Ethio-Chamber @ethiopiachamber Channel on Telegram



The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) is an apex organization of Chambers & Sectoral Associations in Ethiopia. It has eighteen members including nine Regional Chambers of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, two City Chambers

Ethio-Chamber Promotional Article (English)

Are you looking to connect with businesses and sectors in Ethiopia? Look no further than the Ethio-Chamber Telegram channel! Also known as @ethiopiachamber, this channel is the official platform of the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA). The ECCSA is the apex organization of Chambers & Sectoral Associations in Ethiopia, representing a total of eighteen members. These members include nine Regional Chambers of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, as well as two City Chambers. The Ethio-Chamber Telegram channel serves as a hub for information, networking, and collaboration among businesses, organizations, and individuals interested in the Ethiopian market. Whether you are a local entrepreneur looking to expand your network, a foreign investor seeking opportunities in Ethiopia, or simply someone interested in staying informed about the country's business landscape, the Ethio-Chamber Telegram channel has something for you. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and initiatives within the Ethiopian business community. Connect with like-minded professionals, share insights, and explore potential partnerships. The Ethio-Chamber Telegram channel is your gateway to the vibrant and dynamic world of Ethiopian commerce. Join us today and be part of a thriving community dedicated to promoting economic growth, innovation, and collaboration in Ethiopia. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous future for businesses and sectors across the country. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect, engage, and succeed with the Ethio-Chamber Telegram channel.


22 Nov, 17:04

ጅማ፦ የኢትዮጵያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት ፕሬዚዳንት ስብስብ አባፊራ አባጆቢር ከጅማ ከተማ አስተዳደር ከንቲባ አቶ ጠሃ ቀመር  ጋር  ተወያዩ  ::   
በቆይታቸውም  የከተማው አስተዳደር ከተማዋን  የንግድ ፣ኢንቨስትመንት  እና የቱሪዝም   መዳረሻ   እንዲሁም ከተማዋን  ለነዋሪዎች ምቹ ፣ ፅዱ እና ሳቢ  ለማድረግ ሌት ተቀን እየሰራ ላለው ስራ አድናቆታቸውን በመግለፅ ፤አስተዳደሩ በሚያከናውናቸው የልማት ስራዎች የግሉ ሴክተር አጋርነት  እንደማይለያቸው ገልጸዋል ::
Jimma,  — The President of the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA), Sebsib Abafira Abajobir, held a productive meeting with Teha Kemer, the Mayor of Jimma City, to discuss the city's ongoing developmental efforts and the role of the private sector in fostering growth.

During the discussion, President Sebsib commended the city administration for its dedication to positioning Jimma as a center for trade, investment, and tourism. He acknowledged the administration's work towards creating a clean, livable, and sustainable environment for the city's residents, emphasizing the importance of such initiatives in improving the quality of life and attracting business opportunities.

The ECCSA President highlighted the crucial role of the private sector in supporting these development efforts.

የኢትዮጵያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት
ስልክ፡  +251115514005
ፋክስ፡  + 251115517699
P. O. Box 517,
ኢ.ሜይል: [email protected]
ድረ ገጽ:
ፌስ ቡክ፡


22 Nov, 15:14

አዳማ ፤የኢትዮጵያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት ከዓለምአቀፉ የግሉ ዘርፍ ኢንተርፕራይዝ (CIPE) ጋር በመተባበር በአዳማ  ሲሰጥ የነበረው  ስልጠና ተጠናቀቀ።
ለንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤቶች ፕሬዚደንቶች፣ዋና ጸኃፊዎች እና አባላት የተሠጠው ስልጠና በ Chamber Leadership, Governance, Advocacy እና communications skill ላይ ያተኮረ ነው።
በስልጠናዉ ማጠቃለያ ላይ ንግግር ያደረጉት እንዲሁም ሰርተፊኬት የሰጡት የኦሮሚያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት  ምክትል ፕሬዚደንት  መገርሳ ረጋሳ እንዲሁም ዋና ጸኃፊው እስማኤል ያሲን ናቸው።
ስልጠናው በዘጠኝ የስልጠና ማዕከላት ለሁሉም ክልሎች እና የከተማ አስተዳደሮች ለተወጣጡ  የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤቶች ፕሬዚደንቶች፣ዋና ጸኃፊዎች እና አባላት በተከታታይ የሚቀጥል ነዉ ።
Adama – The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA), in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), has successfully concluded a transformative training program aimed at enhancing the capacity of chamber leaders and members.

The program, held in Adama, brought together presidents, secretary generals, and members from various chambers of commerce and sectoral associations. It focused on critical areas such as Chamber Leadership, Governance, Advocacy, and Communication Skills, equipping participants with the tools needed to strengthen their organizations and advance the interests of the private sector.

At the closing ceremony, Mr. Megersa Regassa, Vice President of the Oromia Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, and Mr. Ismael Yasin, Secretary General,  awarded certificates to participants.
This training is part of a comprehensive initiative covering nine training centers nationwide. The program is designed to reach chambers across all regions and city administrations in a phased approach, ensuring that leaders and members are well-prepared to address the challenges and opportunities facing Ethiopia’s business community.

የኢትዮጵያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት
ስልክ፡  +251115514005
ፋክስ፡  + 251115517699
P. O. Box 517,
ኢ.ሜይል: [email protected]
ድረ ገጽ:
ፌስ ቡክ፡


21 Nov, 19:18

የኢትዮጵያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት ወቅታዊ ዓለም አቀፍ እና አገራዊ የሰራ እንቅስቃሴዎች በፎቶ።

የኢትዮጵያ የንግድና ዘርፍ ማኅበራት ምክር ቤት
ስልክ፡  +251115514005
ፋክስ፡  + 251115517699
P. O. Box 517,
ኢ.ሜይል: [email protected]
ድረ ገጽ:
ፌስ ቡክ፡