👨🏻🦲 Come here. Let me show you something.
👨🏻🦲 What do you suppose is in that cocoon, Charlie?
👱🏼♂️ I don't know. a, a butterfly, I guess.
👨🏻🦲 No, it's much more beautiful than that. That's a moth cocoon.
👨🏻🦲 It's ironic. Butterflies get all the attention, but moths spin silk. They're stronger. They're faster.
👱🏼♂️ That's wonderful. But…
👨🏻🦲 You see this little hole? This moth is just about to emerge. It's in there right now, struggling. It's digging its way through the thick hide of the cocoon. Now, I could help it.
👨🏻🦲 Take my knife, gently widen the opening, and the moth would be free. But it would be too weak to survive.
👨🏻🦲 The struggle is nature's way of strengthening it.
👨🏻🦲 Now, this is the second time you've asked me for your drugs back.
👨🏻🦲 Ask me again and it's yours.