Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs @cam_rn8 Channel on Telegram

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs


Welcome to Camera MODs channel for Rn8!

All the stable GCam and its set-up will be posted in this channel.

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Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs (English)

Are you a proud owner of a Redmi Note 8 or 8T and looking to enhance your camera experience? Look no further! Welcome to the Camera MODs channel for Rn8! This channel is dedicated to providing you with all the stable GCam versions and their set-up instructions to take your photography game to the next level. Created by the official RN8 Family, you can trust that the content shared here is reliable and tailored specifically for your device. Stay updated with the latest news and releases by joining our Official Group: @GinkgoOfficial and exploring Our Channel: @GinkgoUpdates. If you are passionate about photography, don't miss out on the amazing shots shared on @RN8Photography. Join us in this exciting journey of capturing moments with precision and clarity. Let's unleash the full potential of your Redmi camera together! 📸💥

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

18 Dec, 13:59

It's XML ?, Not Needed

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

24 Apr, 06:24

(Since the new Burial 11 it's too buggy, I moved to another gcam)

Polaroid SE + DSLR XML for the Fuse Pro Gcam by @CL4PTRAP

To use Polaroid make sure to enable the Fuse button on the Gcam.
To use DSLR turn off the Fuse button.

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

24 Feb, 04:43

#Camera #Quality #Improvement #Module #R
Camera Improvements Module v2.0 | Android 11.

▪️Support Group

• Added missing camera configs
• Fixed "Can't connect to camera" error for most users
• Improved quality for IMX 582 Sensor
• Improved quality for HI259 Sensor
• Improved quality for front camera sensor OV13B10
• Used Pie libs for these three sensors too, so quality will be definitely improved

Important notes:
• Remove Module v1.0
• I can't take guarantee whether it'll surely work on your rom or not, try your luck ;)
• You can also flash this module in Q Roms

• This is magisk flashable module
• This module can be used on both A11 and A10 Roms

• @BornToFlash97 for testing

By @Aryaman895
Follow 👉🏻 @GinkgoUpdates , @Cam_RN8
Join 👉🏻 @GinkgoOfficial , @rn8photography

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

28 Nov, 16:06

#gcam #protrait #cam #google #camera
Portrait Light for Other Devices (Need Magisk)

- Install Pixel 4a (Sunfish) Prop and Portrait light module with magisk.
- Restart the phone.
- Update if there is an update for Google Photos.
- Install NgaResources.apk and restart the phone.
- Clear Google Photos data.
- Open Google photos and wait for the upload process to finish.

- You can make any human photo as a portrait photo. Background blur, portrait light etc. features are added.
- After the setup is finished, you can remove the Pixel4a Prop. But if you delete the data of Google Photos, the features will be lost.
- Tried on Android 10/Mi9t Pro/RN7
- Test with any photo


• No need to install nga apk if you are using aosp.
• Bugs i encountered is assistant not working properly but you get the new ui of assistant.
Source and Thanks:
@SixArmedPriest , @Kingsmanz

By: @v1ack
Follow 👉🏻 @GinkgoUpdates , @Cam_RN8
Join 👉🏻 @GinkgoOfficial , @rn8photography

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

28 Nov, 16:06

Pixel 4a - Sunfish
Security Patch: 2020-10-05
ID: RP1A.201005.006

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

13 Nov, 19:06

Based on NGCAM

Differences from NGCam:
- The set of libraries has been replaced, instead of Google, NR59TW15T17 (UserX), new Fresco (themihaels), Odin2 (And_rjy)
- Package name changed to
- Added a button to change the number of frames in the Auto, 7, 15, 25 (taken from Arnova8G2)
- Astrophotography code changed (taken from Arnova8G2 mod)
- Sabre code changed (took from Arnova8G2)
- Fixed problem with video recording on additional modules (requires enabled restart option)
- Added shutter slider, quick call of the shutter menu with a long tap on the gallery icon
- Added touch focus timeout option
- Fixed a bug with artifacts of maximum zoom, it is limited to 16x
- Changed autofocus mode
- Changed noise reduction mode, audio and video
- Added audio zoom option
- Version upgraded to 7.4.201
- Added upload/download settings for configs
- Added settings for getting help
- Added highlighting of the installed config
- Fully optimized settings for Redmi Note 8

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

08 Nov, 03:23

Google Camera Modification
Version: 7.6.008 | V1
Android 10+

After two weeks of work, we are ready to publish the version for General use. Basically, all the work was carried out on optimization on Mi A3, Redmi Note 7, 8, 8T, Redmi 5+, Redmi 7, Asus Max Pro M1, LeEco LeMax x820(829), as well as smartphones based on the SDM710/845 processor. The most notable changes in the 7.6 version are:
* New design of the shutter buttons.
* The astrophotographic item in the curtain is initially available in Google Camera.
* Audio zoom.
* New design in the"Share" function.

When backporting the version to Android 10, there are some problems, one of them is the "Slow down" mode, I did not find a solution because everything works fine on Android 11 and SDM710/845 processors. Redmi Note 9Pro does not work, and when it will work is not yet known.

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

14 Oct, 03:51

Android 9+
Aux working without root


Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

12 Oct, 15:05

Beta 9:

Configs from previous versions are not supported!

This update uses works by ytsependa, Wichaya, Abhi_Shake, Urnyx05, Arnova8G2 Xda, esdman. Thank them for that.

Special thanks to sde79.

1. Color correction conversion settings for devices with incorrect CaptureResult (MN10, OP8PRO, etc., these devices have discolored photos on third-party camera applications and some Gcam

mods). 2. The default zoom setting. 3. Recalibrated black levels for

MI9T x0.6 and x1 and MN10 for all modules. 4. Fast switching between lenses.

With this method, the libpatcher takes values from the lens on which the camera was last restarted, but

there is no need to wait for the end

of processing to change the lens. 5. Updated and added some AWBS. Manual AWB settings.

6. Fixed a bug with focus after turning on manual focus at night and returning from night to normal. 7. Completely rewritten libpatcher.

New settings, small steps, manual curve settings by points.

#Burial_apk #beta9

Redmi Note 8/8T | Camera MODs

10 Oct, 04:08

#Camera #Quality #Improvement #Module
Pie Chromatix Libs v1.0 - Module
Released : 09/10/2020

Download: Here

Description :
• This module brings Pie Roms camera quality on Android 10/Q Roms, used pie chromatix libs for Primary Sensor, Wide Sensor, Macro Sensor, Depth Sensor, Front Sensor

Changelog :
• Fixes Yellow tint issue for some users

~ Remove Ultra Wide Sunny Quality Fix Module before installing this.
~ This module doesn't work on Los 17.1
~ This is magisk flashable module
~ This module is only for Android 10 / Q Roms.

By @Aryaman895
Follow 👉🏻 @GinkgoUpdates , @Cam_RN8
Join 👉🏻 @GinkgoOfficial , @rn8photography