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Adama Science and Technology University

02 Mar, 09:27


ASTU Inaugurates Various Projects ========================
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) inaugurated four extensively renovated projects on March 1, 2025, in the presence of federal and regional government officials. The inaugurated projects include a community school encompassing daycare, pre-primary, primary, and secondary (high school) education levels; a four-story academic staff residence building accommodating 26 households; a G+4 business center building; and a staff lounge.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Lemi Guta, President of ASTU, emphasized that these projects will significantly contribute to enhancing the quality of education by creating an enabling environment for university staff. According to Dr. Lemi, the establishment of the community school within the university compound will allow staff members to educate their children in a safe, nearby location, enabling them to focus more on their institutional duties. Furthermore, he highlighted that the newly inaugurated staff residence building reflects ASTU’s ongoing efforts to address housing challenges for its community. Dr. Lemi also noted that the staff lounge will improve employee satisfaction by providing quality services, allowing staff to spend their time on campus more effectively. Additionally, he remarked that the ASTU Business Center, inaugurated after rigorous renovation, is expected to play a crucial role in advancing ASTU’s journey towards autonomous status, in alignment with national ambitions.

H.E. Mr. Melaku Alebel, Minister of Industry and Board Chairperson of ASTU, congratulated the university community on this milestone achievement. He commended ASTU’s exemplary investment in education, emphasizing its sustainable impact on future generations. Stressing the importance of education, he remarked, “To leave children without education is to let birds fly without wings.” H.E. Mr. Melaku urged the university community to cultivate a generation capable of addressing the current world evolving challenges. He specifically underscored the need to prioritize research and technology transfer. Additionally, he called on the Ministry of Education to allocate resources to universities in accordance with their national mandates. He also urged contractors working on ongoing projects to complete their work on time.

State Minister of Education, Kora Tushinie, for his part expressed appreciation for ASTU’s renovated projects, highlighting their role in improving the quality of education that the country aspires to achieve.
Similarly, Dr. Tola Beriso, Head of the Oromia Education Bureau, and Hailu Jeldie, Mayor of Adama City, acknowledged ASTU’s contributions in benefiting the local community. Dr. Tola emphasized that ASTU’s community school could serve as a model, recalling the university’s role in establishing a special boarding school in the region. Mayor Hailu, drawing on his experience visiting Kigali, Rwanda, encouraged ASTU to actively work on developing technologies that modernize cities.

The inaugural ceremony also included visits to key projects under construction at ASTU, including the Data Center, the Research Park, and the multipurpose hall named after the late renowned Oromo artist Hachalu Hundessa. The Data Center and Research Park, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and advanced laboratory equipment, respectively, are considered the first of their kind in East Africa. Additionally, it is worth noting that ASTU recently signed a historic contract with the international Samsung C&T Consortium to establish five Centers of Excellence with fully furnished research laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technology.

Concluding the event, ASTU’s President Dr. Lemi Guta congratulated the Board Members and university management on the successful completion of the extensive renovation projects, commending their unwavering leadership and support. He also expressed his deep gratitude to all partners, invited guests, and board members for joining ASTU in celebrating this remarkable occasion.
Adama Science and Technology University

02 Mar, 09:27


ASTU, the very University for you!
We are dedicated to innovative knowledge!
For more information:
Face book:
Tele: +251 (0)222113961
Email: [email protected]
Adama Science and Technology University

01 Mar, 09:01


Upcoming Event!
Adama Science and Technology University

01 Mar, 09:00


ASTU Held Contract Signing Ceremony with Samsung C and T Consortium
Adama Science and Technology University and Samsung C and T Consortium have signed contractual agreement for the implementation of the Economic Development Cooperation Fund Project (EDCF-PROJECT). The aim of project is to establish 5-Centers of Excellence with Fully Furnished Research Laboratories with the current State -of- the art equipment.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Lemi Guta, President of ASTU, warmly welcomed the guests on this historical project agreement signing ceremony. Dr. Lemi congratulated the ASTU community and its development partners who have been making relentless efforts to realize this huge project, which he said is decisive for ASTU to fulfill its national obligations successfully.

The President particularly extended heartfelt gratitude to: the Government of Ethiopia, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, and the National Project Steering Committees, for their unwavering dedication and Visionary leadership for the success of the project, as well the Export- Import Bank of Korea for its generous commitment of loan under EDCF. The president stressed that the EDCF-PROJECT is huge and the first of its kind, adding that it is very significant to enhance a transformative journey in education, research, technology transfer, and innovation in Ethiopia. To this end, Dr. Lemi urged the university management, the project contactor, and all partners to join hands to implement the project.

Dr. Lemma Beresa, Research and Technology Transfer Vice President at ASTU for his part acknowledged the university management and experts, as well as partners who have made unreserved endeavor in the long journey to bring this historical project to the higher level.
Besides the representatives who signed the agreement in person, some higher officials of the Samsung C and T Consortium have attended the ceremony live on zoom from R.S. Korea, with the invitation of the vice president.

On behalf of the Consortium, Prof. Junseok Hwang and Mr. Chul Soon Hwang expressed their appreciation to Dr. Lemi Guta, President of ASTU, and the Faculty members of ASTU who actively participated in the realization of this project. They also explained their strong commitment for the successful implementation of the project.
Finally, the participants of the event have paid a visit to ASTU Research Park, a huge project under construction.

ASTU, the very University for you!
We are dedicated to innovative knowledge!
For more information:
Face book:
Tele: +251 (0)222113961
Email: [email protected]
Adama Science and Technology University

19 Feb, 14:15


PhD Dissertation Defense!

Mr. Umer Sherefedin from College of Applied Natural Science, Department of Applied Physics has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled, “Solvatochromic Effects, photophysical Properties, Fluorescence Quenching, and Molecular Docking of Ferulic and Sinapic Acids: Experimental and Computational Approaches".

Congratulations Dr. Umer Sherefedin!
ASTU, the very University for you!
We are dedicated to innovative knowledge!
For more information:
Face book:
Tele: +251 (0)222113961
Email: [email protected]
Adama Science and Technology University

19 Feb, 14:14


የተቋማዊ ለዉጥ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ስለ ካይዘን ፍልስፍናና አተገባበር ስልጠና ሰጠ
የአዳማ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተቋማዊ ለዉጥ ስራ አስፈፃሚ ከካይዘን ልህቀት ማዕከል ጋር በመተባበር ለንብረት አስተዳደር ሰራተኞችና አመራሮቻቸዉ በቦራቲ አዳራሽ ከየካቲት 10-11/ 2017 ዓ. ም (የሁለት ቀናት) ስልጠና ሰጠ::

የስልጠናዉ ዓላማ የካይዘን ባህሪያትን በመረዳት አመራሩና ፈፃሚዉ ሰራተኛ በተደራጀ እና በተቀናጀ መልኩ በመንቀሳቀስ በዩኒቨርሲቲዉ ፈጣንና ቀጣይነት ያለዉ ለዉጥ ለማረጋገጥ እንደሆነ ተገልፆዋል::

በስልጠናዉ የመክፈቻ ስነ ስርዓት ላይ የተገት የፕሬዝደንት ጽ/ ቤት ዋና ስራ አስፈፃሚ የሆኑት
ፕሮፌሰር ያደሳ መላኩ ለሰልጣኞች የእንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ መልዕክታቸዉን አስተላልፈዋል::

የካይዘን ፍልስፍና ቀጣይነትና ተከታታይነት ያለዉ መሆኑንና የአመለካከት ለዉጥ ለማምጣትና ለማስረጽ እንደሚረዳም ፕሮፌሰር ያደሳ አስረድተዋል:: የዩኒቨርሲቲዉን ቁልፍ ተግባራት ለማሳካት የለዉጥ መሳሪያዎችን በመጠቀም የተሰጡንን ተግባራት በከፍተኛ ጥራትና በጊዜያቸዉ መሰራት እንዳለባቸዉም ተጠቅሷል::

የአዳማ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተቋማዊ ለዉጥ ስራ አስፈፃሚ የሆኑት አቶ ለሜሳ ጉታ በበኩላቸዉ ከስልጠናዉ በኋላ ሰልጣኞች ስራቸዉን የበለጠ በስራ እንዲያዘምኑና ተግባራዊ እንዲያደርጉ አሳስበዋል::

ሰልጣኞች በበኩላቸዉ ከስልጠናዉ ሰፊ ግንዛቤ እንዳገኙ በመግለጽ ለወደፊቱም ሌሎች ተመሳሳይ ስልጠናዎች እንዲዘጋጁላቸዉ አሳስበዉ ስልጠናዉ ተጠናቋል::

ASTU, the very University for you!
We are dedicated to innovative knowledge!
For more information:
Face book:
Tele: +251 (0)222113961
Email: [email protected]
Adama Science and Technology University

15 Feb, 10:38


ASTU-STEM Center Concludes Laboratory Training Offered to Selected Secondary School Teachers from Government Schools in Adama City
As part of the plan approved by the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer (VPRTT) and the Community Engagement Directorate (CED) for the year 2017 E.C., as well as its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the ASTU-STEM Center implemented key activities during the third quarter.

One of the key activities was giving laboratory training to secondary school teachers in Adama City.

The training was provided to secondary school teachers drawn from government schools in Adama City on computer science, robotics, and electronics, along with hands-on laboratory sessions in biology, chemistry, and physics. The training aimed at supporting teachers who often lack access to proper laboratory facilities, and enhancing their practical knowledge and teaching effectiveness.

ASTU, the very university for you!
We are dedicated to innovative knowledge!
For more information:
Tele: +251 (0)222113961
Email: [email protected]
Adama Science and Technology University

15 Feb, 10:36


Forthcoming PhD Defense!
Adama Science and Technology University

08 Feb, 13:39


Life Skills Training had been given for Female High School Teachers in Adama City
The Community Engagement Directorate and the Women and Social Affairs Executive organized two-days (from February 6-7, 2025) life skills training for female high school teachers in Adama City. The event took place at Borati Hall and aimed to empower educators to better support their students.

Dr. Dereje Regassa, the Director of Community Engagement at Adama Science and Technology University, delivered an inspiring opening speech. He highlighted the significance of empowering female teachers to positively impact female students in high school.

The training focused on enhancing teaching skills, improving student outcomes, and fostering community engagement.
Participants learned key life skills, including goal setting and time management, which are essential for their professional growth and effectiveness in the classroom.

Mrs. Sewnet Bora, Executive Officer of women and Social Affairs at Adama Science and Technology University welcomed the attendees and emphasized the importance of life skills training. She encouraged the teachers to apply what they learned to create a ripple effect by training other female educators and strengthening their social responsibilities.

This initiative marks a significant step towards improving educational outcomes for female students in Adama City, ensuring that they receive the support and guidance they need to succeed.

ASTU, the very university for you!
We are dedicated to innovative knowledge!
For more information:
Tele: +251 (0)222113961
Email: [email protected]
Adama Science and Technology University

08 Feb, 13:36


Greetings from POSTECH.

We are excited to announce that applications for the 2025 POSTECH Summer Program will soon open!

This exclusive opportunity is designed for STEM-major students currently enrolled in our partner institutions.

All admitted students will receive a ✈️ ROUND-TRIP FLIGHT TICKET ✈️ from their home country to Korea.

Please encourage your students to apply and take advantage of this incredible experience at POSTECH this summer.


📅 7 July – 15 August, 2025 (6 weeks)


- Research Intensive (min 20 hours per week) under POSTECH Professor

- Social & Culture Program (once a week)

- Korean Language Course (optional, approx. 150 USD)

- Official Transcript with 1 POSTECH credit & Certificate of Participation