Aa @funnydoctors Channel on Telegram



funnydoctors (English)

Are you looking for a good laugh and some medical humor? Look no further than 'funnydoctors' Telegram channel! As the name suggests, this channel is all about sharing hilarious jokes, memes, and stories related to doctors and the medical field. Whether you're a healthcare professional or simply someone who enjoys a good chuckle, 'funnydoctors' is the perfect channel for you. From funny patient encounters to witty medical puns, you'll find a wide variety of comedic content that will brighten your day. Join 'funnydoctors' today and get your daily dose of laughter! Who is it? 'funnydoctors' is a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing funny jokes, memes, and stories related to doctors and the medical field. What is it? It is a space for healthcare professionals and medical enthusiasts to come together and enjoy some light-hearted humor. So, if you're in need of a good laugh, join 'funnydoctors' now and let the comedy begin!


10 Aug, 23:47

The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 9 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.


17 Dec, 05:01

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16 Sep, 18:19



16 Sep, 18:19



11 Sep, 18:36

Channel name was changed to «Aa»


01 Oct, 05:29

Channel created