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04 Feb, 17:44


😍اگه این ویدئو رو دیدی

بیا یک نکته بهت بگم!

جمله ی
We shared the same taste

میتونیم بگیم Redundant هست،حالا یعنی چی؟

یعنی share و same که مفهوم یکی دارن تو یه جمله اومده
ولی علیرغم این موضوع خیلی استفاده میشه توسط نیتیو ها

مثال‌های بیشتر:

🔘 We share the same taste in music.
ما سلیقه‌ی موسیقی یکسانی داریم.

🔘 We share the same sense of humor.
ما حس شوخ‌طبعی مشترکی داریم.

🔘 We share the same background.
ما پیشینه‌ی مشترکی داریم.

🔘 We share the same vision for the future.
ما دیدگاه مشترکی برای آینده داریم.

🔘 We share the same experience.
ما تجربه‌ی مشترکی داریم.

🔘 We share the same love for books.
ما علاقه‌ی مشترکی به کتاب‌ها داریم.

02 Feb, 19:59


#فیلم_شب /۱۳
اینجا کیم کارداشیان لباسها و لوازم مرلین مونرو رو اجاره کرده که نمیدونم چیو ثابت کنه 🤣🫠
ولی جملات کاربردیه زیادی داشت

یه عبارت خفن:

💬That's beside the point
که به اشتباه ،رایجه میگن:besides

یعنی ربطی نداره!

A: I don’t like the menu design.
دیزاین منو رو دوست ندارم

B: That’s beside the point! The food is great.
ولی ربطی نداره!غذا عالیه.


01 Feb, 20:45


#فیلم_شب /پارت ۱۲

👠Shoe shiner/کسی که واکس میزنه
The shoe shiner polished my shoes until they were spotless.

👠Cobbler /کفاش(کفشهارو تعمیر میکنه)
I took my boots to the cobbler because the sole was coming off.


01 Feb, 20:24


🙂میخوام برم خارج

دقت کنید خیلی‌ها به اشتباه می افتن
و حرف اضافه میذارن

I want to go to abroad
I want to go abroad

مثالهای بیشتر:

Going abroad opens up new opportunities.
رفتن به خارج از کشور فرصت‌های جدیدی را به‌وجود می‌آورد.

He wants to work abroad after he graduates.
او می‌خواهد پس از فارغ‌التحصیلی در خارج از کشور کار کند.

She studied abroad for a year.
او یک سال در خارج از کشور تحصیل کرد.

I'm planning to go abroad next summer.
من برنامه‌ریزی کرده‌ام که تابستان آینده به خارج از کشور بروم.

01 Feb, 18:08


🤌فرق beside و besides:

دیدن ویدیو➡️

پس جوابمون کدومه؟

1.No one knows about this ....... me.

2.I don’t like horror movies ............. they give me nightmares.

3.My house is right .............. the par.

4. He stood............ his best friend in the wedding photo.

31 Jan, 20:52


#فیلم_شب /یازدهم

نکته:چون داریم راجع به Emily(She) صحبت میکنم
پس همه افعال و جملات متناسب با اون میاد

31 Jan, 20:52


🚀بچه ها امشب دوتا ویدئو برای دو سطح مختلف داریم
امیدوارم لذت ببرید


🚩Do you have any other advice to add?

شما چه تجربه از ارتباطاتتون به اشتراک میذارید؟

13 Jan, 14:35


⭕️خیلیا فکر میکنن as___as فقط با صفت میاد...

گرامر فوق کاربردی as...as

💬Adjectives /مقایسه صفات

🔘This test is not as hard as the last one.

🔘My house is as big as my cousin’s house.

🔘He isn’t as strong as his friend.

🔘The cake was as delicious as the one you made.

💬Adverbs /قید

🔘He doesn’t work as carefully as his colleague.

🔘The bird flew as high as the clouds.

🔘I don’t study as effectively as I should.

🔘She sings as sweetly as an angel.

💬Countable Nouns/اسامی قابل شمارش

🔘There weren’t as many apples in the basket as I thought.

🔘She has as many friends as her brother.

🔘He didn’t take as many photos as we expected.

🔘There aren’t as many seats in this room as in the hall.

💬Uncountable Nouns/اسامی غیرقابل شمارش

🔘She doesn’t drink as much tea as her sister.

🔘I didn’t spend as much time on the project as I wanted to.

🔘There isn’t as much milk in the fridge as we need.

🔘 He doesn’t put as much effort into his work as he should.


13 Jan, 14:00


Quiz time!

Let’s see who can get all of them right!

1. Her necklace is made ___ gold.

2. Wine is made ___ grapes.

3. This cake is made ___ love.

4. This watch was made ___ Switzerland.

5. The dress was made ___ a famous designer.

6. This gift was made ___ her birthday.

7. He built a raft made ___ old tires.

8. The barn was made ___ a restaurant.

9. The chair is made ___ plastic.

10. Cheese is made ___ milk.

12 Jan, 18:11


💜حتی در آیلتس(تسک۱) هم کاربردیه

دیدن ویدیو

💬Made of:
Material is unchanged and recognizable.
متریال اولیه رو با چشم میبینم

🔘The table is made of wood.

🔘Her necklace is made of gold.

💬Made from:
Material is transformed or unrecognizable.
متریال اولیه با چشم دیده نمیشه

🔘Paper is made from wood.

🔘Wine is made from grapes.

💬Made out of:
Focuses on creative reuse or the process of making something.
یک محصولی به محصول دیگه تبدیل شده

🔘The sculpture is made out of scrap metal.

🔘He built a raft made out of old tires.

💬Made with:
Focuses on ingredients or components, especially for food or multi-element items.
مواد اولیه (مخصوصا برای غذا)

🔘This dish is made with fresh vegetables.

🔘The cake is made with love.

💬Made by:
Refers to the creator, maker, or origin.
توسط کسی

🔘This painting was made by Van Gogh.

🔘The dress was made by a local designer.

💬Made in:
Indicates the place of origin.
محل تولید

🔘The car was made in Germany.

🔘This watch is made in Switzerland.

💬Made for:
Refers to the purpose or recipient of the item.
هدف تولید یا ساختن

🔘This gift was made for her.

🔘These shoes were made for hiking.

💬Made into:
Describes the transformation of something into a different form.
به چیزی دیگه ای تبدیل شدن

🔘The old barn was made into a restaurant.

🔘The book was made into a movie.

