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Calisthenics Network 🌐
Daily Calisthenics routines, tips and tutorials 🌐

1,179 人の購読者
9 枚の写真
573 本の動画
最終更新日 12.03.2025 02:48

Calisthenics Network 🌐 によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Calisthenics Network 🌐

26 Feb, 12:22


Ring Muscle Up Tips 🙌🏼

🎥Credit: IG/evelinadalecki

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Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

25 Feb, 12:27


Full Body Workout 💪🏼🙌🏼

🎥Credit: IG/nee_tristan

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4 x 10 dips
4 × 10 straight leg raises
4 × 10 supinated push-ups
4 x 12 jump squats

Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

24 Feb, 11:37



🎥Credit: IG/abnormal_beings

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Go through these progressions if the goal is to learn the handstand push up eventually. They are harder than they look especially doing it with this specific form. Aim for 6-8 comfortable reps before progressing onto the next variation. Chest to wall HSPU are very taxing so l recommend aiming for 3-5 reps & throw in some negatives when you start to fatigue.

Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

23 Feb, 10:32


Core workout that will make you bulletproof 🦾‼️

🎥Credit: IG/augustburvil

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Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

22 Feb, 17:30


Master the basics 🔥💪🏼

🎥Credit: IG/daniel.paier

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Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

21 Feb, 18:18


CHALLENGE‼️ Survive 15sec 😤

🎥Credit: IG/maximilianmoves

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Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

20 Feb, 17:31


From Tuck to Advanced Tuck Front Lever 🙌🏼

🎥Credit: IG/andry_strong

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Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

19 Feb, 15:55


How to engage your lats during pull ups 🤔💡

🎥Credit: IG/levisthenics

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To this day I still give everyone starting with pull-ups this tip! They’re always amazed by how much easier it is to get better scapula positioning compared to the cue of just „pulling down the shoulders”

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Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

18 Feb, 16:19


Do These 6 Exercises DAILY 👇🏼

🎥Credit: IG/c_raytrains

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🔹Plank - (Hold until failure)
🔹Hollow Body Hold - (Hold until failure)
🔹Russian Twists - (20 Reps Total)
🔹Tuck Crunch - (12 Reps Total)
🔹Toe Touches - (10 Reps Total)
🔹Bear Crawls - (30 Seconds)

Repeat 2-3 times if 1 round is too easy

Help us with a BOOST! 💪🏼🔋

Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡
Calisthenics Network 🌐

17 Feb, 11:20


🦵🏼 Strengthen Those Hip Flexors

Your hamstrings are doing a LOT of work to keep those legs straight and strong.

Try single leg pike lifts, a dynamic motion designed for strengthening those often neglected muscles. Try to lift higher each session and you’ll see an improvement in your hip flexors strength and mobility.

🧘‍♂️ Why Flexibility is Key

Remember, flexibility isn’t just about being bendy-it’s about optimizing your body to move better.

A tight muscle is a weak muscle, and when you unlock your flexibility, you unlock your true strength.

Whether you’re just learning the L-sit or aiming for that picture-perfect hold, combining mobility with strength is a winning formula.

Stay strong, keep moving. 🫡