بیرتانەم🖤 is a Telegram channel that provides a space for individuals to share their innermost thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Launched on 7/4/2020, the channel serves as a platform for self-expression, reflection, and connection. The title, which translates to 'My One and Only', embodies the essence of the channel, encouraging users to explore their deepest feelings and vulnerabilities. Whether it's poetry, personal stories, or reflections on life, بیرتانەم🖤 is a digital sanctuary where individuals can seek solace and understanding. With each post, the channel aims to remind its followers that while life may delay our dreams and struggles, they are never forgotten. Join بیرتانەم🖤 and immerse yourself in the beauty of human emotions and experiences.
20 Feb, 11:09
19 Feb, 09:49
17 Feb, 18:32
06 Feb, 22:23
30 Jan, 17:55
30 Jan, 07:46
29 Jan, 20:40
28 Jan, 12:06
22 Jan, 20:52
21 Jan, 19:22
21 Jan, 16:22
13 Jan, 16:04
05 Jan, 07:29
05 Jan, 06:50
29 Dec, 19:52
28 Dec, 19:34
18 Dec, 05:24
07 Nov, 18:46
30 Oct, 23:06
30 Oct, 22:47
30 Oct, 22:41
23 Oct, 18:29
23 Oct, 14:17
22 Oct, 19:04
22 Oct, 19:01
22 Oct, 09:32
19 Oct, 11:36