General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲 @afo_vali_agriculture Channel on Telegram

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲


Important questions for all the agriculture competitive exams

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲 (English)

Are you passionate about agriculture and looking to excel in competitive exams in the field? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲' hosted by the username 'afo_vali_agriculture'. This channel is your one-stop destination for important questions for all agriculture competitive exams. Sudhanshu sir, a renowned expert in the field of agriculture, provides valuable insights, tips, and guidance to help you succeed in your exams. Whether you are preparing for AFO, AO, or any other agriculture-related competitive exam, this channel is a must-follow. Join today to stay updated with the latest exam trends, study materials, and practice questions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your knowledge and ace your agriculture exams with ease!

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

22 Feb, 03:45


1)PH is very high

2)Well suitable for datepalm crop 

3)Predominant in Quartz mineral

4)Toxicity of sodium has found in this soil

5)This soil covered about 29 million Hactor area of India

6)In this soil clay contain is 3 to 10%

7) Water holding capacity of this soil is lowest amoung all soil

8)Highly found in desert region of Rajasthan

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 15:37


🔘One linear of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration🔘

➡️Glycolysis occurs in the part of cell Ans. Cytoplasm

➡️Krebs cycle & ETC occurs in
Ans. Mitochondria

➡️Glycolysis is a type of reaction
Ans. Anaerobic

➡️Final product of glycolysis is
Ans. Pyruyate

➡️Kerbs cycle starts with
Ans. Acetyl COA & Oxaloacetate

➡️ Energy content of molecule of glucose is
Ans. 684 K.Cal.

➡️Total ATP synthesis from one 2 X 2 molecule of glucose in respiration
Ans. 36 ATP (Net gain), Gross – 38 ATP

➡️Total ATP synthesis in glycolysis is Ans. 8 ATP (Net gain – 2ATP)

➡️Light or hill reaction takes place in Ans. Grana of chloroplast

➡️Dark reaction or Calvin cycle takes place in
Ans. Stroma of chloroplast

➡️First enzyme in CO2 fixation in C3 plants
Ans. Rubisco

➡️First enzyme in CO2 fixation in C4 plants is
Ans. PEP Carboxylase

➡️ Highest water use efficiency is seen ____ plants.
Ans. CAM > C4 > C3

➡️Kranz type leaf anatomy found in Ans. C4 plants

➡️ Calvin cycle & Hatch – slack pathway occurs in _ cell organelle.
Ans. Chloroplast

➡️ Photosynthetic rate is highest in Ans. C4 plants

➡️ Harvest Index in cereals is
Ans. 0.4 – 0.5

➡️Harvest Index in pulses
Ans. 0.2 – 0.3

➡️First product of photosynthesis in C3 plants is
Ans. 3 PGA

➡️Most abundant protein in the world Ans. Rubisco

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 15:33

Instruments and their use :-

▪️Altimeter - height/altitude

▪️Monometer - root pressure

▪️Aneroid barometer - Atmospheric  pressure

▪️Anemometer - wind speed

▪️Beaufort scale - wind force in sea

▪️Wind vane - wind direction

▪️Potometer - transpiration

▪️Porometer - stomatal behaviour

▪️Pycnometer - specific gravity of soil

▪️Lysimeter - evapo-transpiration

▪️Pyranometer - measure total incoming solar radiation

▪️Pyrheliometer - measure amount of direct solar radiation

▪️Peizometer - depth of water table

▪️Manometer - root pressure

▪️Darsometer - dew

▪️Tensiometer - soil moisture tension

▪️Therometer/thermograph - temperature

▪️Auxanometer/crescograph - growth of plant

▪️Lactometer- specific gravity of milk

▪️Cambel stokes - duration of sunshine

▪️Hygrometer/ Psychrometer - relative humidity

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 15:07

Role of nutrients and their deficiency Symptoms


▪️Impart green colour to plant encourages vegetative growth

▪️ Nitrogen is essential constituent of protein

▪️ Constituent of Protoplasm of chlorophyll and coenzyme.

▪️ Play important role in
synthesis of auxin


▪️ Lower leaves become yellow and dries.

▪️V shaped chlorosis on older leaves or yellowing at tip.


▪️Starvation disease due to nitrogen deficiency.

▪️Buttoning in cauliflower.


▪️Increase the disease resistance.

▪️ Enhance new cell formation and necessary for root development.

▪️Required for grain formation and maturity of grains.

▪️Phosphorus is essential constituent for nucleic acid and phytin.

▪️Most essential functions are energy storage and transfer energy act as "energy currency".


▪️Due to deficiency of single element the life cycle of plant can't be completed hence
Phosphorus is called " key of life "

▪️Deficiency imparts dark green colour in leaves.

▪️Later develops red purple colourration.


▪️Sickle leaf diseases.


▪️Most essential function of K+ is stomata regulation.

▪️Provides disease resistance in plants.

▪️Cofactor for enzymes.

▪️Formation and translocation of Sugars.

▪️Helps in chlorophyll formation.


▪️Spot of dead tissue at tips.

▪️Scorching and burning on margins of autumn leaves.


▪️Rottle/ dieback disease.


▪️ It is constituent of cell wall

▪️ Calcium is a mobile in plants and deficiency symptoms appear on Meristem tip portion.

# Deficiency

▪️ Terminal bud die


▪️Tip hooking.

▪️ Blossom end rot of tomato(BER).

▪️Popping in groundnut.


▪️ Essential constituent of chlorophyll.

▪️ Magnesium is a constituent of chlorophyll.

▪️Chlorosis between veins.


▪️Sand -drown disease of tobacco.


▪️ Sulphur oxidizing Bacteria is Thiobacillus.

▪️Sulphur is essential for oil seed and pulses because it improves oil content and protein content in oil seeds and pulses, respectively.


▪️Akiochi disease of rice due to Excess of hydrogen sulphide.

▪️Tea yellow disease of tea.


▪️Fe is the component of nitrate reductase.

▪️Required for nitrogen fixation.

▪️During respiration act as O2 carrier.


▪️Interveinal complete chlorosis.

▪️Scorching of leaf margin.

▪️Yellowing of iron chlorosis in groundnut.


▪️Formation of chlorophyll.

▪️Co-factor of enzyme.

▪️Mn toxicity causes crinckle leaf of cotton.


▪️Dead spot on leaves.


▪️Marsh spot of pea.

▪️Pahala blight of sugarcane.


▪️Compound of plastocyanin.

Essential for photosynthesis/ respiration.Agriexams library

▪️Dieback and reclamation disease of cereals.


Necessary for Pollen germination.

▪️Boron is the only non-metal element among the micronutrient.

▪️It is necessary for translocation of Sugars and is involved in reproduction and germination of pollen.

#Disease : due to deficiency

▪️Browning of cauliflower is caused by Boron deficiency.

▪️Top sickness of tobacco.

▪️Fruit cracking of tomato.

▪️Hard fruit of citrus.

▪️Hen and chick disease of grape.


▪️In plants it is required for biosynthesis of hormones.

▪️Zn deficiency causes-

-White bud of maize.
-Khaira disease of rice.
-Little leaf of cotton.
-Mottled leaf of citrus.
-Rosette formation.


▪️It is component of Vitamin B

▪️It is essential for formation of type of hemoglobin in N-fixing nodule tissue known as leghaemogloin.

▪️Act as O2 carrier in roots.

▪️Also known as animal protein factor.


▪️Mo: absorbed as molybdate MoO4-2 forms.

▪️Mo is important component of enzyme: Nitrate reductage.

▪️N-fixation in pulses.

▪️Whiptail of cauliflower is due to deficiency of Mo.

▪️Mo is required for carrot & raphanus for sweetness.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 10:20

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:13

यूपी बजट में ग्रामीण विकास के लिए आवंटन

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:13

यूपी बजट में प्रमुख क्षेत्रों को आवंटन (% में)

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

ग्राम पंचायत से जुड़े आवंटन ❤️

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

छुट्टा जानवरों से किसानों को राहत देने के लिए 2024 25 के बजट में एक योजना घोषित हुई थी : "मुख्यमंत्री सोलर फेंसिंग योजना" .... लेकिन इस योजना का कोई अता पता ही नहीं है! 😏😏

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

उत्तर प्रदेश में अवस्थापना एवं औद्योगिक विकास को गति देने के लिए 4 नए एक्सप्रेस-वे के निर्माण का निर्णय लिया गया है।

1) आगरा-लखनऊ एक्सप्रेस-वे से गंगा एक्सप्रेस-वे कौसिया, जनपद हरदोई वाया फर्रुखाबाद तक प्रवेश नियंत्रित ग्रीन फील्ड एक्सप्रेस-वे

2) गंगा एक्सप्रेस-वे को प्रयागराज, मिर्जापुर, वाराणसी, चन्दौली होते हुए सोनभद्र से जोड़ने के लिए विन्ध्य एक्सप्रेस-वे

3) मेरठ को हरिद्वार से जोड़ने हेतु गंगा एक्सप्रेस-वे का विस्तारीकरण

4) बुंदेलखंड-रीवा एक्सप्रेस-वे

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

उत्तर प्रदेश में चिकित्सा सेवाओं को विस्तार देने के लिए मेडिकल कॉलेजों में UG/PG की सीटें बढ़ाई गई हैं। इस हेतु लगभग ₹2,066 करोड़ की व्यवस्था बजट में प्रस्तावित की गई है।

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

प्रदेश के शिक्षित एवं प्रशिक्षित युवाओं को स्वरोजगार से जोड़कर नए सूक्ष्म उद्योगों की स्थापना हेतु वित्तीय संसाधन उपलब्ध कराने के उद्देश्य से वर्ष 2024-2025 में 'मुख्यमंत्री युवा उद्यमी विकास अभियान' प्रारम्भ किया गया है। योजना हेतु वित्तीय वर्ष 2025-2026 के बजट में ₹1,000 करोड़ की व्यवस्था प्रस्तावित की गई है।

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

वित्तीय वर्ष 2025-2026 में महायोगी गुरु गोरखनाथ आयुष विश्वविद्यालय, गोरखपुर का निर्माण कार्य, जनपद अयोध्या में राजकीय आयुर्वेदिक महाविद्यालय का निर्माण कार्य पूर्ण कराने के साथ ही जनपद वाराणसी में राजकीय होम्योपैथिक मेडिकल कॉलेज की स्थापना कराया जाना लक्षित है।

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

हथकरघा एवं वस्त्रोद्योग को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 'पीएम मित्र योजना' के अन्तर्गत टेक्सटाइल पार्क की स्थापना से सम्बन्धित व्यय हेतु ₹300 करोड़ की व्यवस्था प्रस्तावित की गई है। वहीं, उत्तर प्रदेश वस्त्र गारमेन्टिंग पॉलिसी-2022 के क्रियान्वयन हेतु ₹150 करोड़ की व्यवस्था कराई जा रही है। अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी पॉवरलूम विद्युत फ्लैट रेट योजना हेतु ₹400 करोड़ की व्यवस्था भी प्रस्तावित है।

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Feb, 05:12

सोनभद्र के घोरावल तहसील स्थित इमलीपुर गांव में बुधवार को उत्तर प्रदेश का पहला तेजस्वी किसान मार्ट खुल गया।

➡️ इस स्टोर का मुख्य उद्देश्य किसानों की उपज को उचित बाजार मूल्य दिलाना और शहद उत्पादन, मशरूम और पिपरमिंट की खेती के बारे में जानकारी देना है।

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

07 Feb, 10:40

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

07 Feb, 10:19

IBPS AFO Mains Result is now available.

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General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

07 Feb, 08:03

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

06 Feb, 17:40

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General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

06 Feb, 12:48

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General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

06 Feb, 10:25

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General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

06 Feb, 10:24

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

05 Feb, 10:18

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General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

05 Feb, 07:42

Field crops  ✍️ by sudhanshu omar



  61. Sorghum seeds are technically as Caryopsis
62. Dhurrin is synthesized from Roots
63. Exhaustive crop maize
64. Poor man’s pulse in china Soybean
65. Transgenic crop cultivated high area in world is ---------------------- Soybean
66. Fist maize hybrid in india is ---------------------- Ganga 1
67. Aflotoxin contamination generally found in ---------------------- Groundnut
68. -------------- is called as boneless meat Soybean
69. Yellow revolution is promotion for production of ---------------------- Oil seeds
70. ---------------------- used as cotton defoliant Abscisic acid
71. Quality Protein maize released by using ---------- Opaque 2 genes
72. Sweet maize variety is --------------- African tall
73. Application of gypsum is required more for Groundnut
74. Nutrient exhausting crop Berseem

75. Fruit of linseed Seedball
76. Crop is used as pulse and oil purpose Soybean
77. Best example for catch crop Toria
78. Vegetable oil is good for heart patient Sunflower oil
79. Pungency of mustard oil Glucosinolates
80. In legumes, red colour of root nodules is attributed to the presence of---------------------- Leg haemoglobin

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

05 Feb, 05:52

Field crops  ✍️ BY SUDHANSHU OMAR


  41. Six rowed barley is ---------------------- Hordeum vulgare
42. Two rowed barley is ---------------------- Hordeum irregular 

43. “Annals of Agriculture” a book was written by ---------------------- Arthur Young
44. Botanical name of Flint corn is ---------------------- Zea mays indurata

45. Seminal roots in maize are ---------------------- 3 – 5 in number
46. Most common herbicide used in maize is ---------------------- Atrazine
47. The centre of origin of sorghum is ---------------------- India
48. The inflorescence in maize is ---------------------- Spikelets
49. ---------------------- is considered as camel crop - Sorghum
50. Central Rice Research Institute is located at - Cuttack
51. ICARDA is located at Syria
52. Paddy crop prefers nitrogen in ---------------------- form Ammonical

53. Indrayani is a scented variety of ---------------------- Paddy
54. Hulling percentage in paddy is ---------------------- 75 %

55. The ratio grain to straw in paddy is ---------------------- 2 :1

56. The optimum temperature range for sowing of wheat is ---------------------- 10 – 15°C

57. The first irrigation in wheat is normally recommended at --------------------- - CRI stage
58. ---------------------- crop is said to be a king of cereals Wheat

59. Dwarf wheat (Mexican) is introduced in India by ---------------------- N.E. Borlaug
60. Flint corn is also known as Zea mays indurate

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

05 Feb, 04:03

Field crops  ✍️ BY SUDHANSHU OMAR


21. Heliophytes is --------------------------sunflower

22. Cereal millet crop grown in arid climate ---------------------- Pearl millet

23. Maize protein is deficient in ---------------------- Tryptophan and lysine

24. In maize, dough stage comes at ---------------------- Grain becomes milk

25. Crop is used as fodder and grain ---------------------- Jowar

26. Crop is grown during all the three seasons ---------------------- Maize

27. Mitscherlich technique ---------------------- plants are grown to maturity Oat

28. Alkaloid found in sorghum ---------------------- Dhurrin

29. “Khaira” disease in rice is due to deficiency of ---------------------- Zinc

30. “Akiochi” disease in rice is due to toxicity caused by ---------------------- Iron

31. Rice variety IR-20 has been evolved at ---------------------- Phillipines

32. Rice is sown directly in dry field is ---------------------- Dry system

33. The long duration rice variety is ---------------------- Mashuri

34. An annual weed commonly found in rice field is ---------------------- Echillochloa crusgalli

35. Mat type of nursery is related to ---------------------- Paddy crop

36. The inflorescence in Bajra is ---------------------- Panicle

37. The centre of origin of Bajra is ---------------------- West Africa

38. Critical period for irrigation in bajra is ---------------------- Late blooming to early flowering

39. The centre of origin of barley is ---------------------- Asia and Ethiopia

40. Recommendation for pulse wonder ---------------------- 2 kg/ ac

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

04 Feb, 18:55

Field crop 🔥 by sudhanshu Omar

Target MP RAEO / RHEO / SADO EXAM 👇👇👇👇👇👇
1. The centre of origin of wheat is ---------------------- South-west Asia

2. Triticale is a cross between ---------------------- Wheat x Rye
3. Phalaris minor belongs to the family ---------------------- Gramineae
4. Phalaris minor weed in wheat can be controlled by using---------------------- Isoproturon
5. The shoot of wheat and rice crops is known as ---------------------- Culm
6. Origin of rice ---------------------- India and Burma
7. Dehulled rice grain ---------------------- Brown rice
8. Rich source in golden rice ---------------------- Vitamin a
9. Idea of super rice ---------------------- GS Khush
10. ‘Aman’ rice is sown in ---------------------- Jun –Jul

11. Gas released from paddy fields ---------------------- CH4
12. Area required for preparing nursery for 1 ha paddy crop 0.05ha
13. ---------------------- gas is released from paddy field CH4

14. Central Rice Research Institute ---------------------- Cuttock
15. Wheat protein ---------------------- Gluten
16. Deficiency of stem melanosis disease in wheat ---------------------- Cu
17. Semi dwarf wheat variety ---------------------- Lerma Roja 64 A

18. Indicator plant of copper ---------------------- Wheat
19. Directorate of wheat research is located at ---------------------- Karnal
20. Agriculture Provides employment to --------------------------56.7 %

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

04 Feb, 13:03


General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

25 Jan, 18:22



1)PH is very high

2)Well suitable for datepalm crop 

3)Predominant in Quartz mineral

4)Toxicity of sodium has found in this soil

5)This soil covered about 29 million Hactor area of India

6)In this soil clay contain is 3 to 10%

7) Water holding capacity of this soil is lowest amoung all soil

8)Highly found in desert region of Rajasthan

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

25 Jan, 18:22

Research Institutes Working on Organic farming:

1. National Organic Farming Research Institute (NOFRI) in- Sikkim. 

2. India’s First Organic farming University going to be set up in- Vadodara, Gujarat. 

3. National Centre for Organic Farming -Ghaziabad, U.P.

4. Indian Institute of Farming System Research - Modipuram, U.P.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

25 Jan, 18:22



1)Soil having bricks like structure

2)This soil are generally observed in hill tops

3)Soil having acidic in nature

4)Predominant in kaolinite clay mineral

5)This soil is also called as oldest soil and most weathered soil

6)Predominant in Kerala and Karnataka

7)Formed by process of laterization

8) Shifting cultivation is mostly common in this soil

9)This soil modified from red soil

10)Soil order of this soil is ultisold

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

25 Jan, 17:47



1)PH is very high

2)Well suitable for datepalm crop 

3)Predominant in Quartz mineral

4)Toxicity of sodium has found in this soil

5)This soil covered about 29 million Hactor area of India

6)In this soil clay contain is 3 to 10%

7) Water holding capacity of this soil is lowest amoung all soil

8)Highly found in desert region of Rajasthan

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

23 Jan, 18:25

One liner Agriculture.pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

23 Jan, 17:47

🔰  विभिन्न पशुओं में समागन क्रिया (Act of Mating)

🔹 1 गाय 👉🏻 Serving (सर्विंग)

🔸 2 भैंस 👉🏻 Serving (सर्विंग)

🔹 3 भेड़ 👉🏻 Tupping (टपिंग)

🔸 4  बकरी 👉🏻 Serving (सर्विंग)

🔹 5 घोड़ा 👉🏻 Covering (कवरिंग)

🔸 6 कुता 👉🏻 Copulation (कोपुलेशन)

🔹 7 सुअर 👉🏻 Coupling (कपलिंग)

🔸 8 बिल्ली 👉🏻 Copulation (कोपुलेशन)

🔹 9 मुर्गीयां 👉🏻 Mating (मेटिंग)

🔸 10 ऊँट 👉🏻 Lakhana (लखाना)

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

23 Jan, 17:47

🍃🍃Tobacco (तंबाकू)🍃🍃

🍃 Botanical name : Nicotiana tabacum

🍃 Family : Solanaceae

🍃 Origin place : Central America 

🍃 Pollination :  Self pollinated crop

🍃 Tobacco is tropical crop

🍃 pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5

🍃 Sensitive to waterlogging .

🍃 Sodic soil is unfit for tobacco production.

🍃 Nicotine  (C 10H 14 N2) is synthesized in the roots and transported in the xylem to the shoot (BHU PET 2018)

🍃 Central Tobacco Research Institute was established in 1947 at Rajahmundry (A.P.)

🍃 Mutant variety of tobacco- Jayshri, Bhavya


🍃Topping - Removal of flower heads either alone or with few upper/top leaves from the plant to Improve the size and quality of leaves.

🍃De-suckering - removal of such lateral  branches or /auxilary buds is called de-suckering

🍃Priming-  Removal of mature leaves

🍃Curing-   It is essentially a drying where by most of the moisture of leaf is removed to impart required colour , texture , and aroma to final product

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

23 Jan, 17:47

# गेहूँ का वर्गीकरण/Types of wheat :-

A. Diploid (द्विगुणित):- [2n = 2x = 14]

★ ट्रिटिकम  मोनोकोकम → 1% क्षेत्रफल में भारत में उगाया जाता है।

B. Tetraploid (चर्तुगुणित) :- [2n = 4x = 28]

★ ट्रिटिकम डाइकोकम (इमरगेहूँ) -उपमा बनाने (दक्षिणी भारत   
    में) हेतु, भारत में क्षेत्र 1%

★ ट्रिटिकम ड्यूरम (मेक्रोनी गेहूँ) - सूजी व सेम्या बनाने हेतु मध्य व दक्षिणी भारत में, 12% क्षेत्र. में, यह शुष्क क्षेत्र के लिए उपयोगी माना जाता है।

C. षद्गुणित (Hexaplold) :- [2n = 6x = 42]

★ ट्रिटिकम एस्टीयम (सामान्य / मेक्सिकन / ब्रेड गेहूँ) - 87% क्षेत्रफल में भारत में उगाया जाता है।

★ ट्रिटिकम स्पेरोकोकम (भारतीय / बौना गेहूँ)

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

20 Jan, 06:32

Important point for mp RAEO / RHEO/ SADO EXAMs by Sudhanshu Omar

🔥🔥Terms & Associated Crops🔥🔥

🌟 Curing : Tobacco, Tea

🌟 Stripping : jute

🌟 Nipping : Gram

🌟 Wrapping & Tying : Sugarcane

🌟 Propping : Banana, Sugarcane

🌟 Trashing : Sugarcane

🌟 Dapog seedling : Rice seedling

🌟 De-suckering : Tobacco

🌟 De-tasseling : Maize

🌟 Pegging : Groundnut

🌟 Retting : jute

🌟 Ginning : Cotton

🌟 Topping : Cotton

🌟 Stalking : Tomato

🌟 Arrowing : Sugarcane

🌟 Ratooning : Sugarcane

🌟 Tipping : Tea

🌟 Rabbing : Tobacco

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General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

20 Jan, 06:29



N percentage in Different important nitrogenous fertilizers :-

👉Ammoniacal fertilizers :-

1) Ammonium sulphate(20.5%N)
2) Ammonium chloride (26.5%N)
3) Anhydrous ammonia (82.0%N)

👉Nitrate fertilizers

1) Sodium nitrate (16.5%N)
2) Calcium Nitrate (15.5%N)
3) Pottasium Nitrate (13%N)

👉Ammonium And Nitrate fertilizers

1) Ammonium nitrate (33%N)
2) Calcium ammonium nitrate (26%N)

👉Amide fertilizers

1) Urea (46%N)
2) Calcium cynamide (21%N)

👉P percentage in Phosphorus Fertilizers

👉Water soluble

1) SSP(16%P)
2) DSP(32%P
3) TSP(48%P)
6) Ammonium phosphate (20%P)

👉Citrate Soluble

2) Basic slag (14-18%P)
3)Rhemenea (23-26%P)

👉Citrate & water insoluble

1) Rock Phosphate (20-40%P)
2)Row bone meal (20-25%P)
3) Steamed Bone meal (20-30%P)
4) Ammonium polyphosphate(62%P)

If you think this contant is valuable then give the ❤️.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Jan, 16:38

Various Agricultural Activities Important for MP RAEO /RHEO /SADO EXAM BY SUDHANSHU OMAR


Silviculture: Cultivating forest trees

Sericulture: rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk

Apiculture: maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, by humans

Olericulture: science of vegetable growing, non-woody (herbaceous) plants for food

Viticulture: science, production and study of grapes

Floriculture: flowering and ornamental plants for gardens

Arboriculture: cultivation and study of individual trees, shrubs, and other woody plants

Pomology: focuses on the cultivation, production, harvest, and storage of fruit, etc.

Aeroponics: growing plants in a mist environment without the use of soil medium

Hydroponics: growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.

Geoponic: refers to growing plants in normal soil

Aquaponics: symbiotic environment of aquaculture and hydroponics

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Jan, 16:38



*Regular pest* - Certain insects occur more frequently on a crop e.g. Thrips on chillies, Aphid on cotton, fruit borer on brinjal and bhendi and epilachna beetle on brinjal.

*Occasional pest* - Many insect occur rather infrequently and
have no close association with particular group e.g. case worm of rice, mango stem borer.

*Seasonal pest* - Insect which occur during particular part of
Year e.g. red hairy caterpillar on groundnut in kharif.

*Persistence pest* - Pest which occur on a group almost through year e.g. thrips on chillies.

*Sporadic pest* - Pest which occur in few isolated localities e.g. occurrence of rice earhead bug

*Epidemic pest* - When infestation Occur in severe form in region or locality at particular season or lime e.g. Locust

*Endemic pest* - If the infestation observed of regular feature and confined mostiy to a particular area.

*Negligible pest* - If the insect cause a loss of less than 5% of

*Minor pest* - Insect causes losses between 5 to 10%.

*Major pest* - Insect causes losses more than 10% of yield.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Jan, 16:38


👉.Insecticides : Chemicals used to kill or control insects (eg.) endosulfan, malathion

👉Rodenticides : Chemicals exclusively used to control rats (eg.) Zinc phosphide.

👉Acaricides : Chemicals used to control mites on crops / animals (eg.) Dicofol

👉Avicides : Chemicals used to repel the birds (eg.) Anthraquionone

👉Molluscicides : Chemicals used to kill the snails and slugs (eg.) Metaldehyde

👉Nematicides : Chemicals used to control nematodes (eg.) Ethylene dibromide

👉Fungicides : Chemicals used to control plant diseases caused by fungi (eg.) Mancozeb

👉Bactericide : Chemicals used to control the plant diseases caused by bacteria (eg.) Streptomycin sulphate

👉Herbicide : Chemicals used to control weeds (eg.) 2,4, - D

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Jan, 04:14


Fertilizer content :

1.SSP : 16% P

2.NaNO3 : 16% N

3.Urea : 46% N

4. Anhydrous Ammonia NH3: 82.2% Nitrogen.

5. Ammonium Phosphate : 20% N + 20% P2O5

6. Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) : 18% N & 46% P2O5.

7.Ammonium Sulphate ( NH4)2SO4 : 20% N

8. Ammonium chloride : 24-26%N

9. Ammonium nitrate : 34% N

10. Calcium Cyanide CaCN2 : 21 % N

11. Calcium ammonium nitrate : 20% N

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

18 Jan, 03:45



1 Three tier system of Panchayat Raj was recommended by? Balvantraj Mehta committee

2 Three tier Panchayat Raj were first adopted in? Rajasthan (2nd Oct, 1959)

3 Two tier system of Panchayat raj recommended by? Ashok Mehta committee

4) 2 tier Panchayat raj first adopted in? Karnataka

5 Five year plans were started on? 1951

6 Concept of model village was given by? Daniel Hamilton (1903).

7 Lab to Land Programme was launched in India? 16 July 1979

8) NABARD is started on? 12th July, 1982

9 The first agriculture university, G.B Pant university of Agriculture & technology, Pant Nagar
(Uttarakhand) established in? 1960

10 Cooperative Movement (1904) was initiated by? F. Nicholson

11 Concept of Village Level Worker was related with the programme? Sri Niketan

12 High Yielding Varieties Programme (HYVP) was started on? 1966-67

13 Community Development Project (CDP) was started on? 2nd Oct, 1952

14 Training and Visit programme (1974) is also known as? Baster and Benor Scheme

15 The method of face-to-face or person-to-person contact between the rural people and extension workers? Individual contact

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

17 Jan, 10:31

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

16 Jan, 10:27

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

04 Jan, 07:01

UKPSC_Lower_PCS (2).pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

24 Dec, 06:31

1 Which fruit crop is only propagated through seed? Papaya

2 Which is a seedless variety of mango? Sindhu

3 Seedless in banana is due to?
Vegetative Parthenocarpy

4 Which is an example of dioecious crop? Papaya

5 Lalit is an improved variety of? Guava

6 NPK are regarded in plant nutrition as? Macro nutrient

7 The sensitive stage to moisture stress in sorghum is? Grain filling

8 Sweet orange belongs to the family of? Rutaceae

9 The most popular method for mango planting is? Square

10 Government introduced crop insurance scheme for? Drought risk

11 Fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamins and minerals and they are called as? Protective food

12 Blossom end rot in tomato is due to deficiency of? Calcium

13 Lalbagh Garden is situated at? Bangalore

14 The arrangement of soil particles is referred to as? Soil structure

15 What is the percentage of nitrogen in urea?46%
16 The crops of different heights are grown in cropping system.? Multi storied

17 Growing of trees for timber along With crop is known as? Agri-silviculture

18) Striga weed is associated with? Sorghum

19) serious pest of apiculture - Wax moth

20) Which tillage is also known as stubble mulch tillage? Conservation tillage

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

24 Dec, 06:31


Mushroom is above ground fruiting body of a fungus having a shaft and cap.

Mushroom is rich source of protein and have 9 essential amino acids.

Solan is Mushroom city of India.
Mushroom is rich source of lovastatin which reduce the cholesterol level.

Directorate of Mushroom research is located at Solan, Chambaghat, Himachal Pradesh.

⭕️ Mushroom types ⭕️

1. White button mushroom: Agaricus bisporus, A. bitorquis
2. Oyster mushroom: Pleurotus spp.
3. Paddy straw mushroom: Volvariella dysplasia
4. Milky Mushroom: Calocybe indica

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

23 Dec, 10:28

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

22 Dec, 14:32

Seed rate of agriculture crops

• Rice Transplanting 40kg/ha

• Rice Broadcasting 100kg/ha

• Rice Drilling 60kg/ha

• Rice Dibbling 80-90kg/ha

• Rice Depog 1.5-3kg/ha

• Rice Hybrid 12-15kg/ha

• Rice SRI 5-6kg/ha

• Wheat 100-125kg/ha

• Wheat Late Sowing 125kg/ha

• Wheat Hybrid 60-70kg/ha

• wheat by dibbler 25-30 kg/ha

• Barley 100kg/ha

• Barley Late Sowing 125kg/ha

• Maize Composite 18-20kg/ha

• Maize Hybrid 20-25kg/ha

• Maize Fodder 40-60kg/ha

• Sorghum 12-15kg/ha

• Sorghum Fodder 20-30kg/ha

• Pearlmillet 4-5kg/ha

• Pearlmillet Fodder 20-30kg/ha

• Gram 75-80kg/ha

• Pigeonpea 12-15kg/ha

• Moong Kharif 12-15kg/ha

• Moong Spring 20-25kg/ha

• Urd Kharif 12-15kg/ha

• Urd Spring 20-25kg/ha

• Field pea 75-80kg/ha

• Cowpea 20-25kg/ha

• Sunhemp 20-25kg/ha

• Groundnut Bunch 100-120kg/ha

• Groundnut Spreading 80-100kg/ha

• Mustard 4-6kg/ha

• Linseed Small 15-20kg/ha

• Linseed Large 25-30kg/ha

• Soybean 75-80kg/ha

• American Cotton 15-20kg/ha

• Cotton Desi 12-15kg/ha

• Cotton Hybrid 2kg/ha

• Bt.Cotton 1.5kg/ha

• Sunflower 6-7kg/ha

• Sunflower Hybrids 4-5kg/ha

• Rapseed and Mustard Pure 4-6kg/ha

• Rapseed and Mustard Mixed 2-3kg/ha

• Til 3-4kg/ha

• Jute 8-10kg/ha

• Berseem Diploid 20-25kg/ha

• Berseem Tetraploid 30-35kg/ha

- Lucerne 20-25kg/ha

• Lathyrus Pure 40-50kg/ha

• Lathyrus Mixed 8-10kg/ha

• Lathyrus Utera 80kg/ha

• Oat Small Seeded 80-100kg/ha

• Oat Bold Seeded 100-120kg/ha

• Tobacco 2.5-3kg/ha

• Potato 20-25 Qt

• Kodo 6-8kg/ha

• Castor 10kg/ha

• Sugarbeet 8-10kg/ha

• Clusterbean/Gaur 30-40kg/ha

• Safflower 15-20kg/ha

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

22 Dec, 14:25


General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

22 Dec, 14:20



General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

22 Dec, 06:50

UPPCS 22 दिसंबर 2024 पेपर.pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

21 Dec, 10:33

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

01 Dec, 16:40


General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

30 Nov, 05:40

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

28 Nov, 13:56

Glands in Honeybees

Honeybees have several specialized glands that serve various functions essential for their survival, communication, and hive maintenance. These glands are primarily located in the head, thorax, and abdomen of the bees. Here are some of the key glands found in honeybees:

#### 1. Mandibular Glands
- Location: In the head, near the mandibles.
- Function: Produce pheromones, including queen substance, which helps in maintaining the social structure of the hive by inhibiting the development of worker bee ovaries and attracting drones during mating.

#### 2. Nasonov Gland
- Location: On the dorsal side of the last abdominal segment.
- Function: Releases an orientation pheromone used by worker bees to mark the location of food sources, water, or the hive. The scent helps other bees to follow and locate these essential resources.

#### 3. Hypopharyngeal Glands
- Location: In the head, near the pharynx.
- Function: Secretes royal jelly, a protein-rich substance fed to larvae and the queen. In worker bees, the secretion of royal jelly is especially crucial for the development of the queen larva.

#### 4. Dufour's Gland
- Location: Near the sting apparatus.
- Function: Produces chemicals that may serve in marking hive entrances and helping in distinguishing hive members.

#### 5. Wax Glands
- Location: On the underside of the abdomen, on the segments 4 to 7.
- Function: Secrete wax, which is used by worker bees to construct and repair the honeycomb structure within the hive. The wax is secreted as small scales and is chewed by the bees to shape it into the comb.

#### 6. Poison Gland (Venom Gland)
- Location: Connected to the sting apparatus in the abdomen.
- Function: Produces venom, which is used for defense. The venom contains proteins that cause pain and can deter predators.

#### 7. Salivary Glands
- Location: In the head and thorax.
- Function: Produce saliva, which helps in digesting food and converting nectar into honey. The enzymes in the saliva also play a role in processing the collected pollen.

### Importance of Honeybee Glands
These glands play vital roles in the complex social structure and survival mechanisms of honeybee colonies. They aid in communication through pheromones, protect the hive, ensure the growth and development of larvae, and maintain the structural integrity of the hive through wax production. Understanding these glands and their functions can provide insights into the intricate behaviors and efficiency of honeybee colonies.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

28 Nov, 05:31

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

27 Nov, 16:54


Cropping intensity in India is presently about? 142%

Which of the following crops is called as “Camel crop”? Sorghum

‘Pusa Dwarf’ variety of papaya is? Dioecious

Seeds directly produced under the control of originating breeder are called as? Nucleus seeds
In northern India grapes are pruned in? Dec. – January (IBPS 2019)

Growing of a short duration crop like toria during the period in between two main crops is called as? Catch Crop

National Remote Sensing Agency is located at? Hyderabad

Which agricultural implement is being used for Sub-soiling in primary tillage operation? Chisel plough
Cracking in tomato is due to the deficiency of? Boron

Maximum area under a fruit in India is occupied by? Mango

The instrument used for measuring water table depth? Piezometer

Conversion of ammonia to nitrite by? Nitrosomonas
A recorded rainfall of 2.5 cm or more within a period of 24 hrs? Rainy day (NABARD 2020)

Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture is situated at? Hyderabad

During photosynthesis sun rays absorbed by the pigment? Chlorophyll

Directorate of plant protection is located at?Faridabad
Caryopsis type of fruit found in? Poaceae family.

Arka Lalima and Arka Kirtiman are hybrid varieties of? Onion
Scooping is done in? cauliflower

The vegetable containing compound act against cancer is? Broccoli

The largest and second largest fruit and vegetable producing countries are? China and India.
The seed act enacted during? 1966.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

27 Nov, 10:55

RSMSSB-JEN-Agriculture-Recruitment-2024-Official-Notification (1).pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

26 Nov, 14:15

ViewPdf (11).pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

26 Nov, 14:15

UPSSSC new vacancy

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

20 Nov, 12:57

Diseases In Fruits Due To Deficiency Of nutrients:-*

*1.Dieback in Lemon:-* Copper (Cu)

*2.Little Leaf in Lemon:-* Copper (Cu)

*3.Yellow Spot Disorder in Lemon :-* Molybdenum (Mo)

*4.Internal Necrocis in Aonla:-* Boron (Bo)

*5.Little Leaf in Mango & Brinjal:-* Zinc (Zn)

*6.Millerandge Disorder in Grapes:-* Boron (B)

*7.Water Core in Banana :-* Due to Particles of Ice & Deposition of Sorbitol

*8.Bronzing in Guava:-* Zinc (Zn)

*9.Scorching (Burning of Leaves) in Mango:-* Potassium (K) & Excess of Chloride in Water

*10.Internal Necrocis in Mangoes:-* Boron (B)

*11.Scorching in Litchi:-* Potassium (K)

*12.Black Tip in Mango:-* SO2Gas from Kiln

*13.Bunchy Disease in Peanut :-* Zinc (Zn)

*14.“Hen & Chicken” in Grapes:-* Boron (B)


◆ West Bengal is the largest producer of Pineapple in India.

◆ Nagpur[Maharashtra] is the largest producer of oranges in India.

◆ Largest producer of Sapota is Maharashtra followed by Karnataka.

◆ Mango is planted at 10x10m distance while Banana at 3x3m. Both are commercially broadcasted by the following methods respectively:- Beniar Grafting, Enarching, Circus.

◆ Minimum requirement of fruits for human are 92gm.

◆ The largest exporter nations of Banana in the world are:- Equador & Costa Rica respectively.

◆ India is the largest Producer, Consumer, & Exporter of Cashew Nuts in the world. Maharashtra is the largest producer of Cashew Nuts in India followed by Kerala.

◆ In fruits, maximum Vitamin C is present in Barbados Cherry.

◆ In India, Aonla (Amla) is produced maximum in Uttar Pradesh (Pratapgarh). Honeybees help in pollination of Aonla.

◆ In fruits, Litchi, Oranges, Lokat, Peach, & Apricot has their origin place in China; Bel,, Jackfruit & Falsa in India; Papaya, Avocado & Sapota in Mexico; Guava in Peru; Banana in South-Western Asia; Aonla in Indo-China And Mango in Indo-Burma.

◆ Bel is the main source of Vitamin B2(Riboflavin).

◆ Karonda is the main source of Iron.

Fruits with Highest Area Cover in India :-

◆ Mango [37.8%]

◆ Citrus [12.9%]

◆ Banana [12.5%]

🛑Fruits with highest production in India:

◆ Banana [35.9%]

◆ Mango [22.8%]

◆ Citrus [10%]

◆ Guava [4.12%]

◆ Papaya [3.59%]

Availability Of Nutrients In Fruits :-


1.Vitamin A :-Mango> Papaya> Parsimon

2.Vitamin B1(Thymin) :-*Cashew Nut> Walnut> Almond> Pineapple

3.Vitamin B2(Riboflavin) :- Bel> Papaya> Cashew Nut> Litchi

4.Vitamin C :-* Barbados Cherry> Anwla> Guava> Lemon> Sweet Orange

*CARBOHYDRATES:-* Resin> Pineapple> Dates> Banana> Bel> Jamun

*PROTIENS:-*  Cashew Nut(21.2%)> Almond(20.8%)> Walnut(15.6%)

*FAT:-* Walnut(64.5%)> Almond(58.9%)> Cashew Nut(46.9%)> Avocado(22.8%)


*1.Citric Acid:-* Berry> Citric Fruits> Guava> Pear

*2.Malic Acid:-* Apple> Banana> Cherry> Plum> Watermelon

*3.Tartaric Acid:-* Tamarind(Imli)> Grape

*1.Calcium:-* Litchi> Karonda> Walnut

*2.Iron:-* Karonda> Dates> Walnut> Apple

*3.Phosphorus:-* Almonds> Cashew Nut> Walnut> Litchi

*Classification Of Fruits According To Atmosphere:-*

*Tropical Fruits:-* Mango, Banana, Papaya, Pineapple, Custard, Jackfruit, Cashew Nut, Sapota, Nuts etc.

*Sub-Tropical Fruits:-* Grapes, Fig(Anzir), Oranges, Lemon, Guava, Avocado, Litchi, Ber, Dates, Phalsa, Pomegranate, Amla, Loquat.  

*Temperate Fruits:-* Apple, Pear, Almonds, Cherry, Strawberry, Walnut, Chestnut, Hazelnut, Peeknut, Chilgoza, Khubani, Aadu, Aaloo-Bukhara

*Evergreen Fruits:-* Mango, Litchi, Lemon, Sapota, Lokat

*Autumn Fruits:-* Apple, Pear, Aadu, Aalucha, Khubani

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

16 Nov, 05:31

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

12 Nov, 05:32

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

11 Nov, 05:31

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

28 Oct, 16:09

Open_PDF (47).pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

28 Oct, 10:31

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

27 Oct, 14:11

Institute related to fisheries -
📌 ICAR - Central marine fisheries research institute ( CMFRI ) kochi,Kerala -1947

📌ICAR- Central inland fisheries research institute barrackpore, west bengal -1947

📌 ICAR- Central institute of fisheries technology,kochi , kerala -1957

📌 ICAR - Central institute of fisheries education, mumbai, Maharashtra -1961

📌 National bureau of fish genetic resources, lucknow, uttar pradesh -1983

📌 ICAR-Central institute of fresh water aquaculture Bhubaneswar Odisha-1987

📌 ICAR-Central institute of brackish water aquaculture, Chennai, Tamil Nadu -1987

📌 ICAR- directorate of cold water fisheries research, Bhimtal , Uttarakhand -1987

📌 National fisheries development board ( NFDB) , Hyderabad, Telangana -2006

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

27 Oct, 06:10

Nem Raj Sunda 11th Edition 2022. .pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

27 Oct, 06:09

Textbook of Agronomy.pdf

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Oct, 16:11

Follow as for such an interesting video for your exams 👉👉👉👉

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Oct, 10:30

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

19 Oct, 06:12

Dr Himanshu Pathak, Secretary (DARE) & DG (ICAR) is now new DG of ICRISAT.

He is the first Indian to be appointed as DG of ICRISAT and the second person of Indian origin (after Dr MS Swaminathan) to be appointed as DG in the entire CGIAR system.

General Agriculture with Sudhanshu sir🌲

17 Oct, 17:30


1. Hygroscopic water.
2. Capillary water.
3. Gravitational water.


▪️ It held mostly by soil colloids.

▪️ Such water is held at hygroscopic coefficient.

▪️Tension varies from 31-10,000 Atm

▪️Mostly non liquid therefore biologically inactive.

▪️Moves mostly in vapour form.


▪️Such water is present in capillaries of soil.

▪️ Mostly available form of water to crops.

▪️ Capillary water functions as soil solution.

▪️Concept of capillary potential is given by Buckinghum (1907).

▪️Capillary water held between field capacity (1/3 Atm ) and wilting Coefficient is (15atm) is called available water I.e. capillary water.


▪️ It held by a negative tension of less than 0.3 ATM

▪️Free water which drains out also called drainage water.

▪️Usually present in macro pores.

▪️Undesirable and nutrient leaching takes place.

▪️ Downward movement of water due to gravitational force.





