English By Binod Sharma @englishbybinodsharma Channel on Telegram

English By Binod Sharma


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English By Binod Sharma (English)

Welcome to English By Binod Sharma, your go-to Telegram channel for all things related to English language learning! Whether you are looking to improve your grammar, expand your vocabulary, or practice spoken English, we have got you covered. Our channel offers a variety of quizzes, study materials, and resources to help you enhance your English skills. From SSC English to Bank English, CBSE English to ICSE English, and TGT PGT English, we have resources tailored to various English exams and curriculums. In addition to these, we also provide PDFs and study materials to aid in your learning journey. Join our vibrant community of English learners today and take your language skills to the next level!
Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel for even more English language tips and tutorials: https://youtube.com/channel/UCPT7tW9Ru57XSr_IZJ_moPw

English By Binod Sharma

19 Feb, 11:28


English By Binod Sharma

19 Feb, 11:22

Live at 5.10 pm

English By Binod Sharma

18 Feb, 15:49


English By Binod Sharma

17 Feb, 15:51


English By Binod Sharma

17 Feb, 15:49

Live at 10 pm

English By Binod Sharma

16 Feb, 15:42


English By Binod Sharma

15 Feb, 14:13


English By Binod Sharma

14 Feb, 11:06


English By Binod Sharma

11 Feb, 03:20

हमारे यहां तो Selection हो जाने के बाद मिठाई तक नही खिलाते हैं 😁

English By Binod Sharma

10 Feb, 11:10


English By Binod Sharma

08 Feb, 14:31


English By Binod Sharma

07 Feb, 13:18

Live at 7 pm.

English By Binod Sharma

07 Feb, 13:18


English By Binod Sharma

06 Feb, 16:04


English By Binod Sharma

06 Feb, 16:01

Live at 10 pm 👆

English By Binod Sharma

06 Feb, 02:12


English By Binod Sharma

04 Feb, 14:31


English By Binod Sharma

01 Feb, 13:44


English By Binod Sharma

30 Jan, 14:17


English By Binod Sharma

26 Jan, 12:45

Good evening everyone!

Classes will resume tomorrow.

English By Binod Sharma

20 Jan, 02:08

English Literature 🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜🛜

Art for Art's Sake" is a phrase used to describe the idea that art should be valued for its own sake, rather than for any practical or moral purpose. The phrase was popularized by the French philosopher Victor Cousin in the 19th century.

"Dissociation of Sensibility" is a term coined by T.S. Eliot in his essay "The Metaphysical Poets" to describe a separation between the intellect and the emotions in 17th-century poetry.

"Willing Suspension of Disbelief" is a phrase coined by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his Biographia Literaria to describe the process by which readers engage with fictional works.

"Negative Capability" is a term used by John Keats to describe the ability of an artist to be in "uncertainties, mysteries, doubts" without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.

"American Renaissance" is a term coined by F.O Matthiessen in his book of the same name to describe a period of intense artistic and intellectual growth in American literature, art, and culture in the mid-19th century.

"Natyashastra" is an ancient Indian treatise on the performing arts, written by Bharata. It covers topics such as acting, dance, and music, and is considered one of the foundational texts of Indian theater.

"Rasa" is a concept in Indian aesthetics which refers to the emotional flavor or essence of a work of art. It was first articulated in Bharata's Natyashastra.

"Kavya Prakasha" is a treatise on poetics written by the Indian poet and critic Mamata.

"Dhvanyaloka" or "Suggestion" is a treatise on literary theory written by the Indian philosopher and critic Anandavardhana.

"Vakrokti" is a term used in Indian literary criticism to describe oblique or figurative language. It was discussed by the Indian literary theorist Kuntaka in his work "Vakroktijivita".

"Riti, Guna, Kavyalankara" is a treatise on poetics and literary theory written by the Indian poet and critic Vamana.

"Positivism" is a philosophical movement that emerged in the 18th century and was popularized by Auguste Comte, who argued that knowledge should be based on observation and experience, rather than on tradition or authority.

"Romantic" refers to an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, characterized by a focus on emotion, imagination, and nature. Friedrich Schlegel is considered one of the founders of German Romanticism.

"Metaphysical Poets" is a term used by Dr. Samuel Johnson to describe a group of poets in the 17th century, including John Donne, who wrote complex, intellectual poetry that often dealt with themes of love and religion.

"Upstart Crow" is a play by Robert Greene, a Elizabethan playwright, satirizing William Shakespeare.

"Cultural Materialism" is a perspective in the field of literary and cultural studies, first articulated by Raymond Williams, that emphasizes the ways in which literature and culture are shaped by economic, social, and political forces.

"Imagism" was a literary movement of the early 20th century, associated with poets such as Ezra Pound and H.D. The Imagists sought to break away from traditional poetic conventions, and to focus on creating clear, precise imagery.

"Imagined Communities" is a book by Benedict Anderson that explores the concept of nationalism and the idea of a nation as an imagined political community.

"Horizon of Expectation" is a term coined by literary critic Hans Robert Jauss to describe the context and background knowledge that readers bring to a literary work, and how it shapes their understanding of the text.

"Strategic Essentialism" is a term coined by literary critic Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak to describe the use of essentialist identities (such as race, gender, or class) as a political strategy to achieve certain goals, while being aware of the limitations and dangers of essentialism.
=================== 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀


English By Binod Sharma

17 Jan, 12:57


English By Binod Sharma

16 Jan, 10:58

प्यारे साथियों,

आप सभी को सूचित करना है कि निजी कारणों से मैं फिलहाल कक्षाओं से कुछ दिनों के लिए अनुपस्थित रहूंगा। 🙏 इस समय आपकी पढ़ाई बाधित न हो, इसलिए मैंने आप सभी के लिए एक विशेष Bonus PDF 📄 तैयार की है।

इस PDF में History of English Literature 📚 को बेहद सरल और प्रभावी तरीके से समझाया गया है। यह PDF Bilingual 📝 है—हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों में, ताकि इसे आसानी से समझा जा सके। BPSC TRE 4.0 में यहां से 4-5 नंबर के प्रश्न निश्चित रूप से पूछे जाएंगे।

आपसे अनुरोध है कि जब तक मैं लौटूं, तब तक इस PDF को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और याद करें। यह आपकी तैयारी के लिए बहुत उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी।

PDF डाउनलोड करें और तुरंत पढ़ाई शुरू करें। 📥

मैं जल्द ही कक्षा में आप सभी से मिलूंगा। तब तक इसे अच्छे से पढ़ें और अभ्यास करें।

Binod Sir 🌟

English By Binod Sharma

16 Jan, 10:30


English By Binod Sharma

12 Jan, 14:03

With a heavy heart and profound grief, I inform you of the sad demise of my beloved father.

Rest in Peace, Papa. Your love and guidance will always remain with us. 😭😢

English By Binod Sharma

10 Jan, 08:00


English By Binod Sharma

06 Jan, 15:39


English By Binod Sharma

04 Jan, 15:12

Live at 9.15 pm 👆

English By Binod Sharma

04 Jan, 15:12


English By Binod Sharma

03 Jan, 10:59


English By Binod Sharma

01 Jan, 14:25

Live today at 9 PM 👆

English By Binod Sharma

01 Jan, 14:24


English By Binod Sharma

30 Dec, 05:15

Live at 11.30 am 👆

English By Binod Sharma

30 Dec, 05:15


English By Binod Sharma

28 Dec, 14:11


English By Binod Sharma

28 Dec, 03:22

Congratulations to you all for qualifying BPSC TRE 3.0 PGT ENGLISH (11 to 12).

English By Binod Sharma

24 Dec, 14:26


English By Binod Sharma

22 Dec, 05:43


English By Binod Sharma

21 Dec, 16:21


English By Binod Sharma

09 Dec, 16:00

Live at 9.45 pm

English By Binod Sharma

09 Dec, 15:59


English By Binod Sharma

07 Dec, 16:16


English By Binod Sharma

06 Dec, 14:42


English By Binod Sharma

06 Dec, 04:29

Live at 10.30 AM 👆

English By Binod Sharma

05 Dec, 17:30


English By Binod Sharma

04 Dec, 15:35


English By Binod Sharma

04 Dec, 08:13


English By Binod Sharma

03 Dec, 15:23


English By Binod Sharma

28 Nov, 16:15

Live 10 pm 👆

English By Binod Sharma

28 Nov, 16:15


English By Binod Sharma

21 Nov, 15:13


English By Binod Sharma

20 Nov, 15:01


English By Binod Sharma

19 Nov, 13:45


English By Binod Sharma

18 Nov, 09:11


English By Binod Sharma

18 Nov, 09:02

Sabhi log check kariye result

English By Binod Sharma

18 Nov, 09:02

Link open ho gya hai

English By Binod Sharma

18 Nov, 09:02

English By Binod Sharma

09 Nov, 14:16


English By Binod Sharma

08 Nov, 15:11


English By Binod Sharma

06 Nov, 05:55


English By Binod Sharma

05 Nov, 05:36


English By Binod Sharma

03 Nov, 14:37


English By Binod Sharma

02 Nov, 14:42


English By Binod Sharma

02 Nov, 05:54


English By Binod Sharma

01 Nov, 13:51


English By Binod Sharma

30 Oct, 15:04


English By Binod Sharma

30 Oct, 15:00

Live at 9 PM. 👆

English By Binod Sharma

30 Oct, 05:18


English By Binod Sharma

29 Oct, 15:41


English By Binod Sharma

29 Oct, 15:35

Live at 9.30 pm

English By Binod Sharma

28 Oct, 14:58


English By Binod Sharma

27 Oct, 12:29


English By Binod Sharma

27 Oct, 06:16


English By Binod Sharma

26 Oct, 12:49


English By Binod Sharma

26 Oct, 12:22






