Welcome to the Hari Smruti Shri Hari Ashram Telegram channel, also known as @harismruti. This channel is dedicated to providing Kathavarta & Smruti Darshan of H.D.H.Hariprasad Swamiji, located at Haridham - Sokhada, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. If you are searching for spiritual guidance, wisdom, and inspiration, then this channel is the perfect place for you. H.D.H.Hariprasad Swamiji is a revered spiritual leader known for his profound teachings and dedication to spreading love and peace. Through this channel, you will have access to his enlightening discourses, spiritual insights, and teachings that can transform your life for the better. Join us on this spiritual journey and experience the divine presence of H.D.H.Hariprasad Swamiji through the Hari Smruti Shri Hari Ashram channel. Embrace the wisdom, find inner peace, and connect with like-minded individuals who are on the same spiritual path. Let the teachings of H.D.H.Hariprasad Swamiji guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Subscribe to @harismruti today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
10 Jan, 02:26
07 Jan, 11:02
28 Dec, 16:50
30 Nov, 01:16
13 Nov, 06:57
01 Nov, 18:16