Ethiopian Private Higher Education & TVET Institutions' Association @ephetveta Channel on Telegram

Ethiopian Private Higher Education & TVET Institutions' Association

Ethiopian Private Higher Education & TVET Institutions' Association
Tefera Gebeyehu Werku
General Manager, EPHEIA
Mobile:-  +251-944-352-939
Email:- teferagebeyehu795@gmail

Institutional email: [email protected]
Website :
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249 Photos
7 Videos
Last Updated 07.03.2025 21:07

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The Role and Impact of the Ethiopian Private Higher Education and TVET Institutions' Association

The Ethiopian Private Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutions' Association (EPHEIA) plays a crucial role in the educational landscape of Ethiopia. As a collective of private higher education and vocational institutions, EPHEIA advocates for quality education, supports institutional development, and fosters collaboration among its members. In a country where education is a pillar of development, the association is pivotal in ensuring that private sector institutions meet academic standards and contribute to skill development for the workforce. This is especially significant given Ethiopia's fast-growing economy, which requires a diverse and skilled labor force to spur innovative growth and development. In this context, understanding the association's contributions, challenges, and future directions is essential for comprehending the broader educational reforms taking place in Ethiopia today.

What is the mission of EPHEIA?

EPHEIA's mission is to promote the interests of private higher education and TVET institutions in Ethiopia while ensuring quality education standards. By providing a unified voice for these institutions, EPHEIA aims to influence educational policy, advocate for resources, and ensure that private institutions are recognized as crucial contributors to the national education system. The association also seeks to enhance the quality of education through collaborative initiatives and best practices among its members.

Furthermore, EPHEIA works to create a community among its members that fosters cooperation and networking opportunities. By encouraging the exchange of ideas and resources, the association helps private institutions strengthen their educational offerings, ultimately benefiting the students and the wider economy.

How does EPHEIA impact the quality of education in Ethiopia?

EPHEIA plays a significant role in maintaining and improving the quality of education provided by private institutions in Ethiopia. The association sets guidelines and benchmarks that member institutions are encouraged to meet, ensuring that they deliver education that is not only relevant but also rigorous. By collaborating with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders, EPHEIA helps ensure that private institutions align with national educational standards.

Moreover, EPHEIA offers professional development opportunities for educators and administrators within member institutions. Workshops, training sessions, and conferences are organized to share the latest educational research and teaching methodologies, thereby enhancing the teaching quality and operational efficiency of private schools and colleges across the country.

What challenges does EPHEIA face?

Despite its critical role, EPHEIA faces several challenges that hinder its effectiveness. One of the primary issues is the perception of private institutions as inferior to public ones, which can affect enrollment numbers and institutional funding. Furthermore, the association also contends with regulatory challenges imposed by the government, which can impact its members' ability to operate freely and financially sustain themselves.

In addition to these challenges, EPHEIA also grapples with ensuring that all member institutions adhere to its quality standards. With a diverse range of institutions under its umbrella, maintaining uniformity in quality and educational outcomes can be difficult, especially when some institutions may prioritize profit over student success.

How does EPHEIA support vocational education?

EPHEIA is committed to enhancing technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Ethiopia, recognizing its importance in equipping the workforce with necessary skills. The association promotes best practices among TVET institutions and encourages collaboration with industries to ensure that training programs meet labor market demands. This alignment is vital for graduates, as it directly impacts their employability and career success.

Additionally, EPHEIA advocates for policies that support the growth and development of vocational training programs. By engaging policymakers and stakeholders, the association seeks to secure funding and resources for TVET institutions, ensuring that they can provide high-quality training that benefits both students and the economy.

What are the future directions for EPHEIA?

Looking ahead, EPHEIA aims to strengthen its influence on national education policy and continue its advocacy for private higher education and TVET institutions. The association is focused on expanding its membership and enhancing support services for institutions, which will enable them to better serve students and the community. By fostering a robust network of private institutions, EPHEIA seeks to create a more cohesive educational landscape in Ethiopia.

Moreover, EPHEIA is also dedicated to embracing technological advancements in education. This includes promoting digital learning initiatives, online courses, and blended learning models to cater to the diverse needs of students. By adopting innovative educational practices, the association hopes to ensure that Ethiopian students are not only prepared for the current job market but are also equipped to thrive in a rapidly evolving global economy.

Ethiopian Private Higher Education & TVET Institutions' Association Telegram Channel

Are you a student looking for information on private higher education and TVET institutions in Ethiopia? Look no further than the Ethiopian Private Higher Education & TVET Institutions' Association (EPHETVETA) Telegram channel! With a focus on promoting excellence in education and facilitating collaboration among institutions, EPHETVETA is your go-to source for all things related to private higher education and TVET in Ethiopia.

EPHETVETA, led by General Manager Tefera Gebeyehu Werku, is dedicated to providing valuable resources, information, and updates to students, educators, and administrators in the private higher education and TVET sector. Through their Telegram channel, they share the latest news, events, and opportunities within the sector, ensuring that members stay informed and connected.

Whether you're a student looking for the right institution to further your education or an educator seeking professional development opportunities, EPHETVETA has something for everyone. Their commitment to promoting quality education and fostering collaboration sets them apart as a valuable resource for the entire community.

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in private higher education and TVET in Ethiopia by joining the EPHETVETA Telegram channel today. Don't miss out on valuable information and opportunities to enhance your education and career. Join us in shaping the future of education in Ethiopia!

Ethiopian Private Higher Education & TVET Institutions' Association Latest Posts

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በሪከርድና መዛግብት አያያዝና አጠቃቀም ሥርዓት ላይ ለመስጠት ለታቀደው ስልጠና የፍላጎት መጠየቂያ

የሥልጠናው መግለጫ

በአገራችን በተለያየ አጋጣሚ እንደሚነሳው የሰነድና የመረጃ አያያዝ፣ አፈጣጠርና አደረጃጀት ክፍተት  የብዙ ተቋማት ችግር ሆኖ ይስተዋላል፡፡
የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማትም መሰል ችግሮች ጎልተው ይስተዋላሉ፡፡ የተቋም መረጃዎች በአግባቡ አይሰነዱም፤ ወሳኝ መረጃዎች በግለሰቦች እጅ የሚቀመጡ ሆነው ግለሰቦች ከቦታው ሲነሱ መረጃዎቹ ወይ ጨርሰው አይገኙም አልያም ቢገኙም ከብዙ ልፋት በኋላ ነው፡፡ የዚህ አይነተኛ ምክንያት ደግሞ ጠንካራ የሪከርድና የመዛግብት  አያያዝና አጠቃቀም ስርዓት አለመኖር ነው፡፡

ውጤታማ የሰነዶችና የመዛግብት አያያዝ ስርዓት በመረጃ ላይ የተመሠረተ ውሳኔ ለመወሰን፣ የዕለት ተዕለት ተቋማዊ ሥራዎችን ጨምሮ ስትራቴጂክ የሆኑ ጉዳዮችን በዕቅድ ለመምራት፣ ተቋማዊ ዕድገትን በአግባቡ ለመመዘን እንዲሁም ተቋማዊ ትውስታ /Institutional Memory/ ለመጠበቅ ያስችላል፡፡
የሰነድና የመረጃ አያያዝ፣ አፈጣጠርና አደረጃጀት ክፍተት በሙያው ላይ የሚሰሩና ከሙያው ጋር ግንኙነት ያላቸው ሰራተኞች የሙያውን ሳይንስ አለማወቅ፣ የሰነድ ስራ አመራር  የአመለካከትና የክህሎት ማጣትና ስራው አብዛኛው ጊዜ በልምድ ብቻ የሚሰራ በመሆኑ ለሥራው በቂ ስልጠና አለማግኘት መሠረታዊ ችግሮች ከመሆናቸው አኳያ ማህበሩ በሪከርድና መዛግብት አያያዝ ስርዓት ከብሔራዊ ቤተ መዛግብትና ቤተ-መጻህፍት ኤጀንሲ ጋር በመተባበር የአቅም ማጎልበቻ ስልጠና ለመስጠት አቅዷል፡፡

የሥልጠና ርዕሶች:-
🎯የሰነድ /የሰነድ ስራ አመራር ጽንስ ሀሳብ /Concepts of Records management/
🎯ፋይል ፕላን እና አደመዳደብ   /File plan and records classification/
🎯የገቢና ወጪ ሪከርዶች አስተዳደር /managing the incoming and outgoing records/ 
🎯ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ሪከርድ አስዳደር /አያያዝ /Electronics record management system/
🎯የሰነድ ምዘና ዝውውርና አወጋገድ /Pecord retention, transfer and distraction/
🎯የሰነድ/ሰነድ  ጥበቃና እንክብካቤ /Preservation of records/
🎯የሰነድ ክፍል አደረጃጀት /managing non-Active Records storages/
🎯የመዛግብት አስተዳደር  /Archives administration/

በሥልጠናው ተሳታፊ የሚሆኑ አካላት

📌በሬጂስትራር እና ሪከርድ ሥራ ላይ የሚሰሩ ሠራተኞች ሲሆኑ ከአንድ ተቋም 2 ተሳታፊዎች ለማካተት ታስቧል፡፡
የሥልጠናው ፍላጎት ማሳወቂያ ጊዜ
📌በስልጠናው ለመሳተፍ ፍላጎት ያላቸው ተቋማት ለማህበሩ ጽ/ቤት እስከ ረቡዕ መጋቢት 3/2017 የተሳታፊዎችን ዝርዝር እንዲልኩ ይጠበቃል፡፡

👉(ደብዳቤውን ስካን በማድረግ በ 0910158224 መላክ ይቻላል)፡፡

07 Mar, 16:16
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ለሁሉም የማህበራችን አባል ተቋማት

ጉዳዩ:-ብሔራዊ መታወቂያ (ፋይዳ)ምዝገባን ይመለከታል።

የኢፌዲሪ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር የካቲት27 ቀን 2017 ዓ/ም በደብዳቤ ቁጥር 8/256/439/17 ለሁሉም ከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋማት በፃፈው ደብዳቤ ሰኔ 2017 ዓ/ም ለሚሰጠው የቅድመ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች መውጫ ፈተና ተማሪዎች ለፈተና ሲቀመጡ ብሔራዊ መታወቂያ (ፋይዳ) መያዝ እንዳለባቸው ገልጿል።
ስለሆነም የማህበራችን አባል ተቋማት ሰኔ 2017 ዓ. ም ላይ የሚፈተኑ ተማሪዎቻቸው ብሔራዊ መታወቂያ (ፋይዳ) ሊኖራቸው የሚገባ መሆኑን አውቀው ዝግጅቱን ከወዲሁ እንዲያጠናቅቁና የአፈፃፀም ክትትላቸውም እንዲያጠናክሩ እናሳስባለን።

ወቅታዊ መረጃዎቻችንን:-
በፌስቡክ -

በቴሌግራም -
በዌብሳይት ይከታተሉ!

07 Mar, 06:42
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ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር የ2017 ዓ.ም  3ኛ ዙር የድህረ-ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች የመግቢያ ፈተና (NGAT) እንደሚሰጥ  አሳውቋል።

በመሆኑም አመልካቾች ከየካቲት 27 እስከ መጋቢት 1/2017 ዓ.ም (ማታ 12፡00 ሰዓት) ድረሰ ብቻ በሚከተለው ሊንክ መመዝገብ እንደሚችሉ አሳውቋል።
ክፍያ:-750.00 ብር ሲሆን የሚከፈለውም በቴሌብር በኩል ብቻ መሆኑን እንዲሁም የመፈተኛ ' USER NAME ' እና " PASSWORD ' በመመዝገቢያ ፖርታል እንደሚላክ ያሳወቀ ሲሆን የፈተና ቀን ለወደፊት እንደሚገለፅ ለማወቅ ተችሏል።

ከምዝገባው ጋር በተያያዘ ማብራርያና ገለፃ ቢፈልጉ:-

Email: [email protected]
0920157474 እና 0911335683  ይጠቀሙ።

በፈተና ወቅት ተፈታኞች በNGAT portal በኩል የተሰጣቸውን User Name እና Password  እንዲሁም ማንነታቸውን የሚገልጽ መታወቂያ ይዘው መቅረብ እንዳለባቸው ተጠቁሟል።

ወቅታዊ መረጃዎቻችንን:-
በፌስቡክ -

በቴሌግራም -
በዌብሳይት ይከታተሉ!

06 Mar, 05:05
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⚠️Invitation to Member Institutions⚠️

Invitation to Capacity Building Training on Effective Records Management

Dear Association Members, We are pleased to announce the association is organizing to provide a capacity building training in collaboration with the National Archives & Library Service. This training will cover crucial aspects of building an effective records management system, including:

📌Concepts of Records Management
📌File Plan and Records Classification
📌Managing Incoming and Outgoing Records
📌Electronic Records Management Systems
📌Record Retention, Transfer, and Destruction
- Preservation of Records
- Managing Non-Active Records Storages
📌Archives Administration

We highly encourage you to express your interest in participating and share it with the secretariat of the association as soon as possible.
Best regards,

Tefera Gebeyehu
General Manager, EPHETVETA

05 Mar, 06:18