Mohammed Reda @eng_mreda Channel on Telegram

Mohammed Reda


Computer Science Topics

Computer Science Topics (English)

Are you a computer science enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge and stay updated on the latest trends in the tech industry? Look no further than the 'Computer Science Topics' Telegram channel, managed by Mohammed Reda under the username @eng_mreda. This channel is a hub of valuable information, discussions, and resources related to various aspects of computer science. From coding tutorials to insights on artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, and more, Computer Science Topics covers a wide range of subjects to cater to the diverse interests of its audience. Who is Mohammed Reda? Mohammed Reda is a passionate computer science expert with years of experience in the field. With a deep understanding of technology and a keen interest in sharing knowledge, Mohammed curates and shares top-notch content on the channel to engage followers and foster a community of like-minded individuals. What can you expect from this channel? Subscribers to Computer Science Topics can look forward to daily updates featuring articles, videos, infographics, and other educational content on the latest trends and developments in the world of computer science. Whether you are a beginner looking to kickstart your journey in programming or a seasoned professional seeking advanced insights, this channel has something for everyone. Join the 'Computer Science Topics' Telegram channel today to connect with Mohammed Reda and fellow tech enthusiasts, participate in engaging discussions, and elevate your understanding of computer science to new heights. Stay informed, inspired, and empowered in the ever-evolving landscape of technology with Computer Science Topics!

Mohammed Reda

09 Jan, 06:54

Mohammed Reda

07 Jan, 13:43

Mohammed Reda

26 Dec, 04:36

Mohammed Reda

22 Dec, 17:36

Mohammed Reda

19 Dec, 07:12

Mohammed Reda

20 Sep, 12:01

Mohammed Reda

09 Sep, 08:57

Mohammed Reda

14 Jul, 16:14

Mohammed Reda

05 Jul, 20:58

Mohammed Reda

05 Jul, 19:16

Mohammed Reda

02 Jun, 19:38

Mohammed Reda

04 Feb, 06:41

Mohammed Reda

28 Jan, 06:34

تم نشر المحاضرات الخاصة بال solid علي موقع يودمي في شكل كورسات مجانية

Mohammed Reda

14 Jan, 15:24

Channel photo updated

Mohammed Reda

14 Jan, 15:16

شرح الفرق بين Singleton Pattern و Static class بالعربي

Mohammed Reda

31 Dec, 20:21

سنة جديدة سعيدة عليكم جميعا
محققين فيها آمال جديدة
وأهداف عديدة

Mohammed Reda

12 Nov, 13:15

Questions to ask yourself to validate a business idea:

1. Who is the target audience for your product or service?
2. What problem does your business idea solve for your target audience?
3. Is there existing competition in the market? If so, who are your competitors?
4. How does your solution differ from existing alternatives?
5. Have you conducted market research to understand your potential customers' needs and preferences?
6. What is the size of your target market? Is it growing or shrinking?
7. How will you reach and acquire customers for your product or service?
8. What is your unique value proposition (UVP)? What makes your idea stand out?
9. What is the pricing strategy for your product or service?
10. Have you created a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) to test your idea?
11. What feedback have you received from potential customers or early adopters?
12. What are the potential challenges or risks associated with your business idea?
13. How do you plan to monetize your business? What is the revenue model?
14. What are the initial and ongoing costs to run your business?
15. Have you considered the legal and regulatory requirements for your industry?
16. What is your long-term vision and growth strategy for the business?

Mohammed Reda

01 Oct, 19:16

لما تتعلم حاجة اتعلمها صح
لا تستعجل
لا تختصر او تختزل المعلومة
لا تكتفي بمصدر واحد ان
استغل كل مرحلة ف حياتك كما يجب
لا تتخطي درجات سلم الخبرات

بالتوفيق للجميع

Mohammed Reda

23 Aug, 16:40