World of people @aicodeinfo Channel on Telegram

World of people


World of people (English)

Are you interested in exploring the diverse world of people from different cultures and backgrounds? Look no further than 'World of people' Telegram channel, brought to you by the username @aicodeinfo. This channel is dedicated to showcasing the beauty of humanity through stories, photos, and videos that highlight the unique experiences of individuals around the globe. From heartwarming tales of kindness to inspiring journeys of personal growth, 'World of people' offers an insightful glimpse into the human experience.nnWho is it for? Anyone who has a curiosity about different ways of life, a passion for learning about new cultures, or a desire to connect with fellow human beings on a deeper level. Whether you're a travel enthusiast, a social activist, or simply someone who enjoys exploring the rich tapestry of human existence, this channel is for you.nnWhat can you expect? Engaging content that celebrates the diverse range of emotions, experiences, and perspectives that make us all unique. From uplifting stories of resilience to thought-provoking discussions on social issues, 'World of people' aims to inspire, educate, and connect individuals from all walks of life. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment, join us on this exciting adventure into the World of people.

World of people

14 Oct, 13:08

🧬 ДНК-тест теперь в Telegram!

Узнай, где жили твои предки 👇

World of people

28 Jun, 09:21

🌙Қурбон хайит байрами барчангизга муборак бўлсин 💫

World of people

21 Apr, 05:23

Ассалому алейкум!

Қутлуғ ойнинг улуғ «ҲАЙИТ» кунига ва Жума айёмига етказгани учун Яратганга ҳамду санолар бўлсин!

🕋 Мен учун энг яқин бўлган инсоним, Рамазон ҲАЙИТ ва Жума айёмингиз муборак бўлсин.
Келаси Рамазонларнинг Жумаларида ҳам бир-биримизни қутлаш насиб қилсин 🤲

World of people

20 Apr, 10:34

📌 318178449_2538428556319620_5388878921632270118_n.mp4

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World of people

10 Apr, 23:55

📌 Turmush qurgach......

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World of people

04 Apr, 00:13

📌 330489201_1490227485118071_6091864010419240100_n.mp4

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World of people

03 Apr, 23:47

📌 Paygambarimizga bo’gan muhabat mushkilarininariti 𝗗𝗼’𝘀𝘁𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗶𝘇𝗻𝗶 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗴𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴 .𝗬𝗮𝗾𝗶𝗻𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮 𝗬𝘂𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 .𝗟𝗮𝘆𝗸 𝗯𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗻𝗶 𝘂𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗴 . #makkah #islom #islomuz #uzbekistan #tiktok #instagramuzbekistan #uzbekistan #toshkent #kokand #telegram_yulduzlari #instagramrussia #yurakamri #makkah #islom #islomuz #uzbekistan #tiktok #instagramuzbekistan #uzbekistan #toshkent #kokand #telegram_yulduzlari #instagramrussia #yurakamri #mominle

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World of people

02 Apr, 17:52

📌 Siz qabristonga qay ko’rinishda borgansizLayk kament Yuklab oling Doslaringizga yuboring✓ Fikringizni koldiring✓ @ana_comics ......

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World of people

27 Mar, 17:16


World of people

27 Mar, 17:16


World of people

26 Feb, 18:40

So'ngi paytlar shunday toifa insonlar paydo bo'ldiki jamiyatimizda ular bilan ko'rishib, gaplashsangiz hamma gaplari joyida, hush muomila, odobli. Erkaklari gentelmen. Kiyinishi, yurishi, turishi ham juda akuratniy. Ichmaydi, chekmaydi, yomon so'zlarni ishlatmaydi umuman. Universitetlarni bitirgan. Lekin birga ishlasang yoki biznes boshlasang g'irt yolg'onchi, mashennik, ikki yuzlamachi, qo'rqoq, hayotda prinsiplari yo'q, qo'liga sal kattatoq pul tusha boshlasa yoki mansab tegib qolsa bozar tusarini bilmay qoladigan ablah bo'lib chiqyapti. Eng yomoni shunaqa insonlarning aynan shundayligini bilib tushunish uchun yillar ketip qolyapti. Bittasiga hammasini ko'rsatib, hamma aybini isbotlab berib orani ochiq qilsang ikkinchisi tayyor bo'lib turipti yo'lingda. Balki men shunchalik soddadurman. Bilmadim. Lekin bunaqalar hayotimizning har bir teshigiga kirib ketgan, afsus.

Akmal Akbarov - Ишончли буюртмачи ва ишончли мутахасис топишга ёрдам берамиз.


World of people

29 Jan, 10:22

📌 Video 3198321427127445

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World of people

18 Jan, 18:39


World of people

14 Jan, 07:47

Бугун 14 январь Ватан ҳимоячилари куни ҳақиқий Эркаклар байрами

Эркаклар бўлмаса, айтилмас азон,
Эркаклар бўлмаса, қайнамас қозон,
Эркаклар бўлмаса, чақалоқ қайда, Эркаклар бўлмаса, шапалоқ қайда,
Эркаклар бўлмаса, мўйлов қайдадир,
Эркаклар бўлмаса, куёв қайдадир,
Дунё тургунча турсин эркаклар,
Доимо ҳурматда юрсин эркаклар!

Байрамлар муборак!

World of people

31 Dec, 12:44

Hurmatli va qadrdon insonim!
Sizni kirib kelayotgan yangi yil bayrami bilan chin dildan tabriklayman. Yangi 2023 yil barchamiz uchun omadli yil bolsin ilohim.Elimiz tinch, osmonimiz musaffo bolsin. 2022 yilda amalga oshmagan barcha orzularingiz 2023 yilda amalga oshishiga tilakdoshman. Dasturxoningiz doimo tukin-sochin bolsin ilohim. Omad hamisha hamrohingiz bolsin. 2023 yil shunday omadli yil bolsinki ilohim, xonadoningizda doimo tuylar, yaxshi kunlar kop bo`lsin.Yana bir bor Sizni Yangi yil bayrami bilan tabriklayman. Hurmat bilan.!!!
Jabborbek Qobilov!

World of people

17 Dec, 17:40

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World of people

15 Dec, 13:46

Toshkentdagi metrodan foydalanayotkanlar diqqatiga!

Ayni kunlarda metrodagi tiqilinch avvalgidan ko'ro ko'proq bo'layotkanligi sababli ayollarimiz juda noqulay holatga tushishmoqda! Iltimos metroning avvalgi 1-2 yoki 3ta vagonini ayollar va qizlarga bersak biz erkaklar orqa vagonlarda tursak maqsadga muvofiq bo'lar edi! Keling endi bir shijoat ko'rsataylik,qanday millat ekanligimizni ko'rsatib qo'yaylik biz ham axir qiyin emasku! Sizning onangiz ,opa -singlingiz ham bo'lishi mumkinku axir o'sha yerda!

Juda ajoyib taklif. Ko'pchilikka tarqatib qo'ying !

Ancha bo'ldi metroga tushmadim, aytishlaricha pik paytida vagonga chiqish ham navbat ekan