Friday Reminders ❤️ @fridayreminders Channel on Telegram

Friday Reminders ❤️

Friday Reminders ❤️
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Last Updated 06.03.2025 14:11

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The Importance of Friday Reminders in a Fast-Paced World

As the workweek comes to a close, many people find themselves in a rush to wrap up their responsibilities and usher in the weekend. However, taking a moment to reflect and prepare for what lies ahead can greatly enhance the experience of our days off. This is where Friday reminders come into play. A trend that has gained traction across various social media platforms, including popular channels like Telegram, Friday reminders serve as gentle nudges to help individuals pause, reflect, and set intentions as they transition from the hustle and bustle of the week to the more relaxed pace of the weekend. By gathering motivational messages and actionable reminders from different sources, platforms like @fridayreminders and others aim to create a hub where individuals can find inspiration and encouragement. As we explore the concept of Friday reminders, we will also examine their importance in promoting mindfulness and enhancing overall well-being.

What are Friday reminders and why are they important?

Friday reminders are motivational messages or prompts shared at the end of the workweek to inspire individuals to reflect on their week and set positive intentions for the weekend. They serve as a way to encourage mindfulness and self-care as people transition from work to personal time.

The importance of Friday reminders lies in their ability to foster a proactive mindset. By taking a moment to pause and reflect, individuals can reassess their goals, celebrate their accomplishments, and address any unfinished business before the weekend begins. This practice promotes emotional well-being and can help reduce stress.

How can Friday reminders enhance weekend experiences?

By setting intentions through Friday reminders, individuals can curate their weekend experiences with more clarity and purpose. Instead of simply letting the weekend unfold, people can plan activities that bring them joy, relaxation, or fulfillment based on what they reflected on during the week.

Moreover, Friday reminders can also encourage individuals to prioritize self-care activities or connect with friends and family. This approach promotes a more enriching weekend experience, allowing for meaningful connections and enjoyable activities rather than a mere escape from the workweek.

Where can one find Friday reminders?

Friday reminders can be found across various platforms, including social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, and Telegram. Channels dedicated to motivational content, such as @fridayreminders, curate messages from multiple sources to provide a centralized hub for inspiration.

Apart from social media, many websites and blogs also publish weekly motivational content specifically targeted towards helping readers set the right mindset for the weekend. Subscribing to newsletters and following motivational speakers can also be a great way to receive regular Friday reminders.

What are some examples of effective Friday reminders?

Effective Friday reminders often include reflections on gratitude, setting personal goals, or prompts for self-care activities. For example, a reminder might encourage individuals to list three things they are grateful for from the past week or to take time for a favorite hobby over the weekend.

Another example could be a reminder to reconnect with loved ones by scheduling a phone call or planning an outing. Overall, the aim is to inspire individuals to think proactively about how they can make the most of their weekend.

Can Friday reminders contribute to mental health?

Yes, Friday reminders can significantly benefit mental health. By promoting mindfulness and encouraging reflection, these reminders can help individuals manage stress and anxiety. They provide an opportunity to pause and consider one's emotional state, which can be therapeutic.

Furthermore, setting aside time to reflect on personal achievements and positive experiences contributes to a more optimistic mindset. Regularly practicing gratitude and intention-setting can enhance overall mental resilience and well-being.

Friday Reminders ❤️ Telegram Channel

Are you someone who always forgets important tasks on Fridays? Do you often find yourself wishing for reminders to keep you on track? Look no further than the Friday Reminders Telegram channel! This channel serves as a hub for all your Friday reminders in one convenient place. Whether it's deadlines, meetings, or special events, you can count on Friday Reminders to keep you organized and on top of your game.

What sets this channel apart is its commitment to cross-sharing reminders from various sources. This means you'll have access to a wide range of reminders collected from different channels, ensuring that you never miss an important task again.

Friday Reminders is powered by @onepathtopeace, a trusted source for positive and uplifting content. With their support, you can rest assured that the reminders provided are not only helpful but also inspiring.

So why wait? Join the Friday Reminders Telegram channel today and say goodbye to missed deadlines and forgotten tasks. Visit to learn more about how you can stay organized and motivated every Friday!

Friday Reminders ❤️ Latest Posts

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As-Salat Wa Salam Upon The Prophet Of Islaam

al-Hafidh Emaad ad-Deen Isma’eel Ibn Katheer¹ [D.774A.H.] [رحمه الله] said in his Tafseer regarding the saying of Allaah [تعالى]:

‎﴿إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلَٰٓئِكَتَهُۥ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِيِّۚ يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ صَلُّواْ عَلَيۡهِ وَسَلِّمُواْ تَسۡلِيمًا﴾‏

«Allaah sends His Salât [Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy, etc.] on the Prophet and also His Angels too [ask Allaah to bless and forgive him]. O you who believe! Send your Salât on [ask Allaah to bless] him, and [you should] send Salam upon him.» [Soorah Ahzab: 56]

Ibn Katheer [رحمه الله] said in his Tafseer:

❝The meaning of this Ayaah is: that Allaah [سبحانه و تعالى] informed His worshippers of the status of His slave and His Prophet with Him in the high gathering [Angels], in that Allaah [سبحانه و تعالى] praises the Prophet in the high gathering of the Angels that are close to Him.

Also, that the Angels pray for the Prophet [ﷺ], then Allaah [تعالى] ordered the people of the lower world to send as-Salat Wa Salam upon the Prophet, so that the praise of those of the high world and lower world are combined.❞

[Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-Atheem By al-Hafidh Ibn Katheer, (3/663)]

27 Dec, 04:31
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Giving Charity on Fridays

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

Giving charity on Friday has a special merit compared to other days,

just as giving charity during the month of Ramadan has a higher merit compared to the rest of the year.

I witnessed Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله when he would go out for Jumuaah,

he would take whatever he found at home—be it bread or anything else—and give it as charity in secret on his way.

I heard him say:

“If Allāh commanded us to give charity before consulting with the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ (58:12), then giving charity before consulting with Allāh is even more virtuous and deserving of merit”

[Zaad al-Maad, 1/399]

Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:

"If the one giving charity knew that his charity landed in the Hand of Allāh before the hand of the poor person (48:10), the pleasure of the giver would be greater than the pleasure of the receiver."

[al-Madarij as-Salikeen, 1/26]

29 Nov, 17:28
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FRIDAY يوم الجمعة

• The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Everyone who invokes a blessing on me will receive ten blessings from Allah."

[Sahih Muslim 384]

• The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"The five (daily) prayers and from one Friday prayer to the (next) Friday prayer, and from Ramadan to Ramadan are expiations for the (sins) committed in between (their intervals) provided one shuns the major sins."

[Sahih Muslim 233]

• Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
"He who performed ablution well then came to Friday prayer, listened (to the sermon), kept silent, all (his sins) between that time and the next Friday would be forgiven with three days extra."

[Sahih Muslim 857]

• The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"On Friday, there is an hour when, if a Muslim happens to pray at that time and ask Alläh for something good, He will give it to him."

[Sahih Muslim 852]

18 Oct, 00:30
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If you want Allah to bless you ten times, remove ten of your sins, and elevate you ten degrees, send blessings upon the Prophet ‎ﷺ once.

If you want Allah to bless you a hundred times, remove a hundred of your sins, and elevate you a hundred degrees, send blessings upon the Prophet ‎ﷺ ten times.

And so on, whenever you send blessings upon him ‎ﷺ, multiply it by ten without any limit.

The Prophet ‎ﷺ said:
“Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will bless him ten times, remove ten of his sins, and elevate him ten degrees.”

And this is not specific to Fridays, but on Fridays, it is more virtuous.

11 Oct, 02:47