini pastlat
🌼turn up- ovozini balandlamoq
🔷for a long time-uzoq vaqt da
🔷for fun- o'yin-kulguda,xursand
🔷in the middle(of) -o'rtasida
🔷in time (for)-vaqtida
🔷on CD/DVD/video -CDda,DVD
🔷on stage - sahnada
🌟act -V o'ynamoq, ijro etmoq
🌟action- n harakat
🌟(in)active -adj faol,harakat
chan. 🌟actor-- n aktyor
🌟athlete- n atletikachi
🌟athletic- adj atletikaga oid
🌟athletics- n atletika
🌟child-- n bola, farzand
🌟children- n (pl) bolalar
🌟childhood - n bolalik
🌟collect-v kollektsiya to'plamq
🌟collection- n to'plam, kollektsiya


Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Feb, 14:39

Vocabulary time

🔸annoyed- jahli chiqqan
🔸annoying- jahli chiqqan
🔸depressed- g’amgin
🔸disappointed -ko’ngli sovigan
🔸fascinated - mahliyo bo’lgan
🔸announce - e’lon qilmoq
🔸award - mukofot
🔸invent - ixtiro qilmoq
🔸performance - ish, faoliyat
🔸urban - shaharlik
🔸goldfish - oltin baliqcha
🔸lizard - kaltakesak
🔸get ill - kasal bo’lib qolmoq
🔸breathe - nafas olmoq
🔸headache - bosh og’rig’i
🔸suffer - aziyat chekmoq
🔸throat - tomoq
🔸treatment - munosabat
🔸prove - isbotlamoq
🔸boot - botinka
🔸fit - moslab tushurish
🔸awful - daxshatli
🔸bargain - kelishuv
🔸branch - bo’lim
🔸chain - zanjir
🔸employee - xizmatchi
🔸enormous - bahaybat
🔸garage - garaj
🔸judge - sudya
🔸roof - tom
🔸shape - shakl
🔸wheel -g'ildirak
🔸coast - qirg’oq, sohil
🔸field -maydon
🔸flood - toshqin
🔸foodie - ovqatparast
🔸silly - ahmoq
🔸apply - murojat qilmoq
🔸be fired - bo’shatish (ishdan)
🔸earn - ishlab topmoq
🔸ability - qobiliyat
🔸contain - ega bo’lmoq
🔸benefit - foyda
🔸attach - odat bo’lgan
🔸button - knopka
🔸highlight - asosiy moment
🔸software - programmali ta’minot
🔸tool - instrument
🔸illegal - g’ayriqonuniy
🔸legal - qonuniy
🔸usual - odatiy


Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Feb, 04:01

#Қойил_лекин👏| видеони яхшилаб кўринг...😉

Барча чарчоқлардан халос бўлиб, тунда мириқиб ором олишни хоҳлайсизми?

EMS оёқ массажёри — қон айланишини яхшилаш учун паст частотали инновацион импульсдан фойдаланади.

6 та режимда ишлайди;
9 хил даражага эга;
тугулган лимфа томирларни кенгайтиради;
барча оёқлар учун мост келади.

💰Акция Нархи: 49.000 сўм


🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз.

Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 23:03


Ассалому алайкум! Душанба тонги муборак бўлс

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият асло тарк этмасин!

Дам олиш кунингиз мазмунли ўтсин

Ҳамиша Аллоҳнинг панохида бўлинг


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 14:38

🇬🇧 Let's set up an interview appointment. 🙃

🇷🇺 Давайте договоримся о времени встречи. 🙃

🇺🇿 Uchrashuv paytini kelishib olsak.🙃

Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 14:38


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 14:38

🇬🇧 Willingly.😚

🇷🇺 Охотно. 😚

🇺🇿 Jonim bilan.😚

Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 14:38


I Gotta Feeling

I gotta feeling
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

A feeling
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

A feeling (oh, oh)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

A feeling (oh, oh)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

Tonight's the night
Let's live it up
I got my money
Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let's get get off

I know that we'll have a ball
If we get down
And go out
And just loose it all

I feel stressed out
I wanna let it go
Lets go way out spaced out
And loosing all control

Fill up my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it off

Let's paint the town
We'll shut it down
Let's burn the roof
And then we'll do it again

Let's do it, let's do it,
Let's do it,
Let's do it, and do it, and do it,
Let's live it up
And do it, and do it, and do it, do it, do it,
Let's do it,
Let's do it,
Let's do it

I gotta feeling (oh, oh)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

A feeling (oh, oh)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

Tonight's the night (Hey!)
Let's live it up (Let's live it up)
I got my money (I'm paid)
Let's spend it up (Let's spend it up)

Go out and smash it (Smash it)
Like Oh My God (Like Oh My God)
Jump off that sofa (C'mon)
Let's get get off

Fill up my cup (Drank)
Mozoltov (La' Chaim)
Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)
Just take it off

Let's paint the town (paint the town)
We'll shut it down (Shut it down)
Let's burn the roof
And then we'll do it again

Let's do it, let's do it,
Let's do it,
Let's do it, and do it, and do it,
Let's live it up
And do it, and do it, and do it, do it, do it,
Let's do it,
Let's do it,
Let's do it, do it, do it, do it

Here we come
Here we go
We gotta rock (rock, rock, rock, rock)

Easy come
Easy go
Now we on top (top, top, top, top)

Feel the shot
Body rock
Rock it don't stop (stop, stop, stop, stop)

Round and round
Up and down
Around the clock (clock, clock, clock, clock)

Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday
Friday, Saturday
Saturday to Sunday

Get get get get get with us
You know what we say
Party every day
Pa-pa-p-party every day

And a feeling (oh, oh)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

A feeling (oh, oh)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night

Oh, oh


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 14:06

❗️Семиз одамнинг ички организмига саёхат

✔️ Зарарсиз озмоқчимисиз? «AMPLI 5» кўп функциялик браслет - озиш учун, қорин, бўкса, қўл, оёқдаги ёғларни эритишга ёрдам беради.

☘️ Организмнинг умумий аҳволини яхшилаш ва ишчанлигини оширишда ёрдам беради.
☘️ Иммунитетни ошириб, жисмоний ва ақлий қобилиятни яхшилаш,
☘️ Чарчоқ ва ҳолсизликни камайтириш,
☘️ Бўғим ва бош оғриқларини қолдириш,
☘️ Буқоқ касалликларида ёрдам беради.

🎁 Факат 1 кун аксия шошилинг

Эски нархи: 399 000 сўм.
Акция нархи: 59 000 сўм.

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 04:41

Don't use "very". Use its synonyms!

1. 😇Very capable – accomplished
2. Very clean – spotless
3. 🤓Very clever – brilliant
4. 💨Very cold – freezing
5. 🕸Very dirty – squalid
6. 🌕Very dry – parched
7. 🏃Very fast – swift
8. 👍Very good – superb
9. 😃Very happy – jubilant
10. 🌞Very hot – scalding
11. 😧Very hungry – ravenous
12. 🎡Very large – colossal
13. ⭐️Very light – imponderable
14. 🏔Very high – sky-high
15. Very neat – immaculate
16. 👴Very old – ancient
17. 😨Very poor – destitute
18. 😑Very quiet – silent
19. 😡Very rude – vulgar
20. 😠Very serious – solemn
21. 🐜Very small – tiny
22. 💪Very strong – unyielding
23. 😋Very tasty – delicious
24. 😓Very tired – exhausted
25. 💎Very valuable – precious
26. 🤤Very weak – feeble
27. 💧Very wet – soaked
28. ✊️Very wicked – villainous
29. 🤔Very wise – sagacious
30. 😧Very worried – anxious
31. ‼️Very dangerous – malignant
32. 😶Very complex – overspecified
33. 🔗Very frequent – continual

Boost your vocabulary with


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 04:40

🇬🇧 Let's set up an interview appointment. 🙃

🇷🇺 Давайте договоримся о времени встречи. 🙃

🇺🇿 Uchrashuv paytini kelishib olsak.🙃

Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 04:40

✔️Than - solishtirish manosida
🔹Bobur is taller than Shohruh

✔️Then - vaqtga nisbatan keyin degan manoni beradi
🔸Kamila ate the dinner, then she watched some TV

✔️Complement - nimadir qisman toldirish
🔹This item is one of the most important complements of cars.

✔️Compliment - kimgadir yaxshi sozlar bilan xushmuomalalik qilish
🔸Avaz made a good copmliment for his girlfriend that she was like a shining sunny.

✔️Fewer - sanaladigan narsa buyumlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi
🔹Oybek has fewer books than Farrukh

✔️Less - sanalmaydigan narsa buyumlar uchun ishlatiladi
🔸I think less talk makes you uncomparable

✔️Principal - bu kishiga yoki guruhga nisbatan yuqori darajani korsatadi
🔹Mr Abror is our principal

✔️Principle - qonun bilan belgilab qoyilgan qoidalarga nisbatan
🔸Good looking is one of the principle of our company


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Feb, 04:00

Ажойиб мини камера!📹

💾- 2022 йил муракаблашган модель.

📡- Симсиз замонавий мини камера
- Телефон, компьютер оркали онлайн кўриб туриш мумкин.
- СД қўйсангиз бас. Видео ёзишни бошлайди. Хотира тўлган сари автомат ўзи олдинги видеоларни ўчира бошлайди.

- ҲД качества

🎥- 150-градусни олади.
- Ҳаракат учун сигнал беради.
- Микрафон ва динамик мавжуд.
- Тунги режим ҳам мавжуд

❇️- Қўшимча кўплаб функциялар мавжуд.

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш бор!

Ески Нархи 334.100сум
♻️Аксия Нархи💰84.000 сўм ✔️ - чегирма нархда харид Килинг


🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 23:32

☀️ Aссалому алайкум. Якшанба кунингиз муборак бўлсин.

● Аллоҳ сизга
● Сўнмас иймон,
● Гўзал ахлоқ,
● Шукр этгувчи қалб,
● Зикр этувчи тил,
● Хайрли умр,
● Дунё ва охират гўзаллигини насиб этсин ИншаАллоҳ!🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 14:36

📚 Check Your English Vocabulary for IELTS



Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 14:36



🇺🇿 Xayrixohlik, yupatish🙍‍♂
🇷🇺Утешение, Сочувствие🙍‍♂

🇬🇧Come, come.💆‍♂
🇬🇧Calm yourself.💆‍♂
🇬🇧Cool it.💆‍♂
🇬🇧Keep calm.💆‍♂
🇺🇿Bo'ldi, bo'ldi tinchlaning.💆‍♂
🇷🇺 Успокойте.💆‍♂

🇬🇧Never mind.💁
🇺🇿Axamiyat bermang.💁
🇷🇺Не обращайте💁 внимания.

🇬🇧Don't worry. 🙅‍♂
🇺🇿Tashvish chekmang🙅‍♂
🇷🇺Не беспокоитесь🙅‍♂

🇬🇧Don't get nervous. 🙆
🇷🇺Не нервничайте.🙆

🇬🇧Everthing wiil come out all right.👍
🇺🇿Xammasi joyida bo'ladi.👍
🇷🇺Всё будет а порядке.👍

🇬🇧I sympathise with you.
🇬🇧I feel for you.
🇬🇧 I'm sorry for you.
🇷🇺 Я вам сочувствую.

Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 14:36

🇺🇿 Tezda sog'ayib ketishingizni tilab qolaman.☺️

🇷🇺 Желаю скорейшего выздоровления.☺️

🇬🇧 I wish you speedy recovery.☺️


👉 ❤️

Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 14:36

🔰About Myself

First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Taras.

I'm seventeen years old.

I'm at 11-th grade.

There are two more kids in the family besides me — my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Marija.

Oleg is twenty-one, he attends a University, he will be a dentist.

Marija is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl.

I forgot to mention one more member of our family.

It's our favourite poodle Tim.

My parents are not old at all.

My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper.

My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers.

My parents love their jobs very much.

I'm doing quite well at school.

My parents are proud of my marks.

I go in for sports. I play basket-ball.

In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing.

I take part in different basket-ball competitions.

In a year I shall finish my school and I have to decide what occupation to choose.

I have been studying English for seven years.

I want to be a military interpreter.

My grandparents are already retired.

They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.

1. Do you go to school?
2. What grade are you at?
3. How old are your parents?
4. Are you the only child in the family?
5. Do you have a pet?
6. Are your grandparents still alive?
7. Do you go in for sports?
8. Do you like reading?


to introduce — tanishtirmoq

let me introduce myself — ruxsatingiz bilan o'zimni tanishtiray

residential — aholi yashaydian

residential areas — aholi yashash joyi

grade — daraja

to attend university — univesitetga qabul qilinmoq

kid — bola

favourite — sevimli

poodle — pudle ( it turi)

to forget — unutmoq

job — kasb

proud — g'ururlanmoq

to be proud of smth — biror narsa bilan faxrlanmoq

to go in for sports — sport bilan shug'ulanmoq

occupation — vaqtinchalik shug'ullanmoq

military - harbiy

interpreter — tarjimon

to retire —
nafaqaga chiqmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 14:00

Азизлар ҳаво харорати пасая бошлагани сари қишнинг қахратонини ҳис қила бошладик. Ҳозирдан тайёрланиб олмасак бу иситгичларни нархини қишга яқин эплаб бўмай қолади.

"Vitek" — Сифатли, қулай, хамёнбоб! Электр қуввати тежамкор ва албатта совуқ кунларда саломатлигингиз дастёри бўлиб хизмат қилади...

— Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
— Пульт орқали бошқарилади
— 25-30 квадратни иситади
— 1-2 КВ (тежамкор)
— Иситиши +36, Совутиши зўр

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти

💰Нархи: 149.000 сўм

O'zbekiston bo'yicha yetqazib berish xizmati MAVJUD. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Батафсил👉 @Operatorchi


ЕТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ БЕПУЛ! Тўлов қўлингизга олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 04:41

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🎯 Break up - Ajralmoq

🎯 Bring up - Aytib o'tish

🎯 Carry on - Davom etmoq

🎯 Carry out - Amalga oshirmoq

🎯 Come across - Insonlarni sifatlashda ishlatiladi

🎯 Find out - Aniqlamoq

🎯 Get along - Yaxshi chiqishish

🎯 Get over - Tuzalmoq

🎯 Give up - Taslim bo'lmoq, tashlamoq

🎯 Go on - Davom etmoq

🎯 Look after - G'amxo'rlik qilmoq

🎯 Look forward to - Intizorlik bilan kutmoq

🎯 Look up - Ma'lumot qidirmoq

🎯 Put off - Qoldirish

🎯 Put up with - Chidamoq

🎯 Take over - Qabul qilmoq

🎯 Take up - Biror mashg'ulotni boshlash

🎯 Try on - Kiyib ko'rmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions on 22.04.2021

Q1. How could leaders encourage their employees?

There are many ways by which leaders and managers can encourage employees like leading through example, incentives and appreciation.
I think each individual is wired differently. So, while one method may work for some people, it may not work for another person.

Q2. When should parents encourage their children?

I think parents should always encourage their children. However, children need encouragement, especially if they are afraid of failing or trying out something new.
Parents should tell them that success is secondary and trying is a much bigger achievement.

Q3. What kind of encouragement should parents give?

I think parents can encourage their children in many ways. If children are afraid of embarrassment, parents can do the same thing in front of children first. For example, once in school, one of my friends’ father encouraged him to dance by himself dancing. However, I think the biggest achievement is supporting children when trying something new and telling them that success does not matter as long as they try something.

Q4. Do you think some people are better at persuading others?

Yes, I think some people can motivate others much better. I think it depends upon emotional intelligence. If people can understand other people’s emotions, they can understand better and motivate them.

Band 7+



Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿 Orzularingiz ushalsin !🙃

🇷🇺 Да сбудется ваши мечты !🙃

🇬🇧 May your dreams come true! 🙃

Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 14:37



Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 14:37

Ingliz tilida suhbatlashish - Ota-onangiz qayerda yashaydilar?


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 14:37


Uzr so'rash

🇬🇧 Sorry 😔
🇷🇺 Простите
🇺🇿 Uzr

🇬🇧 I'm sorry.😞
🇷🇺 Простите меня.
🇺🇿 Meni kechiring.

🇬🇧 Excuse me.🙁
🇷🇺 Простите меня.
🇺🇿 Meni kechiring.

🇬🇧 I beg your pardon.
🇷🇺 прошу извинит меня.
🇺🇿 Men uzr so'rayman.

🇬🇧 I'm very sorry.😫
🇷🇺 Простите,я очень сожалею.
🇺🇿 Kechiring,juda ham afsusdaman.

🇬🇧 I'm terribly sorry.☹️
🇬🇧 Forgive me.
🇷🇺 извините меня.
🇺🇿Meni avf eting.

🇬🇧 Pardon (me).😕
🇷🇺 Извините.
🇺🇿 Kechirasiz

🇬🇧 Excuse my mission.😟
🇷🇺 Простите мою оплошность.
🇺🇿Xatoimni kechiring.

🇬🇧It's my fault.😞
🇷🇺 Виноват, извините.

🇬🇧 It's my mistake,sorry.
🇷🇺 Это моя ошибка. Извините.
🇺🇿 Bu mening xatoyim,kechiring.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 14:07

#Сенсация | 39 000 сўм эвазигая..?😳

💐 Арзимаган пул эвазига хонангиз ёки офисингизни гуллатиб юборишингиз мумкин!

💰 Нархи атига: 39.минг сўм




Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧You're lucky.
🇷🇺Вам везет.

🇬🇧You're in luck.
🇷🇺Вам повезло.
🇺🇿Omadingiz keldi.

🇬🇧Lucky dog!

🇬🇧Lucky dog you are!
🇷🇺Ну и везет же тебе!
🇺🇿Rosa omadingiz keldi!

🇬🇧What a stroke of luck!
🇷🇺Вот это удача!
🇺🇿Buni omad desa bo'ladi. Ana sizga omad!

🇬🇧I want to try my fortune.
🇷🇺Я хочу попытать счастья.
🇺🇿O'z omadimni sinab ko'rmoqchiman.

🇬🇧One success after another.
🇷🇺За успехом следовал успех.
🇺🇿Omad ketidan omad.

🇬🇧Some people have all the luck!
🇷🇺Везет же людям!
🇺🇿Odamlarning omadi keladi-da!

Yod oling va do'stlaringiz bilan suhbatlarda foydalaning!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 04:41


1️⃣ Saying something in another way

🔸What I'm trying to say is...

🔸In other words...

🔸To put it another way...

🔸What I mean is...

🔸Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...

2️⃣ Agreeing with an opinion

🔸Yes, I agree...

🔸That's my view exactly.

🔸I would tend to agree with that.

🔸I couldn't agree more.

3️⃣ Disagreeing with an opinion

🔸No, I disagree.

🔸I'm afraid I disagree.

🔸I see things rather differently myself.

🔸I wouldn't say that is necessarily true.

🔸I tend to disagree.

🔸I'm not so sure about that.

4️⃣ Partially agreeing with an opinion

🔸I don't entirely agree. It is true that......however...

🔸That is partly true, but...

🔸I agree with that to an extent. However...

5️⃣ Getting asked an opinion (by the examiner)

🔸What do you think?

🔸What's your view / opinion?

🔸What are your views on...?

🔸How do you feel about...?

6️⃣ Saying your opinion could vary according to the situation

🔸That depends...

🔸I think it really depends...

🔸That depends on how you look at it.

7️⃣ Asking for clarification (part 3 only)

🔸Could you please explain what ...(word)... means?

🔸Sorry, I don't understand the question. Could you explain?

🔸Sorry, I'm afraid I didn't understand the question.

🔸Sorry, can I just clarify what you mean. Are you asking me ...(say what you believe you have been asked)...

8️⃣ Asking for repetition

🔸Sorry, would you mind repeating the question?

🔸Sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Could you repeat the question?

9️⃣ Summing up

🔸So all in all...

🔸To sum up...

🔸To conclude...


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 04:41

🛑Bugun TAQIQLASHga oid gaplarni , so'zlarni o'rganamiz.🛑


🇬🇧 No🙅
🇺🇿 Yo'q

🇬🇧It is prohibited! 😁
🇺🇿Man etilgan!

🇬🇧It is impossible. 😱
🇺🇿Mumkun emas.

🇬🇧You're not allowed. 🤞
🇺🇿Sizga ruxdat etilmagan.
🇷🇺 Ваи не разрешает.

🇬🇧Sorry, it can't be done.😔
🇺🇿Afsuski, bunday qilish mumkun emas.
🇷🇺К сожалению, так делать нельзя.

🇬🇧I'm afraid it is🙅‍♂ prohibited.
🇺🇿Menimcha bu man etilgan.
🇷🇺По-моему, это запрещено.

🇬🇧Absolutely not.🤜
🇺🇿Qatiyan taqiqlanadi.
🇷🇺Категорически запрещается.

🇬🇧By no means.😇
🇺🇿Xech qachon.
🇷🇺Ни в коем случае.

🇬🇧It is out of the question.🙃
🇺🇿Bu tug'risida gap ham bo'lishi mumkun emas.
🇷🇺Об этом и речи быт не может.

🇬🇧Positively not.😉
🇺🇿Yo'q deyildimi, demak yo'q.
🇷🇺 Нет-раз и навсегда.

Yod oling!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 26.04.2021

🔸Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally

You should say

What it is
Who do you do it with
Why is it expensive
And explain how you feel about it

I would love to talk about an expensive activity that I enjoy a lot and its tandem skydiving. I am crazy about this activity. If you love to do daring things, you would love it too. It is an exciting sport. Skydiving is usually done from an airplane. Basically, a person jumps from the plane with a parachute. Typically skydives are carried out from around 4,000m. The person gets almost 40 to 50 seconds to enjoy the freefall.
When I did it for the first time, I did it alone. Frankly speaking, I was pretty scared. However, the second and third time, I was fearless. This time I was with my wife. We went to Dubai to do a tandem skydive over the desert.
It is a pretty pricey sport, and I can’t do it regularly. We all know air traveling is pretty expensive compared to road and train traveling. Therefore, we need to book a spot on an airplane. Besides, we get gears such as parachutes and other safety equipment. The price of the ticket also covers the charges of the instructor. They also provide insurance cover. So, one needs to pay approximately 500 USD for a single ticket. When I do skydiving, I feel on top of the world. I love doing courageous things. I get excited when I go to perform this activity. Last time before jumping from the plane, my brain was struck, but I was super excited. When my parachute opened, I started enjoying the freefall. It happens so fast that it is hard to explain. On average, a person falls 60 metres per second during a skydive.

Band 8

#speakingpart2 #recent


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Feb, 04:01

Ultra Smart watch T800

TW8 ULTRA Smart Watch Apple IOS 2022 
🔻Apple IOS Android ikalasida ham qotmasdan ishlaydi 
🔻Batareya chidamliligi 100% 48 soatga yetadi 
🔻Ranglari aplesin, qora, seriy, yashi l ranglari mavjud 
🔻Funksiyalari Juda ko'p, suvda ham ishlaydi 
🔻Ob-havo aniqlash qon bosm puls prabeklar qo'ng'iroq qilish 
🔴Tezda bizga murojat qiling Tanlovda adashmang.

💰 Mahsulot narxi:
-- Qora rang: 92000 so'm
-- Apelsin rang: 92000 so'm
-- Seriy rang: 92000 so'm
-- Oq rang: 92000 so'm
-- Yashil rang: 92000 so'm

🎁 2 ta mahsulot xarid qilgan mijozga buyurtma mutlaqo tekinga yetqazib beriladi,

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 22:34

🌤 Aссалому алайкум, ЖУМА тонги муборак бўлсин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин🤲

Янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли ўтсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 22:34


Жума айёми муборак бўлсин ҚАДРДОНЛАРИМ

Азиз диндошим Жуманинг файзи ва барокати сизга бўлсин

🌙 Энг яқин инсоним кириб келган “Жума” куни муборак бўлсин.



Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧Mr. Brown

🇬🇧Mrs. Brown
🇺🇿Honim (turmushga chiqqan ayol)

🇬🇧Ladies and Gentlemen!
🇷🇺Дамы и господа!
🇺🇿Honimlar va janoblar!

🇬🇧Excuse me, please!

🇬🇧Dear friends!
🇷🇺Дорогие друзья!
🇺🇿Aziz do'stlar!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 14:36

📖 Dars #20 Past simple va Past continuous tense qo'llanish holatlari

1️⃣ Oʻtgan zamon davom fe'li (past continuous tense) qo'shma gaplarda oʻtgan zamondagi biror ish-harakat bilan qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Tom hurt his arm while he was playing his last game. (Tom oxirgi oʻyinini oʻynayotganda qo'lidan jarohat oldi)

💡Yuqoridagi vaziyatda oʻtgan zamonda bir ish-harakat davom etib turgan (while he was playing…) paytda boshqa bir ish-harakat boʻlib oʻtganligi (Tom hurt his arm) koʻrsatilgan. Bunday vaziyatlarda tugallangan ish-harakat uchun oddiy oʻtgan zamon (past simple tense), davomiy ish-harakat uchun oʻtgan zamon davom fe'li (past continuous tense) qoʻllanadi.

2️⃣ Oʻtgan zamonda ish-harakatlar ketma-ket sodir boʻlganini ifodalashda faqat oddiy oʻtgan zamon (past simple tense) qoʻllaniladi.
🔸He opened the door, entered the room, found the paper and read it. (U eshikni ochdi, xonaga kirdi, hujjatni topdi va uni oʻqidi.)
🔸When we heard the fire alarm, we rushed to the door. (Biz yong'in signalini eshitishimiz bilan eshikka yugurdik)

3️⃣ Oʻtgan zamonda ikkala ish-harakat bir vaqtning oʻzida davom etib turgan boʻlsa, ikkala ish-harakat uchun ham oʻtgan davomiy zamon (past continuous tense) qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Nina was playing the guitar while Jack was reading a book. (Jek kitob oʻqiyotganida Nina gitara chalayotgan edi)

💡Yuqoridagi misollarda vaziyatni tasavvur qilib, fe'llarni toʻg'ri zamonda qoʻyish mumkin. Misol uchun bir vaziyatni tahlil qilamiz.
▪️ He … (fall) off the ladder while he … (paint) the ceiling.
(fall - yiqilmoq, paint - boʻyamoq). Ko'z oldimizga keltirsak, odatda biror ish qilayotganimizda yiqilib tushishimiz mumkin, demak, fall fe'li - oddiy oʻtgan zamonda, paint fe'li - oʻtgan zamon davom fe'lida qoʻllaniliishi lozim.
🔸He fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling. (U shiftni bo'yayotganda narvondan yiqilib tushdi)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧I'll call you later.
🇺🇿Qo'ng'iroq qilaman.

🇬🇧Have a comfortable journey!
🇷🇺Счастливого пути!
🇺🇿Oq yo'l!

🇬🇧Keep well!
🇷🇺Не болей. Будь здоров.
🇺🇿Kasal bo'lma. Sog' bo'l.

🇬🇧Till we meet again.
🇷🇺До новых встреч.

🇬🇧Write to us.
🇷🇺Пишите нам.
🇺🇿Yozib turing.

🇬🇧Here's my address.
🇷🇺Вот мой адрес.
🇺🇿Mana mening manzilim.

🇬🇧Take it for а keepsake.
🇷🇺Возьмите это на память.
🇺🇿Shuni eslab qoling.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧Good Morning. Morning.
🇷🇺Доброе утро!
🇺🇿Hayrli tong!

🇬🇧Good day
🇷🇺Добрый день!
🇺🇿Hayrli kun!

🇬🇧Good afternoon.
Good evening.
🇷🇺Добрый вечер!
🇺🇿Hayrli kech!

🇬🇧Hello. Hi.
🇺🇿Assalomu Alaykum!

🇷🇺Добро пожаловать!
🇺🇿Hush kelibsiz.

🇬🇧How are you?
🇷🇺Как поживаете?
🇺🇿Ahvollaringiz qalay?

🇬🇧How are you feeling?
🇷🇺Как вы себя чувствуете?
🇺🇿O'zingizni qanday his qilyapsiz?

🇬🇧I hope you are feeling well.
🇷🇺Надеюсь, вы себя хорошо чувствуете.
🇺🇿Umid qilamanki, o'zingizni yaxshi his qilyapsiz.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 14:03

🦶Варикоз касаллиги билан курашиб келадиган ёки ўша касаллик аломатлари ўйлантираётган, шунингдек совуқ тушиши билан оёқ суяклари оғрийдиган яқинларингиз учун ажойиб тавсия...

🧦Бу қиздирувчи пайпоқлар медицинада турли касалликларга қарши кенг қўлланилиб келаётган турмалин моддасига туйинтирилган бўлиб:
— Марказий асаб системасини яхшилайди,
— Қон айланиш тизимини нормаллаштиради,
— Бўғим касалликларини даволайди...

Бу пайпоқларни харид қилишингиз учун қандайдир касал бўлишингиз шарт эмас. Қиздирувчи ҳусусиятга эга бу пайпоқларни совуқ кунларда кийиб иссиққина юришингиз мумкин. 🔥

💰Нархи: 49.000 сўм

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 04:41

🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 25

🔸associate - bog'lamoq
🔸environment - atrof-muhit
🔸factory - fabrika, zavod
🔸feature - haqiqiy
🔸instance - misol, namuna
🔸involve - jalb qilmoq
🔸medicine - dori-darmon
🔸mix - aralashma
🔸organize - tashkil etmoq
🔸period - davr, zamon
🔸populate - yashamoq
🔸produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
🔸range - qator, miqdor
🔸recognize - tanimoq, bilmoq
🔸regular - muntazam
🔸sign - belgi, ishora
🔸tip - uch
🔸tradition - an'ana, udum
🔸trash - axlat
🔸wide - keng


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧I must be going.
🇷🇺Мне надо идти.
🇺🇿Ketishim kerak.

🇷🇺До свидания.

🇬🇧Bye for now.
🇺🇿Hozircha hayr.

🇬🇧See you soon.
🇷🇺До встречи.

🇷🇺See you again.
🇷🇺До скорого свидания.
🇺🇿Tez orada ko'rishguncha.


🇬🇧Good luck!

🇬🇧Give my regards to Mrs. Brown.
🇷🇺Передайте привет госпоже ...
🇺🇿... honimga salomlarimni ayting.

🇬🇧My love to Olga.
🇷🇺Передайте привет Ольге. (менее официально)
🇺🇿Olgaga salom ayting (norasmiyroq).

🇬🇧I hope to see you soon.
🇷🇺Надеюсь вскоре встретиться.
🇺🇿Tez orada ko'rishamiz deb umid qilaman.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿 Мен рус тилини яхши билмайман

🇷🇺 Я не очень хорошо знаю русский язык

🇺🇸 I don't know Russian very well


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧Let me introduce Mr. Brown.
🇷🇺Позвольте предстaвить господина ... (официально)
🇺🇿Janob sizga tanishtirishga ijozat bering.

🇷🇺Meet Olga.
🇬🇧Познакомьтесь с Ольгой.
🇺🇿Olga bilan tanishing.

🇬🇧Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you
🇷🇺Рад(а) познакомиться.
🇺🇿Tanishganimizdan xursandman.

🇬🇧We've met before.
🇷🇺Мы встречались paньше.
🇺🇿Biz oldin uchrashganmiz.

🇬🇧I know you.
🇷🇺Я знаю вас.
🇺🇿Men sizni bilaman.

🇬🇧What is your name?
🇷🇺Как вас зовут?
🇺🇿Sizning ismingiz nima?

🇬🇧What is her name?
🇷🇺Как ее зовут?
🇺🇿Uning ismi nima? (qiz bola)

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Feb, 04:04

😊Multi Electrical Massager

Charchoqni ketkazish, Mushaklarni bo’shashtirish qon aylanishini va yog’larni yo’qotishga yordam beradi
massager mushaklarning ichki qismini rag’batlantirish charchoqdan tezda xalos bo’lish uchun.
Qon aylanishini samarali oshirish uchun ham foydalanilad
Kichik o’lchamli engil va saqlash uchun qulay
6ta rejimda iwlaydi
9 xil darajaga ega

💰 нархи 69,000 сум

🚚 Тўловни махсулотни қўлингизга олгандан кейин қиласиз...🤝Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторларимиз сизга боғланади.


👇 Буйуртма бериш 👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 23:05


🌨☃️ Ассалому алайкум! Пайшанба тонги муборак бўлсин!

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият асло тарк этмасин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 14:33

VITEK. ORIGINAL💯 Энди Ўзбекистонда Жуда Арзон Нархда.  149.000 сум Акция

Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун кондиционер❗️

Деворга ўрнатилади, Хона ҳавосини тозалаб беради

● Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
● Пульт орқали бошқарилади
● 25-30 квадратни иситади
● 1-2 КВ (Экономний)
● Иситиши +36, Совутиши зор

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти


🛑 Эски нархи 700.000 сўм
💰Hozirgi Chegirma Narx: 149 ming

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧I am ten.
🇷🇺Мне десять лет.
🇺🇿Men 10 yoshdaman.

🇬🇧He is seven.
🇷🇺Ему семь лет.
🇺🇿U yetti yoshda. (o'g'il bola)

🇬🇧She is six.
🇷🇺Ей шесть лет.
🇺🇿U olti yoshda. (qiz bola)

🇬🇧Are you married?
🇷🇺Вы замужем?
🇺🇿Turmushga chiqqanmisiz?



🇬🇧I am single.
🇷🇺Я не замужем.
🇺🇿Turmushga chiqmaganman

🇬🇧I am divorced.
🇷🇺Я разведен(а).
🇺🇿Men ajrashganman.

🇬🇧I am a widow.
🇷🇺Я вдова.
🇺🇿Men bevaman (ayol).

🇬🇧I am a widower.
🇷🇺Я вдовец.
🇺🇿Men bevaman(erkak).

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧My name is Olga.
🇷🇺Меня зовут Ольга.
🇺🇿Mening ismim Olga.

🇬🇧His name is Dima.
🇷🇺Его зовут Дима.
🇺🇿Uning ismi Dima.

🇬🇧Her name is Vera.
🇷🇺Ее зовут Вера.
🇺🇿Uning ismi Vera.

🇬🇧Here is my card.
🇷🇺Вот моя визитная карточка.
🇺🇿Mana mening vizitkam.

🇬🇧Where are you from? 🇷🇺Откуда вы?

🇬🇧I am from Moscow.
🇷🇺Я из Москвы.
🇺🇿Men Moskvadanman.

🇬🇧How old are you?
🇷🇺Сколько вам лет?
🇺🇿Necha yoshdasiz?

🇬🇧How old is he?
🇷🇺Сколько ему лет?
🇺🇿U necha yoshda? (o'g'il bola)

🇬🇧How old is she?
🇷🇺Сколько ей лет?
🇺🇿U necha yoshda? (qiz bola)

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧Do you speak English ?
🇷🇺Вы говорите по-русски?
🇺🇿Siz inglizcha gaplashaolasizmi?

🇬🇧A little.

🇬🇧I understand Russian but I cannot speak it.
🇷🇺Я понимаю по-русски, но не могу говорить.
🇺🇿Men ruscha tushunaman, ammo gapira olmayman.

🇬🇧I can read it, but I can't speak it.
🇷🇺Я могу читать, но не могу говорить по-руски.
🇺🇿Men o'qiy olaman, lekin gaplasholmayman.

🇬🇧I can read Russian fairly well.
🇷🇺Я довольно сносно читаю по-русски.
🇺🇿Men ruschada ancha tuzuk o'qiyman.

🇬🇧I don't get enough practice in actual speaking.
🇷🇺У меня нет достаточной практики по разговорному языку.
🇺🇿Menda o'gzaki nutqda etarli tajriba yo'q.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 04:41

🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 05.05.2021

🔸Describe a time when you told your friend an important truth.

You should say

Who your friend is?
What was the truth?
What your friend’s reaction was?
Explain why it was important for you to tell the truth to your friend.

I have often thought about the question of whether honesty is the best policy among friends. Some truths are just very uncomfortable to tell. And sharing such truths might also spoil or ruin friendships. However, I also believe that the more uncomfortable the truth, the more important it is to tell them. I am going to talk about a recent event when I told my friend Jasur something uncomfortable. He is one of my closest friends, and I love spending time with him. However, he has a bad habit that he sometimes talks very rudely with his parents. Before the Covid times, we used to spend much time outdoors. I hardly visited his house. However, in the past year, we have been spending much time at his house because of the lockdown. This is the first time; I noticed that his tone with his parents and especially his mother was vulgar. At first, I didn’t say anything because I thought it was not my place. But as I saw it happening regularly, I finally decided that I must tell him. So, one day, I told him that he should talk nicely to his parents. At first, he got very defensive and told me that they also talk rudely to him. After that day, he didn’t talk to me for a whole week. But after a week, he came to me and thanked me for telling him to be nice. He also apologized for not talking to me till then. I feel that good friends are not afraid to share uncomfortable truths. Our friends’ behaviours are partly our responsibility as well. And in the end, I think our friendship is stronger because I told Jasur the truth. He told me that he trusts me to guide him well in the future because I was honest about it.

Band 7

#speakingpart2 #recent


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Feb, 04:00

Simsiz mini kamera - xavfsizligingiz garovi!

Telefon, kompyuter orqali onlayn kuzatish mumkin

Xotirasi to'lgan sari kameraning o'zi eski videolarni o'chira boshlaydi
HD sifatda oladi

Harakat bo'lganda signal beradi
Mikrofon va dinamiklari mavjud Tungi rejimi ham bor
Eski narxi 249.000
Narxi: 84.000 min


Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 23:02


⛅️ Ассалому алайкум! Чоршанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧Is this clear?
🇷🇺Это понятно?
🇺🇿Bu tushunarlimi?

🇬🇧Do you understand me?
🇷🇺Вы понимаете меня?
🇺🇿Meni tushunyapsizmi?

🇬🇧I don't understand you.
🇷🇺Я не понимаю вас.
🇺🇿Men sizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧I understand you.
🇷🇺Я вас понимаю.
🇺🇿Men sizni tushunaman.

🇬🇧I quite understand you.
🇷🇺Я вас вполне понимаю.
🇺🇿Men sizni to'liq tushunaman.

🇬🇧I understand you quite well.
🇷🇺Да, я вас хорошо понимаю.
🇺🇿Men sizni yaxshi tushunaman.

🇬🇧I understand every word you say.
🇷🇺Я понимаю каждое ваше слово.
🇺🇿Men sizni hamma so'zlaringizni tushunyapman.

🇬🇧Yes, perfectly well.
🇷🇺Да, все понятно.
🇺🇿Ha, hammasi tushunarli.

🇬🇧Speak louder, please.
🇷🇺Говорите, пожалуйста, громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring, iltimos.

🇬🇧Please, speak slower.
🇷🇺Говорите, пожалуйста, медленнее.
🇺🇿Sekinroq gapiring, iltimos.

Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 14:36

📖 Dars #24 Past perfect continuous tense qo'llanish holatlari

O'tgan zamonda biror ish-harakatdan oldin ma'lum muddat davom etib turgan ish-harakatni bildiradi. Ish-harakat qancha davom etganligini ko'rsatuvchi for/since payt ravishlari va so'roq gaplarda how long so'roq olmoshi gapda qatnashadi. Nutqda qo'llanilganda, odatda o'tgan zamondagi gap bilan qo'llaniladi.
🔸When I arrived at the party, Tom and Ann had been dancing for an hour.
🔸How long had you been reading the book when I came?
🔸It was cold and windy. It had been raining since morning.

2️⃣ Past perfect continuous tense o'tgan zamondagi natijaga olib kelgan davomiy ish-harakatni ham ifodalaydi, ya'ni Present perfect continuous tensening o'tgan zamon shakli sifatida qo'llaniladi.
🔸His hands are dirty. He has been repairing the car. (Uning qo'llari kir. U mashinani tuzatmoqda…hozirgi zamondagi vaziyat)
🔸His hands were dirty. He had been repairing the car. ( Uning qo'llari kir edi. U mashinani tuzatayotgan edi… o'tgan zamondagi vaziyat)

⚠️ Qiyoslash uchun:
▪️O'tgan zamon davom fe'li (past continuous tense) o'tgan zamonda aniq vaqtda davom etib turgan ish-harakatni bildiradi.
🔸I was sleeping at 5 o'clock yesterday.
▪️Past Perfect Continuous tense esa o'tgan zamonda biror bir ish-harakat qancha davom etganligini ham bildiradi. Muddatni esa for+ [muddatni bildiruvchi so'z] ifodalaydi.
🔸When I arrived at the party, Tom and Ann were dancing. (past continuous tense…muddat yo'q)
🔸When I arrived at the party, Tom and Ann had been dancing for an hour. (Past Perfect Continuous tense…muddat bor)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 14:36

🇺🇿 Orzularingiz ushalsin !🙃

🇷🇺 Да сбудется ваши мечты !🙃

🇬🇧 May your dreams come true! 🙃

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 14:04

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧This is my youngest daughter.
🇷🇺Это моя младшая дочь.
🇺🇿Bu mening kenja qizim.

🇬🇧These are my parents.
🇷🇺Это мои родители.
🇺🇿Bular mening ota-onam.

🇬🇧This is my mother.
🇷🇺Это моя мама.
🇺🇿Bu mening onam.

🇬🇧This is my father.
🇷🇺Это мой папа.
🇺🇿Bu mening otam.

🇬🇧This is my sister.
🇷🇺Это моя сестра.
🇺🇿Bu mening singlim (opam).

🇬🇧This is my brother.
🇷🇺Это мой брат.
🇺🇿Bu mening akam (ukam).

🇬🇧These are my grandchildren.
🇷🇺Это мои внуки.
🇺🇿Bular mening nevaralarim.

🇬🇧Where were you born?
🇷🇺Где вы родились?
🇺🇿Qayerda tug'ilgansiz?

🇬🇧I was born in nineteen fifty.
🇷🇺Я родился в тысяча девятьсот пятидесятом году.
🇺🇿Men 1950 yilda tug'ilganman.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 04:41


Here are some of the most common English idioms and phrases that will enrich your English vocabulary and make you sound like a native speaker.

1. ‘The best of both worlds’ – means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.

“By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both worlds.”

2. ‘Speak of the devil’ – this means that the person you’re just talking about actually appears at that moment.

“Hi Tom, speak of the devil, I was just telling Sara about your new car.”

3. ‘See eye to eye’ – this means agreeing with someone.

“They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.”

4. ‘Once in a blue moon’ – an event that happens infrequently.

“I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.”

5. ‘When pigs fly’ – something that will never happen.

“When pigs fly she’ll tidy up her room.”

6. ‘To cost an arm and a leg’– something is very expensive.

“Fuel these days costs and arm and a leg.”

7. ‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy.

“The English test was a piece of cake.”

8. ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ – to accidentally reveal a secret.

“I let the cat out of the bag about their wedding plans.”

9. ‘To feel under the weather’ – to not feel well.

“I’m really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible cold.”

10. ‘To kill two birds with one stone’ – to solve two problems at once.

“By taking my dad on holiday, I killed two birds with one stone. I got to go away but also spend time with him.

Davomi bor...


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Feb, 04:41



It is often said that ... people claim that ...
In this day and age... / Nowadays... days...
We live in an age when many of us are...
... is a hotly-debated topic that often divides opinion.
... is often discussed yet rarely understood.
It goes without saying that
... is one of the most important issues facing us today.
The following essay takes a look at both sides of the argument.

introducing points:

Firstly, let us take a look at ... start with,...
First of all, it is worth considering...
Secondly, ... Thirdly, ...
Furthermore, ... / In addition,.. /
What is more, ... top of that,.
Another point worth noting is .../ Another factor to consider is ...
Lastly, ... / Finally, ... but not least,

🔸 presenting ideas & giving examples:

When it comes to noun/gerund,...
In terms of noun/gerund,..
With respect to noun/gerund, ...
Not only ... but also ...
According to experts,...
Research has found that... ...
There are those who argue that...
For instance.../ For example... / such as ...


Although/Even though subject + verb, .
Despite/In spite of noun/gerund,..
Despite the fact that subject + verb, ...
On the one hand...
On the other hand ... However ... / Nevertheless, ... so


As far as I'm concerned,..
From my point of view, ...
In my opinion,...
Personally speaking, ...
My own view on the matter is ... ...

🔸expressing result & reason:

As a result, ... / As a result of ...,
... has led to .../... has resulted in ...
Consequently, ... / Therefore, ...
On account of.../ Due to ...
One reason behind this is ...


To sum up, . / In conclusion, ...
All things considered, ...
Taking everything into consideration,
Weighing up both sides of the argument, ...
The advantages of ... outweigh the disadvantages. ...

#writingtask2 #writingtips


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 19:00

🫧 Ассалому алайкум ва роҳматуллоҳи ва барокатуҳ.

☁️Хайрли Тонг!

❄️Бугунги якшанба тонгингиз муборак ва хайрли бўлсин...!!!

❄️ Аллоҳим сизни икки дунёда Азизу мукаррам қилсин...!🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧May I use your telephone?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?
🇺🇿Sizning telefoningizdan foydalansam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I use your telephone directory?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефонным справочником?
🇺🇿Telefon ma'lumotnomangizdan foydalansam bo'ladimi?

🇬🇧phone box
🇷🇺телефонная будка
🇺🇿telefon budkasi

🇬🇧I want to put a call through to Glasgow.
🇷🇺Мне нужно позвонить в Ташкент.
🇺🇿Men Toshkentga qo'ng'iroq qilishim kerak.

🇬🇧Would you please book me a call through to New York?
🇷🇺Примите, пожалуйста, заказ на разговор с Ташкентом.
🇺🇿Marhamat, Toshkentga qo'ng'iroqqa buyurtma qabul qiling.

🇬🇧How does one use this phone?
🇷🇺Как пользоваться этим телефоном?
🇺🇿Bu telefondan qanday foydalaniladi?

🇬🇧What is your phone number?
🇷🇺Какой у вас номер?
🇺🇿Sizning telefon raqamingiz nechchi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the number of Petrov?
🇷🇺Дайте мне номер телефона Петрова.
🇺🇿Petrovning telefon raqimini bering.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 14:36


🇬🇧Who is speaking?
🇷🇺Кто говорит?
🇺🇿Kim gapirayapti?

🇬🇧Edinburgh is on line.
🇷🇺Вас вызывает Ташкент.
🇺🇿Sizni Toshkentdan chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧The number is engaged.
🇷🇺Абонемент занят.
🇺🇿Abonenent band.

🇬🇧Sorry, wrong number.
🇷🇺Извините, вы ошиблись.
🇺🇿Uzr, siz yanglishdingiz.

🇬🇧There's no one by that name here.
🇷🇺Здесь таких нет.
🇺🇿Bu yerda unday odam yo'q.

🇬🇧Just a minute.
🇺🇿Bir daqiqa.

🇬🇧Hold on.
🇷🇺Не вешайте трубку.
🇺🇿Dastakni qo'ymay turing.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 14:00

🧔🏻Beard Growth • соч соқол ўстирувчи ёғ

🔰 Табий озиқлантирувчи моддалар билан тўйинган бўлиб соч ва соқол илдизини фаоллаштиради

100% кафолатга эга!

🔆 Beard growth билан қалин ва узун соч соқолга эга бўлинг

🎊 Хозирда АКЦИЯ 2 та сотиб олсангиз 1 та қўшиб берилади

💰Акция Нархи: 69.000 сўм

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 04:41

Sample Interview
IELTS Speaking Test
Jade, Canada 🇨🇦
Estimated Band Score 9

Speaking Part 1
Travel, last trip, planning your trip, popularity of international travel, popular places in your country

Speaking Part 2
Talk about an important person in your community

Speaking Part 3
Community leadership, characteristics which are good and bad for social leaders, a social issue you would address if you were a leader, community programs

#Video #Interview
#SpeakingVideo #Test


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 04:41


🇬🇧You are wanted on the phone.
🇷🇺Вас к телефону.
🇺🇿Sizni telefonga chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧I can't hear you very well.
🇷🇺Я вас плохо слышу.
🇺🇿Ovozingiz uncha yaxshi eshitilmayapti.

🇬🇧I can't make out what you are saying.
🇷🇺Я не могу разобрать, что вы говорите.
🇺🇿Nima deyayotganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧Speak up!
🇷🇺Говорите громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring.

🇬🇧It's me again.
🇷🇺Это опять я.
🇺🇿Bu yana men.

🇬🇧We were disconnected.
🇷🇺Нас разъединили.
🇺🇿Aloqa uzilib qoldi.

🇬🇧I'm sorry, he is out.
🇷🇺Жаль, его нет.
🇺🇿Afsus, u yo'q edi.

🇬🇧Any message?
🇷🇺Что-нибудь передать?
🇺🇿Biron nima deb qo'yaymi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

01 Feb, 04:00

Энди 59 Минг су́м

✔️ Зарарсиз озмоқчимисиз? «AMPLI 5» кўп функциялик браслет - озиш учун, қорин, бўкса, қўл, оёқдаги ёғларни эритишга ёрдам беради.

☘️ Организмнинг умумий аҳволини яхшилаш ва ишчанлигини оширишда ёрдам беради.
☘️ Иммунитетни ошириб, жисмоний ва ақлий қобилиятни яхшилаш,
☘️ Чарчоқ ва ҳолсизликни камайтириш,
☘️ Бўғим ва бош оғриқларини қолдириш,
☘️ Буқоқ касалликларида ёрдам беради.

🎁 Факат 1 кун аксия шошилинг

Эски нархи: 399 000 сўм.
Акция нархи: 59 000 сўм.

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 23:08

❄️Aссалому алайкум...
Шанба тонги муборак бўлсин.

🤲Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

❄️Аллоҳим тонгингизни нурафшон,
❄️Кўнглингизни хотиржам,
❄️Чеҳрангизни нурли қилсин.
❄️Танангизни саломатлик,
❄️Юзингизни эсa табассум безаб турсин!!


❄️Бахт, омад, муваффақият, меҳр-муҳаббат ҳамиша ҳамроҳингиз бўлсин!

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:36

Har kungi muloqot uchun so'zlar - Фразы для общения на каждый день.

🟠 Келинг, (меҳмонхонада) учрашамиз. - Давайте встретимся в (фойе).

🟠 Танишганимдан хурсандман! - Приятно познакомиться!

🟠 Сизни яна кўришимдан хурсандман! - Рад вас снова видеть!

🟠 Сиз инглизча гапирасизми? - Вы говорите по-английски?

🟠 Мана менинг ташриф қоғозим. - Вот моя визитная карточка.

🟠 Сизни …га таништиришга рухсат этинг. - Позвольте представить вас …

🟠 …га мендан салом айтинг. - Передавайте привет от меня …

🟠 Раҳмат, бажонидил. - Спасибо, с удовольствием.

🟠 Бажонидил. - С удовольствием.

🟠Хайр. - До свидания.

🟠 Кўришгунча. - До встречи.

🟠 Яқин орада кўришгунча. - До скорой встречи.

🟠 Яхши қолинг. - Счастливо.

🟠Хабарлашиб турайлик. - Не пропадайте.

🟠 Кейинги учрашувимизни орзиқиб кутаман. - С нетерпением жду нашей следующей

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:36


🗣 Говори - gapir
🗣 Думай - o‘yla
🗣 Найди - top
🗣 Ищи - qidir
🗣 Не плачь - yig'lama
🗣 Не трогай - tegma
🗣 Садись - o‘tir
🗣 Читай - o‘qi
🗣 Спи - uxla
🗣 Жди - kut
🗣 Пиши - yoz
🗣 Вставай - tur
🗣 Считай - sana
🗣 Иди - bor
🗣 Уйди - ket
🗣 Смотри - qara
🗣 Молчи - jim tur
🗣 Закрой - yop
🗣 Открой - och
🗣 Глянь - nazar sol
🗣 Прости - kechir
🗣 Меняй - alish
🗣 Мой - yuv
🗣 Купайся - cho'mil
🗣 Собирайся - otlan
🗣 Проснись - uyg'on
🗣 Ложись - yot
🗣 Поднимайся - tepaga chiq
🗣 Спускайся - pastga tush
🗣 Трудись - mehnat qil
🗣 Успокойся - tinchlan
🗣 Знакомься - tanish
🗣 Улыбайся -jilmay
🗣 Дружи - do'st bo'l
🗣 Занимайся - shug'ullan
🗣 Вернись - qaytib kel
🗣 Одевайся - kiyin
🗣 Пой - kuyla
🗣 Шей - tik
🗣 Лей - quy

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:36

✏️Nima dedingiz? - Что вы сказали?
✏️Bu kim? - Кто это?
✏️Nima? - Что?
✏️Tushundingizmi? - Вы поняли?
✏️Tushunarlimi? - Вам понятно?
✏️Tushunarli - Мне понятно,
✏️Bu yerda kim rus tilini biladi? - Кто здесь знает русский язык?
✏️Siz ruscha gaplashasizmi? - Вы говорите по-русски?
✏️Siz rus tilini bilasizmi? - Вы знаете русский язык?
✏️O‘zbek tilini o‘rganayapman Я изучаю узбекский язык,
✏️O‘zbek tilida gaplashish (o‘qish, yozish) ni o‘rganmoqchiman - Я хочу научиться говорить (читать , писать) по-узбекски,
✏️O‘zbekcha lug‘atlarni qayerdan topsam bo‘ladi? - Где можно достать узбекские словари?
✏️O‘zbekchani oz-moz tushunaman - Я немного понимаю по-узбекски,
✏️Gapimga tushunayapsizmi? - Вы меня понимаете?
✏️Qaytaring - Повторите,
✏️Tushunaman. Ammo javob qaytara olmayman - Я понемаю, но говорить не могу,
✏️Gapingizga tushunmayab an - Я вас не понимаю,
✏️Sekinroq gapiring - Говорите медленнее,
✏️Aytingchi - Скажите, пожалуйста
✏️Bu yerda nima yozilganini tushuntirib bering - Объясните, что здесь написано,
✏️Bu qog‘ozga yozing - Напишите на этом листке,
✏️Bu o‘zbekchada nima deyiladi - Как это называется по-узбекски?
✏️Bu so‘z qanday talaffuz etiladi? - Как произносится это слово?
✏️Baribir tushunolmayapman - Всё же я не могу понять,
✏️Iltimos, budan ham sekinroq gapirsangiz - Прошу вас, говорите еще медленнее,
✏️Nima istaysiz? - чего вы хотите?
✏️O‘zbek tili rus tilidan ancha oson - Узбекский язык гораздо легче русского...

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:35


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:35


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:35


🇬🇧You are wanted on the phone.
🇷🇺Вас к телефону.
🇺🇿Sizni telefonga chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧I can't hear you very well.
🇷🇺Я вас плохо слышу.
🇺🇿Ovozingiz uncha yaxshi eshitilmayapti.

🇬🇧I can't make out what you are saying.
🇷🇺Я не могу разобрать, что вы говорите.
🇺🇿Nima deyayotganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧Speak up!
🇷🇺Говорите громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring.

🇬🇧It's me again.
🇷🇺Это опять я.
🇺🇿Bu yana men.

🇬🇧We were disconnected.
🇷🇺Нас разъединили.
🇺🇿Aloqa uzilib qoldi.

🇬🇧I'm sorry, he is out.
🇷🇺Жаль, его нет.
🇺🇿Afsus, u yo'q edi.

🇬🇧Any message?
🇷🇺Что-нибудь передать?
🇺🇿Biron nima deb qo'yaymi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 14:08

Аслини олганда 5 дақиқалик иш бўлсада, эркакларимиз учун бу дунёдаги энг оғир юмушлардан бири ҳисобланади.

Mini Shaver — Ишга шошилганда, командировкага йўл олганда ва умуман дангасалик тутганда энг қулай митти ёрдамчи!

— Зарядник орқали қувватлантирилади.
— Ишда, ўқишда, кўчада ва ҳ.к.
— Хаттоки сувга тушиб кетиши хам уни ишлашдан тўхтата олмайди.

💰Нархи: 59 000 сўм

: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧Please ask him to call me back
🇷🇺Пожалуйста, попросите его позвонить мне.
🇺🇿Menga qayta qo'ng'iroq qilib yuborishini aytib qo'ying, iltimos.

🇬🇧I'll call again.
🇷🇺Я перезвоню.
🇺🇿Men yana qo'ng'iroq qilaman.

🇬🇧When should I call again?
🇷🇺Когда мне перезвонить?
🇺🇿Yana qachon qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Write down my number, please.
🇷🇺Запишите, пожалуйста, мой номер.
🇺🇿Iltimos, raqamimni yozib oling.

🇬🇧Tell her Petrov called.
🇷🇺Передайте ей, что звонил Петров.
🇺🇿Petrov qo'ng'iroq qildi deb aytib qo'yarsiz.

🇬🇧I'll give her the message.
🇷🇺Я передам ей.
🇺🇿Men unga (qiz bola) aytib qo'yaman.

🇬🇧I'll have her call you back.
🇷🇺Я скажу, чтобы она позвонила вам.
🇺🇿Sizga qo'ng'iroq qilishini aytib qo'yaman.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 04:41

🇺🇿 Iltimos, bir daqiqa kutib turing 😊

🇷🇺 Пожалуйста, подождите одну минуту

🇬🇧Hold on one minute, please 😊


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Jan, 04:41

🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 01.04.2021

🔸Describe your favourite park in your city.

You should say:

where it is
how can you go there
how frequently you go there
and explain why this is your favourite park.

Though the city is crowded with a lot of people, there are some places I would like to go to whenever I want to escape for a while. Among those places, I like visiting the Tashkent Botanic Garden, my favorite park in city, which is located near the western part of my city.

I have to say that there are a number of parks in Tashkent, which are mostly near residential areas. In the evenings or weekends, people often gather there for exercising or chatting. I would prefer a large and peaceful place for a short hibernation. Thus, Tashkent Botanical Garden is always among my short listed ones when it comes to park. It is about 3 kilometers from my house so I often drive there, mostly by bicycle, about 2 times a week. As there are many trees in this park, I can enjoy fresh air and peaceful environment there. It’s like a short escape from a noisy, narrow and busy city outside. I often bring a book to this park, hiding under a tree and getting into the story. This kind of activity helps nurture my soul as well as relax a little bit before coming back into real life.

Honestly, as I am an introvert, I do not prefer the bustle of crowded places like club or bar. Instead, I would prefer a peaceful places, thus, to some extent,I might be considered as boring people, regardless the fact that I’m still on my 20s now. However, it doesn’t matter much to me as I think that everyone has their own lifestyle, which contribute to the variety of personalities in our society.

Band 7+



Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Jan, 04:40

Rock Mafia
"The Big Bang"
(feat. Miley Cyrus)

(Oh, babe)

I don't wanna lie,
I'm gonna take what you're giving
'Cause I know you're willing
To take me all the way.
You got me right here combustible.
And I can't wait to finally explode.

The big, big bang, the reason I'm alive,
When all the stars collide
In this universe inside.
The big, big bang [3x]

Some people like to talk
But I'm into doing,
What I feel like doing,
When I'm inspired.
So, if we take a walk down the beach tonight,
I bet that we could light up the sky.

The big, big bang, the reason I'm alive,
When all the stars collide
In this universe inside.
The big, big bang [3x]

Take it from me,
I don't wanna be
Sometimes I feel so isolated, I wanna die.
And I'll take it from you, if you got it every time,
So, baby, bring your body here next to mine, next to mine!
No, I don't wanna dream!
I just wanna live it!
So, baby, let's not miss this thing!

The big, big bang, the reason I'm alive,
When all the stars collide
in this universe inside.
The big, big bang [3x]

Hit me, big, big, big bang.
Oh, baby [3x]


Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Jan, 04:40

🔹4000 Essential English Words:

book_2_unit 3

🔸arrow - o'q, yoy
🔸battle - urush
🔸bow - kamon
🔸brave - qo'rqmas, jasur
🔸chief - boshliq, sardor
🔸disadvantage - kamchilik
🔸enemy - dushman
🔸entrance - kirish yo'li
🔸hardly - arang, zo'rg'a
🔸intend - niyat qilmoq
🔸laugher - kulgu, shodlik
🔸log - g'o'la
🔸military - armiya
🔸obbey - bo'ysunmoq
🔸secure - qo'lga kiritmoq
🔸steady - barqaror
🔸trust - ishonmoq
🔸twist - aylantirib bog'lamoq
🔸unless - magan taqdirda
🔸weapon - qurol-yarog'


Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Jan, 04:40


🇬🇧It beats me how people can believe him.
🇷🇺Просто не понимаю, как люди могут верить ему.
🇺🇿Odamlar unga (o'g'il bola) qanday ishonishadi, bilmadim.

🇬🇧I suppose there's no alternative.
🇷🇺По-видимому, нет другого выхода.
🇺🇿Bilishimcha, boshqa iloji yo'q.

🇬🇧I'm afraid not.
🇷🇺Боюсь, что нет.
🇺🇿Afsuski, yo'q.

🇬🇧I am puzzled.
🇷🇺Я затрудняюсь.
🇺🇿Men o'ylanib qoldim.

🇬🇧I'm afraid I can't grasp what you mean.
🇷🇺Боюсь, я не понимаю, что вы имеете в виду.
🇺🇿Afsuski, nimani nazarda tutganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧I can't remember how it's called.
🇷🇺Я не могу вспомнить, как это называется.
🇺🇿U nima deb atalishi esimga kelmayapti.

Yod oling va suhbatlarda foydalaning


Ingliz tilidan testlar

11 Jan, 04:01

Fleur Narqotique - Ko‘pchilik biladigan hushbo‘y atir

🎉 Bu atirni bilmagan, ishlatmagan odam bo‘lmasa kerak

Atir 100 ml chiroyli dizayndagi shisha idishga joylashtirilgan

Sovg‘a sifatida yoki kundalik foydalanish uchun ajoyib tanlov

Barcha holatlar uchun mos, erkaklar va ayollarning barcha yosh guruhlari uchun mukammal tanlov

Aksiya Narxi: 59000 min so'm

Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlarimiz bog'lanadi. O'zbekiston bo'yicha yetqazib berish xizmati MAVJUD

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 23:04

🌦Ассалому алайкум. Шанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли бўлсин. Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин.

Кунингиз мазмунли ўтсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 14:35

☑️ Yangi so’zlar!

1.Educational system – ta’lim tizimi.
2.Elemantary school – boshlang’ich maktab.
3.Private – xususiy.
4.Junior High school – kichiklar yuqori maktabi
5.Senior High school – kattalar yuqori maktabi
6.Variation - turli
7.Urban - shaxarlik
8.Selective – tanlab olingan.
9.Theological - diniy
10.Pattern – namuna, model
11.Fee – o’qish uchun to’lash
12.Religion - din
13.Tax - soliq
14.Include – o’z ichiga olmoq
15.Preschool - maktabgacha
16.Infant school – bog’cha yoshidagi 5-7 yoshli bolalar maktabi
17.Junior school – boshlang’ich maktab
18.Public school –umumta’lim maktab
19.Secondary Comprehensive school – o’rta umumta’lim maktab
20.Attend - qatnamoq
21.Modern school – kasb-xunar maktabi
22.Grammar school – o’rta klassik maktab
23.Woodwork – yog’och ishi
24.Metalwork - slesar
25.Sew - tikish
26.Tutor – guruh rahbari
27.Attach - biriktirmoq
28.Boarding school – internat maktab
29.Progressive – ilg’or, taraqqiyparvar
30.Curriculum – o’quv rejasi

Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 14:35


🇬🇧Not so good.
🇷🇺Не очень хорошо.
🇺🇿Uncha yaxshi emas.

🇬🇧The same.

🇬🇧A bit tired.
🇷🇺Немного устал(а).
🇺🇿Sal charchaganman.

🇬🇧I am busy.
🇷🇺Занят(а), много дел.
🇺🇿Bandman, ish ko'p

🇬🇧I am not well.
🇷🇺Не здоров(а).
🇺🇿Sog'lig'im yaxshimas.

🇬🇧And you?
🇷🇺А вы?

🇬🇧I am sorry to hear that.

🇬🇧I am happy for you.
🇷🇺Рад(а) за вас.
🇺🇿Siz uchun xursandman.

Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 14:35

🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 13.07.2021

🔸Describe a polite person you met

You should say:

Who the person is
How you know the person
What the person looks like
And explain why you think the person is polite.

Well, the person I’d like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine, Sara. She must be one of the nicest and most polite individuals I know.

We’ve basically known each other since forever because we were in the same class from high school through to college. She is like my partner in crime and we can share everything together from schoolwork to our love lives.

You know, the first time I met her she left a deep impression on me because on the first day of school I got lost while trying to find my classroom and she really helped me out. Surprisingly, we were also arranged by the teacher to be desk-mates.

And the reason why I think she’s so polite is simply because she has really good manners. She abuses the word “thank you” even on the slightest occasion. For instance, I’ve noticed that whenever we eat at a restaurant, she will thank the waiters whenever they bring a dish to the table. And another example would be that every time she gets off a bus, she will always say thank you to the driver, which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary, but I’m sure the waiters and bus drivers really appreciate it. Finally, whenever our classmates ask her to help them with difficult homework, she never complains or shows any hesitation. And due to this, she always maintains a good reputation thanks to her politeness.

Band 8

Vocabulary highlights:

since forever
– for a long time
my partner in crime – good friends who do a lot together including getting into trouble
love life – relationship with boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife
deep impression – a strong effect or influence
to get lost – to not know where you are
desk-mates – to sit next to or share a desk with someone
good manners – to be polite and respectful
abuses – to use too much or use in a bad way
on the slightest occasion – at small, unimportant moments



Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 13:58

MASSAGE GUN masaj uchun aparat

🥳 Uzoq kutgan masajyorimiza yetib keldi .

"MASSAGE GUN " ishdan charchab kelganizda charchoqalaringizni bir zumda chiqarishga yordam beradigan aparat.
masajyori 4 xil rejimda ishlaydi.
Ichidan 4 xil turdagi nasatkasi bor.
Zaryatka orqali ishlaydi, bita zaryatka bilan 10 12 soat ishlab beradi.

💰Mahsulot narxi: 107000 ming so'm

To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz

🚚 O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab yetkazib berish xizmati mavjud. Saytga kirib buyurtmar bering 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish 👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧How do I call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashishni xohlayman.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧May I use your telephone?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?
🇺🇿Sizning telefoningizdan foydalansam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I use your telephone directory?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефонным справочником?
🇺🇿Telefon ma'lumotnomangizdan foydalansam bo'ladimi?

🇬🇧phone box
🇷🇺телефонная будка
🇺🇿telefon budkasi

🇬🇧I want to put a call through to Glasgow.
🇷🇺Мне нужно позвонить в Ташкент.
🇺🇿Men Toshkentga qo'ng'iroq qilishim kerak.

🇬🇧Would you please book me a call through to New York?
🇷🇺Примите, пожалуйста, заказ на разговор с Ташкентом.
🇺🇿Marhamat, Toshkentga qo'ng'iroqqa buyurtma qabul qiling.

🇬🇧How does one use this phone?
🇷🇺Как пользоваться этим телефоном?
🇺🇿Bu telefondan qanday foydalaniladi?

🇬🇧What is your phone number?
🇷🇺Какой у вас номер?
🇺🇿Sizning telefon raqamingiz nechchi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the number of Petrov?
🇷🇺Дайте мне номер телефона Петрова.
🇺🇿Petrovning telefon raqimini bering.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧What's new?
🇷🇺Какие новости?
🇺🇿Nima yangiliklar?

🇬🇧How is your family?
🇷🇺Как семья?
🇺🇿Oilangiz qanday?

🇬🇧How is your mother?
🇷🇺Как ваша мама?
🇺🇿Onangiz ahvollari qanday?

🇬🇧How is your wife?
🇷🇺Как ваша жена?
🇺🇿Ayolingiz ahvollari qanday?

🇬🇧How is your husband?
🇷🇺Как ваш муж?
🇺🇿Eringizni ahvollari qanday?

🇬🇧Are you O.K.?
🇷🇺Все у вас в порядке?
🇺🇿Hammasi joyidami?

🇬🇧Fine, thanks.
🇷🇺Прекрасно, спасибо.
🇺🇿Yaxshi, rahmat.

🇬🇧Very well.
🇷🇺Очень хорошо.
🇺🇿Juda yaxshi.

🇬🇧Not bad.


Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 04:41

☑️ Yangi so’zlar!

1.Educational system – ta’lim tizimi.
2.Elemantary school – boshlang’ich maktab.
3.Private – xususiy.
4.Junior High school – kichiklar yuqori maktabi
5.Senior High school – kattalar yuqori maktabi
6.Variation - turli
7.Urban - shaxarlik
8.Selective – tanlab olingan.
9.Theological - diniy
10.Pattern – namuna, model
11.Fee – o’qish uchun to’lash
12.Religion - din
13.Tax - soliq
14.Include – o’z ichiga olmoq
15.Preschool - maktabgacha
16.Infant school – bog’cha yoshidagi 5-7 yoshli bolalar maktabi
17.Junior school – boshlang’ich maktab
18.Public school –umumta’lim maktab
19.Secondary Comprehensive school – o’rta umumta’lim maktab
20.Attend - qatnamoq
21.Modern school – kasb-xunar maktabi
22.Grammar school – o’rta klassik maktab
23.Woodwork – yog’och ishi
24.Metalwork - slesar
25.Sew - tikish
26.Tutor – guruh rahbari
27.Attach - biriktirmoq
28.Boarding school – internat maktab
29.Progressive – ilg’or, taraqqiyparvar
30.Curriculum – o’quv rejasi

Ingliz tilidan testlar

10 Jan, 04:02

#Сенсация | 39 000 сўм эвазигая..?😳

💐 Арзимаган пул эвазига хонангиз ёки офисингизни гуллатиб юборишингиз мумкин!

💰 Нархи атига: 39.минг сўм




Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Jan, 23:03

🌤 Aссалому алайкум, ЖУМА тонги муборак бўлсин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин🤲

Янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли ўтсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Jan, 23:03


Жума айёми муборак бўлсин ҚАДРДОНЛАРИМ

Азиз диндошим Жуманинг файзи ва барокати сизга бўлсин

🌙 Энг яқин инсоним кириб келган “Жума” куни муборак бўлсин.



Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Jan, 14:37

🇬🇧Allah always has 3 replies to our prayers:

1- Yes
2- Yes but not now
3- I have a better plan for you

🇺🇿Allohning har doim bizning ibodatlarimizga 3 ta javobi bor.

1- Ha
2- Ha, lekin hozir emas
3- Sen uchun yaxshiroq rejam bor

Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Jan, 14:37

🔎So'zlashish uchun iboralar:

🔹️Are you OK? — Hammasi joyidami ? 
🔹️Are you still here? — Hali ham shu yerdamisiz ? 
🔹️Attention! — Diqqat ! 
🔹️Don’t be late, please — Kechga qolmang, iltimos. 
🔹️Don’t mind it, please — E’tibor qilmang. 
🔹️Exactly so — Aynan shunday. 
🔹️Farewell — Hayr. Oq yo’l
Give me a chance — Bir imkon ber. 
🔹️How’s it going? — Nima gaplar? 
🔹️It doesn’t matter — Farqi yo’q. 
🔹️It was an accident — Bu tasodif. 
It’s early (yet) — Hali erta! 
🔹️Maybe — Balkim. 
🔹️Never mind — Hechqisi yo’q. 
No way! — Hech qanaqasiga! 
🔹️See you! — Ko’rishguncha. 
🔹️Take care — O’zingngizni asrang
🔹️Talk to you later — Keyinroq gaplashamiz
Until we meet again — Ko’rishguncha. 
🔹️Very well — Juda yaxshi


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Jan, 14:37


🇬🇧Who is speaking?
🇷🇺Кто говорит?
🇺🇿Kim gapirayapti?

🇬🇧Edinburgh is on line.
🇷🇺Вас вызывает Ташкент.
🇺🇿Sizni Toshkentdan chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧The number is engaged.
🇷🇺Абонемент занят.
🇺🇿Abonenent band.

🇬🇧Sorry, wrong number.
🇷🇺Извините, вы ошиблись.
🇺🇿Uzr, siz yanglishdingiz.

🇬🇧There's no one by that name here.
🇷🇺Здесь таких нет.
🇺🇿Bu yerda unday odam yo'q.

🇬🇧Just a minute.
🇺🇿Bir daqiqa.

🇬🇧Hold on.
🇷🇺Не вешайте трубку.
🇺🇿Dastakni qo'ymay turing.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

09 Jan, 14:00

VITEK. ORIGINAL💯 Энди Ўзбекистонда Жуда Арзон Нархда.  159.000 сум Акция

Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун кондиционер❗️

Деворга ўрнатилади, Хона ҳавосини тозалаб беради

● Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
● Пульт орқали бошқарилади
● 25-30 квадратни иситади
● 1-2 КВ (Экономний)
● Иситиши +36, Совутиши зор

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти


🛑 Эски нархи 700.000 сўм
💰Hozirgi Chegirma Narx: 159 ming

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Jan, 14:00

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.


Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Jan, 04:41

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🚩Mavzu: Har kunlik iboralar

💥 As you wish — ixtiyoringiz

💥 No sweat — muammo yo'q

💥 My bad — uzr, xato qilibman

💥 Exactly so — xuddi shunday

💥 I'm afraid so — shunday bo'lsa kerak, deb qo'rqaman

💥 Quite so — shak-shubhasiz

💥 Are you nuts? — esingni yedingmi?(aqldan ozganmisan?)

💥 It's worth trying — urinib ko'rsa arziydi

💥 I screwed up — men chuv tushdim

💥 Cheer up — kayfiyatni ko'tarmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Jan, 04:41

🇺🇿Speaking Part 2 in Uzbekistan — 30.08.2021

🔸Describe a type of weather you like

You should say:

what kind of weather it is
when this weather usually occurs
what you usually do during this weather
And explain why you like this type of weather

Weather is a short-term atmospheric condition. It keeps changing every now and then. We enjoy many types of weather in Uzbekistan. We have hot weather in summers and cool weather in winters. The weather in spring and autumn is generally pleasant. The weather I am going to talk about here is the pleasant weather we have during the spring, that is March and the beginning of April. This is a very welcome weather because it brings great relief from the intense cold of winters. The flowers are in full bloom everywhere, and you can hear the happy chirping of the birds. Spring season gives you a reason to smile. It infuses colour in your life. The spring season is important for farmers. Crops ripen in the fields. Farmers store wheat and barley at home. Everybody feels a sense of joy and happiness. Besides, spring is a season of festivals such as Navruz. Navruz is a festival of cooking and playing national games. I enjoy it the most. Navruz adds to the glory of the spring season. Days and nights are neither too long nor too short. I hate the cold wind of winter. I do not like the hot sun of summer. I dislike mud and dirt caused by the rains. So spring is my favorite season, and its weather is my favourite weather.

Band 6



Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧What are you doing?
🇷🇺Что вы делаете?
🇺🇿Nima qilyapsiz?

🇬🇧Are you going any-where?
🇷🇺Куда-нибудь собираетесь?
🇺🇿Qayergadir otlanyapsizmi?

🇬🇧I need some change to make a call.
🇷🇺Мне нужна мелочь, чтобы позвонить.
🇺🇿Qo'ng'iroq qilishim uchun menga mayda pul kerak.

🇬🇧Sorry to have troubled you.
🇷🇺Простите, что я вас побеспокоил.
🇺🇿Bezovta qilganim uchun uzr.

🇬🇧I couldn't get him on the telephone.
🇷🇺Я не мог к нему дозвониться.
🇺🇿Unga (o'g'il bola) qo'ng'iroq qilib tusholmadim.

🇬🇧The telephone is out of order.
🇷🇺Телефон не в порядке.
🇺🇿Telefon ishlamayapti.

🇬🇧Go ahead!
🇷🇺Вас соединили, говорите.
🇺🇿Gapiravering, ulandi.

🇬🇧Are you through?
🇷🇺Вас соединили?
🇺🇿Siz bog'landingizmi?

🇬🇧Have you finished?
🇷🇺Вы закончили разговор?
🇺🇿Gaplashib bo'ldingizmi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

08 Jan, 04:00

Simsiz mini kamera - xavfsizligingiz garovi!

Telefon, kompyuter orqali onlayn kuzatish mumkin

Xotirasi to'lgan sari kameraning o'zi eski videolarni o'chira boshlaydi
HD sifatda oladi

Harakat bo'lganda signal beradi
Mikrofon va dinamiklari mavjud Tungi rejimi ham bor
Eski narxi 249.000
Narxi: 84.000 min


Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 23:04


🌨☃️ Ассалому алайкум! Чоршанба тонги муборак бўлсин!

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият асло тарк этмасин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 14:34

❇️Xorijda asqotadigan 100ta inglizcha ibora 1-qism

▪️Hello!! - Salom/Xayr
▪️Good morning! - Xayrli tong!
▪️Good afternoon! – Xayrli kun!
▪️Good evening! – Xayrli kech!
▪️Please/ Thank you – Iltimos/ Rahmat
▪️Sorry – Kechirasiz
▪️I dont understand – Men, tushunmadim.
▪️Please speak more slowly – Iltimos, sekinroq gapirsangiz.
▪️Could you repeat that? – Qaytara olasizmi?
▪️What is your name? – Ismingiz nima?
▪️My name is… - Mening ismim…
▪️Nice to meet you – Tanishganimdan xursandman.
▪️How are you doing? – Qandaysiz?
▪️Can you help me? – Menga yordam berolmaysizmi?
▪️Lets go to… - Keling, …ga boramiz.
▪️Im looking for… - …ni qidirib yuribman.
▪️Where is …? - … qayerda?
▪️How do I get to …? - …ga qanday yetib olsa bo‘ladi.
▪️How do you say that? – Mana buni sizlar nima deysizlar?
▪️How much is this? – Mana bu necha pul turadi?
▪️Can I ask you a question? – Savol so‘rasam maylimi?
▪️I am from … - Men …danman.
▪️Can you help me practice English? – Ingliz tili bilan shug‘ullanishga yordam berolmaysizmi?
▪️Could you write it down on paper? – Shuni qog‘ozga yozib bera olasizmi?
▪️What does this word mean? – Bu so‘z nimani anglatadi?
▪️I am hungry – Men och qoldim.
▪️I am thirsty – Chanqadim.
▪️I am cold – Men sovqotdim.
▪️I am feeling sick – Men o‘zimni yomon his qilyapman.
▪️How do you use this word? – Bu so‘zni qanday ishlatasizlar?
▪️Did I say it correctly? – To‘g‘ri aytdimmi?
▪️What time is it? – Soat necha?
▪️This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
▪️I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak.
▪️Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/Ertaga
▪️Can you give me an example? – Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
▪️Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting, iltimos.
▪️Excuse me! – Kechirasiz! (E'tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
▪️I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr.
▪️Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapiradimi?
▪️I dont speak English very well. – Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman.
▪️I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman.
▪️I need an interpreter. – Menga tarjimon kerak.
▪️Where can I buy …? - …ni qayerdan sotib olsam bo‘ladi?
▪️Thats too expensive. – Bu juda qimmat ekan.
▪️Ill take one/it/this – Men mana shuni olaman.
▪️I like this – Menga bu yoqdi.
▪️I dont like that – Menga bu yoqmadi
▪️Can I pay by credit-card? – Plastik kartochka orqali to‘lasam bo‘ladimi?
▪️Can I exchange it? – Mana shuni almashtirsam bo‘ladimi?
▪️Thats all, thanks. – Shu bilan tamom, rahmat.
▪️Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? – Kechirasiz, qayerdan taksi tutsam bo‘ladi?
▪️This address, please. – Mana shu manzilga, iltimos.
▪️Drive me to the aeroport/hotel/city center - Meni aeroportga/mehmonxonaga/shahar markaziga olib borib qo‘ying.
▪️When does the train to Boston leave? - Bostonga poyezd qachon yuradi?
▪️Stop here, please. - Shu yerda to‘xtating, iltimos!
▪️I would like a ticket to … -…ga chipta bersangiz.
▪️When does the check-in begin? - Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish qachon boshlanadi?
▪️Where can I return my ticket? - Chiptamni qayerda qaytarsam bo‘ladi?
▪️Here are my passport and custom declaration. - Mana mening pasportim va bojxona deklaratsiyam.
▪️Here is my luggage. - Mana mening yuklarim.
▪️It is a business trip. – Bu ish bo‘yicha sayohat.
▪️It is a touristic visit. – Bu dam olish sayohati.
▪️I travel with a group. –Men jamoa bilan sayohat qilaman.
▪️I want to book a room. - Men xona band qilib qo‘ymoqchiydim.
▪️I want a room with bed and breakfast. - Yotoq va notushta tipidagi xonani band qilmoqchiydim.
▪️Non-smoking, please. - Chekmaydiganlar uchun bo‘lsin, iltimos.
▪️Here you are. - Mana, marhamat
▪️Keep the change – Qaytimi kerak emas
▪️Could I have the bill? - Hisobni keltirsangiz!
▪️The change is not correct. - Qaytimni noto‘g‘ri hisoblabsiz.
▪️Could you break this hundred dollar bill? – Mana shu 100 dollarlikni maydalab berolmaysizmi?
▪️What size is this sweater? - Mana bu sviterning o‘lchami qanaqa?
▪️I want to try it on. - Men buni bir kiyib ko‘rmoqchiman.
▪️I need … - Menga … kerak.

Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 14:34


🚩 Phrasal verbs (F)

face UP TO sth (ph.v) - biror qiyin vaziyatni qabul qilmoq, rozi bo'lmoq
face (WITH) sth/sb - duch kelmoq

fact ( as a matter OF) - aslida
fact (IN) - aslida

fall BEHIND (ph.v) - orqada qolmoq
fall DOWN - pastga tushib ketmoq, qulamoq

fall FOR sth - aldanmoq, ishonmoq
fall IN love WITH sb -…ni sevib qolmoq

fall OFF - yiqilib tushmoq
fall OUT WITH sb (ph.v) - munosabatni tugatmoq

familiar WITH sth - ... bilan tanish
familiarise yourself WITH sth - bilan tanishmoq

favour OF (IN) moyil, yoqlaydi
favour OF sb (May I ask…) - yordam soʻrasam boʻladimi

feel LIKE sth/gerund - xohlamoq
feel sorry FOR sb - achinmoq

fight AGAINST sth (bad) -…ga qarshi kurashmoq
fight BETWEEN two people -orasida kurash
fight FOR sth (good) -…uchun kurashmoq

fill IN a form (ph.v) - toʻldirmoq (BrE)
fill OUT a form (ph.v) - toʻldirmoq (AmE)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 14:34


🇬🇧Please ask him to call me back.
🇷🇺Пожалуйста, попросите его позвонить мне.
🇺🇿Menga qayta qo'ng'iroq qilib yuborishini aytib qo'ying, iltimos.

🇬🇧I'll call again.
🇷🇺Я перезвоню.
🇺🇿Men yana qo'ng'iroq qilaman.

🇬🇧When should I call again?
🇷🇺Когда мне перезвонить?
🇺🇿Yana qachon qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Write down my number, please.
🇷🇺Запишите, пожалуйста, мой номер.
🇺🇿Iltimos, raqamimni yozib oling.

🇬🇧Tell her Petrov called.
🇷🇺Передайте ей, что звонил Петров.
🇺🇿Petrov qo'ng'iroq qildi deb aytib qo'yarsiz.

🇬🇧I'll give her the message.
🇷🇺Я передам ей.
🇺🇿Men unga (qiz bola) aytib qo'yaman.

🇬🇧I'll have her call you back.
🇷🇺Я скажу, чтобы она позвонила вам.
🇺🇿Sizga qo'ng'iroq qilishini aytib qo'yaman.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 14:34

IELTS Speaking Examples - Cue Card 2

👤Describe an old person that you know.

🗣You should say:

☑️What your relationship is to this person
☑️How often you see them
☑️What people think about this person
☑️Explain why you like them

IELTS Speaking Examples - Model Answer

🔺Ok, I’d like to tell you about an old person that I know.

🔸His name is John, and he is the owner of a small convenience store at the end of my street.

🔹I would say that my relationship with him is as a friend. I know him because I regularly go to the shop in order to buy things when I don’t have time to go to a supermarket. He’s quite friendly and I always have a chat with him. I’ve known him now for about five years - since I’ve lived in the area in fact. That’s why I’d now call him a friend.

🔸I’d say that I see him fairly regularly. Like I said, I go to the big supermarket out of town sometimes to stock up, but you always need odd things during the week such as milk, or some snack or other. So when this happens I just have a walk down to his shop. So I’d say I see him every one or two days.

🔹I think John is pretty popular as he’s been there for years as far as I’m aware, so most of the locals around the area know him. There will always be someone in the shop having a chat with him. They like him because he’s not just the shopkeeper but he’s also very involved in activities in the community. For example, I know he helps out at the old people’s home some nights, and he runs the quizzes at the local pub. He also helps to organize the fete that is held each year in the town.

🔻The reason that I like him is that he’s great to have a chat with. For instance, a while back I was having problems with my work, and I was really feeling stressed. I didn’t really have anyone to talk to at the time as my family is abroad and a couple of my good friends were not around. I mentioned it to John and he was great. He listened and also gave me some really good advice. He didn’t need to do that so it was great that he made the time to anyway. Generally, though, he’s really welcoming when you go to his shop. He’ll always have a smile on his face.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 14:01

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 04:41

New words

Globe - dunyo
Global(ly) - ommaviy (tarzda)

Great - buyuk, katta
Greatly - katta, yirik
Greatness - buyuklik, kattalik

Harm - zararlamoq
Harmful - zararli
Harmfully - zararli tarzda
Harmless - zararsiz
Harmlessly - zararsiz tarzda
Harmed - zararlangan
Unharmed - zararlanmagan

Likely - bo'lishi ehtimol
Unlikely - bo'lishi ehtimoli kam
Likelihood - ehtimol

Low - past
Lower - pastki
Lowness - pastlik

Nature - tabiat
Natural - tabiiy
Unnatural - tabiiy emas
Naturally - tabiiy tarzda
Unnaturally - tabiiy tarzda emas

Neighbour - qo'shni
Neighbourly - do'stona
Neighbouring - qo'shni bo'lgan, yaqin
Neighbourhood - qo'shnichilik

Pollute - ifloslantirmoq
Polluted - ifloslangan
Unpolluted - ifloslanmagan
Pollution - ifloslanish
Pollutant - ifloslantiruvchi modda

Reside - istiqomat qilmoq
Residential - odamlar yashaydigan
Resident - fuqaro
Residence - yashash joyi

Sun - quyosh
Sunny - quyoshli
Sunshine - quyosh charaqlashi


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 04:41

📌Musiqa eshitib, matnga qarab takrorlang🔅

I'm Sorry
It was cold like a winter day
In pouring November rain
Everything felt numb
What have we begun
I never saw the signs how I could be so blind
Did I closed my eyes 'cause your heart was full of lies

November is a nightmare that will chase me after all you've done
I'm sorry November just wake me when you're gone
Is there someone who can help me change the calendar
don't wanna remember, November, to me you don’t exist no more
I'm sorry

I wanted you more than life
I think of it all the time
You were my way of light
the guide through lonely nights
you said you were in love
but I guess I was not enough
you left me in a shade
now my light will fade away

November is a nightmare that will chase me after all you've done
I'm sorry, November, just wake me when you're gone
Is there someone who can help me change the calendar
don't wanna remember, November, you don't exist no more

'cause this mountain is too high I don't have the thrill to climb
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry
without oxygen i can't breathe
I'm loosing ground underneath
my heart cannot take it now willing to fake it
I mean to forsake 'cause I cannot maintain this I'm sorry
I'm sorry

Is there someone who can help me change the calendar?
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry

'cause November changed my life
I will have to say goodbye
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry

Now tell me is there someone who can help me change the calendar
don't wanna remember, November, you don't exist no more
'cause November changed my life I will have to say goodbye
I'm sorry, November, I'm sorry


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 04:41


🇬🇧Drop in.
🇺🇿Kelib turing.

🇬🇧Let's dine at a restaurant.
🇷🇺Давайте пообедаем в ресторане.
🇺🇿Keling restoranda ovqatlanamiz.

🇬🇧Let's have lunch together.
🇷🇺Давайте вместе пообедаем.
🇺🇿Keling birga tushlik qilamiz.

🇬🇧Come to my birthday party.
🇷🇺Приходите ко мне на день рождения.
🇺🇿Mening tug'ilgan kunimga keling.

🇬🇧Come to dinner.
🇷🇺Приходите на ужин.
🇺🇿Kechki ovqatga keling.

🇬🇧Spend the weekend with us.
🇷🇺Проведите выходные с нами.
🇺🇿Dam olish kunlarini bizlar bilan o'tkazing.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 04:41

📖 Dars #11 Present perfect simple tense qo'llanish holatlari

1️⃣ Yaqin oʻtmishda sodir boʻlgan va hozirga aloqador boʻlgan ish-harakatlar uchun qoʻllaniladi. Bu yerda ish-harakat yoki voqeaning qachon boʻlib oʻtganligining ahamiyatga ega emas, ya'ni ish-harakat qachon sodir bo'lganligi ko'rsatilmaydi.

✳️ Masalan, yangiliklar yoki xabarlarni yoritishda bu zamonning qoʻllanishiga e'tibor beramiz.
🔸Have you heard the news? Tom and Jill have got married. (Yangilikni eshitdingizmi? Tom va Jil turmush qurishdi.)
🔸A French yachtsman has broken the record for sailing round the world single-handed.
🔸The film star Jim Cooper has died of cancer at the age of 56. (Film yulduzi Jim Kuper saraton kasalligidan 56 yoshida vafot etdi.)

2️⃣ Oʻtgan zamonda sodir boʻlgan va natijasi hozirda ayon boʻlgan ish-harakatlar uchun ham qoʻllaniladi.
🔸My car is clean. I have just washed it. (Mashinam toza. Men uni hozirgina yuvdim.)
🔸He cannot walk very fast. He has hurt his leg.

3️⃣ Yuqoridagi qoidalarda qoʻllaniladigan payt ravishlarini koʻrib chiqamiz:
▫️already ▫️recently ▫️lately▫️just ▫️yet ▫️today ▫️this week ▫️this month ▫️this year ▫️in the last/in the past few days/weeks…

⚠️ already - allaqachon, just - hozirgina payt ravishlari gapda odatda asosiy va yordamchi fe'l orasida qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I have already done my homework.
🔸He has just come.

⚠️ lately
, recently, yet va yuqoridagi boshqa payt ravishlari odatda gap oxirida qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Have you seen Tom recently?
🔸Tom hasn't found a job yet.

💡yet darak gapda qo'llanilgandan hali degan inkor ma’noda qo'llaniladi, bunda asosiy fe’l infinitiv (to learn) shakliga oʻtadi.
🔸John has yet to learn the material. (= John hasn’t learned the material yet.)

3️⃣ Hozirgi tugallangan zamon oʻtgan zamondan hozirgacha davom etib turgan muddat ichida sodir boʻlgan, ba’zan hozirgacha davom etayotgan ish-harakatlar uchun ham qoʻllaniladi.

✳️ Misol sifatida biror shaxsning hayoti davomida qilgan ishlarini koʻrsatish mumkin.
🔸Sarvar has been to England many times. (Sarvar Angliyada koʻp marotaba boʻlgan.)
🔸He has never ridden a horse. ( U hech qachon ot minib koʻrmagan.)
🔸Has he ever met a famous person?

⚠️ Yuqoridagi qoida ish-harakatning qachon sodir boʻlib oʻtganligini koʻrsatmaydi, ya'ni hozirgi tugallangan zamon biror ish-harakat sodir boʻlgan yoki boʻlmaganligini koʻrsatadi, xolos.

▪️Ushbu qoidada qoʻllaniladigan payt ravishlarini koʻrib chiqamiz.
▫️never ▫️ever ▫️never … before ▫️until now ▫️so far ▫️up to now ▫️always ▫️the first/second/third time ▫️all my/her/his life
🔸We are travelling across Europe. We have visited 5 countries so far.
🔸Have you ever eaten sushi? No, I have never had it.
🔸Tom is very nervous. It's the first time he has driven a car.
🔸He has always wanted to go to the Moon on a space-ship.

▪️ Agar ish-harakat qachon sodir boʻlganligini koʻrsatmoqchi boʻlsangiz, oʻtgan zamondagi fe'lni (Past simple tense) qoʻllash kerak boʻladi. Qiyoslang:
🔸He has been to England many times. (ish-harakat qachon sodir boʻlganligi koʻrsatilmagan)
🔸He went to England in 1996. (ish-harakat qachon sodir boʻlganligi koʻrsatilgan)

▪️Bu zamon umrimizda yoki biror muddat ichida bir necha marta takrorlangan ish-harakatlar uchun ham ishlatiladi. Bunda once - bir marta, twice - ikki marta, three times - uch marta soʻzlari qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I have been to England three times.
🔸Jill has been late twice this week.

⚠️ Sifatning orttirma darajasi bilan + ever so'zi kelganda, hozirgi zamonda hozirgi tugallangan zamon ishlatiladi.
🔸This is the best meal I've ever eaten.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

07 Jan, 04:01

🤰Кўпгина аёлларда туғруқдан кейин қорин қисми осилиб қолади. Агар бу ўз вақтида бартараф этилмаса, қоматнинг бузилишига олиб келади.

Slim Body бу муаммонинг олдини олишга ёрдам беради:
🎀 тери осилиб қолишининг олдини олади;
🎀 ортиқча ёғларни эритади;
😀 кийим остида билинмайди;
🎀 қоматни чиройли ва тик кўрсатади.

Эски нархи: 157 000 сўм;
Акция нархи: 🎉 59 000 сўм


💸 Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз.

Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Jan, 23:03

☀️ Aссалому алайкум. Сешанба тонги муборак бўлсин.

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

🍂Асл саодат нафас олиб турган ҳар онимизга шукр қила олишдир...
🍂Шукр ва зикрга бой кун бўлсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Jan, 14:35


🇬🇧I wish I could, but I've promised to go with Helen to the pictures.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел, но я обещал Лене, что пойду с ней в кино.
🇺🇿Xohlardimu, lekin Lena bilan kinoga borishga va'da berib qo'ydim.

🇬🇧I'd like to see you.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) встретиться с вами.
🇺🇿Siz bilan ko'rishmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧I'd like to talk to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan gaplashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧I'd like to make an appointment with Mr.Brown.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) договориться о встрече с господином .... (офиц.).
🇺🇿Janob ... bilan uchrashuv belgilamoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Thank you.

🇬🇧With pleasure.
🇷🇺С удовольствием.
🇺🇿Jon deb.

🇬🇧I'd love to.
🇷🇺С большим удовольствием.
🇺🇿Jonim bilan.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

06 Jan, 14:35

🔴 So'zlashishga tayyorlanamiz:

🇬🇧Holidays and Wishes
🇺🇿Bayramlar va tilaklar

Good luck!
— Omad!

Happy birthday!
— Tug'ilgan kuningiz bilan!

Happy new year!
— Yangi yil bilan!

Merry Christmas!
— Yangi yil ayomingiz bilan!

Happy Navruz!
— Navro'z muborak!

Happy Eid!
— Hayitingiz muborak!

— Tabriklaymiz!

Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)
— Yoqimli ishtaxa!

Bless you! (when sneezing)
— Sog' bo'ling!

Best wishes!
— Yaxshi tilaklar!

Cheers! (or: to your health)
— Sog'lik uchun!

Accept my best wishes!
— Ezgu tilaklarimni qabul qiling!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 14:34


♻️Ingliz tilini o'rganish uchun 10 ta sabab

1. English is a global langua

English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!

2. Studying English can help you get a j

English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.

3. Learning English can help you meet new peop

English is the official language of 53 countries and is used as a lingua franca (a mutually known language) by people from all around the world. This means that whether you’re working in Beijing, or travelling in Brazil, studying English can help you have a conversation with people from all over the world.

4. Many scientific papers are written in Engli

In the last century, the number of scientific papers written in English has started to outweigh the number of papers written in the native language of the researcher. In the Netherlands, for example, the ratio is a surprising 40 to 1. For this reason, having a knowledge of English is incredibly important to those working in the scientific field.

5. English is the language of the media indust

Because of the prominence of Hollywood in global media, an enormous amount of films, TV shows and popular songs are written in English. If you speak English, you won't need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films and TV shows.

Davomi bor

Share it with your frien


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 14:34

🇺🇿Speaking Vocabularies Band 8.5

🔸Run of the mill:
average, ordinary; commonplace; mediocre.

E: As far as I am concerned, she gave a fairly run-of-the-mill speech.
E: That restaurant has nothing special. The service and the food are just run of the mill.

🔸 Raining cats and dogs: pouring rain, raining heavily.

E: It's windy and is raining cats and dogs.
E: During the monsoon season, it rained cats and dogs.

🔸 Run out of steam: to completely lose energy, motivation, or enthusiasm.

E: Peter started to run out of steam after running for 15 km.
E: I'm running out of steam after spending five hours working on this essay.

🔸The in-thing: to be very fashionable.

E: It's the in-thing to do at the moment.
E: The new iPhone is really the in-thing at the moment.

🔸To talk someone into something: to convince or persuade someone to do something.

E: I think I can talk him into helping you.
E: I could probably talk her into driving you to school tomorrow.

🔸 To take it easy: to rest or relax.

E: Take it easy, man! Don't work so hard.
E: After her surgery, Sarah took it easy for a week.

🔸Tie the knot: to get married.

E: Bill and Sarah will tie the knot next month.
E: Tom and Mary have finally decided to tie the knot next July.

🔸Throw in the towel: to quit; to give up.

E: You're almost finished! Don't throw in the towel!
E: The company threw in the towel after losing all of its major customers.

🔸To be like two peas in a pod: very similar, especially in appearance.

E: Peter and his brother are like two peas in a pod.
E: The twins are like two peas in a pod.

🔸 (to be) up in the air: to be uncertain.

E: Everything is up in the air at the moment because he didn't get the job. Because the management has failed to finalize the budget, the future of the project is up in the air.

🔸To be under the weather: do not feel well; feel sick.

E: Tom was feeling a bit under the weather today, so he chose to take the day off.
E: I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I think I've caught a cold.

🔸 (to) work like a dog: to work very hard.

E: Mary works like a dog. She deserves the promotion.
E: Tom works like a dog to save money to buy a new house.

speaking vocabulary


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 14:34


🇬🇧What time is good for you?
🇷🇺Какое время вам подходит?
🇺🇿Qaysi vaqt sizga qulay?

🇬🇧Could we make it on Friday?
🇷🇺Давайте договоримся на пятницу.
🇺🇿Keling, juma kuniga kelishsamiz.

🇬🇧Will 6 o'clock suit you?
🇷🇺Шесть часов подойдет вам?
🇺🇿Soat olti sizga to'g'ri keladimi?

🇬🇧Let's meet tonight.
🇷🇺Давайте встретимся сегодня вечером.
🇺🇿Keling, bugun oqshom ko'rishaylik.

🇬🇧Let's meet tomorrow.
🇷🇺Давайте встретимся завтра.
🇺🇿Keling, ertaga ko'rishaylik.

🇬🇧Let's meet on Monday.
🇷🇺Давайте встретимся в понедельник.
🇺🇿Keling, dushanba kuni ko'rishaylik.

🇬🇧Let's meet on Sunday.
🇷🇺Давайте встретимся в воскресенье.
🇺🇿Keling, yakshanba kuni ko'rishaylik.

🇬🇧Let's meet this week.
🇷🇺Давайте встретимся на этой неделе.
🇺🇿Keling, shu hafta ko'rishaylik.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 14:34

🛑Bugun TAQIQLASHga oid gaplarni , so'zlarni o'rganamiz.🛑


🇬🇧 No🙅
🇺🇿 Yo'q

🇬🇧It is prohibited! 😁
🇺🇿Man etilgan!

🇬🇧It is impossible. 😱
🇺🇿Mumkun emas.

🇬🇧You're not allowed. 🤞
🇺🇿Sizga ruxdat etilmagan.
🇷🇺 Ваи не разрешает.

🇬🇧Sorry, it can't be done.😔
🇺🇿Afsuski, bunday qilish mumkun emas.
🇷🇺К сожалению, так делать нельзя.

🇬🇧I'm afraid it is🙅‍♂ prohibited.
🇺🇿Menimcha bu man etilgan.
🇷🇺По-моему, это запрещено.

🇬🇧Absolutely not.🤜
🇺🇿Qatiyan taqiqlanadi.
🇷🇺Категорически запрещается.

🇬🇧By no means.😇
🇺🇿Xech qachon.
🇷🇺Ни в коем случае.

🇬🇧It is out of the question.🙃
🇺🇿Bu tug'risida gap ham bo'lishi mumkun emas.
🇷🇺Об этом и речи быт не может.

🇬🇧Positively not.😉
🇺🇿Yo'q deyildimi, demak yo'q.
🇷🇺 Нет-раз и навсегда.

Yod oling!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 14:01

🌙 Оналаримиз, опа-сингилларимиз, аёлимиз ва қизларимиз учун исломий «Asma ul Husna» тақинчоғини тавсия этамиз!

Аллоҳнинг муборак 99 исми туширилган ушбу тақинчоқ ИншаАллоҳ сизнинг аҳлингизни шод қилади. 🥳

☀️ Гўзал кўриниш ва энг буюк зотнинг исимлари!
☀️ Ўчмас тилларанг металл ва аҳлингизни хурсанд қилганингиз учун ўчмас савоблар!
☀️ Нозик ҳилқат вакилларининг гўзал қалбига жо бўлгучи гўзаллик!

Эски нарх: 177 000 сўм
Чегирмада: 57 000 сўм


Тўловни махсулотни қўлингизга олгандан кейин қиласиз...🤝Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторларимиз сизга боғланади.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 04:40

🗣British council (Tashkent) | July 19 | Examiner Alex

Part 1:
- Where do you live?
- How does your house look like?
- What you can see from the windows?
- Do you like reading?
- Are there any places where you can read?
- What distracts you from reading?
- Do you like reading on your own or with a group of people?
- Have you ever faced a situation where someone irritated u while reading?
- Do you like museums
- Have you ever visited many museums?
- Which is better, going there alone or with a group of people?

Part 2:
Describe a time when you got lost in a city or a town.

Part 3:
Questions about reaching destinations, means of transport and traffic jam.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 04:40

🇬🇧You must go there.👣

🇺🇿Siz u yerga borishingiz shart.

🇷🇺Вы должны пойти туда.👣

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 04:40

🇬🇧You are good- natured.👍

🇺🇿Yaxshi xarakteringiz borakan.

🇷🇺У вас хороший характер. 👍

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 04:40

🛑Bugun TAQIQLASHga oid gaplarni , so'zlarni o'rganamiz.🛑


🇬🇧 No🙅
🇺🇿 Yo'q

🇬🇧It is prohibited! 😁
🇺🇿Man etilgan!

🇬🇧It is impossible. 😱
🇺🇿Mumkun emas.

🇬🇧You're not allowed. 🤞
🇺🇿Sizga ruxdat etilmagan.
🇷🇺 Ваи не разрешает.

🇬🇧Sorry, it can't be done.😔
🇺🇿Afsuski, bunday qilish mumkun emas.
🇷🇺К сожалению, так делать нельзя.

🇬🇧I'm afraid it is🙅‍♂ prohibited.
🇺🇿Menimcha bu man etilgan.
🇷🇺По-моему, это запрещено.

🇬🇧Absolutely not.🤜
🇺🇿Qatiyan taqiqlanadi.
🇷🇺Категорически запрещается.

🇬🇧By no means.😇
🇺🇿Xech qachon.
🇷🇺Ни в коем случае.

🇬🇧It is out of the question.🙃
🇺🇿Bu tug'risida gap ham bo'lishi mumkun emas.
🇷🇺Об этом и речи быт не может.

🇬🇧Positively not.😉
🇺🇿Yo'q deyildimi, demak yo'q.
🇷🇺 Нет-раз и навсегда.

Yod oling!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Jan, 04:00



Qaynoq Aksiya 3 tasi 1 da Ajoyib Simsiz quloqchin

💧Eng muhimi suvdayam ishlaydi
🔊Ovoz chiqarishi yuqori sifatli
🔋Mustahkam zaryad (ham power bank)
✔️Sifatli mikrafon

💰 Mahsulot narxi: 77000 min som

To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz

🚚 O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab yetkazib berish xizmati MAVJUD. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 23:36


⛅️ Aссалому алайкум. Якшанба тонги муборак бўлсин 😊

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

Бошланган янги кун барчага омадли келсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 14:34

📔 Writing
Useful expressions in "Opinion Essays"

🔅 I believe/ think/ feel (that) ...
💭 I strongly believe ..,
🔅 In my opinion/ view ,...
🔅 The way I see it, ...
🔅 It seems/ appears to me (that) ...
🔅 To my mind, ...
🔅 I (do not) agree that/ with ...
🔅 My opinion is that ...
🔅 As far as I am concerned,...
🔅 I (completely) agree that/ with ...
💭 I (strongly) disagree that/ with ...
🔅 I am totally against ...
🔅 I couldn't agree more that/ with ...
💭 I couldn't disagree more that/ with ,..

Providing Solutions to Problems

Essays providing solutions to problems are pieces of wrrting in which you discuss a problem and its causes as well as the expected results or consequences of your suggestions.

An essay providing solutions to problems should consist of:

a) an introduction in which you state the problem and/ or what has caused it;
b) a main body which consists of two or more paragraphs presenting suggestions and their results/ consequences. You should start a new paragraph for each suggestion and its results consequences; and
c) a conclusion in which you summarise your opinion.

⚠️ Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal or semi-formal style, depending on who is going to read them and where they are published. They are usually found in newspapers and magazines.

essay writing

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 14:34

Money and shopping

Economic - iqtisodiy
Economical - tejamkor, kamxarj

Receipt - chek (sotib olganligi haqida)
Bill - to'lov (iste'mol yoki xizmat uchun)

Make - brend (ishlab chiqaruvchi kompaniya)
Brand - brend

Bargain - chegirmali narsa
Sale -chegirma, aksiya

Discount - chegirma
Offer - chegirma, bonus

Price - narx (odatda to'lashi so'ralayotgan narxga nisbatan)
Cost - narx (biror ish qilish yoki xizmat haqiga nisbatan)

Change - mayda pul
Cash - naqd pul

Wealth - boylik
Fortune - omad, baxt

Till - kassa javoni, tortmasi
Checkout - kassa

Products - mahsulotlar
Goods - tovar

Refund - to'lagan pulini qaytarib berish
Exchange - almashish

Fake - soxta, yasama
Plastic - plastik

👇👇👇 👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 14:34

🇺🇿Speaking Vocabularies Band 8.5

🔸Run of the mill:
average, ordinary; commonplace; mediocre.

E: As far as I am concerned, she gave a fairly run-of-the-mill speech.
E: That restaurant has nothing special. The service and the food are just run of the mill.

🔸 Raining cats and dogs: pouring rain, raining heavily.

E: It's windy and is raining cats and dogs.
E: During the monsoon season, it rained cats and dogs.

🔸 Run out of steam: to completely lose energy, motivation, or enthusiasm.

E: Peter started to run out of steam after running for 15 km.
E: I'm running out of steam after spending five hours working on this essay.

🔸The in-thing: to be very fashionable.

E: It's the in-thing to do at the moment.
E: The new iPhone is really the in-thing at the moment.

🔸To talk someone into something: to convince or persuade someone to do something.

E: I think I can talk him into helping you.
E: I could probably talk her into driving you to school tomorrow.

🔸 To take it easy: to rest or relax.

E: Take it easy, man! Don't work so hard.
E: After her surgery, Sarah took it easy for a week.

🔸Tie the knot: to get married.

E: Bill and Sarah will tie the knot next month.
E: Tom and Mary have finally decided to tie the knot next July.

🔸Throw in the towel: to quit; to give up.

E: You're almost finished! Don't throw in the towel!
E: The company threw in the towel after losing all of its major customers.

🔸To be like two peas in a pod: very similar, especially in appearance.

E: Peter and his brother are like two peas in a pod.
E: The twins are like two peas in a pod.

🔸 (to be) up in the air: to be uncertain.

E: Everything is up in the air at the moment because he didn't get the job. Because the management has failed to finalize the budget, the future of the project is up in the air.

🔸To be under the weather: do not feel well; feel sick.

E: Tom was feeling a bit under the weather today, so he chose to take the day off.
E: I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I think I've caught a cold.

🔸 (to) work like a dog: to work very hard.

E: Mary works like a dog. She deserves the promotion.
E: Tom works like a dog to save money to buy a new house.

speaking vocabulary


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 14:34

🇺🇿 Sizni qayerdadir ko'rganday bo'lyapman.🤓

🇷🇺 Такое чувство, что я вас где-то​ видел.🤓

🇬🇧I feel like I know you from somewhere.🤓

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 14:04

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 04:40


🇺🇿 Ushbu kanal maqsadi - sizni samarali muloqot qilishga o'rgatish

🇷🇺 Цель данного канала - научить вас эффективному общению

🇬🇧The aim of this channel is to teach you how to communicate effectively



Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 04:40

🇬🇧​​Ingliz tilida og’zaki nutqda ishlatiladigan birikmalar

🔹are you up to it? —eplay olasanmi?
🔹an all-rounder — har tomonlama iqtidorli inson
🔹an armchair traveler — sayohat haqida o’qishni (ko’rsatuv ko’rishni) yoqtiradigan inson
🔹at your service — xizmatingizda
🔹a backbreaking — juda qiyin ish
🔹to be caught in the act — jinoyat joyida qo’lga tushmoq
🔹to be home and dry — sog’-omon bo’lmoq
🔹to be on the house — restoran hisobidan to’lamoq (ovqat, ichimlik)
🔹to be on the same wavelength — bir-birini tushunmoq
🔹to be running low — tugamoq
🔹a bench warmer — zahiradagi o’yinchi
🔹beyond a shadow of doubt — shuhbasiz, ikkilanmasdan
🔹a big fish = a big shot — juda muhim inson
🔹to bump into someone / to 🔹run into someone — kimnidir to’satdan uchratib qolmoq, duch kelmoq
🔹to call names — so’kmoq, haqoratlamoq, laqab to’qimoq
🔹come to the point — ishga o’t, masalani mohiyatini ayt
🔹a cooked-up story — to’qib chiqarilgan hikoya
🔹to cut a deal with somebody —kim bilandir kelishib olmoq (kelishmovchilikni hal qilmoq)
🔹a cut-and-dried solution — tayyor yechim
🔹day and night — tunu-kun (har doim)
🔹a dead giveaway — dahshatli xiyonat
🔹to do something in double-quick time — biror narsani tezda qilmoq
🔹don’t beat about the bush — chaynalma


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 04:40


🇬🇧I'll be happy to see you.
🇷🇺Буду рад(а) встретиться с вами.
🇺🇿Sizni ko'rsam xursand bo'laman.

🇬🇧I'd like to see you at my place.
🇷🇺Я хочу видеть вас у себя дома.
🇺🇿Sizni uyimda ko'rishni hohlar edim.

🇬🇧I am afraid I can't: I've got to work late tonight
🇷🇺Боюсь, не смогу: у меня много работы вечером.
🇺🇿Uzr, ilojim yo'q: kechasi ishlarim ko'p.

🇬🇧I'll try to fit you in.
🇷🇺Постараюсь найти для вас время.
🇺🇿Siz uchun vaqt topishga harakat qilaman.

🇬🇧Sorry, I won't be free.
🇷🇺Жаль, но у меня не будет времени.
🇺🇿Uzr, bo'sh vaqtim bo'lmaydi.

🇬🇧I'll be busy.
🇷🇺Буду занят(а).
🇺🇿Band bo'laman.

🇬🇧I can't make it.
🇷🇺Не могу.
🇺🇿Ilojim yo'q.

🇬🇧I don't like those gatecrashers.
🇷🇺Не люблю я этих незваных гостей.
🇺🇿Chaqirilmagan mehmonlarni yoqtirmayman.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Jan, 04:40

📔 Writing
Useful expressions in "Opinion Essays"

🔅 I believe/ think/ feel (that) ...
💭 I strongly believe ..,
🔅 In my opinion/ view ,...
🔅 The way I see it, ...
🔅 It seems/ appears to me (that) ...
🔅 To my mind, ...
🔅 I (do not) agree that/ with ...
🔅 My opinion is that ...
🔅 As far as I am concerned,...
🔅 I (completely) agree that/ with ...
💭 I (strongly) disagree that/ with ...
🔅 I am totally against ...
🔅 I couldn't agree more that/ with ...
💭 I couldn't disagree more that/ with ,..

Providing Solutions to Problems

Essays providing solutions to problems are pieces of wrrting in which you discuss a problem and its causes as well as the expected results or consequences of your suggestions.

An essay providing solutions to problems should consist of:

a) an introduction in which you state the problem and/ or what has caused it;
b) a main body which consists of two or more paragraphs presenting suggestions and their results/ consequences. You should start a new paragraph for each suggestion and its results consequences; and
c) a conclusion in which you summarise your opinion.

⚠️ Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal or semi-formal style, depending on who is going to read them and where they are published. They are usually found in newspapers and magazines.

essay writing

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Nov, 05:25

✈️ Endi telegramga qachondan boshlab kirganizni bilsa bo'ladigan bot qoʻshildi. Tanishlaringiz gruppalariga bu haqida skrinshot olib yuborishingiz mumkin, menda 3213 kun bo'libdi. Bu bot ham DOGS ga o'xshagan bot.

👉 Buni bilish uchun BOSING

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Nov, 04:40

🔰Bahs va munozaralar uchun aqlli iboralar

🔸 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
🔸Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
🔸 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
🔸 go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
🔸 I don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 I have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
🔸 I mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
🔸 I wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
🔸 It doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
🔸 It doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yo‘q
🔸 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
🔸 It' s none of your business - Bu sizning ishingiz emas
🔸 It's a lie - Bu yolg‘on
🔸 It's all the same to me - Menga farqi yo‘q
🔸 It's beside the point - Buning dahli yo‘q
🔸 It's new to me - Birinchi marta eshitishim
🔸 It's out of place - Bu o‘rinsiz
🔸 It's up to you - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 It's waste of time - Bu vaqtni bekorga sarflash
🔸 Let's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
🔸 Let's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni o‘zgartiramiz
🔸 Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
🔸 no matter - ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 point of view - nuqtai nazar
🔸 pro and con - rozi va norozi
🔸 say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq
🔸 So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?
🔸 speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 Stand one's ground - o‘z fikrida qolmoq
🔸 Stand to reason - ma'noga ega bo‘lmoq
🔸 Take a side - bir tomonni (gapni) qo‘llamoq
🔸 Take a stand - muhim o‘rinni egallamoq
🔸 Take into account - diqqatga kirmoq
🔸 That's not the point - Gap bu haqda emas
🔸 That's very well, but - Bu juda yaxshi, lekin...
🔸 to one's face - yuziga (ochiqcha aytish)
🔸 up against - qarshilik qilmoq
🔸 Use your own judgement - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 What are you driving at? - Nimaga sha'ma qilyapsan?
🔸 What are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz o‘zi!
🔸 What for? - Nega?
🔸 What of it? - Bundan nima foyda?
🔸 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin

Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Nov, 04:40

Repent, Allah loves you❤️

🇺🇿1istig'for aytmoq
2pushaymon bo'lmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Nov, 04:40

People and society


🔹Relationship - rishta
🔸Connection - aloqa

🔸Blame - ayb
🔹Fault - xato

🔹Old - 1) eski; 2) katta, qari
🔸Ancient - qadimiy

🔹Crowd - olomon,omma
🔸Audience - auditoriya, tomoshabin

🔹Enjoy - rohatlanmoq
🔸Please - xursand qilmoq

🔹Support - ta'minlamoq
🔸Assist - yordam bermoq

🔹Kind - mehribon
🔸Polite - xushmuomala

🔹Sympathetic - hamdard, achinadigan
🔸Likeable - yoqimtoy

🔹Nervous - asabiy
🔸Bad-tempered - tez asabiylashadigan

🔹Sensitive - ta'sirchan, yig'loqi
🔸Sensible - aqlli, ma'noli, bamani

🔹Company - ulfatchilik
🔸Group - guruh

🔹Popular - mashhur ,sevimli
🔸Famous - mashhur, taniqli

🔹Typical - o'ziga xos
🔸Usual - odatiy
🔹Ordinary - oddiy

🔹Close - yaqin, qalin (rishta)
🔸Near - yaqin (joy)

🔹Unknown - noma'lum
🔸Infamous - yomon otlig', yomon nom chiqargan


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Nov, 04:40

People and society


🔹Relationship - rishta
🔸Connection - aloqa

🔸Blame - ayb
🔹Fault - xato

🔹Old - 1) eski; 2) katta, qari
🔸Ancient - qadimiy

🔹Crowd - olomon,omma
🔸Audience - auditoriya, tomoshabin

🔹Enjoy - rohatlanmoq
🔸Please - xursand qilmoq

🔹Support - ta'minlamoq
🔸Assist - yordam bermoq

🔹Kind - mehribon
🔸Polite - xushmuomala

🔹Sympathetic - hamdard, achinadigan
🔸Likeable - yoqimtoy

🔹Nervous - asabiy
🔸Bad-tempered - tez asabiylashadigan

🔹Sensitive - ta'sirchan, yig'loqi
🔸Sensible - aqlli, ma'noli, bamani

🔹Company - ulfatchilik
🔸Group - guruh

🔹Popular - mashhur ,sevimli
🔸Famous - mashhur, taniqli

🔹Typical - o'ziga xos
🔸Usual - odatiy
🔹Ordinary - oddiy

🔹Close - yaqin, qalin (rishta)
🔸Near - yaqin (joy)

🔹Unknown - noma'lum
🔸Infamous - yomon otlig', yomon nom chiqargan


Ingliz tilidan testlar

05 Nov, 04:02

Simsiz mini kamera - xavfsizligingiz garovi!

Telefon, kompyuter orqali onlayn kuzatish mumkin

Xotirasi to'lgan sari kameraning o'zi eski videolarni o'chira boshlaydi
HD sifatda oladi

Harakat bo'lganda signal beradi
Mikrofon va dinamiklari mavjud Tungi rejimi ham bor
Eski narxi 249.000
Narxi: 84.000 min


Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 23:01

☀️ Aссалому алайкум. Сешанба тонги муборак бўлсин 😊👍

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга хамдлар бўлсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 14:50

Kim qachondan beri telegramga krarkan skrin tashimiz, manda 2115 kun bulibdi 😎

👉 Buni bilish uchun BOSING

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 14:02

Азизлар ҳаво харорати пасая бошлагани сари қишнинг қахратонини ҳис қила бошладик. Ҳозирдан тайёрланиб олмасак бу иситгичларни нархини қишга яқин эплаб бўмай қолади.

"Vitek" — Сифатли, қулай, хамёнбоб! Электр қуввати тежамкор ва албатта совуқ кунларда саломатлигингиз дастёри бўлиб хизмат қилади...

— Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
— Пульт орқали бошқарилади
— 25-30 квадратни иситади
— 1-2 КВ (тежамкор)
— Иситиши +36, Совутиши зўр

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти

💰Нархи: 159.000 сўм

O'zbekiston bo'yicha yetqazib berish xizmati MAVJUD. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Батафсил👉 @Operatorchi


ЕТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ БЕПУЛ! Тўлов қўлингизга олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 04:50

PAWS 0,0497$ 🥶 narxi bilan bozor oldidan paydo bo'la boshladi

1000 tasi 49$
10.000tasi 497$

Bu shunchaki daxshat🔥
Imkoniyatingizni qo'ldan boy bermang👇

Paws 6 kun ichida 21 million foydalanuvchiga yetdi , bu aqldan ozgan statistika😳

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 04:40

🎼 Unstoppable
🎤 Song by Sia


All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town
I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time
Oh yeah
Oh yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear
Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear
It's never the right time
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Break down, only alone I will cry on out
You'll never see what's hiding out
Hiding out deep down
Yeah, yeah
I know, I've heard that to let your feelings go
Is the only way to make friendships grow
But I'm too afraid now
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
I put my arm around, show you how strong I am
I put my arm around, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 04:40

IELTS speaking

💠 IELTS Speakingdan yuqori ball olish uchun Murakkab va Sinonim so'zlarni ishlating!!! 🔥

♦️Difficult - qiyin

♦️Important - muhim

♦️Interesting - qiziqarli

♦️Useful - foydali

♦️Boring - zerikarli

P.S. Sharing is caring 🤝

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 04:40

🏜Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar! 🥇1-qism

🪃1. Desire - istak, hoxish
🪃2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
🪃3. Pumpkin - qovoq
🪃4. Experience - tajriba
🪃5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
🪃6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
🪃7. Child - bola
🪃8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
🪃9. Regret - pushaymonlik
🪃10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
🪃11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
🪃12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
🪃13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
🪃14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
🪃15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
🪃16. Reflection - aks, tasir
🪃17. Passion - ehtiros
🪃18. Umbrella - soyabon
🪃19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
🪃20. Banana - banan
🪃21. Animal - jonivor
🪃22. Perfection - mukammalik
🪃23. Mother - ona
🪃24. Important - muhim
🪃25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
🪃26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
🪃27. Butterfly - kapalak
🪃28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
🪃29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
🪃30. Summer - yoz

Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 04:40

📌 Like fe'li bilan ishlatilinadigan eng ommaviy 10 ta iboralar

💥 Sleep like a log - Chuqur va qattiq uyquga ketmoq

💥 Sell like hotcakes - Tez va yaxshi darajada biror narsa sotmoq

💥 Like a fish out of water - Batamom begona bo'lgan joyda bo'lish

💥 Feel like a million - Juda baxtli his qilmoq

💥 Like a bump on a log - Atrofidagi narsalarga foydali yoki kerakli deb qaramaslik

💥 Read someone like a book - So'ramasdan biror kim nima haqida o'ylayotganini o'qiy bilish

💥 Watch someone like a Hawk - Kimnidir ehtiyotkorlik bilan kuzatish, ayniqsa xato qilishini kutgan holda

💥 Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand - Biror kimni yoki narsani har tomondan to'laqonli bilish

💥 Fit like a glove - Juda mos/to'g'ri keladi

💥 Eat like a bird - Juda kam miqdorda nimadir yeyish


Ingliz tilidan testlar

04 Nov, 04:00

😊Multi Electrical Massager

Charchoqni ketkazish, Mushaklarni bo’shashtirish qon aylanishini va yog’larni yo’qotishga yordam beradi
massager mushaklarning ichki qismini rag’batlantirish charchoqdan tezda xalos bo’lish uchun.
Qon aylanishini samarali oshirish uchun ham foydalanilad
Kichik o’lchamli engil va saqlash uchun qulay
6ta rejimda iwlaydi
9 xil darajaga ega

💰 нархи 69,000 сум

🚚 Тўловни махсулотни қўлингизга олгандан кейин қиласиз...🤝Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторларимиз сизга боғланади.


👇 Буйуртма бериш 👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

03 Nov, 23:00

☀️ Aссалому алайкум. Душанба тонги муборак бўлсин.

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

🍃Асл саодат нафас олиб турган ҳар онимизга шукр қила олишдир...
🍃Шукр ва зикрга бой кун бўлсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

03 Nov, 14:50

Kim qachondan beri telegramga krarkan skrin tashimiz, manda 2115 kun bulibdi 😎

👉 Buni bilish uchun BOSING

Ingliz tilidan testlar

03 Nov, 14:30

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🚩Mavzu: Aralash gaplar

🇬🇧 I'll do my best.
🇺🇿 Qo'limdan kelganicha harakat qilaman.

🇬🇧 Thank you for your advise.
🇺🇿 Maslahat uchun raxmat.

🇬🇧 Bring me a cup of tea!
🇺🇿 Menga bir piyola choy olib keling!

🇬🇧 - Shall I tell Guli what happened?
🇺🇿 - Bo'lgan voqeani Guliga aytaymi?

🇬🇧 - No, I wouldn't say anything.
🇺🇿 - Yo'q, men hech narsa aytmagan bo'lardim.

🇬🇧 What do you eat most?
🇺🇿 Siz ko'proq nima yeysiz?

🇬🇧 I'm very sorry.
🇺🇿 Kechiring juda afsusdaman.

🇬🇧 Could you give me something for a toothache?
🇺🇿 Tish og'rig'iga qarshi birorta dori bera olasizmi?

🇬🇧 Let's go to the restaurant.
🇺🇿 Keling restoranga boramiz.

🇬🇧 Can I just have a second of your time, please?
🇺🇿 Kechirasiz, menga bir daqiqa vaqtingizni ajrata olasizmi?

🇬🇧 Do you have brothers and sisters?
🇺🇿 Aka -singillaringiz bormi?

Ingliz tilidan testlar

03 Nov, 14:30

🛑Bugun KASB mavzusini davom ettiramiz.

1-qismi kanalga qo'yilgandi oldigi darslarimizda.


🇬🇧Where do you work?🤔
🇺🇿Qayerda ishlaysiz?
🇷🇺Где вы работаете?

🇬🇧I work at aplant.
🇺🇿Men zavodda ishlayman.
🇷🇺Я работаю на заводе.

🇬🇧I work......
🇺🇿Men ishlayman......
🇷🇺Я работаю. .......

🇬🇧On a farm.
🇷🇺На ферме.

🇬🇧In a bank.🏦
🇷🇺В банке.

🇬🇧At a reseach institute.
🇺🇿Ilmiy tekshirish institutida.
🇷🇺В научно-исследователь.

🇬🇧I study......
🇺🇿Men o'qiyman......
🇷🇺Я учусь........

🇬🇧At school.🏪
🇷🇺В школе.

🇬🇧At an institute.
🇷🇺В Институте.

🇬🇧At college
🇷🇺В колледже.

🇬🇧Do you work or study?
🇺🇿 Siz ishlaysizmi yoki o'qiysizmi?
🇷🇺Вы работаете или учитесь?

🇬🇧I am a housewife.
🇺🇿Men uy bekasiman.
🇷🇺Я домохозяйка.

🇬🇧I am retired.👵
🇷🇺Я пенсионер (ка).

🇬🇧 Is your salary large?
🇺🇿Maoshingiz kattami?
🇷🇺У вас болшая зарплата?

🇬🇧My salary is not large.🇺🇿Maoshim katta emas.
🇷🇺У меня небольшоя зарплата.

Berilayotgan so'zlarni doimo yodlab boring,

Ingliz tilidan testlar

03 Nov, 14:30

🔖 Phrasal verbs (davomi)

🚩 Get  back = orqaga qaytmoq

🚩 Get in =ichkariga kirmoq

🚩 Get by = o’tmoq, bosib o’tmoq

🚩 Put on=kiyinmoq

🚩 Put off = kechiktirmoq

🚩 Put down = haqoratlamoq

🚩 Look up = qidirmoq

🚩 Look at = ko’rmoq

🚩 Look out=ehtiyot bo’lmoq

🚩 Bring up=so’ramoq

🚩 Bring back = qaytarmoq

🚩 Bring along=ko’tarmoq

Ba’zi fe’l va predlogli birikmalar turli xil ma’noda kelishi mumkin.

🚩Do up – tugmani o’tkazmoq, 
🚩Do up - tamirlamoq

🚩blow up-portlamoq,
🚩Blow up-kattalashtirmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 08:10

🥇 - SIZGA PAWSOG dan 100$ pul yutuq chiqdi😱

🎁 Yutuqni olishingiz uchun pastdagi botga kiring va pullarni to'plang. To'liq ro'yhatdan o'tmasangiz pul ololmaysiz faqat ro'yhatdan o'tganlarga pul beriladi.

❗️Ro'yhatdan o'ting va pullarga ega bo'ling👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 04:40

🏜Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar! 🥇1-qism

🪃1. Desire - istak, hoxish
🪃2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
🪃3. Pumpkin - qovoq
🪃4. Experience - tajriba
🪃5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
🪃6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
🪃7. Child - bola
🪃8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
🪃9. Regret - pushaymonlik
🪃10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
🪃11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
🪃12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
🪃13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
🪃14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
🪃15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
🪃16. Reflection - aks, tasir
🪃17. Passion - ehtiros
🪃18. Umbrella - soyabon
🪃19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
🪃20. Banana - banan
🪃21. Animal - jonivor
🪃22. Perfection - mukammalik
🪃23. Mother - ona
🪃24. Important - muhim
🪃25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
🪃26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
🪃27. Butterfly - kapalak
🪃28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
🪃29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
🪃30. Summer - yoz

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 04:40

🎤Song by Billie Eilish
🎼 No Time to Die

📝 Lyrics:

I should've known
I'd leave alone
Just goes to show
That the blood you bleed
Is just the blood you owe
We were a pair
But I saw you there
Too much to bear
You were my life
But life is far away from fair
Was I stupid to love you?
Was I reckless to help?
Was it obvious to everybody else
That I'd fallen for a lie?
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die
I let it burn
You're no longer my concern
Faces from my past return
Another lesson yet to learn
That I'd fallen for a lie
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die
No time to die
No time to die
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die

Billie Eilish
No Time to Die


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 04:40

Destination B2 phrasal verbs

📌Back down-shashtidan qaytmoq

📌Break out-qamoqdan qochmoq

📌Bring in-yangi tizimni yoki qonunni joriy etmoq

📌Chase after-ortidan quvmoq

📌Come forward-yordam yoki ma’lumot taklif etmoq

📌Get away with-jazodan qutulmoq

📌Go off-portlamoq

📌Hand in-hukumatga topshirmoq

📌Hold up-1)zo’ravonlik bilan o’g’rilik qilmoq;2)keyinga qoldirmoq

📌Let off-1)ozroq yoki umuman jazobermaslik;2)portlatmoq

📌Look into-tekshiruv ishlarini olib bormoq
make off-qochmoq

📌Take down-boshqalarni gapini yozib olmoq

📌Take in-yolg’onni xiyla bilan ishontirmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 04:40

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ ON predlogi bilan yasalgan iboralar:

1. on the invitation of — -ning taklifi

2. on codition that — sharti bilan

3. on board a (the) ship — kema bortida

4. on sale — sotuvda

5. on a large scale — katta hajmda

6. on credit — kreditga, qarzga

7. on the way — yo‘lda, borishda

8. on demand — talabi bilan

9. on the ground that — asosda

10. on foot — piyoda

11. on the whole — umuman

12. on sea — dengizda

13. on the advice (suggetion) of — -ning maslahati (taklifi ) bilan

14. on the one (other) hand — bir
(boshqa) tomonda(n)

15. later on — keyinchalik, keyinroq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 04:00

🔥 Ёрингизни давомийлик билан ҳайратда қолдиринг!

Эркаклар спрейи - «SOFT» пролонгатор
▪️ Жинсий алоқа давомийлигини оширади.
▪️ Оргазмни узайтиради ва бирга завқ олишга ёрдам беради.
▪️ Уруғ эрта чиқиб кетишини олдини олади.
▪️ Ҳаракат давомийлиги 30-45 дақиқагача етади.
▪️ 100% хавфсиз.
▪️ Одатланиб қолиш таъсирига эга эмас.
▪️ Истакни кучайтиради.
▪️ Ўзига бўлган ишончни бахш этади!

Жинсий ҳаётингизни янги босқичга олиб чиқинг! «SOFT» пролонгатори ёрдамида эркаклик кучингизга 100%лик ишонч ҳадя этинг!

Бошқаларда: 199 000 сўм
Биздаги нарх: 99 000 сўм


🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

31 Oct, 00:00


☀️ Ассалому алайкум! Пайшанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 14:50

📣😏 Dogsga o’xshab tez ishlavolishni xolaselar botga kirip qo’yilar. Man hayron qoldim qancha NotCoin va Dogs ishlaganimni hisoblab o’zini tokenini bervotti PAWS digan. Jovob buni orqasida seryozniy odamla turipti, bo’masa qanaqip ulardan buncha malumot bazadan? 😅


Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 14:31

🎼 Unstoppable
🎤 Song by Sia


All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town
I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time
Oh yeah
Oh yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear
Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear
It's never the right time
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Break down, only alone I will cry on out
You'll never see what's hiding out
Hiding out deep down
Yeah, yeah
I know, I've heard that to let your feelings go
Is the only way to make friendships grow
But I'm too afraid now
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
I put my arm around, show you how strong I am
I put my arm around, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today


Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 14:31

IELTS speaking

💠 IELTS Speakingdan yuqori ball olish uchun Murakkab va Sinonim so'zlarni ishlating!!! 🔥

♦️Difficult - qiyin

♦️Important - muhim

♦️Interesting - qiziqarli

♦️Useful - foydali

♦️Boring - zerikarli

P.S. Sharing is caring 🤝

Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 14:31

📌 Like fe'li bilan ishlatilinadigan eng ommaviy 10 ta iboralar

💥 Sleep like a log - Chuqur va qattiq uyquga ketmoq

💥 Sell like hotcakes - Tez va yaxshi darajada biror narsa sotmoq

💥 Like a fish out of water - Batamom begona bo'lgan joyda bo'lish

💥 Feel like a million - Juda baxtli his qilmoq

💥 Like a bump on a log - Atrofidagi narsalarga foydali yoki kerakli deb qaramaslik

💥 Read someone like a book - So'ramasdan biror kim nima haqida o'ylayotganini o'qiy bilish

💥 Watch someone like a Hawk - Kimnidir ehtiyotkorlik bilan kuzatish, ayniqsa xato qilishini kutgan holda

💥 Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand - Biror kimni yoki narsani har tomondan to'laqonli bilish

💥 Fit like a glove - Juda mos/to'g'ri keladi

💥 Eat like a bird - Juda kam miqdorda nimadir yeyish


Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 14:31

🏜Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar! 🥇1-qism

🪃1. Desire - istak, hoxish
🪃2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
🪃3. Pumpkin - qovoq
🪃4. Experience - tajriba
🪃5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
🪃6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
🪃7. Child - bola
🪃8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
🪃9. Regret - pushaymonlik
🪃10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
🪃11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
🪃12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
🪃13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
🪃14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
🪃15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
🪃16. Reflection - aks, tasir
🪃17. Passion - ehtiros
🪃18. Umbrella - soyabon
🪃19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
🪃20. Banana - banan
🪃21. Animal - jonivor
🪃22. Perfection - mukammalik
🪃23. Mother - ona
🪃24. Important - muhim
🪃25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
🪃26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
🪃27. Butterfly - kapalak
🪃28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
🪃29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
🪃30. Summer - yoz

Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 14:00

Қориннинг қаппайиб туриши жонингизга тегдими?

🇹🇷 Туркиянинг оздирувчи майкалари орқали қоматингиз ихчам ва кўркам кўринишга эга бўлади!

Йиртилмайди, чўзилмайди. Кийимлар остида сезилмайди. Ортиқча ёғларни эритиб оздириш хусусиятига эга. Бир ой ичида яхши натижа олишингиз мумкин.

Эркакларники: 74.000 сўм

🧔🏻‍♂ Эркаклар учун:👇

🚛 EТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ МУТЛАҚО МАВЖУД. Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 04:50

Do'stlar bu loyiha topga chiqdi!

😊 Bunda boshida eng mashxur
NOTCOIN, DOGS, HAMSTER va shunga o'xshash o'yinlarda ishtirok etganlar uchun moneta beradi!
menga 36.000 moneta berdi!🤩



Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 04:40

Expressing of emotions - His-tuyg'ularni ifoda etish.

✏️Oh, my God!- Ey Hudoyim!
✏️What a good chance! - Qanaqa omad!
✏️I don't know what to say! - Bir nim deyishni ham bilmayman!,
✏️Oh, damn!- Jin ursin!
✏️Alas! - Afsus!
✏️Really? - Rostdanmi?
✏️What a pity! - Qanaday achinarli!
✏️I can't believe it! - Bo'lishi mumkin emas!; Bunga ishonolmayapman!
✏️I hope so. - O'ylaymanki, shunday.
✏️I feel ill (sad, disgusted). - O'zimni yomon his qilyapman (qamgin, jirkanch).
✏️I feel good. - O'zimni yaxshi his etyapman.
✏️Vice versa! (Just the opposite!) - Aksincha!
✏️Not a bit! (Nothing of the kind!) - Hechamda!
✏️That's nice (sound, all right, fine) (with me). - Hammasi joyida (yaxshi) (men bilan).
✏️No way! - Befoyda!; Foydasi yo'q!;
✏️With (great) pleasure! - (Bag'oyat) mamnuniyat ila!
✏️It is none of your business! - Bu sizga tegishli emas; Bu sizning ishingiz emas; Ishingiz bo'lmasin!
✏️That's too much! - Bu endi oshib tushdi!
✏️Wonderful! - Ajoyib! Qoyil! Zo'r!
✏️That's wonderful (superb, marvellous)! - Bu ajoyib (soz, mo'jaz)!
✏️My feelings were hurt.- Meni hissiyotlarim toptaldi.
✏️My hope is betrayed. - Mening umidim sindi!
✏️Absolutely! - So'zsiz!
✏️Exactly so! - Aynan shunday!
✏️Who knows! - Kim bilsin!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 04:40

📗 Book 1 | Unit 3

📑 Word list

alien [n.] – o’zga sayyoralik
An alien is a creature from a different world. >> Alien – boshqa dunyodan kelgan mavjudod.

– The
alien  came in peace.
– O’zga sayyoralik tinchlik bilan keldi.

among [prep.] – orasida, ichida
🔺>> If you are
among certain things, they are all around you. >> Agar siz ma’lum narsalar ichida bo’lsangiz, ular hammasi atrofingizda bo’ladi.

– There was a red apple
among the green ones.
– Ko’k olmalar ichida qizil olma bor edi.

chart [n.] – diagramma
🔺>> A
chart is a list of information. >> Chart bu ma’lumotlar yig’indisi.

– We used a
chart to see how we had improved.
– Biz qanchalik rivojlanganimizni ko’rish uchun diagrammadan foydalandik.

cloud [n.] – bulut
🔺>> A
cloud is a group of water drops in the sky. >> Cloud – osmondagi suv tomchilarining yig’indisi.

– The sky was filled with white
– Osmon oq bulutlarga to’la edi.

comprehend [v.] – tushunmoq, anglamoq
🔺>> To
comprehend something is to understand it. >> Biror narsani comprehend qilish u narsani tushunishni anglatadi.

– Henry could not
comprehend the message.
– Genri xatni (smsni) tushuna olmadi.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 04:40

Vocabulary time

💠 Against - qarshi, qarshichilikda

🔸 to lean against smth. – biror narsaga suyanmoq
🔸 to strike somebody’s foot(head) against something – -ga to’qnashmoq
🔸 to proceed (to take proceedings, to bring an action) against smb. – kimnidur sudga bermoq
🔸 to weigh smth. against smth. – taqqoslamoq, tenglashtirmoq
🔸 to row against the current – oqimga qarshi suzmoq
🔸 to protect against smth. – -dan himoya qilmoq
🔸 to be up against smth. – biror muommosi bo’lmoq
🔸 against the contract – shartnomani ijro etish maqsadida
🔸 against a rainy day – ehtiyot shart(qora kunga)
🔸 against the end of the month – oyning oxiriga
🔸 against the temperature – haroratga nisbatan
🔸 against her will – uning ixtiyoriga qarshi
🔸 against documents – hujjatlarga ko’ra
🔸 against the hair/the grain – oqimga qarshi



Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 04:40

Tourist trap
🔆Meaning: somewhere where too many tourists go
📝Example: There are a lot of people visiting Hoi An Ancient Town these days, which makes
this town become a tourist trap.

🔆Meaning: possible to approach, enter, or use
📝Example: The island is accessible only by ferry.

To get away from it all
🔆Meaning: to take a holiday to escape a busy or stressful lifestyle
📝Example: Why don’t you get away from it all and have a weekend in the mountains?

Hordes of tourist
🔆Meaning: crowds of tourists
📝Example: During summer, we can see hordes of tourists in these islands.

To go sightseeing
🔆Meaning: to look around the tourist sites
📝Example: Last year we went to London, and we spent most of the trip going sightseeing,
there was so much to see!

To showcase
🔆Meaning: to show the best qualities or parts of something
📝Example: The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.

Immerse oneself in something
🔆Meaning: to become completely involved in something
📝Example: She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and

🔆Meaning: brightly colored or (of descriptions or memories) producing clear, powerful, and
detailed images in the mind
📝Example: He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.



Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 04:03

Ажойиб мини камера!📹

💾- 2022 йил муракаблашган модель.

📡- Симсиз замонавий мини камера
- Телефон, компьютер оркали онлайн кўриб туриш мумкин.
- СД қўйсангиз бас. Видео ёзишни бошлайди. Хотира тўлган сари автомат ўзи олдинги видеоларни ўчира бошлайди.

- ҲД качества

🎥- 150-градусни олади.
- Ҳаракат учун сигнал беради.
- Микрафон ва динамик мавжуд.
- Тунги режим ҳам мавжуд

❇️- Қўшимча кўплаб функциялар мавжуд.

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш бор!

Ески Нархи 334.100сум
♻️Аксия Нархи💰84.000 сўм ✔️ - чегирма нархда харид Килинг


🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

30 Oct, 00:01


☀️ Ассалому алайкум! Чоршанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲



Ingliz tilidan testlar

26 Oct, 04:40


Eng ko'p uchraydigan fe'llar

🎯 address - murojaat qilmoq (kimgadir)
🎯 advise - maslahat bermoq
🎯 allow - ruxsat bermoq
🎯 answer — javob bermoq
🎯 apologize - kechirim so‘ramoq (rasmiy)
🎯 ask - so‘ramoq, iltimos qilmoq; yo‘qlamoq; talab qilmoq
🎯 attach - yopishtirmoq, biriktirmoq
🎯 buy - sotib olmoq
🎯 close - yopmoq
🎯 cut - qirqmoq, kesib olish
🎯 disturb - bezovta qilmoq
🎯 dry - quritmoq; quruq
🎯 excuse - kechirim; kechirmoq
🎯 forgive - kechirmoq
🎯 give - bermoq; sovg‘a qilmoq
🎯 greet - salomlashmoq; ta'zim qilmoq
🎯 introduce - tanishtirmoq; kiritmoq; olib kirmoq
🎯 invite - taklif qilmoq; chaqirmoq
🎯 keep - ushlab turmoq, qo‘yib yubormaslik
🎯 open - ochmoq; ochish; ochiq
🎯 pour - quymoq (suvni, suyuqlikni); ag‘darmoq
🎯 prohibit - ta'qiqlamoq
🎯 pull - tortish, cho‘zish; sug‘urib chiqarmoq
🎯 push - itarish, turtmoq
🎯 say - aytmoq
🎯 sell - sotmoq
🎯 shut - yopmoq; yopish
🎯 speak - gapirmoq; talaffuz qilmoq
🎯 spill - to‘k(il)moq;
🎯 talk - gapirmoq; suhbatlashmoq
🎯 tell - aytmoq, gapirmoq
🎯 thank - minnatdorchilik bildirmoq
🎯 throw - otmoq, uloqtirmoq
🎯 trouble - xavotirga qo‘ymoq; notinchlik, vahima; falokat
🎯 visit - tashrif buyurmoq; tashrif
🎯 warn - ogohlantirmoq
🎯 welcome - iliq kutib olmoq; salomlashmoq (kim bilandir); (xursandchilik bilan) qabul qilmoq

Ingliz tilidan testlar

26 Oct, 04:40

Suhbat uchun kerakli iboralar:

1. What for? - Nima uchun?
2. Let's drop the subject - Keling shu mavzuni to'xtataylik
3. Let's clear it up - Keling, aniqlab olamiz
4. What are you talking about? - Nima deyapsiz?
5. What are you driving at? - Nima demoqchisiz?
6. That's not the point - Buni aloqasi yo'q
7. It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani o'zgartiraolmaydi
8. That's very well, but - Ajoyib,lekin....
9. So what? - Nima bo'libdi(farqi nima)?
10. You can take it from me - Menga ishonishiz mumkin
11. What of it? - xo'sh nima bo'libdi?
12. I have no idea - Bilmasam
13. Ask me another - Osonroq savol so'ra!
14. I wish I knew - Qani edi bisaydim!
15. I don't care - Menga farqi yo'q
16. It doesn't matter - farqi yo'q
17. It's all the same to me - Hammasi bari bir
18. It's up to you - Sizga bog'liq
19. It's beside the point - Bu mutloq boshqa narsa
20. Use your own judgement - o'zinga qara


Ingliz tilidan testlar

26 Oct, 04:40


Some useful Expressions 😊

😎 Hi, there! - salom

😊 How’ve you been? - Ahvolingiz qanday?

🙂 What’s good? – Qanday yaxshi xabarlar?

🙃 What’s new? - Nima yangiliklar?

😋 Hey! There he/she is!  - Eeeee! Mana qayerda ekan!

🤓 How’s your day? - Kuningiz qanday otyapti?

😧 How long has it been? - Korishmaganimizga qancha boldi?

🤗 It has been a long time/It’s been too long - Korishmaganimizga ancha boldi.

☺️ It’s always a pleasure to see you - Siz bilan uchrashishdan doim hursandman

🙄 Look who it is! - Qarangchi, bu kim ekan!

😬 Is it really you? When did we last meet? - Bu rostdan ham senmisan? Ohirgi marotaba qachon korishgan edik?

😰 Long time no see - Anchadan beri korishmadik

🤔 Where have you been hiding? - Qayerga yoq bolib qolarding?

😍 Wow, it’s so good to see you again! - Vauu! Seni yana uchratganim zor boldi!

😇 Good to see you (again)/ Great to see you/ Nice to see you -  Seni yana korganimdan hursandman!

Ingliz tilidan testlar

26 Oct, 04:40

🛑Bugun KASB mavzusini davom ettiramiz.

1-qismi kanalga qo'yilgandi oldigi darslarimizda.


🇬🇧Where do you work?🤔
🇺🇿Qayerda ishlaysiz?
🇷🇺Где вы работаете?

🇬🇧I work at aplant.
🇺🇿Men zavodda ishlayman.
🇷🇺Я работаю на заводе.

🇬🇧I work......
🇺🇿Men ishlayman......
🇷🇺Я работаю. .......

🇬🇧On a farm.
🇷🇺На ферме.

🇬🇧In a bank.🏦
🇷🇺В банке.

🇬🇧At a reseach institute.
🇺🇿Ilmiy tekshirish institutida.
🇷🇺В научно-исследователь.

🇬🇧I study......
🇺🇿Men o'qiyman......
🇷🇺Я учусь........

🇬🇧At school.🏪
🇷🇺В школе.

🇬🇧At an institute.
🇷🇺В Институте.

🇬🇧At college
🇷🇺В колледже.

🇬🇧Do you work or study?
🇺🇿 Siz ishlaysizmi yoki o'qiysizmi?
🇷🇺Вы работаете или учитесь?

🇬🇧I am a housewife.
🇺🇿Men uy bekasiman.
🇷🇺Я домохозяйка.

🇬🇧I am retired.👵
🇷🇺Я пенсионер (ка).

🇬🇧 Is your salary large?
🇺🇿Maoshingiz kattami?
🇷🇺У вас болшая зарплата?

🇬🇧My salary is not large.🇺🇿Maoshim katta emas.
🇷🇺У меня небольшоя зарплата.

Berilayotgan so'zlarni doimo yodlab boring,


Ingliz tilidan testlar

26 Oct, 04:00

😊Multi Electrical Massager

Charchoqni ketkazish, Mushaklarni bo’shashtirish qon aylanishini va yog’larni yo’qotishga yordam beradi
massager mushaklarning ichki qismini rag’batlantirish charchoqdan tezda xalos bo’lish uchun.
Qon aylanishini samarali oshirish uchun ham foydalanilad
Kichik o’lchamli engil va saqlash uchun qulay
6ta rejimda iwlaydi
9 xil darajaga ega

💰 нархи 69,000 сум

🚚 Тўловни махсулотни қўлингизга олгандан кейин қиласиз...🤝Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторларимиз сизга боғланади.


👇 Буйуртма бериш 👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 23:00


🍂 Aссалому алайкум. Янги кун муборак бўлсин 😊

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

Бошланган янги кун барчага омадли келсин


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 14:31

#Essay213 #Writing #Task2

☘️ Problem / Solution

Q: Nowadays more and more older people who need employment have to compete with younger people for the same jobs.
What problems does this cause?
What are the solutions?


In many workplaces, there is a natural conflict between younger and older employees. In my opinion, this can impact staff morale in a number of ways and the best solutions involve competent management and hiring practices.

The ramifications of an age-diversified workplace relate to the environment. When new employees join, there is often resentment from older workers who feel threatened or must compensate for their new colleagues’ inexperience. If the younger workers are arrogant, this conflict will grow into animosity and result in a toxic workplace culture. Similarly, if they are unable to quickly adapt to the company, older workers will likely become frustrated. Conversely, there is also the possibility, particularly if the work involves emerging technologies, that the more experienced workers will lag behind and younger workers will feel hampered. This can also lead to an unhealthy workplace atmosphere.

The solutions for the problems detailed above relate to management and hiring. A company that selects a qualified young employee with a positive mindset does not have to fear negative effects on morale. After hiring, management also plays a key role in dissolving tensions and preventing their initial occurrences. For example, managers who know the strengths and weaknesses of their employees well will not team up workers with contrary personalities. Additionally, by ensuring older employees stay current with new technology, managers will avoid the potential conflict arising from changes in their field. Finally, the manager must also take steps to guarantee the workplace has strong cohesion by valuing contributions from all employees, setting a relaxed atmosphere, being transparent, and ensuring there are no double standards due to age.

In conclusion, the issues stemming from a variety of ages working together concern the environment and the solutions involve strong management. In this way, these seemingly inevitable conflicts can be mitigated.

Total words: 299

📍 Band: 7.0+


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 14:31

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​➡️ ​​​​146-dars.

💡Too - judayam

Ingliz tilida "too" so'zi gapning oxirida kelsa "ham" degan ma'noni bildiradi. Bu darsda esa bu so'zning "judayam" degan ma'nosini o'rganamiz.

Holatlarning haddan ortiqligini bildirib, ko'proq salbiy ma'no kasb etadi. O'zbek tiliga "judayam", "o'ta", "chidab bo'lmaydigan darajada", "haddan tashqari" kabi tarjima qilish mumkin.
The radio is too loud - Radioning ovozi judayam baland.
There is too much rain - Bu yerda juda ko'p yomg'ir yog'adi.

"Too" odatda "not enough"ning aksi bo'ladi:
There is too much sugar in my coffee
- Meni kofeyimda shakar o'ta ko'p.
There isn't enough sugar in my coffee
- Meni kofeyimda shakar yetarli emas.

"To" bilan kelishi:
It is too cold to go out
- Hozir tashqariga chiqqani o'ta sovuq.

"For" bilan kelishi:
These shoes are too big for me
- Anavi oyoq kiyim menga juda katta.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 14:31

Suhbat uchun kerakli iboralar:

1. What for? - Nima uchun?
2. Let's drop the subject - Keling shu mavzuni to'xtataylik
3. Let's clear it up - Keling, aniqlab olamiz
4. What are you talking about? - Nima deyapsiz?
5. What are you driving at? - Nima demoqchisiz?
6. That's not the point - Buni aloqasi yo'q
7. It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani o'zgartiraolmaydi
8. That's very well, but - Ajoyib,lekin....
9. So what? - Nima bo'libdi(farqi nima)?
10. You can take it from me - Menga ishonishiz mumkin
11. What of it? - xo'sh nima bo'libdi?
12. I have no idea - Bilmasam
13. Ask me another - Osonroq savol so'ra!
14. I wish I knew - Qani edi bisaydim!
15. I don't care - Menga farqi yo'q
16. It doesn't matter - farqi yo'q
17. It's all the same to me - Hammasi bari bir
18. It's up to you - Sizga bog'liq
19. It's beside the point - Bu mutloq boshqa narsa
20. Use your own judgement - o'zinga qara


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 14:31

Advanced Vocabulary 🅰️
Healthcare, Health & Sport 🏥 #1

🍟Poor diet = a lifestyle diet without sufficient nutrients

🥡Convenience food = food which is cooked in its packaging, usually in a microwave

🎮Addiction = the state of being unable to live without something

♻️To socialise = to meet with friends and other people in a friendly way

🎭Interpersonal skills = the skills of dealing with people successfully

🪁To underperform = to perform below your peers or expectations

🏌️‍♂️Active lifestyle = a lifestyle with proper exercise and fitness

📆A regime, a programme = a planned system of exercise, diet or sport

🧪To detoxify your body = to remove impurities and poisons

🧫Impairment (verb = to impair = to hinder or damage an ability)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 14:02

VITEK. ORIGINAL💯 Энди Ўзбекистонда Жуда Арзон Нархда.  207.000 сум Акция

Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун кондиционер❗️

Деворга ўрнатилади, Хона ҳавосини тозалаб беради

● Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
● Пульт орқали бошқарилади
● 25-30 квадратни иситади
● 1-2 КВ (Экономний)
● Иситиши +36, Совутиши зор

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти


🛑 Эски нархи 700.000 сўм
💰Hozirgi Chegirma Narx: 207 ming

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧Can I leave a message? 🇷🇺Можно оставить записку?
🇺🇿Xabar qoldirsam maylimi?

🇬🇧May l stay here?
🇷🇺Можно остаться здесь?
🇺🇿Shu yerda qolsam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I try it on?
🇷🇺Можно примерить?
🇺🇿Kiyib ko'rsam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I bring my friend?
🇷🇺Можно я приведу друга?
🇺🇿Do'stimni olib kelsam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I come later?
🇷🇺Можно прийти позже?
🇺🇿Kechroq kelsam maylimi?

🇬🇧Shall I open the window for you?
🇷🇺Можно я открою окно для вас?
🇺🇿Siz uchun oynani ochib qo'ysam maylimi?

🇬🇧Shall we go for a walk?
🇷🇺Можно мы пойдем погулять?
🇺🇿Biz sayrga borsak maylimi?

🇬🇧Shall I do it?
🇷🇺Можно я это сделаю?
🇺🇿Shuni men qilsam maylimi?

🇬🇧What shall we do next?
🇷🇺Что мы будем делать дальше?
🇺🇿Endi nima qilamiz?


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 04:40

🍀Vocabulary to represent comparison in graphs

Similar. Just over
• about • just above
• almost • just bigger
• roughly • just over
• approximately • just across
• nearly • just beyond
• around
Just short
• just below • just beneath
• just sort/under • just a little

Much more. Much less
• well above • well below
• well above • well under
• well beyond • well short
• well across • well beneath
• well over


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 04:40

Prep | Vocabulary 🔖

🏷 After all = ga qaramasdan
🏷 All along = har doim
🏷 All of a sudden = tosatdan
🏷 All the same =bir xil
🏷 As a rule = odatda
🏷 As far as I am concerned = mening fikrimcha
🏷 As for me = men oylashimcha
🏷 Be about to = tayyor bolmoq
🏷 Be back on ones feet = healthy again or better financially
🏷 Be beside oneself = juda havotirlangan, achchiqlangan
🏷 Be in the red = qarzga botmoq
🏷 Come across = tosatdan korib qolmoq
🏷 Catch ones eye = etiborini tortmoq
🏷 Fed up with = joniga tegmoq
🏷 Famous for = mashxur
🏷 Frightened by =qorqmoq
🏷 Envious of = ichi qoralik qilmoq
🏷 Exhausted from = charchagan horigan
🏷 Dressed in = kiyinib olgan
🏷 Disappointed by = dan norozi bolmoq
🏷 Confused by = yanglishmoq
🏷 Capable of = ga qobilyatli bolmoq
🏷 Bored by = charchagan bolmoq
🏷 Angry with = achchiqlanmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧Please, wait for me.
🇷🇺Подождите меня, пожалуйста.
🇺🇿Iltimos, meni kutib turing.

🇬🇧Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to Sloane Square?
🇷🇺Простите, не скажете ли вы, как пройти на Слоун-сквер?
🇺🇿Sloun Maydoniga qanday borsam bo'ladi, aytib yuborolmaysizmi?

🇬🇧I'll thank you to step aside.
🇷🇺Неплохо было бы, если бы вы отошли в сторону.
🇺🇿Chetroqqa qochsangiz yomon bo'lmasdi.

🇬🇧Asking for permission
🇷🇺Просьба о разрешении что-либо сделать
🇺🇿Biron narsa qilishga ruhsat so'rash

🇬🇧May I have a look?
🇷🇺Можно посмотреть?
🇺🇿Qarasam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I take it?
🇷🇺Можно взять?
🇺🇿Olsam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I come in?
🇷🇺Можно войти?
🇺🇿Kirsam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I ask you?
🇷🇺Можно узнать/спросить?
🇺🇿Sizdan so'rasam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I use your pen?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашей ручкой?
🇺🇿Ruchkangizni ishlatsam maylimi?


Ingliz tilidan testlar

25 Oct, 04:00

Slim Body оздирувчи аёллар учун

Ўрамимиз ҳаво ўтказадиган ва эластик полиестер ва латексдан тайёрланган. Ажойиб мослашувчанлик қоринни қаттиқ текислаши ва орқа ўриндиқларни текислаши мумкин. 

Бизнинг Slim Body 10 000 та синовдан ўтди ва эластиклиги, мустаҳкамлиги ва бардошлилиги бўйича жуда ажойиб натижа қайт этди!

  Қорин бўшлиғини текислаш
  Белни қисқартиради,
  ҳолатни яхшилайди
туғруқдан кейинги тикланиш.

У спорт залларида, офисларда ва йўга студияларида ишлатилиши мумкин. 
У бизнинг кийимимиз ичида билиниб қолмайди.

💰 Маҳсулот нархи: 89.000 Сўм

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 23:02

🌤 Aссалому алайкум, ЖУМА тонги муборак бўлсин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин🤲

Янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли ўтсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 23:02


Жума айёми муборак бўлсин ҚАДРДОНЛАРИМ

Азиз диндошим Жуманинг файзи ва барокати сизга бўлсин

🌙 Энг яқин инсоним кириб келган “Жума” куни муборак бўлсин.



Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 14:31


🇬🇧Please ask him to call me back.
🇷🇺Пожалуйста, попросите его позвонить мне.
🇺🇿Menga qayta qo'ng'iroq qilib yuborishini aytib qo'ying, iltimos.

🇬🇧I'll call again.
🇷🇺Я перезвоню.
🇺🇿Men yana qo'ng'iroq qilaman.

🇬🇧When should I call again?
🇷🇺Когда мне перезвонить?
🇺🇿Yana qachon qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Write down my number, please.
🇷🇺Запишите, пожалуйста, мой номер.
🇺🇿Iltimos, raqamimni yozib oling.

🇬🇧Tell her Petrov called.
🇷🇺Передайте ей, что звонил Петров.
🇺🇿Petrov qo'ng'iroq qildi deb aytib qo'yarsiz.

🇬🇧I'll give her the message.
🇷🇺Я передам ей.
🇺🇿Men unga (qiz bola) aytib qo'yaman.

🇬🇧I'll have her call you back.
🇷🇺Я скажу, чтобы она позвонила вам.
🇺🇿Sizga qo'ng'iroq qilishini aytib qo'yaman.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 14:31

🎥 The Most Common Mistakes IELTS Speaking Students Make.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 14:31

🍀Vocabulary to represent comparison in graphs

Similar. Just over
• about • just above
• almost • just bigger
• roughly • just over
• approximately • just across
• nearly • just beyond
• around
Just short
• just below • just beneath
• just sort/under • just a little

Much more. Much less
• well above • well below
• well above • well under
• well beyond • well short
• well across • well beneath
• well over


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 14:31

So'z boyligimizni oshiramiz

🚩 Oila va turmush

💥 Uylanganmisiz? - Are you married?

💥 Qachon uylangansiz (turmushga chiqqansiz)? - When were you married?

💥 Oilangiz kattami? - Is your family large?

💥 Oilangiz kichikmi? - Is your family small?

💥 Oilam katta - I have a large family.

💥 Bu birinchi uylanishingizmi? - Is it your first marriage?

💥 Qancha vaqtingizni oilangiz bilan o'tkazasiz? - How much time do you spend with your family?

💥 Oilangiz shu yerdami? - Is your family here?

💥 Bolalaringiz bormi? - Do you have children?

💥 Ikki farzandim bor - I have two children

💥 bir qiz va bir o'g'il. - a daughter and a son.

💥 Yo'q. Farzandim yo'q. - No, I don't have (children).

💥 Men oilamni sevaman - I love my family.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 14:01

"VITEK" келди шошилинг сони кам колмокда!

☀️Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун
- Хонани ҳавосини тозалаб беради
- Таймер бор
- Уч хил режимда ишлайди
- Пулт орқали бошкарилади
- 25, 30 квадратни иситади ва совутади
- 1, 2 кв (Экономический)
- Совутиши 16°
- Иситиши 40°
- Ҳажми ихчам

Олдинги нарх: 1.970.000 сўм
Акция нархи: 159.000 сум

Батафсил👉 @Operatorchi


ЕТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ БЕПУЛ! Тўлов қўлингизга олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 04:40

🔎Kundalik Suhbatlashuvlar:

🔹Let's go. — qani ketdik
🔹Me too. — men ham
🔹My name is ... —mening ismim ....
🔹Next time. — keyingi safar
🔹Nice to meet you. — tanishganimdan xursandman
🔹No problem. — muammo yo'q
🔹No, thank you. — yoʻq, rahmat
🔹No way. — bo'lishi mumkin emas
🔹Not yet. — hali emas
🔹Nothing else. — Boshqa hech narsa
🔹On the left. — chapga
🔹On the right. — oʻngga
🔹Over here. — bu yerda
🔹Over there. — ana u yerda
🔹Right here. — Mana shu yerda
🔹Right there. — U yerda
🔹See you later. — Ko'rishguncha
🔹See you soon. — tez orada koʻrishguncha
🔹See you tomorrow. — Ertaga ko'rishguncha
🔹Shut up! — Og'zingni yop!
🔹Sit down, please. — O'tiring! marhamat
🔹Stand back. — Orqaga turing
🔹Step aside. —Bir chetga surib qo'ying
🔹Take care. — oʻzingizni extiyot qiling


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 04:40

✳️OF predlogi bilan keladigan iboralar yodlab oling✳️

▪️to accuse of -da ayblamoq
▪️to consist of -dan iborat bo‘lmoq
▪️to deprive of -dan mahrum qilmoq
▪️to hear of haqida eshitgan bo‘lmoq (bilmoq)
▪️to inform of -ni xabar qilmoq
▪️to remind of (about) -ni eslatmoq
▪️to remind of somebody, something biror kishini, narsani eslatmoq
▪️to speak (talk) of haqida gaplashmoq
▪️to think of haqida o‘ylamoq
▪️to be afraid of -dan qo‘rqmoq
▪️to be ashamed of -dan uyalmoq
▪️to be fond of -ni sevmoq, yaxshi ko‘rmoq
▪️to be full of bilan to‘la bo‘lmoq
▪️to be independent of -dan mustaqil bo‘lmoq
▪️to be proud of -dan faxrlanmoq
▪️to be sure (certain) of -ga amin bo‘lmoq
▪️to be worthy of -ga arzimoq
▪️to be in need of -ga muhtoj bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of importance ahamiyatga ega bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of interest qiziqarli bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of value qimmatga ega bo‘lmoq
▪️to come in sight of -ni ko‘rmoq
▪️to get rid of -dan xalos bo‘lmoq, qutulmoq
▪️to make use of -dan foydalanmoq, -ni ishlatmoq
▪️to take advantage of -dan foydalanmoq
▪️to take care of -ga g‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq
▪️plenty of, a great (good) deal of, a lot of a number of - ko‘p, qator
▪️of course - albatta


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 04:40

🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 28

🔸band - guruh
🔸barely - arang
🔸boring - zerikarli
🔸cancel - bekor qilmoq
🔸driveway - tratuar, yo'lak
🔸garbage - chiqindi, axlat
🔸instrument - asbob
🔸list - ro'yhat
🔸magic - sehir, jodu
🔸message - xabar
🔸notice - payqamoq
🔸own - egalik qilmoq
🔸predict - bashorat qilmoq
🔸professor - professor
🔸rush - shoshmoq
🔸schedule - jadval
🔸share - bo'lishmoq
🔸stage - sahna
🔸storm - bo'ron
🔸within - ichida


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧You are wanted on the phone.
🇷🇺Вас к телефону.
🇺🇿Sizni telefonga chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧I can't hear you very well.
🇷🇺Я вас плохо слышу.
🇺🇿Ovozingiz uncha yaxshi eshitilmayapti.

🇬🇧I can't make out what you are saying.
🇷🇺Я не могу разобрать, что вы говорите.
🇺🇿Nima deyayotganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧Speak up!
🇷🇺Говорите громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring.

🇬🇧It's me again.
🇷🇺Это опять я.
🇺🇿Bu yana men.

🇬🇧We were disconnected.
🇷🇺Нас разъединили.
🇺🇿Aloqa uzilib qoldi.

🇬🇧I'm sorry, he is out.
🇷🇺Жаль, его нет.
🇺🇿Afsus, u yo'q edi.

🇬🇧Any message?
🇷🇺Что-нибудь передать?
🇺🇿Biron nima deb qo'yaymi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 04:40

💠 IELTS Personality 8+ Vocabulary 🔥

🔰 Trustworthy - ishonarli

🔰 Reserved - uyatchan

🔰 Quick-tempered - jaxli tez

🔰 Thick-skinned - bezbet

🔰 Broad-minded - dunyoqarashi keng

🔰 Narrow-minded - dunyoqarashi tor

🔰 Two-faced - ikkiyuzlamachi

🔰 Self-assured - o'ziga ishongan

🔰 Self-effacing - kamtar

🔰 Self-centered - xudbin

P.S. Sharing is caring 🤝


Ingliz tilidan testlar

24 Oct, 04:01

Қориннинг қаппайиб туриши жонингизга тегдими?

🇹🇷 Туркиянинг оздирувчи майкалари орқали қоматингиз ихчам ва кўркам кўринишга эга бўлади!

Йиртилмайди, чўзилмайди. Кийимлар остида сезилмайди. Ортиқча ёғларни эритиб оздириш хусусиятига эга. Бир ой ичида яхши натижа олишингиз мумкин.

Эркакларники: 74.000 сўм

🧔🏻‍♂ Эркаклар учун:👇

🚛 EТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ МУТЛАҚО МАВЖУД. Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 23:02


☀️ Ассалому алайкум! Пайшанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 14:30

IELTS Writing task 1: describing a diagram

Learn how to describe a diagram in IELTS Academic Writing task 1

#IELTS #Writing


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 14:30

#Essay216 #Writing #Task2

☘️ Positive / Negative

Q: Today different types of robots are being developed which can serve as companions and workers to help at work and at home.
Is this a positive or negative development?

💡 Answer:

Nowadays, the robotics industry is beginning to penetrate both home and work environments. In my opinion, advances in robotics generally and artificial intelligence more specifically have their merits but are isolating.

Proponents of these innovations point to the eradication of inefficiencies. This applies to both workplaces and homes. At work, there are a range of responsibilities being carried out by humans that could be done by robots ranging from the transportation of goods and photocopying to slightly more robust tasks such as data input and security. As artificial intelligence becomes more self-sufficient it is likely that companies will be able to increase efficiency and humans can prioritise the areas where they most excel. In homes, the situation is similar as robots may be able to take over chores such as washing the dishing and cleaning, freeing up individuals to focus on more pleasurable pastimes.

Nonetheless, the growth of a robotics industry exacerbates a modern trend towards isolation. People today are seemingly more connected than ever before thanks to the internet and social media, however, real world connection is on the decline. The workplace and home are two of the last remaining spaces to build meaningful, interpersonal relationships. A rise in the number of robots, as is the case in Japan where it is now possible to purchase a robot companion, will lead to a concomitant decrease in human relations. It seems unlikely that people would completely stop talking to each other but the pervasiveness of online life can serve as a warning that humanity is only too willing to subsist on one-way, inauthentic relationships.

In conclusion, despite the benefits robots bring for productivity, their isolating effect will make them a negative on level. Individuals must therefore strive to maintain strong human relationships.

Total words: 294

📍 Band: 7.5+


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 14:30

💠 IELTS Personality 8+ Vocabulary 🔥

🔰 Trustworthy - ishonarli

🔰 Reserved - uyatchan

🔰 Quick-tempered - jaxli tez

🔰 Thick-skinned - bezbet

🔰 Broad-minded - dunyoqarashi keng

🔰 Narrow-minded - dunyoqarashi tor

🔰 Two-faced - ikkiyuzlamachi

🔰 Self-assured - o'ziga ishongan

🔰 Self-effacing - kamtar

🔰 Self-centered - xudbin

P.S. Sharing is caring 🤝


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 14:01

Simsiz mini kamera - xavfsizligingiz garovi!

Telefon, kompyuter orqali onlayn kuzatish mumkin

Xotirasi to'lgan sari kameraning o'zi eski videolarni o'chira boshlaydi
HD sifatda oladi

Harakat bo'lganda signal beradi
Mikrofon va dinamiklari mavjud Tungi rejimi ham bor
Eski narxi 249.000
Narxi: 84.000 min


Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40

LAG | Learn English Vocabulary Meaning, Grammar, and Usage in Example English Sentences


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40

Learn English with Encanto


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧You are wanted on the phone.
🇷🇺Вас к телефону.
🇺🇿Sizni telefonga chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧I can't hear you very well.
🇷🇺Я вас плохо слышу.
🇺🇿Ovozingiz uncha yaxshi eshitilmayapti.

🇬🇧I can't make out what you are saying.
🇷🇺Я не могу разобрать, что вы говорите.
🇺🇿Nima deyayotganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧Speak up!
🇷🇺Говорите громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring.

🇬🇧It's me again.
🇷🇺Это опять я.
🇺🇿Bu yana men.

🇬🇧We were disconnected.
🇷🇺Нас разъединили.
🇺🇿Aloqa uzilib qoldi.

🇬🇧I'm sorry, he is out.
🇷🇺Жаль, его нет.
🇺🇿Afsus, u yo'q edi.

🇬🇧Any message?
🇷🇺Что-нибудь передать?
🇺🇿Biron nima deb qo'yaymi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40

E'tiboringizga "Take" fe'li bilan ishlatiladigan so'z iboralarining ro'yxatini taqdim etamiz.

🇬🇧 Take a bet - Garov o'ynamoq;
Example: I'm not going to take that bet. - Men garov o'ynamoqchi emasman.

🇬🇧 Take account of smth. - Etibor qaratmoq
Example: A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings. - Yaxshi me'mor binoning yon atrofini hisobga oladi.

🇬🇧 Take a chance - Tavakkal qilmoq
Example: She's trying to find a publisher who will take a chance on her book. - U kitobi bilan tavakkal qila oladigan (imkoniyat beradigan) noshir topishga harakat qilmoqda.

🇬🇧 Take shelter - Boshpana topmoq
Example: The crew abandoned ship and took shelter in a nearby village. - Ekipaj kemani tashlab, yaqin atrofdagi qishloqdan boshpana topdi.

🇬🇧 Take cold - Shamollab qolmoq
Example: She took cold, so she couldn't go with us. - U shamollab qoldi, shuning uchun biz bilan bora olmaydi.

🇬🇧 Take action - Chora ko'rmoq
Example: We have to take action in schools, in mentoring, in the community. - Biz maktablarda, murabbiylikda, jamiyatda chora korishimiz kerak.

🇬🇧 Take a cue - Ishorani tushunmoq
Example: We should take our cue from their example. - Biz ularning misolidan ishorasini tushunishimiz kerak.

📍Izohlarda ushbu iboralardan gap tuzib ko'ring va do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:00

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 23:00


☀️ Ассалому алайкум! Чоршанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲



Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

🔎Kundalik Suhbatlashuvlar:

🔹Let's go. — qani ketdik
🔹Me too. — men ham
🔹My name is ... —mening ismim ....
🔹Next time. — keyingi safar
🔹Nice to meet you. — tanishganimdan xursandman
🔹No problem. — muammo yo'q
🔹No, thank you. — yoʻq, rahmat
🔹No way. — bo'lishi mumkin emas
🔹Not yet. — hali emas
🔹Nothing else. — Boshqa hech narsa
🔹On the left. — chapga
🔹On the right. — oʻngga
🔹Over here. — bu yerda
🔹Over there. — ana u yerda
🔹Right here. — Mana shu yerda
🔹Right there. — U yerda
🔹See you later. — Ko'rishguncha
🔹See you soon. — tez orada koʻrishguncha
🔹See you tomorrow. — Ertaga ko'rishguncha
🔹Shut up! — Og'zingni yop!
🔹Sit down, please. — O'tiring! marhamat
🔹Stand back. — Orqaga turing
🔹Step aside. —Bir chetga surib qo'ying
🔹Take care. — oʻzingizni extiyot qiling


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 29

🔸above - tepasida
🔸ahead - old tarafida
🔸amount - miqdor
🔸belief - ishonch
🔸center - markaz
🔸common - odatiy
🔸cost - narxda turmoq
🔸demonstrate - ko'rsatmoq
🔸different - turlicha
🔸evidence - dalil
🔸honesty - odillik
🔸idiom - idioma
🔸independent - mustaqil
🔸inside - ichki qism
🔸master - master, usta
🔸memory - hotira
🔸proper - aniq, o'rinli
🔸scan - qarab chiqmoq
🔸section - qism, bo'lim
🔸surface - yuza, sirt


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

✳️OF predlogi bilan keladigan iboralar yodlab oling✳️

▪️to accuse of -da ayblamoq
▪️to consist of -dan iborat bo‘lmoq
▪️to deprive of -dan mahrum qilmoq
▪️to hear of haqida eshitgan bo‘lmoq (bilmoq)
▪️to inform of -ni xabar qilmoq
▪️to remind of (about) -ni eslatmoq
▪️to remind of somebody, something biror kishini, narsani eslatmoq
▪️to speak (talk) of haqida gaplashmoq
▪️to think of haqida o‘ylamoq
▪️to be afraid of -dan qo‘rqmoq
▪️to be ashamed of -dan uyalmoq
▪️to be fond of -ni sevmoq, yaxshi ko‘rmoq
▪️to be full of bilan to‘la bo‘lmoq
▪️to be independent of -dan mustaqil bo‘lmoq
▪️to be proud of -dan faxrlanmoq
▪️to be sure (certain) of -ga amin bo‘lmoq
▪️to be worthy of -ga arzimoq
▪️to be in need of -ga muhtoj bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of importance ahamiyatga ega bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of interest qiziqarli bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of value qimmatga ega bo‘lmoq
▪️to come in sight of -ni ko‘rmoq
▪️to get rid of -dan xalos bo‘lmoq, qutulmoq
▪️to make use of -dan foydalanmoq, -ni ishlatmoq
▪️to take advantage of -dan foydalanmoq
▪️to take care of -ga g‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq
▪️plenty of, a great (good) deal of, a lot of a number of - ko‘p, qator
▪️of course - albatta


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

🎼 Despacito
🎤 Song by Luis Fonsi


Come on over in my direction
So thankful for darkest day
Got me feelin' some kind of way
Make me wanna savor every moment slowly, slowly
You fit me, tailor-made love, how you put it on
Got the only key, know how to turn it on
The way you nibble on my ear, the only words I wanna hear
Baby take it slow so we can last long
Oh, tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
Sólo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso
Oh, yeah Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
(Sube, sube, sube
Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
(Favorito, favorito, baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido

Si te pido un beso, ven, dámelo
Yo sé que estás pensándolo
Llevo tiempo intentándolo
Mami, esto es dando y dándolo
Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bang-bang
Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bang-bang
Ven, prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe
Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe
Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje
Empecemos lento, después salvaje

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza
Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas
Pero pa' montarlo aquí tengo la pieza
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
(Sube, sube, sube
Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
(Favorito, favorito, baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido

This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico
I just wanna hear you screaming, "¡Ay, Bendito!"
I can move forever se quede contigo
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
(Favorito, favorito, baby)
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Hasta provocar tus gritos (Fonsi)
Y que olvides tu apellido (D.Y.)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:00

" Қалблар кашфиёти " деб номланган ушбу китобда Аллоҳ таолога доимо итоатда, қўрқув ва зикрда, севги-муҳаббатда бўлиш фазилатлари баён қилинди. Аллоҳ ва Унинг Расулини унутиш оқибатида шайтоннинг очиқ душман бўлиши, натижада инсон табиати ва ҳаётининг турли соҳаларида ҳалокатли ҳолатлар келиб чиқиши ҳақида тасирли, жозибали ҳикоя қилинади Таржимон: Миразиз Аъзам Нашрга тайёрловчи: Иброҳим Нуруллоҳ Муқоваси қаттиқ

Акция Нарх: 137.000 ming som

Ўзбекистон бўйича ЕТҚАЗИБ бериш хизмати Мавжуд. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Буюртма бериш 👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40

⚡️Types Of Punctuation

◾️( , ) comma
◽️( . ) period, decimal point
◾️( ; ) semicolon
◽️( : ) colon
◾️( ! ) exclamation mark / exclamation point
◽️( ? ) question mark
◾️( ' ) apostrophe, prime
◽️( " ) quotation mark
◾️( ( ) ) parenthesis
◽️( [ ] ) square bracket / bracket
◾️( {} ) brace
◽️( < ) less-than sign
◾️( > ) greater-than sign
◽️( $ ) dollar sign
◾️( / ) slash
◽️( % ) percent
◾️( - ) dash / hyphen
◽️( # ) number sign
◾️( & ) ampersand
◽️( @ ) at sign
◾️( * ) asterisk
◽️( _ ) underscore


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40

💠 IELTS 8+ Vocabulary 🔥

🔰 To wrap up - yakunlamoq

🔰 To drive up the wall - g'ashiga tegmoq

🔰 To keep in with - yaxshi munosabatda bo'lmoq

🔰 To take after - kimgadir o'xshamoq/tortmoq (oila azolardan)

🔰 To put others first - dastlab boshqalar haqida qayg'urmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40

🔹️workplaces - offices and other places where people work
🔹️natural conflict - inevitable tension
🔹️staff morale - how employees feel
🔹️involve - has to do with
🔹️competent management - capable bosses
🔹️hiring practices - how people are employed
🔹️ramifications - implications
🔹️age-diversified - different ages
🔹️environment - the atmosphere
🔹️resentment - anger towards
🔹️threatened - feel insecure
🔹️compensate - make up for
🔹️inexperience - not having done the work before
🔹️arrogant - believing too much in yourself
🔹️conflict - problems
🔹️animosity - strong resentment, hatred
🔹️toxic - poisonous, bad
🔹️culture - atmosphere
🔹️similarly - not so different
🔹️adapt - change to
🔹️frustrated - anger
🔹️possibility - chance
🔹️particularly - especially
🔹️emerging technologies - innovations
🔹️lag behind - not stay current with changes
🔹️hampered - held back
🔹️unhealthy workplace atmosphere - bad feelings among employees
🔹️detailed above - described before
🔹️positive mindset - good outlook
🔹️plays a key role - has a big part in
🔹️dissolving tensions - making people feel better, solving conflicts
🔹️preventing - stopping from happening to begin with
🔹️initial occurrences - happening the first time
🔹️strengths and weaknesses - what you are good and bad at
🔹️team up - work together
🔹️contrary personalities - people likely to not get along
🔹️ensuring - guaranteeing
🔹️stay current - keep up to date
🔹️avoid - prevent from happening
🔹️potential conflict - possible fights
🔹️arising - coming from
🔹️take steps - act onu
🔹️guarantee - make sure
🔹️strong cohesion - linked together well
🔹️valuing contributions - considering what employees do important
🔹️setting a relaxed atmosphere - making everything feel good
🔹️transparent - honest and open
🔹️ensuring - making sure
🔹️double standards - different standards for different people
🔹️stemming from - coming from
🔹️concern - have to do with
🔹️seemingly inevitable - appears it will happen nou matter what
🔹️mitigated - curged, controlled, limited



Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:01

VITEK. ORIGINAL💯 Энди Ўзбекистонда Жуда Арзон Нархда.  207.000 сум Акция

Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун кондиционер❗️

Деворга ўрнатилади, Хона ҳавосини тозалаб беради

● Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
● Пульт орқали бошқарилади
● 25-30 квадратни иситади
● 1-2 КВ (Экономний)
● Иситиши +36, Совутиши зор

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти


🛑 Эски нархи 700.000 сўм
💰Hozirgi Chegirma Narx: 207 ming

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 23:04


🍂 Ассалому алайкум! Сешанба тонги муборак бўлсин!

Сиз ва бизларни соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

Ҳамиша Аллоҳнинг паноҳида бўлинг 🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 14:31


🇬🇧Who is speaking?
🇷🇺Кто говорит?
🇺🇿Kim gapirayapti?

🇬🇧Edinburgh is on line.
🇷🇺Вас вызывает Ташкент.
🇺🇿Sizni Toshkentdan chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧The number is engaged.
🇷🇺Абонемент занят.
🇺🇿Abonenent band.

🇬🇧Sorry, wrong number.
🇷🇺Извините, вы ошиблись.
🇺🇿Uzr, siz yanglishdingiz.

🇬🇧There's no one by that name here.
🇷🇺Здесь таких нет.
🇺🇿Bu yerda unday odam yo'q.

🇬🇧Just a minute.
🇺🇿Bir daqiqa.

🇬🇧Hold on.
🇷🇺Не вешайте трубку.
🇺🇿Dastakni qo'ymay turing.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 14:31


1. However
Mario loves dogs. However, he hates cats.

2. Although

Although Mina adores cats, she can't have one because she's allergic to them.

3. And yet
Keiko's got eleven cats, four dogs and a rabbit, and yet she wants more pets.

4. Nevertheless
Keeping horses can be very expensive. Nevertheless, I've got three of them.

5. Even so
My dog's old, smelly and he pees in the house. Even so, I love him to bits. #Vocabulary #synonyms 📝


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 14:31

📎Baʼzi feʼllar doim qoʻshimchalar bilan ishlatiladi! Keling, ularni birma-bir koʻrib chiqamiz.

1. Consist of... - ... dan tashkil topmoq

🟢This book consists of 30 chapters.
(Bu kitob 30ta boʻlimdan tashkil topgan)

2. Comply with - ... ga boʻysunmoq

🟢If you don't want to be fired you must comply with the company's regulations.
(Agar sen ishdan ketmoqchi boʻlmasang, kompaniya qonun qoidalariga boʻysunishing kerak)

3. Depend on - bogʻliq boʻlmoq

🟢The company's success solely depends on you.
(Kompaniya muvaffaqiyati faqatgina senga bogʻliq)

4. Object to - qarshi chiqmoq

🟢My parents objected to my decision to study abroad.
(Mening ota-onam chet elda oʻqishimga qarshi)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧May I use your telephone?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?
🇺🇿Sizning telefoningizdan foydalansam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I use your telephone directory?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефонным справочником?
🇺🇿Telefon ma'lumotnomangizdan foydalansam bo'ladimi?

🇬🇧phone box
🇷🇺телефонная будка
🇺🇿telefon budkasi

🇬🇧I want to put a call through to Glasgow.
🇷🇺Мне нужно позвонить в Ташкент.
🇺🇿Men Toshkentga qo'ng'iroq qilishim kerak.

🇬🇧Would you please book me a call through to New York?
🇷🇺Примите, пожалуйста, заказ на разговор с Ташкентом.
🇺🇿Marhamat, Toshkentga qo'ng'iroqqa buyurtma qabul qiling.

🇬🇧How does one use this phone?
🇷🇺Как пользоваться этим телефоном?
🇺🇿Bu telefondan qanday foydalaniladi?

🇬🇧What is your phone number?
🇷🇺Какой у вас номер?
🇺🇿Sizning telefon raqamingiz nechchi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the number of Petrov?
🇷🇺Дайте мне номер телефона Петрова.
🇺🇿Petrovning telefon raqimini bering.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 04:40

🕰Vocabulary Time💥
Vocabulary For IELTS Speaking.

✳️In The Meantime Meanwhile

✳️Unforeseen Unexpected

✳️After Following,Next

✳️Intellectual Mental

✳️Contemporary Modern

✳️Humble Modest

✳️Religious Devout

✳️Impolite Rude

✳️Second Moment

✳️Temper Mood

✳️Immobile Motionless

#advanced #vocabulary


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 04:40


1. However
Mario loves dogs. However, he hates cats.

2. Although

Although Mina adores cats, she can't have one because she's allergic to them.

3. And yet
Keiko's got eleven cats, four dogs and a rabbit, and yet she wants more pets.

4. Nevertheless
Keeping horses can be very expensive. Nevertheless, I've got three of them.

5. Even so
My dog's old, smelly and he pees in the house. Even so, I love him to bits. #Vocabulary #synonyms 📝


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 04:40

📖Dars #39 May va might modal fe'llarining kelasi zamondagi ish-harakatlar uchun qo'llanishi

✳️ may
va might modal fe'llari kelajakda sodir boʻlishi ehtimol boʻlgan ish-harakatlarni bildirish uchun ham qoʻllaniladi. Bu yerda kelajak zamon ekanligini payt ravishlaridan bilib olish mumkin.
🔸She isn't sure. She may go to Italy next month. (Uning ishonchi komil emas. U Italiyaga ketishi mumkin.)

✳️ Qo'llanish shakli:
🔸Positive form: Ega + may/might+ infinitive (V1).
🔸Negative form: Ega + may/might not + infinitive (V1).
🔸Question form: May/Might + ega+ infinitive (V1)?

🔸Tom may not come this evening. (Tom bugun kechqurun kelmasligi mumkin)
🔸Might it rain this afternoon? ( Bugun tush payti yomg'ir yog'ishi mumkinmi?)

✳️ may/might be +(Ving) qurilmasi kelajakda biror ish-harakat davom etib turishi mumkinligini bildirish uchun ham qoʻllaniladi.
🔸Don't phone me at 8.30. I may/might be watching the football match on TV.

💡Yuqoridagi qurilmalarga qoʻshimcha tarzda may as well/might as well +infinitiv qurilmasini ham keltirish mumkin. Bu qurilmalar biror bir vaziyatda eng maqbul yoki afzal koʻrilgan ish-harakat uchun qoʻllaniladi, ya'ni bizda shu ishni qilishdan boshqa yaxshi yoʻl yoʻq degan ma'nolarda.
🔸You will have to wait an hour for the next bus. So you might as well walk. (Keyingi avtobus kelishini yana bir soat kutishingizga toʻg'ri keladi, shuning uchun piyoda ketsangiz ham boʻladi.)
🔸We might as well go to the party this evening. We've nothing else to do.
🔸Shall we have dinner now? We might as well (have).


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 04:00

Ажойиб мини камера!📹

💾- 2022 йил муракаблашган модель.

📡- Симсиз замонавий мини камера
- Телефон, компьютер оркали онлайн кўриб туриш мумкин.
- СД қўйсангиз бас. Видео ёзишни бошлайди. Хотира тўлган сари автомат ўзи олдинги видеоларни ўчира бошлайди.

- ҲД качества

🎥- 150-градусни олади.
- Ҳаракат учун сигнал беради.
- Микрафон ва динамик мавжуд.
- Тунги режим ҳам мавжуд

❇️- Қўшимча кўплаб функциялар мавжуд.

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш бор!

Ески Нархи 334.100сум
♻️Аксия Нархи💰84.000 сўм ✔️ - чегирма нархда харид Килинг


🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 23:00

☀️ Aссалому алайкум. Душанба тонги муборак бўлсин.

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

🍃Асл саодат нафас олиб турган ҳар онимизга шукр қила олишдир...
🍃Шукр ва зикрга бой кун бўлсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 14:30

Vocabulary Words with Meaning 🔥

Neat – tidy
To evaluate – to assess
Substantially – considerably
Dangerous – unsafe
To connect – to associate, to put through (telephone)
Hall – corridor
French dressing – vinaigrette
To explode – to blow up
To collapse – to break down
To accumulate – to build up
Livid – furious
Remark – comment
Vibrate – tremble
To bring sth. On – to cause
Inflexible – rigid
To select – to choose
Spotlight – highlight
To illuminate – to clarify; to light up
Disaster – catastrophe
To encounter – to come across
To emphasize – to stress
Innocent – harmless
Undeniable – indisputable
Humiliate – embarrass
Beautiful – attractive
To impeach – to question
Bloodless – cold
Hard – tough
Dubious – doubtful

#IELTS #Vocabulary


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 14:30


🇬🇧Not so good.
🇷🇺Не очень хорошо.
🇺🇿Uncha yaxshi emas.

🇬🇧The same.

🇬🇧A bit tired.
🇷🇺Немного устал(а).
🇺🇿Sal charchaganman.

🇬🇧I am busy.
🇷🇺Занят(а), много дел.
🇺🇿Bandman, ish ko'p

🇬🇧I am not well.
🇷🇺Не здоров(а).
🇺🇿Sog'lig'im yaxshimas.

🇬🇧And you?
🇷🇺А вы?

🇬🇧I am sorry to hear that.

🇬🇧I am happy for you.
🇷🇺Рад(а) за вас.
🇺🇿Siz uchun xursandman.

Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 14:30


🇬🇧What's new?
🇷🇺Какие новости?
🇺🇿Nima yangiliklar?

🇬🇧How is your family?
🇷🇺Как семья?
🇺🇿Oilangiz qanday?

🇬🇧How is your mother?
🇷🇺Как ваша мама?
🇺🇿Onangiz ahvollari qanday?

🇬🇧How is your wife?
🇷🇺Как ваша жена?
🇺🇿Ayolingiz ahvollari qanday?

🇬🇧How is your husband?
🇷🇺Как ваш муж?
🇺🇿Eringizni ahvollari qanday?

🇬🇧Are you O.K.?
🇷🇺Все у вас в порядке?
🇺🇿Hammasi joyidami?

🇬🇧Fine, thanks.
🇷🇺Прекрасно, спасибо.
🇺🇿Yaxshi, rahmat.

🇬🇧Very well.
🇷🇺Очень хорошо.
🇺🇿Juda yaxshi.

🇬🇧Not bad.


Yod olng va suxbatlarda foydalaning.

Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 14:30


🇬🇧May I use your telephone?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?
🇺🇿Sizning telefoningizdan foydalansam maylimi?

🇬🇧May I use your telephone directory?
🇷🇺Можно воспользоваться вашим телефонным справочником?
🇺🇿Telefon ma'lumotnomangizdan foydalansam bo'ladimi?

🇬🇧phone box
🇷🇺телефонная будка
🇺🇿telefon budkasi

🇬🇧I want to put a call through to Glasgow.
🇷🇺Мне нужно позвонить в Ташкент.
🇺🇿Men Toshkentga qo'ng'iroq qilishim kerak.

🇬🇧Would you please book me a call through to New York?
🇷🇺Примите, пожалуйста, заказ на разговор с Ташкентом.
🇺🇿Marhamat, Toshkentga qo'ng'iroqqa buyurtma qabul qiling.

🇬🇧How does one use this phone?
🇷🇺Как пользоваться этим телефоном?
🇺🇿Bu telefondan qanday foydalaniladi?

🇬🇧What is your phone number?
🇷🇺Какой у вас номер?
🇺🇿Sizning telefon raqamingiz nechchi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the number of Petrov?
🇷🇺Дайте мне номер телефона Петрова.
🇺🇿Petrovning telefon raqimini bering.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 14:01

Bolalar uchun havoli grusha (Nok)

Farzandlarimizni sportga qiziqishini oshirish va sog‘lom bo‘lishi uchun ajoyib imkoniyat, judayam arzon narxda.

Havo yordamida damlab tagiga suv quyiladi va zarba berilganida yana o‘z o‘rniga qaytib qoladi batafsil video orqali ko‘ring

To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz

Aksiya narxi: 79000 ming so'm

Oʻzbekiston boʻylab yetkazib berish xizmati mavjud. Saytga kirin buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 04:40

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: 13.05.2022
Test Centre: CIU Novza branch
Venue/City: Idp Tashkent
Examiner: I forgot her name 🤦🏻‍♀😂
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe an item of cloth that someone gave you
- who and why he/she gave you
- what did it look like
- how you felt

One extra question (do you still keep that dress?)
Part 3:
- uniforms
- traditional dresses
(4_5 questions related to Part 3)

P.S: (At the beginning of speaking test, examiner was so angry
But after talking with me ,she smiled 😅
Questions were really easy )

P.S2: (that is my second attempt
I am expecting at least 7
Good luck everyone 😌)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧Not so good.
🇷🇺Не очень хорошо.
🇺🇿Uncha yaxshi emas.

🇬🇧The same.

🇬🇧A bit tired.
🇷🇺Немного устал(а).
🇺🇿Sal charchaganman.

🇬🇧I am busy.
🇷🇺Занят(а), много дел.
🇺🇿Bandman, ish ko'p

🇬🇧I am not well.
🇷🇺Не здоров(а).
🇺🇿Sog'lig'im yaxshimas.

🇬🇧And you?
🇷🇺А вы?

🇬🇧I am sorry to hear that.

🇬🇧I am happy for you.
🇷🇺Рад(а) за вас.
🇺🇿Siz uchun xursandman.

Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 04:40

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​➡️ ​​​​152-dars.

🔥 -ING qo’shimchasining turli holatlarda ishlatilishi (davomi)

O’zidan keyin ING qo’shimchasini oladigan fe’llar ko’p. Mana ulardan eng ko’p uchraydiganlari.

I admit telling her. – Men unga aytganligimni tan olaman.

I appreciate having the raise. – Men pul yig’ilganidan xursandman.

I avoid speaking to him. – Men u bilan gaplashishdan qochaman.

I consider blowing your nose in public to be wrong. – Men hammaning oldida burun tozalashni noto’g’ri, deb bilaman.

I delayed coming until the last possible moment. – Men kelishni imkon qadar kechiktirdim.

He denied telling her. – U unga aytganligini inkor etdi.

I enjoy dancing. – Men raqs tushishdan rohatlanaman.

I feel like having a party. – Men bazm uyushtirishni xohlayman.

I’ve finished writing the report. – Men hisobotni yozishni tugatdim.

I’ve given up going to the gym. – Men sport zalga borishni tashladim.

I can’t help thinking about it. – Men uni o’ylamasdan tura olmayapman.

I can’t imagine ever leaving this company. – Men bu kompaniyadan ketishni hech tasavvur qila olmayman.

I don’t mind doing that. – Men buni qilishga qarshi emasman.

He put off talking to her as long as he could. – U imkon boricha bu bilan gaplashishni kechiktirdi.

I can’t stand drinking beer. – Men pivo ichishni yomon ko’raman.

Ba’zi fe’llar TO infinitiv yoki ING qo’shimchasi qo’shilgan fe’l bilan bir xil ishlatilishi mumkin. Ammo ularning ma’nolarida katta farq bo’ladi.
Mana eng ko’p uchraydigan shunday holatlar:

I stopped smoking last month. – Men o’tgan oy chekishni to’xtatdim (Men endi chekmayman)

I stopped to smoke a cigarette. – Men sigaret chekish uchun to’xtadim (to’xtashdan maqasadim sigaret chekish edi)

I remember telling him. – Men unga aytganligimni eslayman (o’tmishni eslash)

I must remember to tell him. – Men unga aytishni esda saqlashim kerak (kelasi zamonda bajarish uchun eslash)

I’m interested in finding out more details. – Men ko’proq ma’lumot topishni xohlayman (kelajakda topishni)

I was interested to read his report. – Men uning hisobotini o’qishni xohladim (o’tgan zamonda xohlagan edim)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

20 Oct, 04:01

Қориннинг қаппайиб туриши жонингизга тегдими?

🇹🇷 Туркиянинг оздирувчи майкалари орқали қоматингиз ихчам ва кўркам кўринишга эга бўлади!

Йиртилмайди, чўзилмайди. Кийимлар остида сезилмайди. Ортиқча ёғларни эритиб оздириш хусусиятига эга. Бир ой ичида яхши натижа олишингиз мумкин.

Эркакларники: 74.000 сўм

🧔🏻‍♂ Эркаклар учун:👇

🚛 EТКАЗИБ БЕРИШ МУТЛАҚО МАВЖУД. Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

19 Oct, 23:01

🌤 🍂  Aссалому алайкум. Якшанба тонги муборак бўлсин.

🌺Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

🌷Асл саодат нафас олиб турган ҳар онимизга шукр қила олишдир...
🌹Шукр ва зикрга бой кун бўлсин!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

19 Oct, 14:31


🇬🇧This is my youngest daughter.
🇷🇺Это моя младшая дочь.
🇺🇿Bu mening kenja qizim.

🇬🇧These are my parents.
🇷🇺Это мои родители.
🇺🇿Bular mening ota-onam.

🇬🇧This is my mother.
🇷🇺Это моя мама.
🇺🇿Bu mening onam.

🇬🇧This is my father.
🇷🇺Это мой папа.
🇺🇿Bu mening otam.

🇬🇧This is my sister.
🇷🇺Это моя сестра.
🇺🇿Bu mening singlim (opam).

🇬🇧This is my brother.
🇷🇺Это мой брат.
🇺🇿Bu mening akam (ukam).

🇬🇧These are my grandchildren.
🇷🇺Это мои внуки.
🇺🇿Bular mening nevaralarim.

🇬🇧Where were you born?
🇷🇺Где вы родились?
🇺🇿Qayerda tug'ilgansiz?

🇬🇧I was born in nineteen fifty.
🇷🇺Я родился в тысяча девятьсот пятидесятом году.
🇺🇿Men 1950 yilda tug'ilganman.

♻️Yod oling va foydalaning!!!


Ingliz tilidan testlar

19 Oct, 14:31


🇬🇧I haven't the faintest idea.
🇷🇺Не имею ни малейшего представления.
🇺🇿Umuman tushunmayman.

🇬🇧I've no idea (how to do it).
🇷🇺Не знаю (как это сделать).
🇺🇿(Buni qanday qilishni) bilmayman.

🇬🇧Ask me another.
🇷🇺Почем я знаю.
🇺🇿Qayoqdan ham bilayin.

🇬🇧I wouldn't know.
🇷🇺Откуда мне знать.
🇺🇿Men qayerdan bilay?

🇬🇧I don't know.
🇷🇺Я не знаю.
🇺🇿Men bilmayman.

🇬🇧I really don't know.
🇷🇺Я действительно не знаю.
🇺🇿Men rostdan ham bilmayman.

🇬🇧He's a stranger to me.
🇷🇺Я его не знаю.
🇺🇿Men uni tanimayman. (o'g'il bola)

🇬🇧I don't know him from Adam.
🇷🇺Я его совершенно не знаю.
🇺🇿Men uni umuman tanimayman. (o'g'il bola)

Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

19 Oct, 14:31


🇬🇧I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
🇷🇺Простите я не совсем понял, что вы сказали.
🇺🇿Uzr, nima deganingizni uncha tushunmadim.

🇬🇧Write it down, please.
🇷🇺Напишите, пожалуйста.
🇺🇿Yozib bering, iltimos.

🇬🇧Translate it.
🇺🇿Tarjima qiling.

🇬🇧Please, say it again.
🇷🇺Повторите, пожалуйста.
🇺🇿Takrorlab yuboring, iltimos.

🇬🇧How do you say that in English?
🇷🇺Как это сказать по-русски?
🇺🇿Buning ruschasi nima bo'ladi?

🇬🇧We need an interpreter.
🇷🇺Нам нужен переводчик.
🇺🇿Bizga tarjimon kerak.

🇬🇧We don't need an interpreter.
🇷🇺Нам не нужен переводчик.
🇺🇿Biz tarjimonga muhtoj emasmiz.

Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.