(нестабильные у меня отношения с этим блогом, и бросает от ненависти до любви к нему, но я вроде в берлине и в порядке, надеюсь и у вас все отлично
Welcome to 'liberty', a Telegram channel curated by the username @fraureads. This channel is a haven for those who believe that you can justify anything if you do it poetically enough. The channel is managed by Maria from Berlin, who goes by the pronouns she/her. Maria's passion for literature and freedom of expression shines through in every post on the channel.
'liberty' is not just a channel, it's a community where like-minded individuals come together to discuss books, poetry, and the power of words. Whether you're looking for book recommendations, discussions on the latest literary trends, or simply want to connect with fellow book lovers, 'liberty' is the place to be.
In addition to the literary content, the channel also features collaborations with other creatives. For any inquiries regarding partnerships or advertising opportunities, you can reach out to @moontraum. Please note that the channel is currently not accepting new advertising requests.
Join 'liberty' today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and inspiration. Let your words set you free and explore the limitless possibilities of the literary world with us.
05 Oct, 15:14
20 Sep, 14:10
10 Sep, 15:55
24 Aug, 14:18