Essential vocabulary @essentialuz Channel on Telegram

Essential vocabulary


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Essential Vocabulary (English)

Are you looking to expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills? Look no further than 'Essential Vocabulary'! This Telegram channel, with the username @essentialuz, is dedicated to helping language enthusiasts like you learn essential words and phrases in a fun and interactive way. Whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an advanced learner aiming to enhance your linguistic repertoire, this channel has something for everyone. With daily updates and a diverse range of topics, 'Essential Vocabulary' provides you with carefully selected words and expressions that are commonly used in everyday conversations, academic settings, professional environments, and more. You can expect to learn synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and practical examples that will help you understand how to use the words correctly in context. The channel also offers quizzes, exercises, and interactive challenges to test your knowledge, reinforce your learning, and make the process enjoyable and engaging. Additionally, you can engage with a community of like-minded individuals, share insights, ask questions, and participate in discussions to further enrich your learning experience. Whether you are preparing for exams, aiming to improve your communication skills, or simply passionate about languages, 'Essential Vocabulary' is the perfect companion on your learning journey. Join us today, expand your lexicon, and take your language proficiency to new heights. Remember, mastering essential vocabulary is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities in both your personal and professional life. See you on the channel!

Essential vocabulary

21 Nov, 12:49

4000 essential 5 kitobining o'zbekcha tarjimasi @essential_test

Essential vocabulary

21 Nov, 12:47

4000 essential 4 kitobining o'zbekcha tarjimasi @essential_test

Essential vocabulary

21 Nov, 12:46

4000 essential 3 kitobining o'zbekcha tarjimasi @essential_test

Essential vocabulary

21 Nov, 12:45

4000 essential 2 kitobining o'zbekcha tarjimasi @essential_test

Essential vocabulary

21 Nov, 12:45

4000 essential 1 kitobining o'zbekcha tarjimasi @essential_test

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 29
- avtomobil
candidate - nomzod
confidential - maxfiy
corporate - korporativ
enhance - yaxshilamoq
era - davr
guideline - ko'rsatma
incorporate - qo'shmoq
interact - aloqa qilmoq
interval - tanaffus
mobile - mobil
modify - o'zgartirmoq
parallel - parallel
phenomenon - hodisa
pollute - ifloslamoq
ridicule - masxara qilmoq
solar - quyosh
territory - hudud
tournament - turnir
transportation - transport

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 28
- yordam
expand - kengaymoq
define - belgilamoq
dread - qo'rqmoq
fundamental - asosiy
horrifying - dahshatli
incredulous - ishonib bo'lmaydigan
linger - ko'p vaqt turmoq
organism - organizm
paraphrase - soddalashtirmoq
plague - vabo
presently - hozirgi kunda
random - tasodifiy
riot - isyon
scribble - qoralamoq
shrine - ziyoratgoh
solitude - yolg'izlik
stark - mutlaq
summon - chaqirmoq
worsen - yomonlashmoq

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 30
- to'lov
boundary - chegara
chaos - chalkashlik
consistent - tartibli
cyclone - to'fon
doomed - umidsiz
heir - merosxo'r
martial - jang
organic - organik
poultry - parranda
scramble - hovliqmoq
sergeant - serjant
sheer - haqqoniy
stance - mulohaza
telegraph - telegraf
textile - mato
tornado - quyun
typhoon - to'fon
wail - yig'lamoq
wardrobe - kiyim jovoni

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 18
- talaffuz aksent
barber - sartarosh
basement - yerto'la
blank - bo'sh
blink - ko'zni yumib ochmoq
choir - xor
comic - kulgili
complicate - murakkablashtirmoq
decline - rad etmoq
errand - harakat
glove - qo'lqop
hermit - odamovi
justly - adolatli
leather - charm
ponder - o'ylab ko'rmoq
reserve - olib qo'ymoq
script - ssenariy
search - qidirmoq
slam - qattiq yopmoq
staircase - zina

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 16
- batamom
bind - birlashmoq
bruise - ko'karish lat
custom - odat
disobedient - itoatsiz
foresee - oldindan ko'rmoq
glimpse - qaramoq
hoop - halqa
misfortune - baxtsizlik
negative - salbiy
per - boshiga har bir
plead - yalinib so'ramoq
rip - yirtmoq
sake - uchun
scrape - qirmoq
source - manba
stern - juda jiddiy
stitch - tikmoq
thump - do'ppillash
vehement - asabiylashgan

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 17
- sivilizatsiya
convenient - qulay
den - in, o'ra
dew - shudring
drastic - qattiq, og'ir
exit - chiqmoq
flock - suruv
fold - qatlamoq
lid - qopqoq
loom - cho'lg'amoq
mighty - qudratli
mushroom - qo'ziqorin
native - mahalliy
poison - zahar
reed - qamish
shield - himoya qilmoq
stormy - bo'ronli
sway - tebranmoq
urban - shahar
wade - suvda yurmoq

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 19
- azoblangan
aisle - yo'lak
atmosphere - atmosfera
author - muallif
breakdown - buzilish
cargo - yuk
chapter - bo'lim
connect - ulanmoq
etc - va boshqalar
flip - bosmoq
idle - bo'sh
notify - xabar bermoq
pea - no'xat
raisin - mayiz
retain - saqlamoq
state - takidlamoq
tray - patnis
unfortunate - baxtsiz
vivid - rang-barang
vomit - qayt qilmoq

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 20
- xiyonat qilmoq
blast - portlash
bracelet - bilaguzuk
cease - to'xtamoq
choke - yo'talmoq
civil - fuqarolik
comment - sharhlamoq
cross - kesib o'tmoq
dent - pachoq
distrust - ishonchsizlik
fort - qal'a
found - tashkil qilmoq
lining - astar
mass - uyum
pray - ibodat qilmoq
rife - to'la
sole - yagona
sweep - supurmoq
treachery - xiyonat
tuck - joylamoq

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 21
- tarbiya
bait - xo'rak
chronicle - yozib bormoq
copper - mis
disease - kasallik
folklore - xalq ijodi
infect - yuqtirmoq
itch - qichimoq
literature - adabiyot
millennium - ming yillik
myth - afsona
promote - mansabini oshirmoq
relate - bog'lamoq
religion - din
sum - miqdor
teller - bank ishchisi
trustworthy - ishonchli
update - yangilamoq
vein - tomir
venom - zahar

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 23
- aniq
analyze - tahlil qilmoq
asteroid - asteroid
controversy - tortishuv
evolve - rivojlanmoq
factor - omil
genetic - genetik
genome - irsiyat
identical - bir xil
intellectual - oqil
majority - ko'pchilik
mammal - sutemizuvchi
multiply - ko'paymoq
offspring - zurriyod
pesticide - pestisid
regulate - tartibga solmoq
reinforce - kuchaytirmoq
stricken - aziyat chekgan
vast - katta
vegetarian - vegetarian

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 22
- xayriya
commerce - tijorat
condemn - hukm qilish
cozy - qulay
deplete - tugatmoq
economy - iqtisodiyot
empire - imperiya
goods - mahsulot
heed - diqqat qilmoq
hitchhike - tekinga yurmoq
mock - masxara qilmoq
neutral - betaraf
persecute - kamsitmoq
pity - achinish
reduce - kamaytirmoq
scribe - xattot
temper - jaxl
throne - taxt
unity - birlik
victor - g'olib

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 26
- taxmin
barley - arpa
beast - maxluq
colonel - polkovnik
contagious - yuqumli
corpse - murda
crisis - inqiroz
cure - davolamoq
deformed - qiyshaygan
discriminate - kamsitmoq
embassy - elchixona
extinguish - o'chirmoq
flint - tosh
harass - tazyiq o'tkazmoq
integrate - qo'shilmoq
miniature - mitti
nutrition - ozuqa
promptly - darhol
technician - usta
tropics - tropik mintaqa

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 27
- foydali
birthplace - tug'ilgan joyi
capacity - sig'im
comparative - qiyosiy
comprehensive - keng qamrovli
conserve - saqlab qolmoq
crucial - muhim
cumulative - yig'iladigan
deposit - qo'ymoq
distribute - tarqatmoq
equator - ekvator
exotic - ekzotik
federal - federal
formation - shakllanish
frequency - takrorlanish
objective - maqsad
oxygen - kislorod
rainforest - tropik o'rmon
strategy - strategiya
wooded - o'rmonli

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 25
- samolyot
celebrity - mashhur kishi
concrete - beton
decisive - hal qiluvchi
esteemed - hurmatli
ethical - axloqiy
extinct - yo'qolgan
hardy - irodali
institute - institut
jealousy - rashk
migrate - ko'chmoq
nurture - tarbiyalamoq
overhead - tepadan
principle - odob-ahloq
rural - qishloq
secluded - olis
species - tur
swamp - botqoqlik
traverse - kezmoq
zoology - zoologiya

Essential vocabulary

10 Apr, 19:10

Essential 4 Unit 24
- qadrlamoq
compassion - rahm
consent - rozilik
core - o'zak
cunning - ayyor
dizzy - holsiz
equilibrium - muvozanat
foster - shakllantirish
grind - ezmoq
growl - irillamoq
moderation - o'rtacha
predator - yirtqich
sane - ongli
saucer - likopcha
snatch - yulib olmoq
stagger - dovdiramoq
stumble - qoqilmoq
tense - tashvishda
tumble - dumalab ketmoq
withhold - tutib turmoq