Ingliz tilidan testlar



Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40

Learn English with Encanto


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40

LAG | Learn English Vocabulary Meaning, Grammar, and Usage in Example English Sentences


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧You are wanted on the phone.
🇷🇺Вас к телефону.
🇺🇿Sizni telefonga chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧I can't hear you very well.
🇷🇺Я вас плохо слышу.
🇺🇿Ovozingiz uncha yaxshi eshitilmayapti.

🇬🇧I can't make out what you are saying.
🇷🇺Я не могу разобрать, что вы говорите.
🇺🇿Nima deyayotganingizni tushunmayapman.

🇬🇧Speak up!
🇷🇺Говорите громче.
🇺🇿Balandroq gapiring.

🇬🇧It's me again.
🇷🇺Это опять я.
🇺🇿Bu yana men.

🇬🇧We were disconnected.
🇷🇺Нас разъединили.
🇺🇿Aloqa uzilib qoldi.

🇬🇧I'm sorry, he is out.
🇷🇺Жаль, его нет.
🇺🇿Afsus, u yo'q edi.

🇬🇧Any message?
🇷🇺Что-нибудь передать?
🇺🇿Biron nima deb qo'yaymi?

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:40

E'tiboringizga "Take" fe'li bilan ishlatiladigan so'z iboralarining ro'yxatini taqdim etamiz.

🇬🇧 Take a bet - Garov o'ynamoq;
Example: I'm not going to take that bet. - Men garov o'ynamoqchi emasman.

🇬🇧 Take account of smth. - Etibor qaratmoq
Example: A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings. - Yaxshi me'mor binoning yon atrofini hisobga oladi.

🇬🇧 Take a chance - Tavakkal qilmoq
Example: She's trying to find a publisher who will take a chance on her book. - U kitobi bilan tavakkal qila oladigan (imkoniyat beradigan) noshir topishga harakat qilmoqda.

🇬🇧 Take shelter - Boshpana topmoq
Example: The crew abandoned ship and took shelter in a nearby village. - Ekipaj kemani tashlab, yaqin atrofdagi qishloqdan boshpana topdi.

🇬🇧 Take cold - Shamollab qolmoq
Example: She took cold, so she couldn't go with us. - U shamollab qoldi, shuning uchun biz bilan bora olmaydi.

🇬🇧 Take action - Chora ko'rmoq
Example: We have to take action in schools, in mentoring, in the community. - Biz maktablarda, murabbiylikda, jamiyatda chora korishimiz kerak.

🇬🇧 Take a cue - Ishorani tushunmoq
Example: We should take our cue from their example. - Biz ularning misolidan ishorasini tushunishimiz kerak.

📍Izohlarda ushbu iboralardan gap tuzib ko'ring va do'stlaringiz bilan ulashing.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

23 Oct, 04:00

Feramon Atiri (Formula Sexy) 🔞

Erkaklar va, Ayollarda 2 daqiqada bu atir hidi jilovlab boʻlmaydigan xissiyotlar uyg‘otadi

Ishoning bu atirni sepganizdan keyin turmush o‘rtog‘iz yonizdan keta olmay qoladi ❤️

💰Narxi 66000 so'm

🚚 O'zbekiston bo'ylab yetkazib berish mutlaqo mavjud! Oldindan to'lov yo'q. Saytga kirib buyurtma bering. 10 daqiqa ichida operatorlar bog'lanadi.

Buyurtma berish👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 23:00


☀️ Ассалому алайкум! Чоршанба тонги муборак бўлсин

Бугунги бошланаётган янги кунингиз файзли ва барокатли бўлсин! Сиз ва яқинларингизни яхши кайфият тарк этмасин!

Соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин 🤲



Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

🔹4000 Essential English Words:

#book_1_unit 29

🔸above - tepasida
🔸ahead - old tarafida
🔸amount - miqdor
🔸belief - ishonch
🔸center - markaz
🔸common - odatiy
🔸cost - narxda turmoq
🔸demonstrate - ko'rsatmoq
🔸different - turlicha
🔸evidence - dalil
🔸honesty - odillik
🔸idiom - idioma
🔸independent - mustaqil
🔸inside - ichki qism
🔸master - master, usta
🔸memory - hotira
🔸proper - aniq, o'rinli
🔸scan - qarab chiqmoq
🔸section - qism, bo'lim
🔸surface - yuza, sirt


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

🔎Kundalik Suhbatlashuvlar:

🔹Let's go. — qani ketdik
🔹Me too. — men ham
🔹My name is ... —mening ismim ....
🔹Next time. — keyingi safar
🔹Nice to meet you. — tanishganimdan xursandman
🔹No problem. — muammo yo'q
🔹No, thank you. — yoʻq, rahmat
🔹No way. — bo'lishi mumkin emas
🔹Not yet. — hali emas
🔹Nothing else. — Boshqa hech narsa
🔹On the left. — chapga
🔹On the right. — oʻngga
🔹Over here. — bu yerda
🔹Over there. — ana u yerda
🔹Right here. — Mana shu yerda
🔹Right there. — U yerda
🔹See you later. — Ko'rishguncha
🔹See you soon. — tez orada koʻrishguncha
🔹See you tomorrow. — Ertaga ko'rishguncha
🔹Shut up! — Og'zingni yop!
🔹Sit down, please. — O'tiring! marhamat
🔹Stand back. — Orqaga turing
🔹Step aside. —Bir chetga surib qo'ying
🔹Take care. — oʻzingizni extiyot qiling


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

🎼 Despacito
🎤 Song by Luis Fonsi


Come on over in my direction
So thankful for darkest day
Got me feelin' some kind of way
Make me wanna savor every moment slowly, slowly
You fit me, tailor-made love, how you put it on
Got the only key, know how to turn it on
The way you nibble on my ear, the only words I wanna hear
Baby take it slow so we can last long
Oh, tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
Sólo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso
Oh, yeah Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
(Sube, sube, sube
Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
(Favorito, favorito, baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido

Si te pido un beso, ven, dámelo
Yo sé que estás pensándolo
Llevo tiempo intentándolo
Mami, esto es dando y dándolo
Sabes que tu corazón conmigo te hace bang-bang
Sabes que esa beba está buscando de mi bang-bang
Ven, prueba de mi boca para ver cómo te sabe
Quiero, quiero, quiero ver cuánto amor a ti te cabe
Yo no tengo prisa, yo me quiero dar el viaje
Empecemos lento, después salvaje

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza
Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas
Pero pa' montarlo aquí tengo la pieza
Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito
Deja que te diga cosas al oído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo
Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito
Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
(Sube, sube, sube
Sube, sube)
Quiero ver bailar tu pelo
Quiero ser tu ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
(Favorito, favorito, baby)
Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro
Hasta provocar tus gritos
Y que olvides tu apellido

This is how we do it down in Puerto Rico
I just wanna hear you screaming, "¡Ay, Bendito!"
I can move forever se quede contigo
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Que le enseñes a mi boca
Tus lugares favoritos
(Favorito, favorito, baby)
Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito
Hasta provocar tus gritos (Fonsi)
Y que olvides tu apellido (D.Y.)


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:31

✳️OF predlogi bilan keladigan iboralar yodlab oling✳️

▪️to accuse of -da ayblamoq
▪️to consist of -dan iborat bo‘lmoq
▪️to deprive of -dan mahrum qilmoq
▪️to hear of haqida eshitgan bo‘lmoq (bilmoq)
▪️to inform of -ni xabar qilmoq
▪️to remind of (about) -ni eslatmoq
▪️to remind of somebody, something biror kishini, narsani eslatmoq
▪️to speak (talk) of haqida gaplashmoq
▪️to think of haqida o‘ylamoq
▪️to be afraid of -dan qo‘rqmoq
▪️to be ashamed of -dan uyalmoq
▪️to be fond of -ni sevmoq, yaxshi ko‘rmoq
▪️to be full of bilan to‘la bo‘lmoq
▪️to be independent of -dan mustaqil bo‘lmoq
▪️to be proud of -dan faxrlanmoq
▪️to be sure (certain) of -ga amin bo‘lmoq
▪️to be worthy of -ga arzimoq
▪️to be in need of -ga muhtoj bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of importance ahamiyatga ega bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of interest qiziqarli bo‘lmoq
▪️to be of value qimmatga ega bo‘lmoq
▪️to come in sight of -ni ko‘rmoq
▪️to get rid of -dan xalos bo‘lmoq, qutulmoq
▪️to make use of -dan foydalanmoq, -ni ishlatmoq
▪️to take advantage of -dan foydalanmoq
▪️to take care of -ga g‘amxo‘rlik qilmoq
▪️plenty of, a great (good) deal of, a lot of a number of - ko‘p, qator
▪️of course - albatta


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 14:00

" Қалблар кашфиёти " деб номланган ушбу китобда Аллоҳ таолога доимо итоатда, қўрқув ва зикрда, севги-муҳаббатда бўлиш фазилатлари баён қилинди. Аллоҳ ва Унинг Расулини унутиш оқибатида шайтоннинг очиқ душман бўлиши, натижада инсон табиати ва ҳаётининг турли соҳаларида ҳалокатли ҳолатлар келиб чиқиши ҳақида тасирли, жозибали ҳикоя қилинади Таржимон: Миразиз Аъзам Нашрга тайёрловчи: Иброҳим Нуруллоҳ Муқоваси қаттиқ

Акция Нарх: 137.000 ming som

Ўзбекистон бўйича ЕТҚАЗИБ бериш хизмати Мавжуд. Сайтга кириб буюртма беринг 10 дақиқа ичида операторлар боғланади.

Буюртма бериш 👇👇

Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40


🇬🇧How do you call Petrov?
🇷🇺Как позвонить Петрову?
🇺🇿Petrovga qanday qo'ng'iroq qilsam bo'ladi?

🇬🇧Will you give me the area code of Moscow?
🇷🇺Дайте код Москвы.
🇺🇿Moskva kodini aytib yuboring.


🇬🇧This is Petrov.
🇷🇺Это говорит Петров.
🇺🇿Bu Petrov.

🇬🇧Is that Ivanov?
🇷🇺Это Иванов?
🇺🇿Bu Ivanovmi?

🇬🇧Could I speak to Vera?
🇷🇺Позовите, пожалуйста, Веру.
🇺🇿Iltimos, Verani chaqirib yuboring.

🇬🇧I'd like to speak to Petrov.
🇷🇺Я бы хотел(а) поговорить с Петровым.
🇺🇿Petrov bilan suhbatlashmoqchi edim.

🇬🇧Is he there?
🇷🇺Он на месте?
🇺🇿U shu yerdami? (o'g'il bola)

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40

⚡️Types Of Punctuation

◾️( , ) comma
◽️( . ) period, decimal point
◾️( ; ) semicolon
◽️( : ) colon
◾️( ! ) exclamation mark / exclamation point
◽️( ? ) question mark
◾️( ' ) apostrophe, prime
◽️( " ) quotation mark
◾️( ( ) ) parenthesis
◽️( [ ] ) square bracket / bracket
◾️( {} ) brace
◽️( < ) less-than sign
◾️( > ) greater-than sign
◽️( $ ) dollar sign
◾️( / ) slash
◽️( % ) percent
◾️( - ) dash / hyphen
◽️( # ) number sign
◾️( & ) ampersand
◽️( @ ) at sign
◾️( * ) asterisk
◽️( _ ) underscore


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40

💠 IELTS 8+ Vocabulary 🔥

🔰 To wrap up - yakunlamoq

🔰 To drive up the wall - g'ashiga tegmoq

🔰 To keep in with - yaxshi munosabatda bo'lmoq

🔰 To take after - kimgadir o'xshamoq/tortmoq (oila azolardan)

🔰 To put others first - dastlab boshqalar haqida qayg'urmoq


Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:40

🔹️workplaces - offices and other places where people work
🔹️natural conflict - inevitable tension
🔹️staff morale - how employees feel
🔹️involve - has to do with
🔹️competent management - capable bosses
🔹️hiring practices - how people are employed
🔹️ramifications - implications
🔹️age-diversified - different ages
🔹️environment - the atmosphere
🔹️resentment - anger towards
🔹️threatened - feel insecure
🔹️compensate - make up for
🔹️inexperience - not having done the work before
🔹️arrogant - believing too much in yourself
🔹️conflict - problems
🔹️animosity - strong resentment, hatred
🔹️toxic - poisonous, bad
🔹️culture - atmosphere
🔹️similarly - not so different
🔹️adapt - change to
🔹️frustrated - anger
🔹️possibility - chance
🔹️particularly - especially
🔹️emerging technologies - innovations
🔹️lag behind - not stay current with changes
🔹️hampered - held back
🔹️unhealthy workplace atmosphere - bad feelings among employees
🔹️detailed above - described before
🔹️positive mindset - good outlook
🔹️plays a key role - has a big part in
🔹️dissolving tensions - making people feel better, solving conflicts
🔹️preventing - stopping from happening to begin with
🔹️initial occurrences - happening the first time
🔹️strengths and weaknesses - what you are good and bad at
🔹️team up - work together
🔹️contrary personalities - people likely to not get along
🔹️ensuring - guaranteeing
🔹️stay current - keep up to date
🔹️avoid - prevent from happening
🔹️potential conflict - possible fights
🔹️arising - coming from
🔹️take steps - act onu
🔹️guarantee - make sure
🔹️strong cohesion - linked together well
🔹️valuing contributions - considering what employees do important
🔹️setting a relaxed atmosphere - making everything feel good
🔹️transparent - honest and open
🔹️ensuring - making sure
🔹️double standards - different standards for different people
🔹️stemming from - coming from
🔹️concern - have to do with
🔹️seemingly inevitable - appears it will happen nou matter what
🔹️mitigated - curged, controlled, limited



Ingliz tilidan testlar

22 Oct, 04:01

VITEK. ORIGINAL💯 Энди Ўзбекистонда Жуда Арзон Нархда.  207.000 сум Акция

Қиш ва Ёз мавсуми учун кондиционер❗️

Деворга ўрнатилади, Хона ҳавосини тозалаб беради

● Тўрт хил режимда ишлайди
● Пульт орқали бошқарилади
● 25-30 квадратни иситади
● 1-2 КВ (Экономний)
● Иситиши +36, Совутиши зор

🇩🇪 Германия маҳсулоти


🛑 Эски нархи 700.000 сўм
💰Hozirgi Chegirma Narx: 207 ming

Батафсил: @Operatorchi

🚚 Ўзбекистон бўйлаб етказиб бериш хизмати мавжуд!!
Тўловни маҳсулотни қабул қилиб олганда қиласиз

Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 23:04


🍂 Ассалому алайкум! Сешанба тонги муборак бўлсин!

Сиз ва бизларни соғ–саломат уйғотган Роббимизга ҳамдлар бўлсин!

Ҳамиша Аллоҳнинг паноҳида бўлинг 🤲


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 14:31


1. However
Mario loves dogs. However, he hates cats.

2. Although

Although Mina adores cats, she can't have one because she's allergic to them.

3. And yet
Keiko's got eleven cats, four dogs and a rabbit, and yet she wants more pets.

4. Nevertheless
Keeping horses can be very expensive. Nevertheless, I've got three of them.

5. Even so
My dog's old, smelly and he pees in the house. Even so, I love him to bits. #Vocabulary #synonyms 📝


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 14:31


🇬🇧Who is speaking?
🇷🇺Кто говорит?
🇺🇿Kim gapirayapti?

🇬🇧Edinburgh is on line.
🇷🇺Вас вызывает Ташкент.
🇺🇿Sizni Toshkentdan chaqirishyapti.

🇬🇧The number is engaged.
🇷🇺Абонемент занят.
🇺🇿Abonenent band.

🇬🇧Sorry, wrong number.
🇷🇺Извините, вы ошиблись.
🇺🇿Uzr, siz yanglishdingiz.

🇬🇧There's no one by that name here.
🇷🇺Здесь таких нет.
🇺🇿Bu yerda unday odam yo'q.

🇬🇧Just a minute.
🇺🇿Bir daqiqa.

🇬🇧Hold on.
🇷🇺Не вешайте трубку.
🇺🇿Dastakni qo'ymay turing.

♻️Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilidan testlar

21 Oct, 14:31

📎Baʼzi feʼllar doim qoʻshimchalar bilan ishlatiladi! Keling, ularni birma-bir koʻrib chiqamiz.

1. Consist of... - ... dan tashkil topmoq

🟢This book consists of 30 chapters.
(Bu kitob 30ta boʻlimdan tashkil topgan)

2. Comply with - ... ga boʻysunmoq

🟢If you don't want to be fired you must comply with the company's regulations.
(Agar sen ishdan ketmoqchi boʻlmasang, kompaniya qonun qoidalariga boʻysunishing kerak)

3. Depend on - bogʻliq boʻlmoq

🟢The company's success solely depends on you.
(Kompaniya muvaffaqiyati faqatgina senga bogʻliq)

4. Object to - qarshi chiqmoq

🟢My parents objected to my decision to study abroad.
(Mening ota-onam chet elda oʻqishimga qarshi)
