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Welcome to 'Australia We the People', a Telegram channel created for freedom fighters who are ready to unite and make a difference. Led by the username '@aussiechiq', this channel is dedicated to bringing like-minded individuals together from all around the world to stand up for our rights and fight for freedom. Whether you're passionate about human rights, social justice, or political activism, this channel is the place for you. Stay informed about current events, connect with fellow activists, and join the movement to create a better world for all. Together, we can make a difference and show that the power of the people is stronger than any force. Join 'Australia We the People' today and be a part of a global community of freedom fighters dedicated to positive change. Freedom fighters unite
24 Jan, 07:47
23 Jan, 22:27
23 Jan, 22:23
23 Jan, 22:20
23 Jan, 10:50
23 Jan, 10:28
23 Jan, 10:03
23 Jan, 09:58
23 Jan, 09:12
23 Jan, 09:12
20 Jan, 02:14
20 Jan, 01:17
20 Jan, 00:23
19 Jan, 22:12
19 Jan, 21:52
19 Jan, 13:21
19 Jan, 11:07
19 Jan, 10:54
19 Jan, 10:45
19 Jan, 09:52
19 Jan, 09:07
19 Jan, 08:30
08 Jan, 01:48
07 Jan, 23:08
07 Jan, 09:41
29 Dec, 12:06
29 Dec, 12:01
29 Dec, 11:03
29 Dec, 09:55
29 Dec, 08:06
29 Dec, 02:51
27 Dec, 12:34
27 Dec, 12:32
27 Dec, 11:03
25 Dec, 07:32
25 Dec, 06:12
25 Dec, 06:11
24 Dec, 13:20
24 Dec, 10:45
24 Dec, 10:14
24 Dec, 10:11
24 Dec, 09:20
24 Dec, 08:34
03 Dec, 08:19
03 Dec, 02:13
03 Dec, 01:05
02 Dec, 21:40
02 Dec, 10:54
02 Dec, 10:36
02 Dec, 09:58
02 Dec, 09:03
02 Dec, 04:54
02 Dec, 04:53
01 Dec, 11:35
01 Dec, 11:29
01 Dec, 11:25
27 Nov, 08:49
27 Nov, 07:44
27 Nov, 07:18
27 Nov, 07:09
27 Nov, 06:57
27 Nov, 02:55
27 Nov, 01:41
26 Nov, 21:59
26 Nov, 12:22
21 Nov, 12:15
21 Nov, 11:20
21 Nov, 10:48
21 Nov, 10:35
20 Nov, 10:29
20 Nov, 10:25
20 Nov, 07:56
20 Nov, 07:06
20 Nov, 07:02
20 Nov, 06:58
20 Nov, 06:47
20 Nov, 06:43
18 Nov, 04:01
18 Nov, 02:27
18 Nov, 01:17
18 Nov, 01:12
18 Nov, 01:03
17 Nov, 21:37
17 Nov, 21:12
17 Nov, 11:09
02 Nov, 12:20
02 Nov, 10:36
02 Nov, 09:10
02 Nov, 08:32
02 Nov, 08:32
22 Oct, 11:24
22 Oct, 11:18
22 Oct, 11:05
22 Oct, 09:08
22 Oct, 08:48
22 Oct, 08:20
22 Oct, 07:36