Razzakbergan's IELTS @ieltsrazzakbergan Channel on Telegram

Razzakbergan's IELTS




For questions and infoπŸ‘‡

Razzakbergan's IELTS (English)

Are you looking to take your IELTS exam to the next level? Look no further than Razzakbergan's IELTS Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @ieltsrazzakbergan, is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their desired score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. With a focus on providing valuable resources, tips, and strategies, Razzakbergan's IELTS is the ultimate destination for anyone looking to excel in their IELTS exam. From sample test questions to expert guidance, this channel has everything you need to succeed. Join the community today and take the first step towards reaching your IELTS goals. Remember, the sky is the limit (not 9) when it comes to your IELTS score! Keyingi qabul oktabrda. For any questions or more information, feel free to reach out to the channel's assistants at @Assistants25. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your IELTS preparation and achieve success!

Razzakbergan's IELTS

28 Oct, 04:41

My IELTS classes will take place in Room 2. If your level is intermediate or upper intermediate, come and join on Wednesday, morning 9.00 am and afternoon 2.00 pm.


Razzakbergan's IELTS

26 Oct, 16:02

Ma'rufaning pre-IELTS (4 oylik) kurslarini tugatib, mening 2 oylik kursimni tugatgan ko'plab o'quvchilar qiynalmasdan B2 olgan. Qolganlari esa 4 oylik IELTS darslarida qatnashib o'rtacha 6.5, bir nechta 7 va C1 hatto 7.5 ham olishgan.

Qo'shilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, o'zi bilan bog'laning.



Razzakbergan's IELTS

26 Oct, 15:45

Juft kunlari peshinda(2-5) Pre-IELTS guruhlarimiz ochildi. Ingliz tili darajangiz yaxshi bo'lsa, pre-intermediate yoki intermediate SESHANBA kuni kelib qo'shilishingiz mumkin.

Razzakbergan's IELTS

24 Oct, 15:08

Time is up!

Razzakbergan's IELTS

24 Oct, 14:58

2 minutes left!

Razzakbergan's IELTS

24 Oct, 14:02

1 hour left!

Razzakbergan's IELTS

24 Oct, 08:04

Read this through!

Razzakbergan's IELTS

23 Oct, 08:39

Multilevel intensive ga qatnamoqchi bo'lganlar, ertaga shovqinsiz joyda kechki 8.00 da online bo'ling. Video xabar yuborasiz. Yuqoridagi shartlarni o'qing.

Razzakbergan's IELTS

22 Oct, 06:13

ATTENTION! 24th October, 8.00pm

The intake will take place online here on this channel.

You'll need to send your  answer in the format of TELEGRAM VIDEO MESSAGE to the SPECIAL ACCOUNT, within 4 minutes after I send the question. If you can't answer the first question in 4 minutes, then you will have to answer the second question within 4 minutes. There will be only 2 questions.

You should give a 35-45-second long answer.

Placement question ONE will be posted at 8.00pm. The next question will be posten 8.04pm

Your 30-40-second video message must be received in 4 minutes.

You must not google your answer or read from script. Such answers will not be checked.

I need to know your true level of English, not your fake English.

PS: former students and B2 holders will be accepted automatically.

Send your details



Razzakbergan's IELTS

22 Oct, 06:10


Admission to Multilevel will take place on Thursday, October 24 at 8:00 in the evening in the form of online speaking.

Razzakbergan's IELTS

20 Oct, 06:33

Those who could not come today can come on 11.00-12.00 or 16.00-17.00 on Tuesday

Razzakbergan's IELTS

20 Oct, 05:19

B1 sertifikatga ega bo'lsangiz to'g'ridan to'g'ri Pre-IELTS darslariga qabul qilinasiz.

Ma'lumotlaringizni quyidagi akkountga yuboring.

Razzakbergan's IELTS

19 Oct, 13:22

IELTS va pre-IELTS guruhlariga qabul 20-oktabr kuni yani ertaga soat ertalabki 10 dan 12.00 gacha bo'lib o'tadi.

Razzakbergan's IELTS

19 Oct, 11:46

Qabul degani--sinov degani!

Razzakbergan's IELTS

19 Oct, 11:09

My former students and those who have a B2 certificate in IELTS or Multilevel will be accepted automatically.

Just send your details

Razzakbergan's IELTS

19 Oct, 05:21

Room 2 and 5, 2-etaj, Hozirgi Tibbiyot Texnikumi, Feruz Fabrika, Rayhon Cake, Urologiya yoni

Razzakbergan's IELTS

19 Oct, 05:17

IELTS va pre-IELTS guruhlariga qabul 20-oktabr kuni yani ertaga soat ertalabki 10 dan 12.00 gacha bo'lib o'tadi.

Razzakbergan's IELTS

18 Oct, 06:44

Sabohat is among the few students who could show her level in the exam. Not many students able to do this.

Congrats one more time! 7οΈβƒ£πŸ”€5️⃣