1. Obstetric Sonography Overview
• Key Concepts: Gravidity and parity, establishing gestational age, and initial clinical assessment.
• Diagnostic Tips: Collect a thorough maternal history and be familiar with standard imaging protocols, especially for early pregnancy assessments.
2. The First Trimester
• Key Concepts: Embryonic and fetal development, including gestational sac, yolk sac, and fetal pole.
• Sonographic Signs: Gestational sac diameter, yolk sac size, and fetal heart rate are crucial markers of viability.
• Diagnostic Tips: Measure crown-rump length for dating, and identify early signs of abnormal pregnancies like blighted ovum or ectopic pregnancy.
3. The Fetal Head and Brain
• Key Concepts: Fetal brain anatomy and key measurements, including the biparietal diameter (BPD) and head circumference (HC).
• Sonographic Signs: Normal vs. abnormal brain structures, including ventriculomegaly and anencephaly.
• Diagnostic Tips: Focus on midline structures like the cavum septi pellucidi and cerebellum, as well as measuring lateral ventricles for early anomaly detection.
4. The Fetal Face and Neck
• Key Concepts: Facial structure assessment (nose, lips, orbits) and nuchal translucency (NT) measurement for chromosomal screening.
• Sonographic Signs: Abnormal NT, cleft lip/palate, and facial symmetry.
• Diagnostic Tips: Use NT measurement (in the first trimester) as a screening marker for Down syndrome and other aneuploidies.
5. The Fetal Spine and Musculoskeletal System
• Key Concepts: Normal spinal anatomy, limb length measurements, and musculoskeletal development.
• Sonographic Signs: Abnormalities like spina bifida, clubfoot, and limb abnormalities.
• Diagnostic Tips: Carefully scan in a sagittal plane to assess the spine, ensuring the skin line is intact to rule out neural tube defects.
6. The Fetal Heart and Chest
• Key Concepts: Anatomy of the fetal heart and major vessels, four-chamber view, and outflow tracts.
• Sonographic Signs: Congenital heart defects like hypoplastic left heart and transposition of the great arteries.
• Diagnostic Tips: Perform Doppler studies on cardiac vessels for detailed assessment, and use the three-vessel view to evaluate pulmonary arteries and aorta.
7. The Fetal Gastrointestinal System
• Key Concepts: Normal GI tract structures, such as the stomach, intestines, and abdominal wall.
• Sonographic Signs: Anomalies like gastroschisis, omphalocele, and echogenic bowel.
• Diagnostic Tips: Confirm normal stomach filling, and assess abdominal wall integrity to check for defects.
8. The Fetal Genitourinary System
• Key Concepts: Kidneys, bladder, and genitalia assessment.
• Sonographic Signs: Hydronephrosis, polycystic kidneys, and ambiguous genitalia.
• Diagnostic Tips: Ensure both kidneys and bladder are present and functional, and examine for any dilation indicating potential obstruction.
9. Chromosomal Abnormalities
• Key Concepts: Common chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy 21, 18, 13) and their markers.
• Sonographic Signs: Indicators like thickened nuchal fold, shortened femur, and absent nasal bone.
• Diagnostic Tips: Use nuchal fold and nasal bone assessment as part of a detailed second-trimester screening, in addition to biochemical tests if available.
10. Multiple Gestations
• Key Concepts: Chorionicity and amnionicity, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).
• Sonographic Signs: Separate placentas or shared circulations, abnormal fluid levels, and growth discrepancies in twins.
• Diagnostic Tips: Identify number of amniotic sacs and placentas early on to determine chorionicity, and monitor for complications unique to multiple gestations.
11. Fetal Environment and Maternal Complications
• Key Concepts: Placental structure, amniotic fluid volume, and maternal complications like preeclampsia.
• Sonographic Signs: Abnormal placental attachment (e.g., placenta previa), placental abruption, and polyhydramnios/oligohydramnios.