ديرقديس وسط البلد مقابل صالون نصر للحلاقة
Welcome to شبكة ديرقديس الإخبارية! Our Telegram channel, @darqadees, is a dedicated news page focusing on the latest updates from Palestine in general and all its provinces, including the villages west of Ramallah. We also cover the news of our brave prisoners in the occupation's prisons. Our main goal is to ensure the accurate portrayal of events and stories, providing our followers with reliable information. Stay informed and connected by joining our channel at https://t.me/DarQadees and participate in discussions at https://t.me/daerqades. Keep up with the latest news and stories from Palestine with شبكة ديرقديس الإخبارية!
22 Nov, 21:04
19 Nov, 17:20
16 Nov, 10:20
16 Nov, 09:41
16 Nov, 08:54
15 Nov, 21:01
14 Nov, 17:05
13 Nov, 23:01
13 Nov, 22:57
13 Nov, 22:52
13 Nov, 22:50
13 Nov, 21:23
13 Nov, 20:10
13 Nov, 19:51
13 Nov, 19:46
13 Nov, 19:37
13 Nov, 19:23
13 Nov, 19:18
13 Nov, 19:16
12 Nov, 08:50
12 Nov, 08:50
12 Nov, 08:48
12 Nov, 06:41
12 Nov, 06:39
12 Nov, 04:32
11 Nov, 00:28
11 Nov, 00:08
11 Nov, 00:08
18 Oct, 05:01
18 Oct, 05:00
18 Oct, 03:09
18 Oct, 01:29
18 Oct, 01:29
17 Oct, 01:51
16 Oct, 15:55
16 Oct, 15:41
16 Oct, 15:41
16 Oct, 15:40
16 Oct, 15:40