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بيت الأثار
The House of Narrations ! May الله give us the Sincerity to act upon and remain firm on the Athaar [Narrations].
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بيت الأثار

04 Feb, 12:13


Shaykh Abi Ziyad Nadim Ash-Shami حفظه الله: “O Allah, grant success and guidance to our leader and ruler, His Highness, Shaykh Ahmed Ash-Sharā”

This is the way of Ahl As-Sunnah with rulers! Not like those whose Principles change when their government tells them to! The Creed is one! It doesn’t change for no government or person!
بيت الأثار

04 Feb, 11:55


Shaykh @abdulahaldafiri حفظه الله said regarding Shaykh Azzam Bin Muhammad Ash-Shuwayyir حفظه الله (The brother of Shaykh Abd As-Salaam Ash-Shuwayyir حفظه الله): “It is not just implicit, rather, I say it explicitly that they (Shaykh Azzam & another Shaykh) are Salafis due to seeing their positions, arguments, and defense of the Salafis.

One of Shaykh Azzam’s stances was that when the Hizbiyeen (people of partisanship) besieged Shaykh Muhammad Amān Al-Jaami (رحمه الله) in one of the mosques of Riyadh, the one who defended the Shaykh with strength and courage and entered with him besieged with the Shaykh until eleven o’clock at night was Shaykh Azzam, may Allah reward him.”
بيت الأثار

30 Jan, 22:59


Shaykh Rabi Bin Hādī Al-Madkhali حفظه الله: “By Allah, we are innocent/free from the mistakes of the rulers and other than them. We love those who apply the Legislation of Allah and we strongly dislike any violations to this Legislation. We do not support any Violation (to this legislation) or falsehood, never!

‎The Noble Messenger ﷺ said, as stated in the Hadith of Umm Salamah (رضي الله عنها): ‘There will be rulers over you, and you will see good and evil in their actions. Whoever recognizes (the evil) will be innocent, and whoever rejects (it) will be safe, however whoever approves and follows (them will be sinful).’ They said, ‘Shall we not fight them?’ He said, ‘No, as long as they establish the prayer.’ (Sahih Muslim 1480/3).

Thus, we, denounce the wrongdoings (of the rulers and other than them within the bounds of the Shariah), by the will of Allah, to the best of our ability, with our hearts, our tongues and our pens, within our capacity. If we are unable [to denounce] something, we reject it in our hearts and we do not approve of it, never! (As the hadith states) ‘Whoever approves and follows (them will be sinful).’

We, upon this methodology, that our Prophet ﷺ has made clear to us, leaving us with guidance in all matters, including those related to [how to deal with] the rulers and leaders, on the clear white path, its night like its day, and none will deviate from it except the doomed. So we, by the will of Allah, are holding firmly onto this, biting onto it with our molars, and we will not be swayed from it, even if the arrows of these people are many; for they will be misguided, by the will of Allah, and will only strike their own throats, both in this world and the Hereafter.”

📓-[الذريعة إلى بيان مقاصد كتاب الشريعة ١/١٠٦-١٠٨].
بيت الأثار

28 Jan, 18:06


If you saw the sticker I sent,
I have meme stickers saved,
بيت الأثار

28 Jan, 18:05


ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه): "No one concealed something [in his heart] except that Allāh (عز وجل) makes it appear [outwardly] through the expressions of his face and the slips of his tongue." Al-Ādāb al-Sharīʿah (1/136).

Daniel Haqiqatjou appeared on the scene many years ago presenting as someone who refutes atheists and defends Islām. After he built up a sizeable audience, he began to reveal his inner biases, resentments, hatreds and animosities towards the people of Tawīd and Sunnah, bit by bit. He is a man full of ignorance and contradictions, but his reality can be summarised in one image.

Read more:
بيت الأثار

28 Jan, 01:36


Shaykh Muwaffaq Hussain Al-Jaboori 🇮🇶 said: “Indeed, the numerous attempts to tarnish the reputation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, this good country, are attempts that are doomed from the outset. So how can an Indian film be believed and the experiences of reality be denied?”
بيت الأثار

28 Jan, 01:36


- مقتطف من كلمة للشيخ الدكتور #موفق_الجبوري ، على صفحته في الفيس بوك.
بيت الأثار

26 Jan, 20:55


Shaykh Rabi Bin Hādī Al-Madkhali حفظه الله said: “When we follow this methodology, it is not to serve the rulers who do not rule by what Allah has revealed. By Allah, we hate them and disassociate ourselves from them and their laws, and we declare that amongst them [are rulers who are upon] Kufr Duna Kufr [Minor disbelief] and for some of them, they may be [upon] Kufr Akbar [Major disbelief], if they believe these laws are better than the judgement of Allah, or if they believe these laws are equal to the Qur’an and the Sunnah, then they are Disbelievers. If they say these laws are inferior than the Book and the Sunnah but it is permissible to rule by, then they are Disbelievers.”

📓-[الذريعة إلى بيان مقاصد كتاب الشريعة للإمام الآجري ١/١٤٠].
بيت الأثار

26 Jan, 16:22


Insight of the ʿUlamā al-Kibār.
بيت الأثار

24 Jan, 23:25


Question: From the [pointed] arrows of the hostile opponents on the satellite channels is [the claim] that the cause of the bombings which occurred in our land is the book ‘Ad-Durar As-Saniyyah’ and the fatwas of Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Ibrāhīm Āal Ash-Shaykh رحمه الله, so what is your reply to this doubt, may Allāh grant you success?

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan حفظه الله: “This [doubt] is from ancient times, the polytheists used to consider the Prophets and their followers as omens, they would say, ‘Nothing afflicts us [of calamities] except due to them.’

So this is ancient, the one who says that about ‘Ad-Durar As-Saniyyah’ is like the one who treats the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم as an omen, as Allāh said of them, وَإِن تُصِبۡهُمۡ سَيِّئَةࣱ يَقُولُوا هَـٰذِهِۦ مِنۡ عِندِكَ, “If evil afflicts them, they say, ‘This is from you.’” (4:78).

And the Exalted said, إِن تُصِبْهُمْ سَيِّئَةٌ يَطَّيَّرُوا بِمُوسَىٰ وَمَن مَّعَهُ. “And if evil befalls them, they saw an evil omen in Mūsā and those with him…” (7:131).

So they make the people of rectification and the call to Allāh to be the cause of evil, and there is nothing strange in that. And [the book] ‘Ad-Durar As-Saniyyah’ is present, and let him look into it, is there terrorism in there or Tawḥīd. Rather, there is goodness and all praise is due Allāh.

There is Tawḥīd therein and there is rejecion of Shirk therein. There is advice and admonition therein. So wedo not listen to the speech of the hostile opposer, rather we return back to ‘Ad-Durar As-Saniyyah’, and we read [what is] in it, and this person will be exposed.”
