Stay up-to-date with the latest current affairs and news related to TNPSC (Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission) by joining our Telegram channel - DAILY CURRENT AFFAIRS TNPSC. As an essential resource for TNPSC aspirants, we provide daily updates on current events, important news, and relevant information to help you prepare effectively for the TNPSC exams. With a focus on accuracy and timeliness, our channel offers curated content from sources such as The Hindu News paper & Dhinamani Tamil News paper, ensuring that you receive reliable and credible information. By following our channel, you can access valuable insights, study material, and exam tips that will enhance your preparation and boost your chances of success. Join us today to stay informed, engaged, and ahead of the competition. Your journey towards TNPSC success starts here! 📚🚔👮🏻♂️🎯💯
06 Jan, 01:10
03 Jan, 02:16
02 Jan, 15:16
02 Jan, 13:03
29 Dec, 05:39
28 Dec, 13:41
02 Dec, 01:42
01 Dec, 02:05
30 Nov, 02:34
29 Nov, 11:26
27 Nov, 12:51
18 Nov, 01:53
17 Nov, 06:51
17 Nov, 03:36
12 Nov, 12:48
11 Nov, 12:49
09 Nov, 13:12
01 Nov, 07:22
28 Oct, 13:11