GDG Addis Ababa University ለመላው የክርስትና ዕምነት ተከታዮች መልካም የጥምቀት በዓል ይመኛል፡፡
መልካም በዓል!!
Welcome to Google Developer Group AAU! Are you a student who is passionate about learning more about Google's technology? Then this is the perfect group for you. Our group, @gdscaau, is a community where students come together to learn, collaborate, and work on projects for local businesses and the community. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, you are welcome to join us. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your knowledge, and gain hands-on experience in developing real-world projects. Join us today and take your skills to the next level with Google Developer Group AAU!
19 Jan, 06:30
13 Jan, 13:03
12 Jan, 16:05
09 Jan, 11:30
07 Jan, 05:35
22 Dec, 13:30
05 Dec, 17:45
29 Nov, 16:07
28 Nov, 17:00
What to Expect:
28 Nov, 05:05
27 Nov, 17:00
23 Nov, 15:00
19 Nov, 16:16
07 Nov, 08:58
06 Nov, 16:00
04 Nov, 13:09
04 Nov, 12:27
03 Nov, 06:37
01 Nov, 08:21
31 Oct, 06:31
31 Oct, 06:30
30 Oct, 12:12
30 Oct, 10:30
30 Oct, 06:30
29 Oct, 14:08
29 Oct, 08:31
22 Oct, 19:00
28 Sep, 06:00
26 Sep, 15:32
02 Sep, 18:37
29 Aug, 17:25
28 Aug, 16:01
27 Aug, 13:11
29 Jul, 09:21
25 Jul, 05:27
22 Jul, 07:24
20 Jul, 05:11