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Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

29 Jan, 20:06


It's one big club and they want us all dead. #WINNING
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

29 Jan, 20:06


Oh, boy…

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has investments in biotech companies that use gene editing technology he previously cautioned against, his Senate confirmation ethics paperwork revealed Wednesday.

Kennedy holds dividend rights to multiple biotech firms, including a stake in CRISPR Therapeutics, ethics paperwork he filed in his bid to be confirmed as President Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 21:24


If you don't have chickens or even if you aren't allowed to it's still the time to get them. They are going to make everything not bug related so expensive no one can buy it. It won't be a rug pull.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 21:24


The price of eggs has
skyrocketed - here's why
they're not coming down
anytime soon 01/28 Bird flu
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 20:45


It's ok, no one got it. I thought it was funny though. Its a plant sex joke.

No not having sex with a plant. Those are the male and female plant sex organs.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 16:30


Just your regular reminder... RAW MILK IS SAFE.

In the last 50 years there hasn't been a single death confirmed from someone drinking raw milk. However, it's interesting to note that there have been 73 deaths from pasteurized milk during that same period. Ironically... that

Raw milk contains numerous bioactive components that: kill pathogens in the milk, prevent pathogen absorption across the intestinal wall, and strengthen the immune system

No other food that we consume contains a built-in safety system like the one in raw milk.

Of course... that protective safety net only goes so far. Typically, large confinement dairies (concentration camps in many cases) where cows live in incredible filth, force the cows to stand in deep manure even while milking. We recommend raw milk only from cows allowed to graze on pasture. Optimally... we suggest buying from local farmers who do mobile milking from their cows while they are on pasture vs. the model where the cows are bought into manure laden barns.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 16:15


>Stigma, Stamen … About the same thing

*Ha, just don’t mix those up in a bar. You would know if you got your hands on a stamen.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 00:23


Arugula is very strong and spicy. Don't put a pinch in your mouth. Found out quick.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

28 Jan, 00:09


A day later. Once they start going they really go. Beets are still lagging behind though.
Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency Library

25 Jan, 20:28


Becoming a Microgreen Master - v1.8
