Daniel Larimer Msg Only @daneos Channel on Telegram

Daniel Larimer Msg Only


Messages sent by Daniel Larimer in different EOS related Telegram groups and on Twitter

This bot is not made by Dan nor Block.one

Contact: @DestBest_BTSFCX

See also:
@BrendanBlumerEOS - Messages sent by Brendan Blumer - CEO at Block.one

Daniel Larimer Msg Only (English)

Are you a fan of Daniel Larimer and interested in staying updated with his messages related to EOS? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Daniel Larimer Msg Only' with the username '@daneos'. This channel compiles messages sent by Daniel Larimer in different EOS-related Telegram groups and on Twitter, providing you with a centralized source of information directly from the man himself. It's important to note that this bot is not made by Dan nor Block.one, but it serves as a valuable resource for those wanting to follow Larimer's updates.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with the channel administrator, you can contact them at @DestBest_BTSFCX. Additionally, for messages sent by Brendan Blumer, the CEO at Block.one, you can check out the related channel '@BrendanBlumerEOS'. Stay informed, connected, and engaged with the latest insights and updates from key figures in the EOS community through the 'Daniel Larimer Msg Only' Telegram channel.

Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 22:08

From Twitter :
@szakesz Never been better :)

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 19:32

From Twitter :
@Disruptepreneur Where exactly do you think crypto exchanges keep custody of dollar deposits they hold for you? All "fiat-backed" stable coins are strictly less secure than the banks/loans that back them and they pay less interest to boot!

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 19:28

From Twitter :
@Lynxabi @BitcoinMagazine the fiat just changes account holder and no deposits are lost across the system as a whole. Only withdrawing to paper cash can cause a deposit drop.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 19:25

From Twitter :
@BitcoinMagazine Clearly lies, every buyer of crypto transfers the money to a seller of crypto and the total amount in deposits remains constant.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 19:24

From Twitter :
@cryptofordocs @CaitlinLong_ Depends upon the interest rate of the loan. If they can borrow against this phantom value at 2% and then buy treasuries that pay 3% then it is free cashflow and clearly a bailout or gift.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 19:21

From Twitter :
@franky12358 There are certainly countless interpretations out there and at the end of the day what will happen will happen. Doesn't change what we can clearly see going on around us with the banking system, world war, and pole shift.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 18:44

From Twitter :
We are approaching the Hebrew new year (~March 21) which is 1993 years from our best guess of the death of Jesus which means the next 7 years could be the tribulation before the start of the millennial reign. Is it just a coincidence that world war and banking crisis is afoot?

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 18:44

From Twitter :
Whether these next 7 years are the fulfillment of biblical prophecy or not, they are sure to be a great tribulation for almost all of the planet. Prepare accordingly. Tyranny will increase, violence will increase, famine will increase until the system collapses from its own evil

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 18:18

From Twitter :
@BtsWeeklyReport It is an interesting theory. That kind of war will have significant collateral damage regardless of who wins.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 18:14

From Twitter :
@andreicastrill @brandonlovejoy @jordanbpeterson No

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 18:10

From Twitter :
@_JamesMart Natural selection from among the random changes. Which means if you have 100 random mutations, 1 of which has a net benefit the other 99 a net loss, then you need a survival rate of the beneficial change to be 100x the non-beneficial changes just to break even.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

13 Mar, 18:06

From Twitter :
Since the banking system is a closed system, the only effect of a "bank run" is to centralize deposits with the ultimate end result CBDC. The "bailout" is effectively monetization of long-term debt. The only "safe place" is to buy things you need because inflation will explode.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 05:21

From Twitter :
@geopete84 Only from a devolution perspective. The fittest would have to filter faster than the error mutation rate. If you program a simulation that doesn't cheat by perfectly preserving the most fit from generation to generation then you will never get an increase in info complexity.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:20

From Twitter :
@RufusYoakam what about the matter before an organism exists? This non-life that randomly mutated into the most basic form of life that had to be sophisticated enough to replicate with an error rate less than the negative mutation rate.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:17

From Twitter :
@siferdub Only if you accept by faith that evolution is the process that turned non-life into life. However, what most people observe is actually devolution in action like forcing information through a filter rather than evolution (adding new information).

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:13

From Twitter :
@aidanlean I agree with you that Life is more than matter and cannot be explained by physical processes alone. This means there must be a spiritual realm creating the physical reality.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:11

From Twitter :
@RufusYoakam Please... explain how.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:02

From Twitter :
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:02

From Twitter :
If you start with a maximally fit DNA sequence for a creature in a stable environment it cannot maintain its maximal fitness and will decay toward less fit and never recover from generation to generation. Over time it will become less and less fit.

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Daniel Larimer Msg Only

11 Mar, 04:02

From Twitter :
Species can differentiate only by losing information. An animal can start with 2 arms and 2 legs and "evolve" into two different animals, one with 2 arms and another with 2 legs through the loss of info. Going in reverse is not possible.

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