والرّوْضُ خَدّاك لا غُصْنٌ ولا ثَمَرُ
وأنْت في دَوْحَة الأحْلامِ أُغْنيَة
يشدو بِها الحُبّ، لا نَايٌ ولا وَتَرُ
Welcome to the Telegram channel "لـ جميلتي ♡" (@aj5bb)! This channel is dedicated to celebrating beauty, both inner and outer. The description 'صوني جمالكِ عنّا ، إننا بشرٌ من الترابِ وهذا الحسنُ روحاني' translates to 'Protect your beauty from us, for we are humans made of dust, and this beauty is spiritual.' This channel aims to uplift and empower individuals to embrace their unique beauty, reminding them that true beauty comes from within. Join us on this journey of self-love and positivity. Stay tuned for inspiring content and messages that will brighten your day. Follow "لـ جميلتي ♡" (@aj5bb) on Telegram and let's spread love and beauty together! 🌟💖
04 Apr, 05:57
19 Feb, 12:06
30 Nov, 16:12
12 Oct, 06:08
19 May, 00:51
18 May, 00:49
16 May, 00:28
12 Apr, 23:34