Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71 @behzodsblog8 Channel on Telegram

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71


Behzod's BloG | 8.0 /71 kanaliga xush kelibsiz!
professional video darslar
Imtihonda tushgan ishonchli test materiallari
Multilevel 71vaIELTS 8.0 INSTRUCTOR
Contact : @Murodillayev_Behzod

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71 (Uzbek)

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71 kanaliga xush kelibsiz! Bu kanalda MULTILEVEL va IELTS professional video darslar, Imtihonda tushgan ishonchli test materiallari, va boshqa foydali ma'lumotlar mavjud. Kanalda Multilevel 71 va IELTS 8.0 INSTRUCTOR @Murodillayev_Behzod bilan bog'lanishingiz mumkin. Sizning o'qish va sinovlar uchun tayyorlanishingizga yordam berish uchun Behzod's BloG kanaliga obuna bo'ling va foydali materiallardan foydalaning!

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

16 Feb, 17:19

Is this true ?

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

15 Feb, 07:24

An informative and beneficial video

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

14 Feb, 12:36

An interesting and beneficial video

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

12 Feb, 12:28

Qaysi viloyatdan bizni kuzatyapsiz ?
Commentda yozib qoldiring

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

12 Feb, 05:03

Multilevel reading Part 1

O'zimizni sinab ko'ramizmi ???

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

11 Feb, 15:54

An interesting and beneficial video TOWER BRIDGE

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

10 Feb, 12:09

Multiple choice ni shunday ishlaydiganlar bormi ???

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

08 Feb, 15:45


One of intelligent students Ahrorbek achieved 6.5 - 0.5 shy of 7.0 band


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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

08 Feb, 09:38

How long have you been using your current mobile number ?

Write in the comments

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

08 Feb, 02:45

Some people think that online learning is a good way of learning while others traditional learning is more effective.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In recent years, there has been ongoing debate about whether online learning is as effective as traditional education. Supporters of online learning argue that it is more flexible and cost-effective, while I support traditional learning as face-to-face interaction and discipline are important.

One of the main advantages of online learning is that it saves time and money. Students can study from home, which means they do not need to spend time and money on transportation. This extra time can be used for studying or other activities, making learning more efficient. Additionally, online courses are often more affordable than traditional education, allowing more people to access quality learning opportunities.
Another key benefit of online learning is flexibility. Unlike traditional education, where students must follow a fixed schedule, online courses allow learners to study at their own pace. This is particularly useful for individuals who have jobs or family responsibilities. For example, working professionals can take courses without having to leave their jobs, making it easier to balance education with other commitments.

On the other hand, traditional education provides face-to-face interaction, which is essential for effective learning. In a classroom, students can engage in discussions, ask questions immediately, and understand lessons better through direct communication with teachers and classmates. This real-time interaction helps students develop confidence and teamwork skills, which are important for both academic success and future careers.
Moreover, traditional education promotes discipline and accountability. Attending physical classes requires students to follow a schedule and maintain regular attendance, which helps develop a sense of responsibility. In contrast, online learning depends on self-motivation, and some students may struggle to stay focused without proper guidance. As a result, traditional education can be more effective in keeping students committed to their studies.

To conclude, online learning provides flexibility and affordability, making education more accessible to many people. However, traditional education, in my opinion, remains important because it fosters personal interaction and discipline which will be helpful in learners’ academic success and future professions
( band 7)
Write your favorite expression or vocabulary from this essay in the comments.
Behzod's Blog | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

07 Feb, 02:53

Agree ?

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

06 Feb, 14:27

Idiomatic language is a sign of a very good language user.
Do you know this expression?
Make your examples in comments !!!

Do'stlarga ham jo'nating
Behzod's Blog | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

06 Feb, 03:15


Bu testlar Imtihonda tushgan va tushish ehtimoli yuqori bo'lgan bazalardan.
Testlarni ishlab bilimingiz sinab ko'ring, real imtihonda tushsa, bu yuqori ball olishga ajoyib imkoniyat bo'ladi. ( javoblar comments da)

Do'stlarga ham jo'nating
Behzod's Blog | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

04 Feb, 03:02


A good source of improving oneself both personally and academically

Our channel :

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

03 Feb, 00:37

'' Clever Student''

One day a student was taking a very difficult essay exam. At the end of the test, the prof asked all the students to put their pencils down and immediately hand in their tests. The young man kept writing furioulsy, although he was warned that if he did not stop immediately he would be disqualified. He ignored the warning, finished the test 10 minutes later, and went to hand the test to his instructor. The instructor told him he would not take the test.The student asked, "Do you know who I am?"
The prof said, "No and I don't care."
The student asked again, "Are you sure you don't know who I am?" 
The prof again said no. So the student walked over to the pile of tests, placed his in 
the middle, then threw the papers in the air.
"Good" the student said, and walked out. Later he knew that He passed. 


P.S Don't do this in IELTS exam

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

02 Feb, 07:21

Mock exam dan lavhalar.

Stay tuned

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

30 Jan, 08:04

🎯 IELTS yoki Multilevel imtihon natijalarini bilmoqchimisiz?
Unda mana siz uchun SUPER imkoniyat!🚀

MOCK SANASI: 2-fevral
💳 NARX: 90.000 so'm

😮 Nima uchun bu mock test alohida?
🎧 Maxsus naushniklar: Real IELTS listening tajribasi!
📚 Yangi va kerakli materiallar: Tayyorlov uchun ajoyib yordam!
✏️ To‘liq jihozlar: Qalam, suv, o‘chirg‘ich va boshqa kerakli narsalar.

💡 Siz nima qilishingiz kerak?
1️⃣ Ro‘yxatdan o‘ting: @mockregister
2️⃣ Sana va vaqtda kelib qatnashing: Real IELTS muhitini his qiling!

🤔 Bu sizga nima beradi?
IELTS yoki Multilevel imtihoningizga to‘liq tayyorgarlik ko‘rasiz.
Real sharoitlarda kuchingizni sinab ko‘rasiz.
Natijalarni bilib, xatolaringiz ustida ishlashingiz mumkin bo‘ladi.

🕝 Imkoniyatni boy bermang!
Bu safar haqiqiy tayyorgarlik orqali natijangizni yaxshilang. 🎓

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish:
📞 @mockregister

LSL bilan IELTS orzularingizga yaqinroq bo‘ling!

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Jan, 13:59

Very common among students

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

28 Jan, 13:51

Both hilarious and true

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

18 Jan, 04:47

Enhance your listening and vocabulary

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

18 Jan, 04:46

Is it relatable to you ?

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

15 Jan, 09:18

IELTS yoki Multilevel imtihon natijalaringizni aniqlashga tayyormisiz?
Siz uchun ajoyib imkoniyat! 🎉

📅 Sana: 19-yanvar
💰 Narx : 90.000 so'm

Biz REAL IELTS muhitini taqdim etamiz:

🎧 IELTS imtihonidagi kabi maxsus naushniklar
📚 Yangi va foydali materiallar
✏️ To‘liq jihozlangan: qalam, suv , o‘chirg‘ich va chiqarg'ich

Nima qilish kerak? 🔊
1️⃣ Oldindan ro‘yxatdan o‘ting.
2️⃣ Belgilangan vaqtda kelib, qatnashing.

Nega qatnashish kerak?🧐

Real imtihon sharoitini his qilasiz.
IELTS va Multilevel natijalaringiz haqida to‘liq tushunchaga ega bo‘lasiz.
Bu kuchli tayyorgarlik uchun ajoyib imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun:
📞 @mockregister

🚀 Imkoniyatdan foydalaning va muvaffaqiyat sari birinchi qadamni qo‘ying!

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

08 Jan, 15:19

⚡️"LSL School” Yangi yilni ilk qaynoq yangiligini sizlarga e’lon qiladi.

🏢Siz so’radingiz biz buni imkoni qildik.Xorijiy tillar, IT va Matematika fanlariga ixtisoslashtirilgan LSL School ko’plab ota-onalarni talab va takliflarini inobatga olgan holda qishki qabullarini boshladi.

Viloyat va tumanlardan kelib o’qiydigan o’quvchilarimmiz uchun maktabni shinamgina barcha sharoitlarga ega bo’lgan yotoqxonalari xam mavjud.

LSL School farzandingizni har tomonlama rivojlanishi uchun eng yaxshi tanlovni sizga taklif etadi.

🏃‍♂Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan!!!

📍Manzil: Sardoba savdo kompleksi roʻpasida joylashgan.
📍Mo'ljal: Avvalgi zangori ekran binosi

📌To'liqroq ma'lumot uchun

📞93 916-22-44
📞90 215-61-32

📱Telegram 📱Instagram

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

06 Jan, 17:38

Ingliz tilidan ishonchli manbaalar kerakmi?

🌟Noan'anaviy hamda bepul o'rganishnichi?🙄

kanalda sizni ajoyib va qiziqarli ma'lumotlar, grammatik darslar hamda listening readingni 0 dan ko'rish bo'yicha maxsus qo'llanmalar joy olgan.

Kanal linki orqali tezroq a'zo bo'ling

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

06 Jan, 04:52

🚀Ko'pchilik kutgan kurs - JANUARY INTENSIVE✅️

Multi-Level Yanvar oyidagi imtihoni uchun 1 oylik tayyorlov kursi.

🚀Boshlanishi: 6-Yanvardan
🗓Davomiyligi: 1 oy+

CHEGIRMA: 1-Yanvargacha 149.000✔️

Qo'shilish u-n:

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

30 Dec, 03:52

Ideas about "Transport"

Traffic Problems
🏷 Traffic congestion is caused by commuters travelling to work.
🏷 Most people live in the suburbs outside city centres.
🏷 Commuters tend to travel at the same time of day.
🏷 They tend to travel alone.
🏷 Cars and road space are not used efficiently.
🏷 This causes traffic jams during the rush hour.

Traffic Solutions
🏷 In order to reduce traffic we should change our working habits.
🏷 The Internet can now be used to connect people.
🏷 More people could work from home.
🏷 Meetings can be held as video conferences.
🏷 Workers could be given flexible timetables.
🏷 Another solution would be to tax drivers.
🏷 Workers should share their cars and travel together.
🏷 In London, for example, there is a congestion charge.
🏷 This helps to raise money for better public transport.
🏷 Public transport needs to be reliable and efficient.

Advertising Cost & To Buy Ads:

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

Imtihondan avval o'zingizni real exam material bilan sinab ko'ring

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

part 6Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

Behzod's Blog 8.0/71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

25 Dec, 14:15

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

24 Dec, 03:44


One of my calm and intelligent students Muhammadnozim who usually amazes everyone did this again with astonishing 7.5 band Score.


Join our channel

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

23 Dec, 07:15

🚀Ko'pchilik kutgan kurs - JANUARY INTENSIVE✅️

Multi-Level Yanvar oyidagi imtihoni uchun 1 oylik tayyorlov kursi.

🚀Boshlanishi: 6-Yanvardan
🗓Davomiyligi: 1 oy+

CHEGIRMA: 1-Yanvargacha 149.000✔️

Qo'shilish u-n:

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

20 Dec, 16:06

Congratulations 🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟Noyabr oyi uchun tashkil qilgan intensiv kursimizdan

@Murodillayev_Behzod ga jo'natsangiz kanalimizda e'lon qilamiz
Behzod's Blog 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

20 Dec, 13:10

Congratulations 🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟Noyabr oyi uchun tashkil qilgan intensiv kursimizdan

@Murodillayev_Behzod ga jo'natsangiz kanalimizda e'lon qilamiz
Behzod's Blog 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

20 Dec, 07:09

Yana kimlarda shunday 😂😂😂 ????

Behzod's Blog | 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

17 Dec, 12:48

Xuddi shunday:))

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

17 Dec, 06:35



Generate - ishlab chiqarmoq (asosan energiya)
Harness = capture - boshqarmoq, foydalanmoq
Renewable - qayta ishlanadigan
Maximise - maksimal natija olmoq
Curb - cheklamoq
Alternative - noan'anaviy, muqobil
Mining ⛏️- konchilik
Sustainable - uzoqqa yetadigan, tuganmas
Consumption - iste'mol
Emissions - ajralib chiqqan zararli gazlar
Abundant = plentiful - mo'l-ko'l
Scarce = rare - siyrak
Unsustainable - o'rnini qoplab bo'lmaydigan
Exploit - (o'z manfaati yo'lida) foydalanib qolmoq
Squander = waste - isrof qilmoq
Biofuels - bioyoqilg'i
Finite = limited - chegarasi bor
Achievable = attainable - erishsa bo'ladigan
Regulate = control - nazorat qilmoq, tartibga solmoq
Supply - ta'minlamoq

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

16 Dec, 07:35

📹 Your Organs When You Eat Too Much Sugar

* SHAKAR - trendda!

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

15 Dec, 08:26

✓ Useful
✓ Types_of_cars

Bollarni ham xafa qilib qòymaylik😁

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

14 Dec, 13:20

Xuddi shunday 💯😅😅

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

02 Dec, 05:03


• SOMEBODY'S MIND GOES BLANK - miyasi qotib qolmoq, hech narsani eslolmay qolmoq.

• When my teacher gave me a question about yesterday's lesson, my mind went completely blank.

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

30 Nov, 14:00

SoMe FUN Behzod's Blog 8.0 / 71

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

30 Nov, 04:21



Agricultural - qishloq xo'jaligiga oid
Disaster - falokat
Environmental - atrof-muhit...
Vital - juda muhim
Impact - kuchli ta'sir
Cultivate - o'stirmoq
Logging - daraxtlarni ko'rish
Irrigation - sug'orish sistemasi
Pesticide = insect killer - zarakunandalarni o'ldirish vositasi
Erosion - eroziya, yemirilish
Urgent = pressing - favqulodda muhim
Ecosystem - ekosistema
Pollutant - ifloslovchi modda
Hazardous - xavf-xatarli
Safeguard = protect - himoya qilmoq, qo'riqlamoq
Vegetation - o'simliklar dunyosi
Degrade - sifatini buzmoq
Deforestation = removal of forests - o'rmonlarni qisqartirish
Unprecedented = unheard-of - misli ko'rilmagan
Intervene = become involved - aralashmoq, orasiga tushmoq

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Nov, 15:25

📹 How to use Chat GPT for Learning and Improving English
Source, #ChatGPT, #UsefulToolButNotPerfect

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Nov, 05:14


• A RAT'S NEST 🐀- butunlay pala-partish, alg'ov-dalg'ov joy

🐁 I can't fully focus on my studies in a room comparable to a rat's nest!

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Nov, 03:04

Foydali deb o'yladim va sizga ham ulashdim

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Nov, 02:57

Assalomu alaykum
Barchaga Juma ayyomi muborak bo'lsin

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

28 Nov, 17:08

Do‘stlar, yangi va foydali IELTS va umumiy ingliz tili tayyorlov materiallari kanalini kontenti qidiryapsizmi? 🔔

THEDAILYDOSE kanali bu yo‘nalishda eng yaxshi kontentni taqdim etadi!🎯

Hozir obuna bo‘ling va bizning maxsus sovg‘amizni qo‘lga kiriting! 🫂
Bu kanal sizga ingliz tili bo‘yicha qimmatli bilimlarni taqdim etadi.

Barcha foydali maslahatlar va materiallar bir joyda!


Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

28 Nov, 15:41


📯Check in
- mehmonxona yoki aeroportda registratsiyadan o'tmoq

📯Get back
- qaytmoq

📯Pick up
- mashinaga mindirish uchun to'xtamoq

📯Pull in
- yo'l chetida to'xtamoq

📯Run over
- toshib ketmoq

📯See off
- kuzatib qo'ymoq

📯Set out/off
- sayohatni boshlamoq

📯Take off
- yerdan ko'tarilmoq (samolyotga nisbatan)

📯Turn round
- qarshi yo'nalish orqali ortga qaytmoq


Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

27 Nov, 16:32

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

27 Nov, 15:38


Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

27 Nov, 15:37


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27 Nov, 15:31

you can join

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27 Nov, 15:31

Live stream started

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27 Nov, 15:30

Live stream scheduled for

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27 Nov, 13:42

Speaking mock qlaylikmi ???

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

27 Nov, 05:12

⭐️ To be honest - Rostini aytsam
⭐️ In my opinion - Mening fikrimcha
⭐️ It seems to me that - Menga shunday tuyuladi
⭐️ To put it simply - Oddiy qilib aytganda
⭐️ There is no doubt that - Shubhasiz
⭐️ On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
⭐️ In contrast to - Taqqoslaganda
⭐️ To a certain extent - Ma'lum darajada
⭐️ For instance - Masalan
⭐️ In addition to - Qo‘shimcha ravishda
⭐️ It is widely believed that - Keng tarqalgan fikrga ko‘ra
⭐️ As a matter of fact - Haqiqatan ham
⭐️ To address the issue - Masalani hal qilish
⭐️ A growing number of people - Ko‘payib borayotgan odamlar soni
⭐️ It is essential to note that - Ta'kidlash muhimdir
⭐️ From a broader perspective - Kengroq nuqtai nazardan
⭐️ There is a tendency towards - moyillik bor
⭐️ To highlight the importance of - ...ning ahamiyatini ta'kidlash
⭐️ In light of recent developments - So‘nggi rivojlanishlarni hisobga olgan holda
⭐️ It is worth mentioning that - Ta'kidlashga arziydi


Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

26 Nov, 15:12

🌲 Silvophile: A lover of forests and wooded areas.

🍃 Autumnophile: Someone who adores the beauty of autumn.

❄️ Chionophile: A person who loves snow and snowy landscapes.

☀️ Heliophile: Someone who finds joy in sunlight.

🌊 Thalassophile: A lover of the sea and ocean.

☂️ Ombrophile: Someone who loves rain and rainy weather.

🌼 Anthophile: A person who admires flowers and blossoms.

🌛 Selenophile: A lover of the moon and its phases.

🌌 Astrophile: Someone who cherishes the stars and the night sky.

💨Anemophile: A person who loves the wind and breezes.

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

26 Nov, 12:55

🎧 Shadowing practice

🏓 Improve your speech!

🕹Share with your friends

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

26 Nov, 09:06


TALK ABOUT THIS AND THAT - undan bundan gaplashmoq, u-bu haqida suhbatlashmoq

🪩 We ate out last night and spent our time talking about this and that.
🇺🇿 Biz kecha tunda restoranda ovqatlandik va vaqtimizni undan bundan gaplashib o'tkazdik.

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing 🍀

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

23 Nov, 04:27

If your teacher got 8 in IELTS [speaking], their English is fantastic.

– Tim, official IELTS examiner in Uzbekistan (source)

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

22 Nov, 14:53

📺 Cartoon

Pumpers' Paradise: At the Funeral - Animated short film (2019)

🕹Share with your friends

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

21 Nov, 17:00

Have you known these 10 advanced words?🦉

Basic Words👋Advanced words👋
Lively Energetic

Deal with Manage

Pick up Collect

Imagine Envisage

Childish Immature

But However

At once Immediately

Wrong Incorrect

A lot of Numerous

At first Initially

🕹Share with your friends ⭐️

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

21 Nov, 07:14

🍫Food Idioms😋

☺️ As cool as a cucumber

Relaxed and calm ✔️

Jane was as cool as a cucumber during his exam. He wasn't stressed at all.

🍵 Not my cup of tea 😒

Not to my taste✔️

Romantic films are not my cup of tea. I don't enjoy them at all.

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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

18 Nov, 11:36

🎧 Shadowing practice

🏓 Improve your speech!

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

18 Nov, 02:45

🎧 Shadowing practice

💡10 SADNESS IDIOMS and EXPRESSIONS in English 🇬🇧 with meanings and examples 😮

🏓 Improve your speech and get really really good vocabularies and Idioms.🔥⚡️

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

17 Nov, 05:38

Enhance Your Vocabulary for Your Writing & Speaking!

Important → Crucial
Show → Demonstrate
Use → Utilize
Change → Transform
Help → Facilitate
Problem → Conundrum
Idea → Notion
Start → Commence
End → Terminate
Think → Contemplate
Need → Require
Good → Beneficial
Bad → Detrimental
Clear → Evident
Explain → Elucidate
Avoid → Eschew
Weak → Feeble
Support → Bolster
Improve → Enhance
Harmful → Pernicious

🔗 Share and follow

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

17 Nov, 04:01

🟣fall for

when someone is deceived

⭕️For example:

"Lots of people are falling for scams that trick them into sending money to strangers they meet online.

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16 Nov, 04:11

🎧Shadowing practice

Social media and teenage health

🚀🚀Improve your speech!    

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15 Nov, 14:24

📹 English Phrasal verbs with Push

1. Push back - keyinga qoldirmoq, kechiktirmoq

2. Push out - ishdan haydamoq, boʻshatmoq

3. Push on - sayohatni davom ettirish

4. Push for - soʻramoq, iltimos qilmoq

5. Push aside - oʻylamaslik, chetga surish

P/s:Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

14 Nov, 15:43

6️⃣ polite ways to ignore people)

1. "Noted." – Short and final. It acknowledges without actually engaging.

2. "If you say so." – Dismissive but polite, subtly ending any debate or discussion.

3. "Right, right." – Repeated with little enthusiasm, it feels more like a closing statement.

4. "Duly noted." – Slightly formal, like taking mental notes to avoid actual engagement.

5. "Could be." – A little dismissive, as if you’re uninterested in confirming or denying anything.

6. "I’ll keep that in mind." – Sounds polite but often means you won’t actually give it a second thought.

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14 Nov, 13:57

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14 Nov, 07:58

🎧 Everyone Is An Idiot About Their Goals - Alex Hormozi

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13 Nov, 18:12

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13 Nov, 09:56


Congratulations 🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟online intensiv guruhimizdan ajoyib natija

@Murodillayev_Behzod ga jo'natsangiz kanalimizda e'lon qilamiz
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13 Nov, 09:56


Congratulations 🌟🌟🌟🌟

🌟online intensiv guruhimizdan ajoyib natija

@Murodillayev_Behzod ga jo'natsangiz kanalimizda e'lon qilamiz
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Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

13 Nov, 05:05

Common idioms.

🧠broaden one's horizons-dunyoqarashni kengaytish 

📌Learning a lot of science fiction books would help to broaden my horizons

⚡️ To pass with flying colors = muvaffaqiyatli o'tish                                                                                                                                                                 📌My sister has passed  the exam with  flying  colors

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12 Nov, 13:54

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11 Nov, 14:29

Here are five adjectives and idioms related to the beauty of nature along with their Uzbek meanings:

1. Picturesque - manzarali
2. Serene - sokin
3. Breathtaking - hayratlanarli
4. Majestic - ulug‘vor
5. Lush - yam-yashil

1. In the lap of nature - Tabiyat bag‘rida
2. A breath of fresh air - Toza havoning nafas
3. Mother Nature - Ona tabiat
4. Scenic beauty - Manzarali go‘zallik
5. Heaven on earth - Yerdagi jannat

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

10 Nov, 05:57


🦊 as sly as a fox
  tulkidek ayyor
🐺 as hungry as a wolf
– bo'ridek och
🦚 as proud as a peacock
– tovusdek mag'rur
🐁 as quiet as a mouse
– sichqondek jim
🐴 as stubborn as a mule
-- xachirdek qaysar
🐖 as fat as a pig
– cho'chqadek semiz
🦅 as free as a bird
– qushdek ozod
🦁 as brave as a lion
– sherdek jasur
🦉 as wise as an owl
– boyqushdek dono
🐌 as slow as a snail
– shilliqurtdek sekin
🐈‍⬛ as playful as a kitten
– mushuk bolasiday o'ynoqi
🐇 As fast as a hare
– quyondek tezkor
🦇 as blind as a bat
– ko'rshapalakdek ko'r
🐑 as gentle as a lamb
– qo'zichoqdek muloyim
🐂 as strong as an ox
– ho'kizdek kuchli
🐸 as ugly as a frog
-- baqadek xunuk
🦫 as eager as a beaver
– qunduzdek ishtiyoqli

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

08 Nov, 13:44


I would name this certificate ,, fruit of determination'' as my student dedicated oneself and even sacrificed lots of things. Even though my student deserved much higher score, I am glad to share happiness.


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08 Nov, 13:40





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08 Nov, 13:40





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08 Nov, 06:48

Lets start our day with some idioms that are useful for speaking :

1. It’s as easy as pie = it’s a piece of cake: to be very easy, (not complicated).

- I don't think it's as easy as pie to get band 8.5 in the IELTS speaking test.

- It's a piece of cake to drive this car.

2. Cost an arm and a leg: to be very expensive.

- The movie is interesting, but the tickets cost an arm and a leg .
- The car cost him an arm and a leg .

3. Pay through the nose: to pay too much for something.
- I usually have to pay through the nose for parking a car if I bring it into the
- He paid through the nose to get the car fixed.

4. Make someone blue = bump someone out : to make someone sad or sick.

- It made him blue to stay home with his wife all day.

- He made his girlfriend blue yesterday.

5. Freak out : to become very angry or lose control of your mind because of somebody or something.

- I freaked out when I saw her with another man.
- Snakes really freaked me out .

6. In the nick of time : just before it's too late/ at the last possible moment.

- We got to the airport just in the nick of time .

- I arrived at the train station in the nick of time .

- She finished her English essay just in the nick of time .

Remember, an easy answer made up by simple structure can be strengthened via mixing some of idioms.

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

07 Nov, 12:37


🇬🇧🇺🇸Simon Oliver Sinek is an English-born American author and inspirational speaker.

Prove isbotlamoq
Over time vaqt o'tgan sari
Work out mashq qilmoq
Come back qaytib kelmoq
Clearly aniqki
Fundamentally butkul
Give up umidini uzmoq|taslim bo'lmoq
Screw up barbod qilmoq|xato qilmoq
Consistently muntazam ravishda
Get into shape jismoniy holatni tiklamoq
Daily practice kunlik mashg'ulot
Monotonous|boring zerikarli
Fall in love sevib qolmoq
Terrible | awful juda yomon
borini bergan|bag'ishlagan|sodiq
Colleagues | Co-workers hamkasblar
Self-confidence o'ziga bo'lgan ishonch

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

07 Nov, 03:46

📺 Cartoon

🆕 Madagascar

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06 Nov, 13:55

Psychology Vocabulary:
Emotions influence behavior.
Memories shape identities.

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06 Nov, 07:35

Yomgʻorli ob-havoda yomgʻirga oid vocabulary koʻrib chiqsak 🌧

✔️ Drizzle - light rain that falls in very small droplets.

✔️ Downpour - a heavy rain.

✔️ Shower - a brief period of rain.

✔️ Pouring - rain falling heavily.

✔️ Rainstorm - a storm with heavy rain.

✔️ Puddle - a small pool of rainwater on the ground.

✔️ Mist - a fine spray of water in the air, often present during or after rain.

✔️ Drenched - completely wet, usually from rain.

✔️ Thunderstorm – a storm with thunder, lightning, and usually heavy rain.

✔️ Sprinkle – very light rain.

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

05 Nov, 14:23

Beginner (A1): hot 
  Advanced (C2): scorching

Beginner (A1):
  Advanced (C2): excellent

Beginner (A1):
  Advanced (C2): ancient

Beginner (A1):
  Advanced (C2): delighted

Beginner (A1): loud 
   Advanced (C2): deafening

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03 Nov, 14:59

🇺🇸one of the gravest offenses
🇺🇿eng og'ir jinoyatlardan biri

1. "In many cultures, betraying a family member is considered one of the gravest offenses."

2. "For a soldier, abandoning comrades in battle is viewed as one of the gravest offenses."

3. "Cheating in exams is seen as one of the gravest offenses in academia, as it undermines the value of education."

4. "In journalism, fabricating news stories is one of the gravest offenses against ethical reporting."

5. "In the legal system, tampering with evidence is regarded as one of the gravest offenses because it jeopardizes justice."

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

02 Nov, 17:50

🔠🔠🔠🔠 🔠🔠🔠🔠

Learning Skills Lab o'quv markazi va British Council hamkorligida o'tkaziladigan navbatdagi MOCK testimiz uchun barchasi tayyor. ✔️

IELTS MOCK TEST bilan bir qatorda, bu gal qatnashchilar uchun IELTS TRAINING SESSION tashkillab berishni reja qildik. ✔️

📆 Imtihon sanasi: November 3
📌 Imtihon Manzil: LSLschool
Imtihon vaqti: 08:30

Biz odatga ko'ra :
❗️Authentic imtihon materiallar (PRE-TEST)
❗️ Listening bo'limi uchun maxsus quloqchinlar
❗️Haqiqiy imtihon atmosferasi
❗️Imtihon tiplari and tricklari haqida ma'lumot ta'minlab beriladi.

Bunaqa imkoniyat Viloyatda boshqa yo'q📌

📈Natijalar 48 soat ichida e'lon qilinadi.

Ro'yhatdan o'tish uchun @mockregister

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02 Nov, 04:01

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01 Nov, 16:21

🇺🇸 Fragile
🇺🇿 Zaif, kuchsiz

I felt rather fragile (=kuchsiz, holsiz) for a few days after the operation.

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

01 Nov, 06:16

📣Advanced level Vocabulary

Come to think of it - Aytgancha, esimga tushib ketdi

🖥Come to think of it, Did you talk with Tom?

I thought as much - O'zim ham shunday (bo'ladi) deb o'ylagandim.

🖥"He passed the exam succesfully" . Oh, i thought as much.

Not think much of - Yoqtirmaslik, yomon ko'rmoq

🖥I don't think much of his idea

Think (the ) better of sb - yaxshi fikrda / taassurotda bo'lmoq

🖥Your boss will think better of you if you stand up for yourself.

Think badly of somebody - yomon fikrda bo'lmoq / yomon fikrga bormoq

🖥I though badly of him when he lashed out on me.

Think better of it/ of doing something - o'ylab ko'rmaslikga qaror qilmoq/ fikridan qaytmoq

🖥Originally, i though about studying in Korea, but i thought better of it.

Think big - katta narsalarni rejalashtirmoq / orzu qilmoq

🖥You have to think big if you want to get there.

Think for yourself - O'z kallasini ishlatmoq, o'z aqliga suyanmoq

🖥The aim is to get the students to think for themselves.

Think highly / a lot of somebody - haqida yaxshi, iliq fikrda bo'lmoq

🖥I think highly of her as she always gives a hand to those who are out on a limb.

Think nothing of smth / of doing smth - Oddiy hol deb qabul qilmoq

🖥 He thinks nothing of scoring a 9 out of 9 in reading

Think on your feet - tezkor qaror qabul qilmoq.

🖥 You have to think on your feet on standardized tests.

Think of as ( think of sb/sth as sb/sth) - dek ko'rmoq, sifatida qaramoq

🖥 I think of him as something of an expert in exam

Ochishga ochdingiz endi reaksiya bosib keting🕊❤️❤️‍🔥🤩😇

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

30 Oct, 02:38

Break the mold
— To do something in a new, different, or unique way

Ex: Their innovative business model broke the mold in the tech industry.

Hit the ground running
— To begin something energetically and with great enthusiasm

Ex: After getting promoted, she hit the ground running with her new responsibilities.

Raise the bar
— To set a higher standard or level of quality

Ex: The new product raised the bar for what customers expect in a smartphone.

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Oct, 16:06

Vocabulary time

Like fe'li bilan ishlatilinadigan eng ommaviy 10 ta iboralar.📌

🇬🇧 Sleep like a log.
🇺🇿 Chuqur va qattiq uyquga ketmoq.

🇬🇧 Sell like hotcakes.
🇺🇿 Tez va yaxshi darajada biror narsa sotmoq.

🇬🇧 Like a fish out of water.   
🇺🇿 Batamom begona bo'lgan joyda bo'lish.

🇬🇧 Feel like a million.
🇺🇿 Juda baxtli his qilmoq.

🇬🇧 Like a bump on a log.
🇺🇿 Atrofidagi narsalarga foydali yoki kerakli deb qaramaslik.

🇬🇧 Read someone like a book.
🇺🇿 So'ramasdan biror kim nima haqida o'ylayotganini o'qiy bilish

🇬🇧 Watch someone like a Hawk.
🇺🇿 Kimnidur ehtiyotkoronalik bilan kuzatish, ayniqsa xato qilishini kutgan holda.

🇬🇧  Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand.
🇺🇿 Biror kimni yoki narsani har tomondan to'laqonli bilish.

🇬🇧 Fit like a glove.
🇺🇿 Juda mos/to'g'ri keladi

🇬🇧  Eat like a bird.
🇺🇿 Juda kam miqdorda nimadur yeyish. 

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Oct, 12:02

Noyabrchilar uchun Maxsus Intensive Online Multi-level full course

5 ta C1 ustoz( ko'p yillik tajriba egalari)
20 ta jonli dars har hafta kuni
Yakshanba kunlari mock
asosiy imtihondan so'ng 2 kun bepul speaking mock
Narxi: 100 ming so'm imtihon kunigacha(22 November)
Sifatli dars/materiallar real imtihonda tushgan va tushishga yaqin
Maxsus yopiq chatda(dars zapis qilinadi va beriladi)
Reading/Listening/Writing/Speaking hammasi òtiladi

November 1 dan boshlaymiz guys tezroq ròyxatdan òting(dars òtilish sifatiga shaxsan òzim kafolat beraman 😎)

Ròyxatdan òtish uchun
@Murodillayev_Behzod ga yozing

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

29 Oct, 07:57

🔺 Advanced vocabulary

Regardless of sth - qaramasdan

Leave your example in comment

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

28 Oct, 06:45



Turn out (C1) - bo'lib chiqmoq

It turned out that I was mistaken

Get someone wrong (C1) - kimnidur natog'ri tushinmoq

Please don't get me wrong!

Live a life of ease/comfort/luxury (C1) - oson/qulay/hashamat hayotda yashamoq

Everyone wants to live a life of ease and comfort

It's a matter of something (C1) - nimadurni masalasi, nimadurga bog'liq

I can get a 9 in speaking, but it's a matter of time and right practice.

Figure out (C1) - tushinib yetmoq, yechimini topmoq

I finally figured it out.

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

27 Oct, 14:15

😇😇😇  #idioms #useful #speaking

🌟Common idioms

🧠 broaden one's horizons-dunyoqarashni kengaytish 
📌Learning a lot of science fiction books would help to broaden my horizons

To pass with flying colors = muvaffaqiyatli o'tish                                                
📌My sister has passed  the exam with  flying  colors

😀To think outside the box =kreativ o'ylash                                             📌Reading a lot of books makes us think outside the box

🚀To sharpen one's mind = miyani charxlaydi                                                                                                📌 puzzles would help me sharpen my mind

🤘To have a whale of a time = vaqtni ajoyib o'tkazish                                          📌I met with my close friends, and We had a whale of a time         
😇To get on like a house on fire
- kim bilandir yaxshi chiqishish                                                
📌I have known him for 5 years we  get on like a house on fire .

🤔To think outside the box =kreativ o'ylash                                                    
📌I usually read a lot of books to think outside the box
                                                        😊To make one's day =  xursand qilish                                                                                                        📌When my friend surprised me with homemade chocolate chip cookies, it really made my day.

Around the clock = to'xtovsiz , kun-u tun
📌Bek is studying English around the clock nowadays

For a donkey’s years
- ancha vaqtdan beri
📌 Bek and I have been friends for a donkey’s years, and we know each other inside and out

🌐 Share with your friends🌐

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26 Oct, 07:09

Read More here 👇

The English idiom "right as rain" is an expression used to describe something or someone as being in perfect condition, working order, or good health.


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25 Oct, 11:42

Tanish holatmi ???

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25 Oct, 07:27


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24 Oct, 15:34

Tanish holatmi ???

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24 Oct, 13:33

Vocabulary time

Succeed - muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
Success - muvaffaqiyat
Successful - muavaffaqiyatli
Unsuccessful - muvaffaqiyatsiz
Successfully - muvaffaqiyat bilan
Unsuccessfully - muvaffaqiyatsiz tarzda

🚀🚀Improve your vocabulary!

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24 Oct, 02:57

Here is one advanced structure that can boost your speaking:

"Despite [X], I believe that [Y]."
This structure allows you to express a contrasting idea and show that you are able to consider multiple perspectives.


"Despite the challenges we are facing, I believe that we can still achieve our goals."

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23 Oct, 03:02

Tanish holatmi ???

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22 Oct, 16:06

The "wish" structure is used when expressing a desire or a want for something that is different from reality. Typically, it is used to indicate a situation that is not currently true or possible. Here's how you can form a sentence using the wish structure:

1. Wish + past simple verb: We use this structure to talk about something that is unlikely or impossible in the present.

Example: I wish I had a million dollars. (But I don't have a million dollars now.)

2. Wish + past continuous verb: We use this structure when we want to express a desire for a different ongoing situation in the past.

Example: I wish I was traveling around the world. (But I am not traveling around the world.)

3. Wish + would + base form verb: We use this structure to express annoyance or dissatisfaction with someone's behavior.

Example: I wish you would stop smoking. (I am annoyed that you continue to smoke.)

4. Wish + could + base form verb: We use this structure to express regret or a desire to have a specific ability or opportunity.

Example: I wish I could speak French fluently. (But I can't speak French fluently.)

5. Wish + that clause: We use this structure to express a general desire for a change in a situation.

Example: I wish that it would stop raining. (I want the rain to stop.)

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22 Oct, 06:33

Adjectives to Describe Something Old.

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21 Oct, 07:41

#Episode of "Spider-Man"     🕷

🇬🇧 The feds are actively investigating that missing technology

🇺🇿 Federallar yo'qolgan texnologiyani faol ravishda o'rganib chiqishyapti

🇬🇧 I understand your loyalty to Mr.Stark and his legacy, but if you were involved I advice securing a lawyer

🇺🇿 Men sizning  janob Stark va uning merosiga sodiqligingnizni tushunaman, lekin agar siz aralashgan bo'lsangiz, advokatingiz borlgini kafolatlashingizni maslahat beraman

You said there is no charge
🇺🇿 Ayblov yòq dedingiz

Actively - faol ravishda
Investigate - o'rganib chiqmoq, ko'rib chiqmoq
Missing - yo'qolgan
Loyalty - sadoqat
Legacy - meros
👉 involve- aralashmoq
Secure - kafolatlamoq
👉 Charge - ayblov

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

20 Oct, 17:26


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20 Oct, 07:29


Useful language/ phrase for letters of invitation When writing an invitation letter, using clear, courteous, and engaging language is crucial.


➡️"We are pleased to invite you to..."

➡️"It is our honor to extend an invitation to you for..."

➡️"You are cordially invited to attend..."

➡️"We would be delighted if you could join us for..."

➡️"The purpose of this event is to..."

➡️"This event will celebrate/mark/commemo rate..."

Purpose of the invitation

➡️"We are hosting this event to..."

➡️"We look forward to your presence at this special occasion to..."

➡️"The event will take place on [date] at [time]."

Event details

➡️"The venue for the event is [location]."

➡️"Please join us at [venue] on [date] at [time]."

➡️"The schedule for the event is as follows..."

Additional information

➡️"Please RSVP by [date] to confirm your attendance."

➡️"Kindly let us know if you can attend by [date]."

➡️"We look forward to your positive response."

Behzod's BloG | 8.0 / 71

19 Oct, 15:00

📔 Writing: Useful expressions in "Opinion Essays"

🔅 I believe/ think/ feel (that) ...
💭 I strongly believe ..,
🔅 In my opinion/ view ,...
🔅 The way I see it, ...
🔅 It seems/ appears to me (that) ...
🔅 To my mind, ...
🔅 I (do not) agree that/ with ...
🔅 My opinion is that ...
🔅 As far as I am concerned,...
🔅 I (completely) agree that/ with ...
💭 I (strongly) disagree that/ with ...
🔅 I am totally against ...
🔅 I couldn't agree more that/ with ...
💭 I couldn't disagree more that/ with ,..

Providing Solutions to Problems

Essays providing solutions to problems are pieces of writing in which you discuss a problem and its causes as well as the expected results or consequences of your suggestions.

An essay providing solutions to problems should consist of:

a) an introduction in which you state the problem and/ or what has caused it;
b) a main body which consists of two or more paragraphs presenting suggestions and their results/ consequences. You should start a new paragraph for each suggestion and its results consequences; and
c) a conclusion in which you summarise your opinion.

⚠️ Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in a formal or semi-formal style, depending on who is going to read them and where they are published. They are usually found in newspapers and magazines.