IELTS with Salaydinov @ieltswithme11 Channel on Telegram

IELTS with Salaydinov



The channel is run by Certified IELTS instructor: IELTS (8.5)

InshaAllah we will achieve a 9.0 together
Contact me: @shaxzodsalaydinov
Learning centre: @everestofficial

IELTS with Salaydinov (English)

Are you looking to prepare for the IELTS exam with a certified instructor? Look no further than the 'IELTS with Salaydinov' Telegram channel, run by the experienced and qualified IELTS (8.5) instructor, Salaydinov. This channel provides a wealth of useful instructions and materials to help you improve your reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills for the exam. Whether you are just starting your IELTS journey or aiming for that coveted 9.0 band score, Salaydinov is here to guide you every step of the way. Join the 'IELTS with Salaydinov' channel today to access expert tips, practice exercises, and valuable resources that will enhance your preparation for the IELTS exam. Salaydinov's dedication to helping students succeed in the exam is evident in the personalized attention and support he provides to channel members. For more information and to start your IELTS preparation journey with Salaydinov, contact him directly at @shaxzodsalaydinov. You can also visit the learning center @everestofficial for additional support and guidance. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your IELTS scores and achieve your desired results with the help of a knowledgeable and experienced instructor. Join 'IELTS with Salaydinov' now and take the first step towards exam success!

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 16:05

Umuman olganda, bugun productive bóldi.Lekin, hali eng qiyinti kir yuvish qoldi 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 15:52

Drop set for biceps 💪

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 14:55

110 kg leg press
Risked yet was successful

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 09:28

Yomon dangasa ot ekan

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 09:23

Oq otdagi Shaxzod ❤️.

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 08:59

Otga chiqishga nechchi
Amir Temur avlodlariga mos bòlishimiz kerak ✊🏻✊🏻

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Feb, 02:47

Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that countries should reduce their reliance on imported food and instead prioritize local production. While this approach offers certain benefits, large-scale domestic food production is not a feasible option for many nations due to various constraints.

On the one hand, promoting local food production can significantly contribute to economic growth. A higher demand for domestically grown produce can stimulate the agricultural sector, boosting sales for local farmers and creating employment opportunities. As more people find work in agriculture and related industries, unemployment rates decline, ultimately strengthening the local economy. From this perspective, prioritizing domestic food production appears to be a reasonable and beneficial strategy.

However, despite its advantages, achieving complete self-sufficiency in food production is far from realistic. Many countries simply lack the necessary resources to cultivate all the food their populations require. For instance, Singapore, with its highly urbanized landscape and limited farming land, faces significant challenges in agricultural expansion. As a result, it must rely heavily on imported staple foods such as rice, wheat, and vegetables to meet domestic demand.

Beyond land constraints, climate and geography pose additional challenges to large-scale food self-sufficiency. Some nations, due to harsh climatic conditions, are unable to cultivate certain crops. The United Arab Emirates, for example, is located in an arid region where water-intensive crops like rice are difficult and costly to produce due to the need for constant irrigation. Geography further complicates food self-sufficiency, for instance, my country Uzbekistan, a double-landlocked country, is unable to obtain seafood domestically and must import it from other nations with access to the ocean.

In conclusion, while increasing local food production can be economically beneficial, complete reliance on domestic agriculture is impractical for many countries. Factors such as limited land, unfavorable climatic conditions, and geographical constraints make food imports a necessity rather than a choice for numerous nations.



IELTS with Salaydinov

15 Feb, 06:39

Look at this beauty

you can realize how sophisticated your body is

IELTS with Salaydinov

14 Feb, 05:11

Which muscle group does this exercise target?🎯

Any guesses

IELTS with Salaydinov

13 Feb, 06:47

Look at this intelligent young student of mine .

She is so hard working that she surprises me all the time.

She is only 11 years old. At elementary level.

IELTS with Salaydinov

11 Feb, 20:06

Surxondaryo ahli va yoshlari uchun muhim yangilik, azizlar! 🏔🚀

Hozirda, poytaxtimiz Toshkent shaxrining 21 nuqtasida faoliyat yuritayotgan EVEREST o'quv markazi endi Termiz shaxrida ham o'zining yangi, qulay va zamonaviy filialini ochish arafasida turibdi!

☝🏾EVEREST TERMIZ filiali jamoasi a'zosiga aylaning! Jamoaga IELTS instruktorlari, manzil manageri, administrativ hodimlar, mock exam jamoasi a'zolari va support teachers pozitsiyalariga xodimlar kerak bo'lmoqda!

🔥 Ishga joylashish va traininglar jarayonining dastlabki bosqichi uchun yagona talab kamida IELTS overall 6.0 yoki Multi-Level C1 natijasi hisoblanadi!

Yuqoriroq IELTS natijasiga ega, Termiz shaxri universitetlarining Ingliz tiliga ixtisoslashgan fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan hamda xozirning o'zida Termiz shaxrida IELTS instruktorlik yoki Ingliz tili ustozligi faoliyati bilan shug'ullanayotgan kandidatlarga ishga joylashish jarayonida ustunlik beramiz!

❗️Kandidatlar dastlab anketa, keyin esa suhbat bosqichidan o'tadilar! Suhbatlar natijasida ishga qabul qilingan bo'lajak xodimlarimizni Toshkentda yoki Termiz shaxrining o'zida kamida 2 oy mobaynida tashkil qilinadigan traininglarga jalb qilamiz! Toshkent shaxriga kelib trainingda qatnashish imkoniga ega kandidatlarni esa EVEREST parallel tarzida ish bilan band qiladi va ularga maosh to'lab boradi! Traininglar so'nggida barcha kandidatlar IELTS imtihonini topshiradilar va natijalariga mos Termiz manzilidagi ish pozitsiyalariga yo'naltiriladilar!

EVEREST Respublikamizdagi eng katta va 7.0+ IELTS natijalari miqdori nuqtai nazaridan birinchi raqamli o'quv markazi hisoblanadi, azizlar! Biz o'z hodimlarimizga har taraflama qulay sharoitlar, muntazam o'sish imkoniyati va eng yuqori oyliklarni ta'minlab beradigan o'quv markazimiz! Ishoning, ochilajak EVEREST TERMIZ manzilimiz jamoasi a'zosiga aylanish bo'lajak kadrlar uchun positive life-changing point bo'ladi, Xudo xohlasa!

P.S. Yangilikni Termiz shaxridagi IELTS 6.0 yoki CEFR C1 natijasiga ega barcha tanishlaringizga ulashing! Termizda xozirda faoliyat yuritayotgan barcha IELTS instruktorlariga va Ingliz tili fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalarga xabarni yetqazing! Termizda iloji boricha kuchli jamoani shakllantirishimizga ko'maklashing, dostoyniy kadrlar yangilikdan xabar topsin, xullas!

Kaminaga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri murojaat qilishsin va dastlabki anketani to'ldirishsin, ularga albatta aloqaga chiqib suhbatlar tashkil qilaman:

👉 @urokovkhurshid 🗻


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IELTS with Salaydinov

11 Feb, 05:03

40 kg shoulder press
Slowly but progressively ✊🏻✊🏻

IELTS with Salaydinov

09 Feb, 15:36

25kg dumbbells
Not a personal best
But gradually getting there 💪

IELTS with Salaydinov

08 Feb, 04:08

Lats workout

The last 3 cheat reps are the pinnacle for growth.

IELTS with Salaydinov

08 Feb, 03:51

Today I dedicated 45 minutes to boxing 🥊.

Gradually gaining back some speed and stamina.

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Feb, 17:13

Overall: 7️⃣.0️⃣
Exam date: 25.01.2025
Instructor: @shaxzodsalaydinov
Candidate: Nematov Muzaffar
📍Everest Beruniy
📞 +998951440016

Muzaffar is one of my most loyal students, having started his journey at the elementary level. Through the ups and downs of this journey, he has come a long way to achieve this astonishing result. However, the most important thing is not just the result but the effort and determination he has put in, which testify to his resilience and strong spirit.

I am immensely proud to have guided him toward this achievement, and I am sure he will continue to conquer new horizons.

Join and share 🔽

IELTS with Salaydinov

05 Feb, 19:02

Today, many people do not know their neighbors.
Why is this ?
What can be done about this ?

In today’s fast-paced world, shifting social structures and demanding lifestyles have made it increasingly difficult for people to balance multiple responsibilities. As a result, many individuals have lost touch with their neighbors. The primary reason behind this trend is the relentless pressure of work and academic commitments, which leave little time for social interaction. To address this issue, it is essential to create more opportunities for people to reconnect and foster stronger community ties.

A key factor driving this disconnect is the lack of free time caused by an overwhelming workload. In a period of intense competition for prestigious jobs and educational opportunities, both professionals and students find themselves constantly preoccupied. Adults are expected to work long hours to meet deadlines and achieve career goals, while students must devote substantial time to their studies to secure a place in top universities. This leaves little to no room for casual conversations or communal gatherings, eroding the traditional neighborly relationships that once flourished in close-knit communities.

To effectively tackle this problem, governments should take practical steps to ensure that people have more leisure time to engage with their communities. For example, in Japan, certain unofficial rest days have been introduced to encourage social cohesion, allowing employees and students to strengthen their personal connections. Similarly, several European countries, including members of the European Union, are exploring a four-day workweek, which has been shown to improve work-life balance and foster stronger social interactions. By implementing policies that reduce excessive workloads, authorities can create an environment where people are more likely to engage with their neighbors and revive the sense of community.

In conclusion, the primary reason why people have become disconnected from their neighbors is the overwhelming demand of modern work and academic life. Addressing this issue requires deliberate efforts from governments to introduce policies that promote a better work-life balance. By allowing individuals more time to socialize and participate in neighborhood activities, societies can rebuild the sense of connection that has been gradually lost.


IELTS with Salaydinov

05 Feb, 17:00

📢 Yangi Beginner Guruhi Ochilmoqda!

📅 Dushanba, 10-fevral 2025 – Ingliz tilini noldan yuqori darajagacha o‘rganishni xohlaganlar uchun yangi Beginner guruhi ochilmoqda!

Dars Vaqti "18-30"

🎯 Agar siz ingliz tilini mukammal o‘rganishni niyat qilgan bo‘lsangiz, menga @shaxzodsalaydinov orqali yozishingiz mumkin.

📌 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun kerakli ma’lumotlar:
To‘liq ism-familiya
Telefon raqamingiz

⚠️ Joylar cheklangan! Oldinroq yozilgan va navbatda turganlarga yana bir bor eslatib qo‘yish tavsiya etiladi.

Manzil: Everest O'quv Markazi " Beruniy Filiali"


IELTS with Salaydinov

05 Feb, 14:07

Soon, i have good news for those who have been waiting for new groups.

IELTS with Salaydinov

05 Feb, 06:02

Some has already lost enough money , so we decided to lower the fine 😁

IELTS with Salaydinov

05 Feb, 03:54

Today’s training has been really productive.

IELTS with Salaydinov

04 Feb, 17:53

Some people think eating meat is bad for health.

Do you agree or disagree?

People have different views on the consumption of various types of food. One such food item is meat, with some arguing that eating it is detrimental to health. However, I personally disagree with this notion for two main reasons.

Like many other food products, meat contains essential nutrients needed to sustain a healthy body. One such macronutrient is protein, which is the building block of muscles, and meat is an excellent source of it. Consuming 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended for muscle maintenance and growth, making meat an optimal choice for meeting these dietary needs. In addition, meat provides important micronutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, and zinc, all of which play a pivotal role in brain function and overall health.

Some may argue that red meat increases the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. While excessive consumption may contribute to these issues due to its high calorie and cholesterol content, I believe that moderation is key. If individuals regulate their meat intake and adhere to the recommendations set by the World Health Organization , they can avoid such health risks. Instead, they can benefit from improved well-being and a stronger immune system, both of which stem from meat’s nutritional properties.

In conclusion, I believe that meat is an essential part of a balanced diet. When consumed in moderation and within recommended limits, it can provide numerous health benefits, including better overall well-being and enhanced physical strength.


IELTS with Salaydinov

04 Feb, 17:53


The line chart illustrates the number of marriages registered in the UK from 1951 to 2001, categorized into first marriages, remarriages, and the total number of marriages.

Overall, a noticeable shift in marriage trends can be observed over this period, with a significant decline in both total and first marriages, particularly from the second half of the period onward. In contrast, the number of remarriages showed a steady increase from the 1980s, gradually narrowing the gap between first marriages.

Focusing on the total number of marriages, the trend initially remained stable at around 400,000 between 1951 and 1961.
However, a brief upward movement followed, with the figure peaking at approximately 450,000 marriages in 1971. After this peak, the number began to decline, dropping to around 375,000 by 2001.

A similar trend was observed in first marriages. The number of first-time marriages initially rose, surpassing 350,000 in 1971, before experiencing a sharp decline. By the end of the period in 2001, the figure had dropped significantly to approximately 250,000, mirroring the overall downward trajectory in marriage rates.

In contrast, remarriages followed a different pattern. From 1951 to 1981, the number of remarriages remained relatively stable. However, from the 1980s onward, a notable increase was observed, with the figure rising steadily to reach 200,000 by 2001, reducing the gap between first marriages and remarriages.


IELTS with Salaydinov

03 Feb, 18:44

Children learn more from playing freely after school than doing more organised after school activities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that children develop better skills when they play freely after school, while others believe that structured activities provide more valuable learning opportunities. In my opinion, both have benefits, but free play is more important for developing creativity, independence, and social skills.

Firstly, free play helps children use their imagination and solve problems. When children create their own games, they learn to think in new ways and solve challenges on their own. For example, when a child builds something with blocks or makes up a game with friends, they are not just having fun but also learning how to plan, adapt, and make decisions. These experiences help them become creative and independent thinkers.

Secondly, playing freely helps children improve their social skills. Unlike organized activities, where adults set the rules, free play allows children to interact naturally. They learn how to share, negotiate, and solve disagreements without adult help. For instance, if a conflict happens during a playground game, children must communicate and find a fair solution. This teaches them cooperation, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving, which are useful skills for the future.

On the other hand, structured activities also have important benefits. Sports, music, and art classes help children develop discipline, teamwork, and confidence. These activities provide guidance and allow children to improve their talents. For example, joining a football team teaches children the value of practice, cooperation, and working towards a goal. Additionally, organized activities can help children discover their interests, which may influence their future careers.

However, it is important to remember that school is already full of structured activities. Children spend the whole day following schedules, doing assignments, and following rules. By the end of the school day, they may feel tired and need time to relax. If their free time is also filled with structured programs, they may not have the chance to explore their interests or develop independence. Free play gives them the freedom to unwind and choose what they enjoy doing, which is important for their well-being.

In conclusion, while structured activities are useful, I believe free play is more important for children’s overall growth. It encourages creativity, problem-solving, and social skills, while also giving children a break from strict routines. Therefore, parents and teachers should make sure that children have enough time to play freely after school, as this helps them learn and develop in a natural and enjoyable way.


IELTS with Salaydinov

03 Feb, 05:00

Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The role of zoos has long been a topic of discussion. While some people argue that they are unethical and should be banned, others believe that they serve a pivotal/crucial/essential role in wildlife conservation. Although some might highlight the negative impacts of zoos on wild animals, I contend that zoos are a necessary evil and thus should be retained.

Critics state that zoos are unethical because they confine animals in artificial environments that fail to meet their natural needs. When wild animals are placed in enclosures, they experience detachment from their natural habitat and a lack of freedom, which can negatively impact their psychological well-being. For example, animals in captivity frequently display repetitive actions such as pacing or, even self-harm, all of which are clear indications of psychological stress. As a result, many zoo animals suffer from stress-related illnesses and reduced lifespan compared to their wild counterparts.

Nevertheless, I think that zoos have crucial role in wildlife conservation and public education. Many zoos participate in breeding programmes designed to protect endangered species and save them from the risk of extinction, ensuring their survival for future generations. Additionally, zoos provide medical care and safe living conditions for animals that might otherwise struggle to live in the wild. A pertinent/notable example is the giant panda, whose population has increased significantly due to conservation/preservation efforts led by zoos worldwide. Species survival, awareness promotion, by safeguarding endangered species and raising awareness about wildlife protection, zoos contribute positively to biodiversity conservation.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns about the ethical implications of zoos, their role in conservation and education cannot be overlooked. Rather than closing zoos entirely, it would be beneficial to reform zoos to ensure that animals are kept in conditions that closely resemble their natural habitats.


293 words
Time: 28 minutes

IELTS with Salaydinov

01 Feb, 03:33

Deadlift 90kg x3

IELTS with Salaydinov

31 Jan, 07:16

We made a deal with my individual group students and signed this agreement.

P.s: the contract was prepared by Ibodullo 😎.

IELTS with Salaydinov

29 Jan, 04:05

Guys i think it is time to switch Your AI friends.

This Chinese-made AI,DeepSeek, has shaken up the AI industry by proving that advanced models can be built faster and at a lower cost, challenging giants like OpenAI and Google.

In my view, there will be a shift in global AI leadership.

They say this tool is more advanced, faster, agile, and most importantly, free.

This isn’t just a breakthrough. it’s a game-changer in how AI is developed globally.


IELTS with Salaydinov

29 Jan, 03:00

Qor yoq rostanam. Aldadi demanglar yana 🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

29 Jan, 02:11

Yunusobodda hech kim zal qoldirmagan bólsa kerakda 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

29 Jan, 01:53

Qolgan ishga qor yog’ar deyishadi. Huddi shunday bóldi, kecha ishim chiqib zalni bugunga qoldirgandim, qor yog’di. 😁😁

IELTS with Salaydinov

29 Jan, 01:31

Unquestionable truth

IELTS with Salaydinov

19 Jan, 08:26

Level Tests Today

We have four level tests scheduled for today:
1. Beginner to Elementary – 3 groups
2. Elementary to Pre-IELTS – 1 group

Please note that some students have been waiting for seats in the Elementary and Pre-IELTS groups. However, seats are very limited, with only 2-4 spots available in each group.

I will be sharing more information about each group soon. Stay tuned!

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Jan, 16:42

Everybody should donate a fixed amount of their income to support charity.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The suggestion to mandate donating a fixed portion of income to charities might seem fair and sensible at first glance. However, I completely disagree with this proposal, as it disregards individuals’ financial circumstances and compromises the core principles of voluntary giving.

Obliging people to donate a certain amount of their earnings to charities would be unjust to some individuals. People’s incomes vary significantly depending on the regions they live in or the work they do. Thus, enforcing an initiative to make them contribute a portion of their income could create financial strain on their budget. For example, single parents facing economic instability and challenges in covering basic expenses, such as food, rent, and childcare, may struggle to allocate part of their income to charities. Requiring them to donate could lead to sacrifices in essential areas, straining their familial budget. Conversely, an affluent family with a stable source of income would find contributing this fixed donation trivial, disproportionately impacting financially vulnerable individuals.

Another issue with this proposal is that it undermines the fundamental values of charitable deeds. Giving to those in need should be done wholeheartedly, not under compulsion. For instance, people should donate to causes like cancer research or disaster relief out of their own will rather than feeling forced to do so. Obligatory donations would feel coercive, ultimately undervaluing the altruistic actions of individuals. Moreover, mandated contributions could result in resentment among those who may perceive such policies as unfair intrusions into their financial decisions. Instead, governments should create conditions where people feel motivated to support social welfare programs, such as offering tax incentives or running awareness campaigns.

In conclusion, I believe forcing people to donate is both discriminatory and ethically flawed. This is because people from different economic backgrounds would be disproportionately affected, with low-income individuals suffering while wealthier individuals face less of a challenge. Therefore, charities should remain voluntary rather than compulsory, inspiring people to assist those in need.



IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Jan, 15:03

Finally topdik shunaqasini 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Jan, 15:00

Guess the song ?

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Jan, 15:00

Shogirdlar man qoygan qóshiqni aytolishmayapti 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Jan, 14:57

Mid lesson chill 😎😎

IELTS with Salaydinov

16 Jan, 17:59

Yangi Matematika Kursi
Everest Alisher Navoiy filiali

Ustoz: Abror Rahmatov
— 10+ yillik tajriba ega matematik.
— Buxoro Qorako‘l metodikasi bo‘yicha tajribali mutaxassis.

Dars vaqti: 18:30 – 20:30
Toq kunlar: Dushanba, Chorshanba, Juma

Kurs boshlanishi: 2025-yil 17-yanvar juma kunidan boshlaymiz
🔔 Barcha abituriyentlarni taklif etamiz! Hali ham kech emas, shoshiling!

Manzil: Alisher Navoiy ko‘chasi, 37-uy

Murojaat uchun:
+998 95 144 60 40
+998 95 144 30 40
+998 94 644 05 45

IELTS with Salaydinov

10 Jan, 07:36

From yesterday’s hydrocycle ride 🔥🔥

IELTS with Salaydinov

10 Jan, 06:53

Nima dedilar tushundilarmi 😁

IELTS with Salaydinov

10 Jan, 06:46

Chapda yurishga koʻnikish qiyint ekan 😁

IELTS with Salaydinov

09 Jan, 13:10

🗣 Speakingni qanday oshirsa bo‘ladi?

Ingliz tilida ravon gapirish ko‘pchilik uchun qiyin vazifa bo‘lib tuyuladi, ammo native speakerlar bilan muloqot qilish bu jarayonni osonlashtiradi.

👇 To’liq podcast YouTube kanalimizda:

📹Instagram  📹YouTube 📍Manzillar

IELTS with Salaydinov

09 Jan, 09:51

Thrilling 😎😎

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Jan, 14:13

Dear my friends our podcast is finally out.

I hope you will support it with reactions, comments and reposts.

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Jan, 14:11

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Jan, 06:12

Oʻxshamaptimi 😂😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Jan, 06:09

Holding the rock ❤️❤️

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Jan, 05:19

New experiences 🔥🔥

IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Dec, 11:25

The only person who could do it so far

IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Dec, 05:26

so, it seems I inspired some people to exercise 😄😄

IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Dec, 05:00

Send your videos to me I will upload to the channel


IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Dec, 04:55

If you like to try this react🔥🔥

IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Dec, 04:55


IELTS with Salaydinov

26 Dec, 17:51

The bar chart illustrates the types of activities children in the United States engage in before bedtime, categorized into three age groups: 1–3 years, 4–5 years, and 6–8 years.

Overall, it is notable that each age group shows different preferences for bedtime activities. Among all the activities, reading is by far the most common across all age groups, particularly among 4–5-year-olds, while watching TV and eating are the least preferred.

Focusing on the youngest age group (1–3 years), children in this category primarily engage in reading and having a bath before bedtime, with participation rates of 65% and 40%, respectively. About 30% of children in this group brush their teeth, while even fewer—around 20%—watch TV or eat.

For the 4–5-year-olds, reading remains the most popular activity, with 70% of children participating. However, participation rates gradually decline for other activities, with 45% brushing their teeth, followed by 20% having a bath, and just 10% eating, which is the lowest figure in this age group.

Finally, the oldest age group (6–8 years) follows a similar pattern. Reading is still the most common activity at 60%, but the participation rates decrease for each subsequent activity, showing a consistent decline. There is a roughly 10% disparity between each consecutive activity.

Time: all the way home.
I wrote something, but I don’t know what it is

IELTS with Salaydinov

26 Dec, 04:45

My student at 5th grade.

Her love to learning is unwavering. Her passion always makes me happy 😍😍

IELTS with Salaydinov

25 Dec, 08:03

The table illustrates the distribution of residential water usage across various activities in an unspecified country in 1988 and 2008.

Overall, there was a significant shift in water consumption patterns over the two decades. In 1988, washing clothes accounted for the largest proportion of water usage, closely followed by the bathroom, while the kitchen consumed the least. By 2008, the trend had reversed, with the kitchen and bathroom becoming the highest consumers of water, whereas all other categories experienced a decline.

In 1988, washing clothes constituted 25% of total residential water consumption, making it the largest category. This was followed by the bathroom at 22% and the garden at 20%. Toilets accounted for 18% of water usage, while the kitchen represented the smallest share, at 16%.

By 2008, the bathroom and kitchen saw notable increases in their share of water usage, rising to 27% and 29%, respectively. These categories surpassed all others to become the most significant contributors to water consumption. In contrast, the remaining categories—washing clothes, toilets, and the garden—declined to 22%, 14%, and 7%, respectively. The most dramatic reduction was observed in the garden category, which fell by 13 percentage points from its initial 20% in 1988.


IELTS with Salaydinov

25 Dec, 05:05

Writing task 2
In many parts of the world, people now often throw things away when they are broken and buy new ones, whereas in the past broken things were repaired and used again.
Why do you think this is the case?
What problems may it lead to?

In the modern world, there is a tendency to replace broken things frequently rather than fix them, as opposed to the past. This shift in consumer behavior mainly stems from the availability of mass production, which can result in environmental problems.

One of the key reasons behind this shift is the advent of mass production. Unlike in the past, when people had to wait a prolonged time to obtain certain products, consumers can now enjoy relatively more freedom in terms of their purchases. This has been achieved through the establishment of large-scale manufacturing, thanks to factories and their assembly lines. Such abundance has made the pricing of goods comparatively cheaper than the cost of fixing damaged ones. A broken mobile phone, for example, can cost much more to fix than purchasing a new one due to expensive components, rendering reuse a less viable option.

One of the major issues that this development can incur is environmental damage. However appealing purchasing new products might appear, it can cause insoluble environmental problems. Air pollution is a pertinent example, as producing products in large numbers necessitates extracting natural resources, such as oil, wood, and metals, as well as energy, emitting a large amount of carbon dioxide. For instance, a single production facility discharges waste material, exhaust fumes, and hazardous gases that can pollute the local area by ending up in landfills and rivers, raising significant health concerns for local residents.

In conclusion, the “throwaway” culture mainly comes from the availability of cheap and accessible goods on offer. However, this change towards consumerism can lead to environmental pollution, resulting in health issues among people. Thus, I think that the government should promote a more sustainable way of living to avoid severe repercussions and sustain the livelihood of the planet in the long run.

IELTS with Salaydinov

23 Dec, 05:10

Samandar has always stood out among his peers, serving as a role model not only for his groupmates but also for me.

Now looking at his achievements, I feel an immense sense of pride. I am sure more of the grandeur achievements are on the horizon.

IELTS with Salaydinov

23 Dec, 05:08

O'shanda ishlash taklifini o'ylab ko'ring degan edingiz, nimagadir ko'nglim chet elga chopavergandi, mana shukur niyatimga yetish arafasidaman. To'liq davlat hisobidan yillik stipendiya bilan ketyapman🥳😊

IELTS with Salaydinov

23 Dec, 05:08

Yangilik shuki, bu yil "El-yurt umidi" jamgʻarmasiga hujjatlarimni topshirgandim, oktyabr oyida stipendiat deb topildim imtihonlaridan oʻtib. Xudo xohlasa visam chiqdi, biletlarim tayyor. 13-yanvardan University of Warwick (Angliya, QS reytingida 67-o'rin) da MA Applied linguistics and TESOL bo'yicha magistraturada o'qishimni boshlayman. Barchasi uchun sizga rahmat, ustoz. Sizning bergan yordamlaringiz bu yo'lda ancha asqatdi😊😊😊

IELTS with Salaydinov

23 Dec, 05:08

Assalomu alaykum! Ustoz yaxshimisiz? Charchamay ishlayapsizmi? Sizga anchadan beri yozaman deb yurgandim. Endi fursati yetdi deb oʻylayman. Sizga bergan bilimlaringiz, yaxshiliklaringizni qaytarishga ojizman. Alloh rozi boʻlsin sizdan. Ingliz tilidan siz tufayli olgan bilimlarim tufayli juda koʻplab studentlarni oʻqitdim, ularga bilim berdim. Bu uchun alohida tashakkur

IELTS with Salaydinov

22 Dec, 18:52

Sharing the audio recording of the mock test for those who missed it.

IELTS with Salaydinov

22 Dec, 18:42

Thanks to Shirin for providing wonderful responses for our questions.

Do you guys want to see such mock tests more ?

leave your reactions if you liked it.

IELTS with Salaydinov

22 Dec, 18:41

Live stream finished (38 minutes)

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Dec, 04:18

Learn to find baht in simple things 🥹

IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Dec, 04:16

Eng katta baht bu
Siz ótirgan vagonga yoshi kattalar va ayollar chiqib qolmasligi. 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:59

Dòstlar savollar kelishda davom etmoqda. Lekin uxlash kerak.

Meni yulduzlik kasaliga chalindi demanglar, lekin shu yerda tóxtatamiz.🤣🤣.

Ozroq chalingandurman balki. I am a microcelebrity😂😂.

Shu savol javobni deb 2 kishi dan ayrildim kanaldan. Boshqa ayriliqni kòtaraolmayman.
Keyon zaryadchik ish honada qolib ketibti yetmaganiga.

Zaryad qolmayapti aloqa uzilib qolishi mu………….

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:55

Unday qimadimku 🥲🥲

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:55

💬 You have a new message!

You ignored me
How dare you?

↩️ Swipe to reply

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:55

Ammo bag’iyam bor lekin 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:55

💬 You have a new message!

Ustoz toydan keyin aniq dars oz vaqtida tugatib uyga ketadilar. Biz soat 10 pm gacha darslarni soginamiz keyin🗿

↩️ Swipe to reply

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:54

Coca kola fanta somsa manti osh mini shortik sumka pro max 😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:53

💬 You have a new message!

Assalomu alaykum.Qanaqa telefon ishlatasiz...?

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IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:53

Ha oyijonni qoyib qoyib òzim qilaman😂😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:53

💬 You have a new message!

Kanalizdagi ovqatlarni óziz qilasmi☺️☺️

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IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:53

Alhamadulillah 4 siblings

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:53

💬 You have a new message!

How many your siblings

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IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:52

Shu odamni hijolat qilaverdingizlarda 🥰

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:52

💬 You have a new message!

Yuragingizdagi shuncha o't qayerdan😅 kim sababli😁

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IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:52

Bu savol dan keyin yana bitta oyijondan bólsin 😂😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:50

Odamni unday uyaltirmanglar endi 🥰

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:50

💬 You have a new message!

Nechinchi yilsz ?

↩️ Swipe to reply

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Dec, 18:50

Lekin òrganib qolishgan 😢😢

IELTS with Salaydinov

20 Nov, 07:15

Men har doim o‘quvchilarimga shunday deyman:

Siz oddiy ingliz tilini o‘rganolmay qiynalayapman deb nolib o‘tirgan vaqtingizda, kimdir boshqa sayyoralarni o‘zlashtirib, u yerga uchirgan raketalarni qaytarib Yerga olib kelmoqda.

Siz esa tilni o‘rganishning oson yo‘lini izlab yuribsiz.

Hech qachon oson yo‘l bo‘lmaydi. O‘qib, tilni o‘rganing. Hech bo‘lmasa, boshqa sayyoralarni zabt etmasangiz ham, shu jarayonlarning bir qismiga aylaning.

IELTS with Salaydinov

20 Nov, 06:03

if you see such videos that promise you to get 8/9 or whatever score just run away !!!!

IELTS with Salaydinov

20 Nov, 05:28

Afsuski shunaqa videolar kòpayib ketti

There is no such a thing that can boost your reading immediately or easily.

These are collective factors that will ultimately lead to improvement in your comprehension.

So, please instead of searching for easy ways to, work on your grammar, vocabulary and read as much as possible, especially difficult scientific texts that will challenge your traditional thinking and improve your logical and critical reasoning.

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Nov, 19:28

Night walk makes a man healthy and wealthy.
Ok at least healthy 😂🤝

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Nov, 09:50


Bayroq kuni bilan hammani

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Nov, 08:21

Shu ayiqqa mazza

Reading passage 3 siqilib ótirmaydi
Yoki listening part 3 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Nov, 06:23

Give the Green light 🚥- to allow/let somebody (to)do something.

A good collocation 😎

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Nov, 06:22

Biden tog’o ketishdan oldin bir davrani qizdiray deptida 🍳🍳.

IELTS with Salaydinov

18 Nov, 05:43

A song in a taxi endi kuni bóyi shu kallamda aylanadi 😂😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 18:10

Ehh hayotda tushunadigan insonlaram bor 🥺🥺

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:56

Me right now 🥕🥕🥕

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:47

Xuddi shu ovqat faqat boshqa fondan 🤣🤣

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:45


IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:45

Ovqat suzildi kelamiz tezroq 😎😎

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:39

Yana yuragim siqildi 🥲🥲

Oyijonni tashlab qoyilar iltimos 🥲🥲

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:20

Qóldi yuvilar choy qaynasin ovqatni suzaman 😇😇

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:16

The main dish of the dinner is ready 🥘

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 17:12

The final shot 🤓🤓

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:44

Look at the cheese leaking out 🧀

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:41

Fry until it turns gold and prepare other ingredients for hot dogs 🤓

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:37

I see no likes 🧐

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:37

You know what I added to it : 🧀 .

I will show you when it is ready 😉

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:36

First boil and then fry

My own recipe 😘

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:26

Should I teach you how to make homemade sausages 🤓

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:18

Wait for the results

By then we will make a hotdog 🌭 from homemade sausages 😋

IELTS with Salaydinov

17 Nov, 16:17

I like to prepare chicken 🍗 in this way 🤓

IELTS with Salaydinov

03 Nov, 12:54

Zór óynashar ekan óquvchilarimiz. Bitta turnir qilib yuborish kerak ekan😎😎

IELTS with Salaydinov

03 Nov, 12:53

Small trick 😂

Haliyam nimadurlar bor ekan 😂😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

03 Nov, 12:51

Football time football ⚽️

IELTS with Salaydinov

03 Nov, 08:34

The last 8 seats left ❗️❗️❗️
To enroll in this reading 8+ course

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 16:30

Sharply 10 seats left. If you want to join you should reserve a seat, and the lessons will kick off from 5th November.

This course is ideal for those struggling with reading.
I think you can easily upgrade your reading band score by a whole 1 band.

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 08:09

Agar reading darajangiz 5.5/6.0/6.5/7.0 qotib qolgan bólsangiz, Qatnashsangiz bóladi.

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 08:07

Explanation for the course

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 07:49

8 ta joy ketdi !!!🤓

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 07:28

All of my results
Student results

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 07:27

Online ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️

💰 Narxi: 149,000 so‘m
(Bu narx ikki marta ovqatlanishga ketadigan pulga teng, lekin evaziga ingliz tili darajangizni sezilarli oshirish imkoniyati!)

Yozilmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, aloqaga chiqing 👉 @shaxzodsalaydinov

📝 To‘lov tasdiqlangandan so‘ng, sizga yopiq kanalga link tashlab beriladi. Shunchaki to‘lov haqida checkni yuborishingiz kerak bo‘ladi.

🎟 Seats are limited – faqatgina 30 ta odam olaman, chunki hamma bilan speaking mock qilish imkonsiz bo‘ladi.

5 november dan boshlanadi undan keyin qo'shila olmaysiz


IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 06:27

Koroche there is no reason for not joining this project. 😄

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 06:26

Yomon maqatanashish bo'p ketti buyog'i lekin

IELTS with Salaydinov

02 Nov, 05:21

Yana nechta 9 kerak kerak kerak.

Bu adashib bir marta 8.0/8.5 olib marafon qiladigan bazilar dek, laxatron emas 😅

IELTS with Salaydinov

31 Oct, 16:02

Degan nom ostida kimdir sizga kurs taklif qilsa ishonmang 🫡🫡

IELTS with Salaydinov

31 Oct, 16:00

Reading ni 1 va 1.5 ballga oshirmoqchi bo'lsangiz shu video ni ko'rib do'stlaringizga yuborib qoying 😂😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

31 Oct, 07:35

Nowadays, more and more people are moving from the countryside to cities, which are becoming overcrowded.
What are the reasons for this movement to cities?
What are the effects?

Urbanization is often attributed to the pursuit of higher living standards and better economic opportunities. However, this trend can lead to several adverse effects, such as environmental degradation and housing shortages.

One of the primary drivers of rural-to-urban migration is the aspiration for an improved quality of life. Cities offer more comprehensive infrastructure, including better healthcare, educational facilities, and transportation networks. For example, parents moving to urban areas can access advanced hospitals and schools, which enables them to raise their children in healthier and more supportive environments. Furthermore, another key factor behind this shift is the availability of economic opportunities. Urban centers typically host numerous international companies and industries, providing jobs with higher wages, professional growth, and career development. For instance, a qualified individual working in a metropolitan company might experience faster career progression and financial stability, which may be difficult to achieve in rural settings where job options are limited.

Turning to the consequences of rapid urbanization, one major impact is environmental harm. When cities experience high population growth, this often results in increased demand for manufactured goods and housing. To meet these needs, new factories, housing complexes, and other infrastructure are developed, which can lead to the depletion of natural resources such as fossil fuels and the overexploitation of land. For instance, the construction of new residential areas often requires clearing green spaces, which disrupts local ecosystems and contributes to biodiversity loss. Additionally, urbanization can worsen housing shortages. As land becomes scarce in densely populated areas, real estate prices and rental costs surge, making it challenging for low-income families to afford decent accommodation. This issue not only impacts those in need of housing but also contributes to urban inequality, as wealthier individuals are better positioned to secure housing while lower-income families may face overcrowded living conditions.

In conclusion, urbanization is primarily driven by the desire for a better quality of life and financial security. Nonetheless, it poses significant challenges, including environmental degradation and housing affordability issues.

323 words


IELTS with Salaydinov

31 Oct, 03:47

True false not given da qiynalib yurgan tanishlarizga tashlab qoysangiz boʻladi.

IELTS with Salaydinov

31 Oct, 03:47

🎙 Voice Chat Recording
📝 Topic: True / False / Not Given

👤 Host: Salaydinov Shaxzod
📡 Channel: @ieltswithme11
🏢 Venue: @everestofficial

IELTS with Salaydinov

29 Oct, 11:16

New schedule

Feel free to contact about the groups you want to know



IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Oct, 17:43

Niner and a Future Niner 🔥

Bitta chiroyli project qivoramizmi🤔

Nima deysizlar ? 👇

IELTS with Salaydinov

27 Oct, 11:01

Today at 20-00 at @everestofficial I am hosting a video chat.
This is a golden opportunity for you to gain insights into True False Not given question type as well as learning many useful tips.
Don't miss out your chance !!!!

IELTS with Salaydinov

26 Oct, 01:51

6-00 am

P.s we are still fighting but have losses .
New forces arrived to support us in the battlefield .
We will stay strong 💪💪

IELTS with Salaydinov

25 Oct, 06:40


The three maps illustrate the transformation of Willington town over two phases of changes that occurred between 1780, 1860, and 2000. Overall, throughout this span, the town was converted from its original agricultural setting into a small urban settlement due to the introduction of new residential, educational, and sports facilities. However, it is also worth mentioning that all these developments came at the expense of vegetation and farming practices.

In 1780, the town was primarily adapted for agriculture. A river flowed from the north to the south, and the town was located alongside this river. The central part of the town was occupied by four separate sections devoted to farms. A hundred houses were clustered in a village located in the northeast of the town, while the southeastern corner was fully covered with trees.

Over the next 80 years, the town underwent significant changes. A new bridge was erected over the river, connecting the two banks. Two of the farms, which were diagonally opposite, were removed, and a new road was paved to the north, leading from the river to the village. Notably, the number of houses doubled, whereas the stretch of woodland was reduced.

The final stage of development, which lasted until 2000, involved many alterations, which completely shifted the focus of the town from an agricultural area to a mostly residential one. Along the riverbank near the south, a line of shops was built. In the vicinity of the shops, a wetland for birds was created. Meanwhile, the remaining two of the original four farms were also removed. Additional houses were constructed, bringing the total number to 500, five times more than in 1780. The woodland was completely cleared to make room for new educational facilities, including two schools with three playing fields. This area was connected to the village by another road.



IELTS with Salaydinov

24 Oct, 02:11

6-00 am

P.s we are still fighting but have losses .
New forces arrived to support us in the battlefield .
We will stay strong 💪💪

IELTS with Salaydinov

22 Oct, 02:29

Morning practice at six o’clock

Soldiers are in the making

IELTS with Salaydinov

20 Oct, 17:19

Some feel that individuals today spend too much time following political news while others feel politics deserves greater attention.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

There is a view that people are placing too much focus on political news, while critics of this idea state that the amount of time people spend reading this type of news is justified. While both sides may have credible arguments to support their ideas, I still think that politics is worth allocating time for.

On the one hand, there are some compelling reasons to argue that individuals are spending too much of their time on politics. For one, prioritizing such news can divert attention from more essential social issues. If people spend much of their time solely following political changes, societal problems, including poverty, healthcare, and unemployment, might be left overlooked. Therefore, some people contend that reporting and following political news excessively could be detrimental to society. Furthermore, too much focus on political news can create social divisions. Unlike in the past, today, people can easily access online platforms to read news outlets that report on the politics of not only local governments but also foreign countries. This, in turn, can create a distorted image of political changes among the general public since they might not be using the same sources.

However, I still think that apportioning more time to political news is justified in several respects. To begin with, by reading about political reforms and changes, people can gain a better understanding of recent amendments in legislation, which helps them make informed decisions. This enables them to avoid breaking the law due to increased awareness of recent changes in the legal system. Moreover, with more attention to political changes, people can bring more scrutiny to the actions of politicians. This allows them to hold corrupt officials accountable for the misuse of their responsibilities. In the long term, such widespread public interest in political changes ensures that they can vote for the right nominees for higher governmental positions, such as the presidency.

In conclusion, although excessive interest in the political sphere can divert attention from more crucial social issues and lead to social division, I believe that following the latest political news is pivotal. This is because it helps people make more informed choices and hold political figures more accountable for their actions.


IELTS with Salaydinov

20 Oct, 15:02

We don’t know after which failure we achieve what we are striving for so keep failing and keep growing.

IELTS with Salaydinov

20 Oct, 14:59

Road to success

Clearly illustrates how people fail on the way to their goals yet recover and keep stepping forward despite setbacks

IELTS with Salaydinov

19 Oct, 19:10

Overall: 7️⃣.0️⃣
Exam date: October 5, 2024
Instructor: @shaxzodsalaydinov
Candidate: Suhrobjon Jabborov
📍Everest Beruniy

📞 +998951440016

Join and share 🔽

IELTS with Salaydinov

15 Oct, 19:14


IELTS with Salaydinov

11 Oct, 18:23

1. Without somebody to correct your mistakes, you will simply fiddle around one point without much progress.

IELTS with Salaydinov

11 Oct, 18:22

Look at this wonderful structure we have learned while watching a video in the classroom 🤓🎯

IELTS with Salaydinov

10 Oct, 04:15

New schedule

Feel free to contact about the groups you want to know



IELTS with Salaydinov

09 Oct, 18:27

Someone got high after reading this essay 😂

IELTS with Salaydinov

09 Oct, 17:32


The bar chart compares the ratio of male and female teachers across six education settings in the UK in 2010.

Overall, female teachers were more prominent in school education, especially in nursery/pre-school and primary school, where the disparity between the two genders was the most pronounced. In contrast, male teachers slightly outnumbered their female counterparts in higher education, except for the college setting, where they represented equal shares.

Regarding female-dominated settings, females were employed in far larger numbers in school education. Nursery/Pre-school and Primary school were the settings that represented the biggest difference in the ratio of female and male staff, with women comprising approximately 97% and 95%, while men accounted for only between 3% and 5%. However, in secondary schools, the gap was narrower, still in favor of females, who made up 55% of the total teaching workforce.

Conversely, the trend was reversed for higher education. Male teachers showed higher proportions in private training institutes and university education, constituting 57% and 70%, respectively. The only setting where both genders accounted for equal percentages, of 50%, was college education.


IELTS with Salaydinov

07 Oct, 13:05

Bir do'stimiz maslahat so'rab yozgan ekanlar.

Manimcha qolganlarga ham foydali bo'ladi deb share qilyapman.

IELTS with Salaydinov

06 Oct, 05:22

Worth your MBs 🚀

IELTS with Salaydinov

05 Oct, 18:44

Today’s real exam task 1