👑 OOTD必备品 @bagcornermy Channel on Telegram

👑 OOTD必备品


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💃 BagCorner (English)

Welcome to BagCorner, your go-to destination for all things fashion! BagCorner is a Telegram channel dedicated to bringing you the latest trends in bags, shoes, accessories, and more. Who are we? We are a team of fashion enthusiasts who are passionate about helping you elevate your style game. What is BagCorner? It is a curated collection of stylish and trendy items that will surely turn heads wherever you go. From chic handbags to elegant footwear, we have it all. Stay connected with us on Instagram at bagcorner.myyy and bagcorner.myy for daily fashion inspiration. Looking for some swag? Check out swagcorner.myyy for the coolest men's fashion picks. And for the latest in women's fashion, head over to fashioncorner.my. Don't miss out on our exclusive offers and updates by contacting us on Whatsapp at wa.me/60149691776 or adding us on WeChat at bagcornermy. Join us at BagCorner and let's redefine fashion together!

👑 OOTD必备品

11 Nov, 15:04


👑 OOTD必备品

11 Nov, 14:07

活动倒数最后2⃣️个小时结束!现在不下单难道要等到明天原价购买吗!🤪 偷偷告诉你们 老板娘刚刚说可能明年要起价了 所以趁现在吧🥰❤️

👑 OOTD必备品

11 Nov, 12:08

没有任何套路,我的人很实在,不会因为要你们下单就用这种方式来吸引你们(毕竟原价购入对我更好不是吗?) 实属没有办法所以我们才会稍微的调整价格,所以大家可以直接趁着活动时间冲。


👑 OOTD必备品

11 Nov, 08:14


👑 OOTD必备品

10 Nov, 01:54

早安☀️~ 信息回复中!11.11 promotion 倒数最后2️⃣天!!!🔥活动火爆进行中🔥

👑 OOTD必备品

08 Nov, 12:58

OOTD from our house 😍

👑 OOTD必备品

08 Nov, 02:50

7/11/2024 client order ✔️
💕 Ready stock shirt OOTD
💕 新年拜年OOTD包包
活动如火如热的进行中~ 抓紧咯!私信我拿现货链接

👑 OOTD必备品

07 Nov, 16:20

来来来~ 买到赚到的那种,活动不买等原价吗?😜

👑 OOTD必备品

07 Nov, 01:20

🔥🔥全场up to-22%🔥🔥

👑 OOTD必备品

06 Nov, 05:22


👑 OOTD必备品

05 Nov, 15:27

一年一度的11.11sale倒数30分钟开启🔛🙌 大家期待不?

👑 OOTD必备品

05 Nov, 15:24

Channel name was changed to «👑 OOTD必备品»

💃 BagCorner.

21 Nov, 03:15

🐎 色系对照表 🧡

💃 BagCorner.

21 Nov, 03:13

🐎 皮纹科普 👛

💃 BagCorner.

20 Nov, 05:54

视频展示轮子灵活度 🛞 正品💰6k+ 用了几次就被丢坏了💸💸

💃 BagCorner.

20 Nov, 05:53

今日studio摆拍😍📸️ 秋冬旅行OOTD我们家可以一手包办!羽绒服,围巾,靴子,行李箱,大包包,眼镜 帽子等 我们都有🛒 乖乖听话~ 拿买正品的钱去买机票旅行走走拍美照🥰😚

店主一整身OOTD来自我们家📸️ 大家放心买,羽绒服亲身测试一定保暖☃️❄️ 很多都是用鹅绒(也要看正品用料)用料都是贵的,所以价钱也高🥳 你买了低品质的羽绒服 买了围巾去冬天国家 如果不保暖你买来做什么?🥺