Hitayu Books:BAMS Ayurveda books ,notes @hitayubooks_bams_ayurveda_notes Channel on Telegram

Hitayu Books:BAMS Ayurveda books ,notes


Here all the students can get all essential ayurved & modern medical books,computrised notes,handwritten notes and lectures(audio & video),share doubts, all queries will be answered ...ALL AT ONE PLACE😊😊🔥🔥https://t.me/DrTarunVerma

Hitayu Books:BAMS Ayurveda books ,notes (English)

Are you a student studying BAMS Ayurveda? Are you looking for all the essential Ayurvedic and modern medical books, computerized notes, handwritten notes, and lectures all in one place? Look no further than Hitayu Books! Hitayu Books is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing students with a comprehensive resource for their BAMS Ayurveda studies. Here, you can access a wide range of materials to enhance your learning experience. From audio and video lectures to a platform to share doubts and get all your queries answered, Hitayu Books has got you covered. Join our channel today and take your BAMS Ayurveda studies to the next level! Stay ahead in your academic journey with Hitayu Books. Click on the link provided to join: https://t.me/DrTarunVerma