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Welcome to Aman world, a Telegram channel managed by the talented Senior Software Engineer at Google, Amanutemuratov. Here, you will find a wealth of knowledge and insights about the world of software engineering, technology, and much more. Amanutemuratov shares his expertise and experiences in the field, offering valuable tips and advice to aspiring software engineers and tech enthusiasts. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the industry, Aman world is the perfect place to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the tech world. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business. Join Aman world today and take your knowledge and skills to the next level! For more information, you can also check out Amanutemuratov's program on @zhannishk.
21 Jan, 15:44
31 Dec, 16:28
27 Dec, 14:34
13 Dec, 20:07
29 Nov, 17:04
27 Nov, 17:55
14 Nov, 09:52
13 Nov, 09:06
13 Nov, 08:31
07 Nov, 09:50
06 Nov, 12:24
05 Nov, 13:13
01 Nov, 08:17
30 Oct, 09:06
29 Oct, 21:41
26 Oct, 17:11
24 Oct, 07:27
22 Oct, 09:58
22 Oct, 07:37
03 Oct, 05:55
27 Sep, 09:03
24 Sep, 07:38
24 Sep, 07:23
24 Sep, 07:20
19 Sep, 15:34
19 Sep, 13:10
19 Sep, 09:37
19 Sep, 05:43
17 Sep, 06:03
17 Sep, 06:03
15 Sep, 09:43
14 Sep, 21:33
10 Sep, 15:46
09 Sep, 17:18
09 Sep, 14:19