دار الثورة الإسلامية (Arabic)
Welcome to دار الثورة الإسلامية, an Arabic Telegram channel dedicated to Islamic Revolution Publications. This channel is managed by the office responsible for preserving and spreading the teachings and works of Imam Khamenei.
Who is it?
دار الثورة الإسلامية is a platform that aims to provide followers with authentic and insightful content related to the Islamic Revolution and the teachings of Imam Khamenei.
What is it?
This channel serves as a hub for publications, articles, and resources that shed light on the principles of the Islamic Revolution and the valuable insights of Imam Khamenei. It offers a unique opportunity for individuals interested in deepening their understanding of Islamic teachings and the revolutionary ideologies.
Stay connected with us through our channel @arirpubl and join us in exploring the rich heritage of the Islamic Revolution. For more information and updates, feel free to reach out to us at @info_khamenei. Join us on this enlightening journey towards spiritual growth and knowledge enrichment.