Terra Australis States Assembly @tasaofficialchannel Channel on Telegram

Terra Australis States Assembly


Land and Soil Jurisdiction of Terra Australis terraaustralisstatesassembly.com

Terra Australis States Assembly (English)

Welcome to the Terra Australis States Assembly, also known as TASA! TASA is a Telegram channel dedicated to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction of Terra Australis. This channel serves as a platform for individuals interested in learning more about the governance, policies, and initiatives of Terra Australis and its states. Whether you are a resident of Terra Australis or simply curious about this unique region, TASA provides valuable insights and updates on various issues related to land and soil jurisdiction. Who is TASA? TASA is an assembly of individuals who are passionate about preserving the land and soil of Terra Australis. Through discussions, collaborations, and information sharing, TASA aims to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable land management and the protection of natural resources in Terra Australis. Members of TASA come from diverse backgrounds and bring their expertise to the table to address the challenges facing the region. What is TASA? TASA is a platform that discusses and advocates for the proper governance of the Land and Soil Jurisdiction of Terra Australis. By sharing news, articles, and resources related to land management, TASA helps its members stay informed and engaged in discussions about the future of Terra Australis. Whether you are interested in environmental conservation, sustainable development, or indigenous rights, TASA offers a space for meaningful conversations and exchanges of ideas. Join TASA today to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for the land and soil of Terra Australis. Stay updated on the latest developments and initiatives in the region, and participate in discussions that shape the future of Terra Australis. Visit our website at terraaustralisstatesassembly.com to learn more about TASA and how you can get involved. Let's work together to protect and preserve the precious land and soil of Terra Australis for future generations.

Terra Australis States Assembly

10 Jan, 03:05


Terra Australis States Assembly

09 Jan, 23:16

Twenty Twenty Thrive, what a year to be alive! 🙏🫶❤️🫶🙏

Terra Australis States Assembly

09 Jan, 20:42


Terra Australis States Assembly

09 Jan, 20:33

Brace yourselves..

Terra Australis States Assembly

09 Jan, 19:25

"As quickly and desperately as Donald Trump acts to bring the Good Cop back into view, while our attention is fixed on the last spiteful, arrogant acts of the Bad Cop, Joe Biden, the assumption seems to be that we will be lulled back to sleep by a "better" economy and whatever bread and circuses the scammers can offer us.

Think again.

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 8th 2025"

Terra Australis States Assembly

09 Jan, 19:12


"Right now, a million-man Turkish Army is sweeping through Syria, headed for Iran. Who would imagine that Francis, Patriarch of the West, is responsible for this and using the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church to pay for this?

Only cynics who have learned their lessons well.

Who benefits? The arms dealers and defense contractors and suppliers benefit. Those selling mercenary services, whether or not the victims know they are serving and being sold as mercenaries --- benefit. To an extent, and in a twisted way, the Losers benefit from rebuilding everything.

The "Winners" have illegally occupied the Losers and usurped their lawful governments, and have attempted to excuse this as rights won by force of arms in a legitimate war, but this is a Lie, too.

The Winners were acting as Mercenary Forces and their Declarations of War all lack standing, so what we are left with is nothing but lies and crime.

Fraud against both sides.

Not one "President of the United States" was the actual President of this country. From George Washington onward."

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 22:52

We want you to share this widely as we begin to unleash the next Tsunami. Our 528 Harmony Education Alliance extends from our,website at GlobalFamilyGroup.com and our Harmony Tree that contains an archive of valuable educational resources.

We all know that Anna has written over 5,000 articles and notices, and there is so much information to digest and get to a clear understanding and inner-standing. We have recently created a new video and PDF titled "The Most Important American History Lesson". You can view, share and download this from the Harmony Tree.

Please share this with family and friends. This is a paradigm shift and Global Family Group is here to offer the heart light and guidance for 8 billion people...YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 22:20

By: Superior Court Justice, Anna Von Reitz;

"If the Alliance is backing Trump, they need to evaluate the situation; Trump is a Dutch East India scion largely in the pocket of the Zionists; he may want to make America great again, but at what cost to America and the rest of the world?

The profiteering and war-mongering of the Zionists might seem attractive to some members of the military, but we all know that the actual purpose of an honorable military is peace.

No national military should be engaged in killing babies and children and helpless women and healthcare workers and journalists for economic gain, which is precisely what Benjamin Netanyahu has been doing in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria since last October.

Trump is still supporting Netanyahu and the Zionist regime he represents. After suffering the loss of 30,000 innocent civilians, Trump is still standing behind podiums telling the Palestinian people that they have to stand down or else.

Trump also set up and kicked off the phony Pandemic to fill the ailing coffers of "the United States of America, Inc." and bail it out of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. He was apparently willing to sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans and billions of other innocent civilians worldwide to save an unworthy, duplicitous commercial corporation.

That is a decision and a taint that will follow him to his grave, if the actual Donald John Trump isn't already dead."

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 21:38

Many thanks to Raleigh from the South African assemblies for this little gem;


Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 20:07


Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 20:06


"We object on the grounds that all Beneficial Ownership Interest in all the dissolved assets and franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. belong to the living people of this country, that means CANADA, AUSTRALIA, etc., because we have paid the debts and the operational expenses of all these Municipal Corporations.

We have also paid all the debts and operational expenses of the British Territorial counterparts operating as Canada, Inc., and Australia, Inc., et alia, and they are also substantially bankrupt and in receivership to us.

Would it in any way be appropriate for a British Territorial Government to occupy a foreign sovereign nation like Spain, to the threat and detriment of the actual Spanish Government?

We don't think so.

We think that the presence of British Territorial Mercenaries unlawfully occupying this country and numerous other countries is a systemic failure of international and global law.

So now we come to the curious "offer" which has been placed on our table by Mr. Trump and the "Alliance". They propose to, in their words, "re-inhabit" our American Federal Republic which we operated from 1787 to 1861, and simply substitute their British Territorial organization for our "missing" Federal Republic.

We will note that it is not possible for them to "re-inhabit" our Federal Republic, because they never inhabited it in the first place."

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 20:06


"The same thing is happening today, as members of the Municipal bureaucracy (slaves) control the jurisdiction of the air through copyrights, patents, licenses, labor contracts, and associated means, and members of the Territorial bureaucracy (indentured servants serving "tours of duty") provide the muscle as mercenaries intent on controlling trade and commerce and commodities, and finally, the National bureaucracy is vacated for the convenience of the Perpetrators, who don't want to be bothered with such tiresome duties as actually running a "Kingdom" and dealing with the needs of living people.

Much more convenient to have all the living people redefined as corporation franchises, administered under forms of law intended for corporations.

These Vermin only want to float along like the great turds they are, on the top of the world's proverbial punch bowl, controlling money and resources that belong to other people for their own unjust enrichment and all to the detriment of the actual owners."

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 15:34


Important Banking Updates.

"Toward that end, we have chartered The Global Family International Trade Bank
and established The American Federation Treasury; in concert with the bank, we
have also established our American Federation Sovereign Treasury Account,
which is open for business.

We have also established our Paymaster Account, so that we can pay Federal
workers who are eligible for rehire, including members of the military. We have
also established our Federation Reserve and Trust and Underwriting Accounts for
the purpose of conducting our affairs in the realms of international and global

We have similarly established The Global Family Commercial Bank and The
Global Family Bank of Commerce, and a similar roster of functional accounts to
expedite and organize the conduct of business in the global forums of commerce
and maritime commerce respectively.

These banks have all been created for the use and benefit of the living people and
their sovereign governments and instrumentalities.

Our Bilateral Banking System allows you to do exactly that, as each country has
their own International Bank and their own Sovereign Treasury Account linked to
National (Soil Jurisdiction) Banks. Each country and sovereign nation is enabled
to provide both the banking services and the correct form of law and currency
owed to the living

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 15:13


Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 15:13

Pair-Rents held in Usufruct, like anyone else held in Usufruct, own nothing, not even [children]!

Is 'using the poisonous fruits' of the Birth Certificate Estate Trust really worth it, if ye own nothing at the end of thy working life?

Terra Australis States Assembly

08 Jan, 14:00

Yew - in a law dictionary. There are no coincidences.

Terra Australis States Assembly

22 Oct, 06:41


Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 23:38

To be truly Suveran, One must remain on Terra-Firmer, being "on" the Land and Soil Jurisdiction of Terra Australis! 👀❤️👀

"Usufruct" if ye're drowning "in" Australia Inc, Admiralty/ Maritime Jurisdiction(s). ⚓️☠️⚓️

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 22:41

I'm elated to be a Suveran State National, of Terra Australis!

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 22:35

Registered as a company with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1244818

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 21:41

Australian Usufruct Citizens, Residents, Humans and Persons, are all legally defined "Chattel", belonging to the bankrupt American Corporation that owns bankrupt "Australia, Inc".

Judge Anna is the fiduciary in lawful control of this American Corporation, and all of its subsidiaries!

Have a think about that!

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 21:41

The name of this book is, "Meet Your Strawman" By: David E Robinson.

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 21:41

Anyone for a great Reset?
To Harbour outlaws and criminals.. All the main actors love using this term..
Remember the saying: he got off Scott free 🤔🧐

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 19:45

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: High I.Q. Politician Totally Destroys Woke Immigration Policies

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 19:45

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: International Public Notice: All United Nations Treaties Are Fraudulent

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 19:44

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: International Public Notice: Reposting With Commentary

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 19:44

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: International Public Notice: For the Love of God and Country

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 19:41

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Shifting Racial Identity -- Is Race a Choice?

Terra Australis States Assembly

21 Oct, 04:54

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Misinformation? -- For Max