Āryāvarta ᛟ


Indo-European Metaphysics

Āryāvarta ᛟ

10 Aug, 14:16

An old Mongolian Buddhist incantation for blessing a gun.

Āryāvarta ᛟ

08 Aug, 12:43

Another example of this:
The Mosque of the Jinn is a location in Mecca where Muhammad communicated with a group of Djinn who swore to serve him.
Its clear that Muhammad was a well practiced Djinn binder by his later years, and would have been defined as practicing black magick (the binding of negative spirits) in a modern esoteric concept

Āryāvarta ᛟ

08 Aug, 12:20

It was a common belief among early Arabic Pagans that Muhammad was in contact with Djinn rather than the god "Allah" as he claimed, they used the fact that he went into caves commonly used for the contacting of malevolent Djinn spirits for meditation, when communicating with "Allah".
This is backed up by the Buddha Shakyamuni prophesizing about a man named Muhammad being in league with Asuras (evil spirits like Djinn)

Āryāvarta ᛟ

07 Aug, 05:50

The Greek gods literally hung out in Ethiopia and and probably traveled the world I don't think Zeus is a anti racist or that Odin supports BLM, but some hobbit nationalism level of understanding of the gods is just stupid and shows a lack of spiritual understanding endemic to modern whitenat neo-pagans.

Āryāvarta ᛟ

06 Aug, 08:19

Baron R. F. Ungern von Sternberg. . . . Like a bloody storm of avenging Karma he spread over Central Asia. What did he leave behind him? The severe order to his soldiers closing with the words of the Revelations of St. John:

“Let no one check the revenge against the corrupter and slayer of the soul of the Russian people. Revolution must be eradicated from the World. Against it the Revelations of St. John have warned us thus: ‘And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, even the unclean things of her fornication, and upon her forehead a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.’”

Āryāvarta ᛟ

06 Aug, 03:23

Long live sacred Germany

Āryāvarta ᛟ

04 Aug, 07:23

“I advise you to pay more attention to this case, to achieve a check on the solidity of the accusation, and if the proof is complete, which, apparently, cannot be doubted, then arrange a public trial, conduct it as quickly as possible and shoot.”
-Lenin on receiving a report of Ungern's capture

Āryāvarta ᛟ

04 Aug, 07:19

Ungern during his Trial at the Irkutsk Soviet

Āryāvarta ᛟ

03 Aug, 04:04

While I have many disagreements with Keith Woods, Haz is really showing right now how disgusting and genocidal third worldist ideology is. Modern Communism, even when its tries to pretend to be "based" and psuedo"maga" is nothing but a ideology built off of bugmen and the seething underclass of historical losers that populate many countries, that only are even allowed to exist in the 1st world because of the liberal tolerance that they themselves oppose.
Therefore I say:
We must oppose the tendrils of the ideological third world (Communism, Third Worldism, Duginism,)
And we must uphold the ideological first world (National Populism, Vitalism, Imperium)

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 22:34

"We raised the yellow flag

For the greatness of the Buddha doctrine;

We, the pupils of the Khutuktu,

Went into the battle of Shambhala!"

-Song sung by Mongolian soldiers serving during the time of Ungern

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 22:20

Major General B.P. Rezukhin, Ungerns Second in Command

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 22:18

1 Cavalry Brigade
Ataman Annenkov Regiment (Trans-Baikal Cossacks)
Daurian Cavalry Regiment (Trans-Baikal Cossacks)
Mongol-Buryat Regiment (commander: military foreman Tapkhaev)

2nd Cavalry Brigade Commander - Major General B.P. Rezukhin. Adjutant Captain Veselovsky.
Tatar regiment
Bashkir regiment

Separate units that were part of the division:
Mongolian division (commander: Prince Sundui-gun)
Detachment of Chahars Naiden-gun
Tibetan volunteers
Detachment of Japanese volunteers
Detachment of Chinese volunteers
Separate cavalry-machine-gun team Artillery
Transport vehicle company
Air squadron (5 airplanes).

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 21:56

"When Khrushchev learned that the German government was going to send a new ambassador to the USSR named Ungern, his answer was categorical: "No! We had one Ungern, and that's enough."

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 21:11

Sternbergs Childhood estate (One of his atleast) in the Ogre region of Latvia the large Madliena manor

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 09:24

Three different uniforms worn by Ungern, currently residing in the Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore in Russia (You can see the swastika in the first picture is blotted out by the museum) the "AS" on the Golden deel stands for Ataman G.M. Semenov. Same with the stylized "AS" on the red uniform. The swastika one on the first uniform probably comes from it being the symbol of Genghis Khan.

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 07:57

Baron Ungern (far left) interrogates a prisoner. February 16, 1915

Āryāvarta ᛟ

01 Aug, 07:48

Extremely rare photo of Sternberg during his service in the Russian army (Either during ww1 or the Russo-Japanese war)