Welcome to #دارلا, a Telegram channel created on Friday, 23 April 2021. This channel, with the username @darrlla, is a place where you can explore the world of genes and genetics. The title, which translates to 'Darla' in English, hints at the exciting and mysterious world of DNA and heredity waiting to be discovered within the channel. Whether you are a biology enthusiast, a student studying genetics, or simply curious about how genes work, #دارلا is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey of unraveling the secrets of life encoded in our DNA. Who knows what fascinating information and discussions await you in #دارلا? Come and join our community today and embark on a genetic adventure like no other!
04 Dec, 16:36
28 Nov, 20:03
01 Nov, 22:43
01 Nov, 12:03
23 Oct, 18:48
20 Oct, 20:46
20 Oct, 10:14
17 Oct, 21:53
14 Oct, 17:42
10 Oct, 16:57
28 Sep, 22:02