


06 Dec, 09:16


The more you put your heart into English, the more you’ll be interested in it.

The more you pay, the more you will gain.

The sooner, the better.

The earlier you set about your work, the sooner you will finish it.

A: Are you still selling your car?

B: Yeah, but the more I think about it, the more I want to keep it.

A: Why’s that?

B: Because buying a new car would be very expensive and I wouldn’t be able to afford the insurance.

A: But you already put an ad in the paper.

B: I know but if anybody calls, I’ll just tell them it’s not for sale anymore.


06 Dec, 09:15

الگوی سی ام
The more... the more...


05 Dec, 16:30

گزارش الگوی بیست و نهم👇🩵


05 Dec, 06:28


Would you care for something to drink?

Would you care for some tea?

Would you care to borrow my car?

Would you care to try yourself?


Waiter: How was your meal?

Customer: It was delicious.

Waiter: Would you care for some dessert?

Customer: What do you recommend?

Waiter: There’s a Greek pastry called baklava that’s made of chopped nuts, butter and cinnamon all soaked in honey. Would you like to try it?

Customer: Sure. It sounds delicious.


05 Dec, 06:19

الگوی بیست و نهم :
Would you care for...?


04 Dec, 16:30

گزارش الگوی بیست و هشتم 🩵👇


04 Dec, 06:27


What I’m trying to say is that he is a good husband.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s worth buying.

What I’m trying to say is that human nature doesn’t change.

What I’m trying to say is that you should think of others.

What I’m trying to say is that smoking is harmful.

A: Where did you put my Walkman?
B: I forget.
A: You should be more careful with other people’s things.
B: Are you saying I’m careless?
A:  What I’m trying to say is that when you borrow something from someone, you should take good care of it.
B: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I’ll try to find it right away.


04 Dec, 06:23

الگوی بیست و هشتم:
What I'm trying to say is...


03 Dec, 18:05

گزارش الگوی بیست و هفتم🩵👇
(با تاخیر🫡)


03 Dec, 05:25


What became of the poor child?
چه بر سر بچه بیچاره اومد؟

What will become of my family if my father goes bankrupt?
چه بر سر خانوادم میاد اگر پدرم ورشکست شه؟

What will become of my dog during my absence?
در غیاب من چه بر سر سگم خواهد آمد؟

What will become of the water if we put it outside during the winter?
اگر در زمستان آب را بیرون بگذاریم چه می شود؟


A:  Remember that old man who used to beg for money on the street across from our house?

B: Yeah. Whatever became of him?

A: Well he got a job and now he owns a small ice cream shop in town.

B: That’s great. We should visit him some time.

A: Yeah, we should. Let’s go today and get some ice cream.

B: Then we can ask him how he’s been and how he started his business.


03 Dec, 05:25

الگوی بیست و هفتم:
What becomes of...?


02 Dec, 16:30

گزارش الگوی بیست و ششم🩵👇


02 Dec, 06:55


I wonder if it would be convenient to visit you next Monday.
نمی‌دانم دوشنبه آینده برای دیدن شما مناسب است؟

I wonder if Mr. Wang could arrange a meeting with me.
نمی دانم آیا آقای وانگ می تواند با من ملاقاتی ترتیب دهد؟

I was wondering if the manager would agree with my design.
داشتم فکر می کردم که آیا مدیر با طراحی من موافق است؟

I was wondering if you could come to the meeting this afternoon.
می خواستم بدونم می تونی امروز بعدازظهر به جلسه بیایی؟


Salesman:  Excuse me,  Miss,  I wonder if I could have a few minutes of your time?

Woman: Why?

Salesman:  Well,  I’d like to introduce  you to the new super model ZX-2000 vacuum cleaner.

Woman: I’m sorry but I’m in a hurry now. I don’t have time to try it out.

Salesman: That’s no problem.
Excuse me for interrupting you. Here, have my card.

Woman:  Thanks.  If  I  get  a chance, I will check out  your vacuum cleaner another time.


02 Dec, 06:44

الگوی بیست و ششم:
I wonder if...?


29 Nov, 16:30

گزارش الگوی بیست و پنجم 🩵👇





