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Last Updated 06.03.2025 23:29

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06 Mar, 18:50


Rain 🌧 or Shine ☀️

no matter what happens
تو هر شرایطی

🔘I'll be there for you, rain or shine.
من همیشه باهاتم(کنارتم) تحت هر شرایطی

🔘The marathon will take place, rain or shine.

🔘Our hiking trip is happening this weekend, rain or shine!

🔘We have our family gatherings every Sunday, rain or shine!

🔘She takes her morning walk, rain or shine!

#idiom #B1

06 Mar, 17:09


Dear Professor Zaraaaa;
this video here you are for your kind and helping us....!!!!

your effect on other people 😊😊🌻🌻🌹🌹

06 Mar, 11:27


🔥کلمه یFire فقط معنی آتش نمیده!
این روزا سلنگه و به جای awesome میگن fire !

🔘Your outfit is fire!
(Your outfit looks amazing.)

🔘That song is fire!
(That song is really good.)

🔘Your English is fire
don’t listen to the haters! (Your English is great.)

🔘This pizza is fire!
(This pizza is delicious.)

🔘His new car is fire!
(His new car looks awesome.)

06 Mar, 09:56


Loud 🆚 aloud 🆚 loudly

💬 Loud (Adjective): بلند
Describes the volume of a sound.

e.g.She has a loud voice.

💬Aloud (Adverb): با صدای بلند
Refers to speaking in a way that can be heard.

He read the poem aloud.

🔘Out loud
هم به همین معنی هست
e.g.He thought out loud, wondering what to do next.

💬Loudly (Adverb):با صدای بلند
Describes the manner in which something is done (in a loud way).

e.g. She laughed loudly during the show.

دیدن تلفظ❤️

04 Mar, 20:11


💬Fit as a fiddle

💬 Play second fiddle

💬Play sb like fiddle

💬Fiddle the books

💬Fiddle around

04 Mar, 17:22


💬چطوری قهر و آشتی کنیم به انگلیسی؟

مشاهده ویدیو

03 Mar, 20:22


🌎میخوام بگم اخه چرا؟
این اخه به انگلیسی میشه:
On 🌎

What on earth:
What on earth are you doing?
آخه داری چیکار میکنیییی؟

How on earth:
How on earth did you manage that?
آخه واقعا چطوری اونو مدیریت کردی؟

Why on earth:
Why on earth would you do that?
آخه واقعا چرا همچین کاری باید بکنی؟

Where on earth:
Where on earth have you been?
آخه کجا بودی تووووو؟

Who on earth:
Who on earth told you that?
کییییی گفت بهت؟

از نظر معنی هیچ ربطی به کره زمین🌎 نداره فقط احساسات جمله ما که میتونه،عصبانیت،خستگی ،تعجب باشه رو تشدید میکنه!

03 Mar, 09:31


اشتباه این جمله کجاست؟

02 Mar, 20:24


🔥let him cook!

=Let someone do their thing

🔘He’s handling this project—let him cook!

🔘I have a great idea—let me cook!

🔘She’s doing a cool dance—let her cook!

02 Mar, 20:17


#فیلم_شب /۲۹

این خیلی بامزه بود😂کار حسودای پلاستیکیه😒

Check out this hilarious Trump impression!

But please.....Let him cook! Don’t mess with him!👿