Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library (@homesteadingselfsufficiency)の最新投稿

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library のテレグラム投稿

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library
Plans, Guides, Books, Audio Books and More.

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11,596 人の購読者
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236 本の動画
最終更新日 06.03.2025 16:23

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

26 Feb, 17:40


You know what I find amusing about all this scanning our devices for "things"? They can censor anything instantly and automatically but just can't seem to put a dent in child porn, child exploitation, or child abuse. Weird huh?
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

26 Feb, 17:39


Android Users:

1. Go to apps in the settings menu.
2. Click the 3 button menu or the filter menu and enable show system apps.
3. Search for 'safetycore'
4. Uninstall it.

It's something that scans and censors all images with “harmful content.” I'm sure they'll eventually change “harmful images” to “problematic images” before too long.

And why are they scanning the content of my private phone in the first place? (I know, I know…)

h/t: Solstice
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

17 Feb, 19:39

3,356 FDA recalls millions of granola bars for a ‘potential presence of metal’
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

16 Feb, 05:58


I'm not affiliated with any group, church, or sect. Looks like a good manual so shared.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

12 Feb, 22:01


Costco also refused to dismantle their DEI program. People need to dump that company.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

12 Feb, 21:45

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

31 Jan, 15:52


Probably should have added some screens.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

31 Jan, 14:54


A better copy provided from chat!
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

31 Jan, 14:43


Klaus Schwab Comes To Indiana - For Chickens!

"The WEF fingerprints are ALL OVER this! They are pushing these zoning initiatives into all communities. Pay attention and get involved!"
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

29 Jan, 20:50


Hungry Minds - The Book. The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding a Civilization

This was a book request. Been waiting a few months to find someone who had it. Not a scan but photos of the physical book. Not the best but all I could get for now.