HAWWII ASAFFAA is an Oromo Telegram channel that offers a platform for discussions on various topics related to religion, culture, and current affairs. The channel's username, @dubbii_wangeelaa, reflects its focus on sharing insightful messages and discussions with its audience. ILMA ISAA KANAAN FURAMUU,DHIIFAMU CUBBUUS ARGANNEERRA! This phrase captures the essence of the channel, which aims to educate and inform its followers about important issues facing the Oromo community. Whether it's discussing the teachings of Islam, promoting Oromo culture, or sharing updates on current events, HAWWII ASAFFAA provides a space for individuals to engage in meaningful conversations and expand their knowledge. Ayyanichi ammayyuu in fayyisa. Mootummaa Waaqayyoo Labsuu. Wangeela Fayyinaa labsuu. Beekumsa sammuu. Siyasa Irraa Bilisa. Join HAWWII ASAFFAA on Telegram and be part of a community that values learning, sharing, and uplifting the Oromo identity.