"የንግድ መገናኛ ብዙኃን ለማህበረሰቡ የመረጃ ምንጭ ከመሆን ባለፈ በሰላም ግንባታ ሂደት ውስጥ ከፍተኛ ሚና ሊጫወቱ ይገባል" ከይረዲን ተዘራ (ዶ/ር)፣ የሰላም ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ
ቢሾፍቱ፣ የካቲት 26/2017 ዓ.ም
የኢትዮጵያ መገናኛ ብዙኃን ባለሥልጣን ከኢፌዴሪ ሰላም ሚኒስቴር ጋር በመተባበር በሰላም ግንባታ ዙሪያ ከንግድ መገናኛ ብዙኃን ኃላፊዎችና ባለሙያዎች ጋር የውይይት መድረክ አካሂዷል።
በመድረኩ የተገኙት የሰላም ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ ከይረዲን ተዘራ (ዶ/ር)፤ የንግድ መገናኛ ብዙኃን ለማህበረሰቡ የመረጃ ምንጭ ከመሆናቸው ባለፈ በሰላም ግንባታ ሂደት ውስጥ ከፍተኛ ሚና ሊጫወቱ እንደሚገባ በመግለፅ፤ ትልቁ ስኬት ችግሮች ከተፈጠሩ በኋላ ለማብረድ ከመሞከር ይልቅ ከመፈጠራቸው በፊት የመከላከል ስራ መስራት አዋጭ መሆኑን አስገንዝበዋል።
የኢትዮጵያ መገናኛ ብዙኃን ባለሥልጣን ዋና ዳይሬክተር ሳምሶን መኮንን (ዶ/ር) በበኩላቸው፤ የንግድ መገናኛ ብዙኃን ትውልድን በመቅረጽ ረገድ ያላቸው ሚና ከፍተኛ በመሆኑ በኃላፊነትና በአንድነት መንፈስ በሰላም ግንባታ ላይ በትኩረት መስራትና ሚናቸውን መወጣት እንደሚጠበቅባቸው አስገንዝበዋል።
በመድረኩ የንግድ መገናኛ ብዙኃን በሰላም ግንባታ ዙሪያ ያላቸው ሚና በተመለከተ እንዲሁም ህብረ ብሔራዊ አንድነት እና አሰባሳቢ ትርክት በሚሉ ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች ላይ የመነሻ ጽሁፎች ቀርበው ውይይት ተካሂዶባቸዋል።
Ethiopian Media Authority

EMA is an autonomous government organization accountable to the House of Peoples’ Representatives of the FDRE.
Canales Similares

Understanding the Role of the Ethiopian Media Authority
The Ethiopian Media Authority (EMA) is an autonomous government organization established to regulate the media landscape in Ethiopia. Accountable to the House of Peoples' Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), the EMA's primary mandate is to ensure that the media operates within the laws of the country while fostering a diverse and vibrant media environment. Established in response to the growing need for a structured approach to media regulation, the EMA aims to uphold democratic values, promote freedom of expression, and protect the public's right to information. As Ethiopia continues to evolve politically and socially, the EMA's role becomes increasingly critical in balancing freedom of speech and responsible media practices. This article will explore the various functions of the EMA, its significance in the Ethiopian media landscape, and address some frequently asked questions regarding its operations.
What are the main functions of the Ethiopian Media Authority?
The Ethiopian Media Authority is tasked with several important functions that collectively contribute to the regulation and oversight of media in Ethiopia. Primarily, it is responsible for licensing media outlets, ensuring they operate in compliance with national regulations and standards. This licensing process includes assessing the qualifications of media professionals and ensuring that media organizations adhere to the ethical guidelines established by the authority.
In addition to licensing, the EMA also monitors media content to protect the public interest, ensuring that broadcasts adhere to legal requirements regarding decency and accuracy. It plays a critical role in addressing complaints regarding media operations and managing disputes that may arise between media entities and the public. Furthermore, the EMA actively engages in capacity-building initiatives aimed at improving journalistic practices and media literacy among citizens.
How does the Ethiopian Media Authority promote freedom of expression?
The Ethiopian Media Authority promotes freedom of expression by creating an environment that allows diverse voices to be heard in the media. This includes ensuring that independent media outlets can operate freely without undue government interference. The EMA encourages a plurality of opinions in public discourse by fostering a media landscape that accommodates various perspectives, which is essential for a healthy democracy.
Moreover, the Authority engages in dialogues and collaborations with civil society organizations, media professionals, and international bodies to advocate for freedom of expression. By facilitating discussions on media rights and providing guidelines for ethical journalism, the EMA helps in protecting journalists and media workers from harassment and violence, thus reinforcing the principle of free expression.
What challenges does the Ethiopian Media Authority face?
The Ethiopian Media Authority faces various challenges in its quest to regulate the media responsibly. One major challenge is the balancing act between ensuring freedom of expression and maintaining public order. The threat of misinformation and hate speech, particularly in a politically diverse country like Ethiopia, poses a significant hurdle for the EMA, which must act decisively yet prudently to manage content that could incite violence or unrest.
Additionally, there are ongoing concerns regarding governmental pressure and influence over media operations. The EMA must navigate a complex political landscape where media outlets may face intimidation or censorship, undermining their independence. This requires the Authority to establish robust safeguards for media freedom while addressing the legitimate concerns about the impact of harmful content.
How does the EMA support media literacy among the public?
The Ethiopian Media Authority recognizes the importance of media literacy in enabling citizens to engage critically with media content. By launching public awareness campaigns and educational programs, the EMA seeks to empower individuals to discern credible information from misinformation. These initiatives help to cultivate a more informed citizenry that can actively participate in democratic processes.
In collaboration with educational institutions and community organizations, the EMA provides training sessions and resources focused on understanding media ethics, bias, and the importance of fact-checking. By fostering media literacy, the Authority aims to create a society that values responsible media consumption and encourages personal responsibility among media consumers.
What is the significance of the Ethiopian Media Authority in the context of democracy?
The Ethiopian Media Authority plays a pivotal role in the democratic landscape of Ethiopia by enforcing regulations that promote free and fair media practices. A robust and independent media is essential for democracy, as it serves as a watchdog against abuses of power and informs citizens about governance and public affairs. The EMA's existence signifies a commitment to fostering an environment where media can operate without fear of reprisal, thus underpinning democratic values.
Moreover, by promoting a diverse media ecosystem that includes a range of voices and viewpoints, the EMA contributes to healthy public discourse, which is fundamental for democracy. The Authority's efforts in ensuring media accountability and ethical practices further enhance public trust in media institutions, thereby reinforcing the democratic fabric of the nation.
Canal de Telegram Ethiopian Media Authority
Welcome to the Ethiopian Media Authority Telegram channel! As the official channel of the Ethiopian Media Authority (EMA), we are dedicated to providing the latest news and updates on media regulations, industry standards, and government policies related to the media sector in Ethiopia. EMA is an autonomous government organization accountable to the House of Peoples’ Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Our primary goal is to ensure the freedom of the press, promote ethical journalism practices, and uphold the highest standards of professionalism in the media industry. Join us to stay informed about the latest developments in the media landscape of Ethiopia and to engage in discussions on important issues impacting the media sector. Whether you are a journalist, media professional, or simply a concerned citizen interested in media affairs, our channel is the perfect platform for you to stay informed and connected. Stay tuned for updates, announcements, and valuable insights from the Ethiopian Media Authority!