Discovery Education @discoverygroup_uz Channel on Telegram

Discovery Education



📲 Murojaat: @discoveryadmin
📞 71 200-555-8


Discovery Education (Uzbek)

🇰🇷 KOREA 💯 GRANTLARnnDo you want to explore the world of education and discovery? Look no further than the Discovery Education Telegram channel! This channel, managed by the username @discoverygroup_uz, is your go-to destination for all things related to education, grants, and opportunities in Korea

Who is it? Discovery Education is a platform dedicated to providing valuable information about education and grant opportunities in Korea. Whether you are a student looking to study abroad or a professional seeking career development, this channel has got you covered

What is it? The Discovery Education Telegram channel offers a wide range of resources, including updates on grants, scholarships, workshops, and educational events in Korea. Stay informed about the latest opportunities and make your educational journey a success with the help of this channel

For queries and more information, you can reach out to the channel admin by contacting @discoveryadmin or calling 71 200-555-8. You can also find the channel's location at,69.259572&ll=41.281408,69.259572&z=16. Don't miss out on the chance to discover new educational horizons with Discovery Education! Join the channel today and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Discovery Education

23 Nov, 12:32

Intervyular Juda a’lo va oson o'tmoqda 💯

Discovery Education

23 Nov, 06:44

Ota-onalarning samimiy tilaklari men va jamoamiz uchun kuch-quvvat manbai! Bu bizni yanada yuqori cho‘qqilar sari intilishga undaydi! 💪

✈️ 100% GRANT 🇰🇷 TOUR – Bugun Toshkentda! Orzularingiz sari birinchi qadamni qo‘ying! 🌟

@SanjarDiscovery hozir 🇺🇿 O‘zbekistonda!

Discovery Education

21 Nov, 08:50

⚡️Suxbat jarayonidan lavhalar 🔥

🇰🇷 Kuni kecha Nukus shahridagi Kyungwoon universiteti professori bilan bo'lib o'tgan intervyudan lavhalar 🎥

Discovery ishonchli hamkor! 🤝

📞 Toshkent: 71-200-5558 | Bepul konsultatsiya

📍Bizning filiallarimiz

Discovery Education

21 Nov, 08:24

📍 Uzbekiston Salom. Post qo’yishga imkon bo’lmagandi.

🤝 Internetga ulanvoldim. Nasb postlarni joylab boraman.

🇰🇷 Koreyalik Sanjar aka 🇺🇿Uzbekistonda @SanjarDiscovery

P.S. 😁 Kelganimga 2 kun bo’ldi.

• 19 noyabr Seul - Toshkent kelib, shu kunni o’zida Toshkentdan Nukusga uchdik.

Discovery Education

16 Nov, 17:25

🚫TOPIKSIZ Til Kursi Viza✔️

✔️Bekzod, Koreada🇰🇷 ko'rishamiz🤝

🔖 Dastur: TELEX Til Kursi

🤝 Ikkilanmasdan tezroq topshiring, biz sizga albatta yordam beramiz

📞 Toshkent: 71-200-5558 | Bepul konsultatsiya

📍Bizning filiallarimiz

Discovery Education

16 Nov, 12:30

🤩 Magistratura uchun 2 Yillik Grant! ⭐️

🏛 Dong-A University
🇰🇷 Shahar: BUSAN

📝 Akademik talab:

🔖 Dastur: Magıstratura

🤝 Ikkilanmasdan tezroq topshiring, biz sizga albatta yordam beramiz

📞 Toshkent: 71-200-5558 | Bepul konsultatsiya

📍Bizning filiallarimiz

Discovery Education

14 Nov, 07:33

Bu haqida bilarmidingiz?🤨

🔥Qabullarimiz davom etmoqda, ulgurib qoling!
Discovery ishonchli hamkor! 🤝

📞 Toshkent: 71-200-5558 | Bepul konsultatsiya

📍Bizning filiallarimiz

Discovery Education

14 Nov, 01:42

💯 TELEX VIZA Til Kursiga D-4-1
Hech qanday TOPIKsiz

Hozirda qabullar ochiq. 🤝 Sizni ham Koreyada kutamiz.
✈️ Ko’rishguncha!


Discovery Education

12 Nov, 16:02


Eng zo’ri, 😵 Hech qanda TOPIKsiz VIZALAR tasdiqlandi

To’liq ma’lumot bugun joylaymiz.

Discovery Education

12 Nov, 09:42

🤩 4 yillik 100% GRANT sohibi 🤯

🇰🇷 Koreyaga 4 yillik grant yutish mumkin emas, fantastika deyishganmidi? 🤔
😏 Unaqasi faqat GKSda bo’ladi deyishganmidi?

🤲 Mana sizga isbot. Ishonmaganlarga ushbu postimizni yuborib qo'ying 😉

Discovery ishonchli hamkor! 🤝

📞 Toshkent: 71-200-5558 | Bepul konsultatsiya

📍Bizning filiallarimiz





