Katak Direbus


Ia berasal daripada kisah berkenaan seekor katak yang direbus secara perlahan sehingga ia tidak sedar ia bakal dibunuh.

Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 10:02


Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 09:53

What Hilter actually said : translated in English !! the english world is ignorant of this speech

Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 09:51


Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 06:36

perlu lihat ini hingga habis, sangat menfaat , siapa sebenarnya jew (Yahudi)

Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 06:33


Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 03:52

‘Bila kena dekat mereka kata kerajaan tak adil,’ Zahid bidas dakwaan Bersatu


Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 03:52

PRK Mahkota: Siapa dua wanita dalam pertimbangan Barisan Nasional?


Katak Direbus

22 Oct, 03:38


Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 15:36

🌶CAYENNE PEPPER........ can it stop a heart attack? 🤔🤔🤔

Join: t.me/Awekened_USA🇺🇸

Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 10:33

Haji Hadi kata : Kita kena kerja kuat sokong DAP. Lepas itu Dr Mahadir AlKutty pula sokong kuat DAP jatohkan UMNO, Mana lebih terok agaknya jadi pengkhianat kpd Bangsa dan Agama ?

Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 10:28

Era yellow pages pun boleh rakam gak un ...yg anak2 dajal meroyan dgn seruan bapak dah kenapa ...duk diam meroyan pun tak guna ..hukum wajib kot ...hahaha...bebal

Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 10:24

the roughe countries, ie the Mafia countries are US, Britain and Australia. No wonder they all support the genocide of the Gaza Palastiinians.

Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 09:59

The crimes of Pfizer vaccines are fully exposed by their own clinical findings that they suppressed.

Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 09:56

The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity
The Foreword to our Historic, Lifesaving New Book

Dr Naomi Wolf
Oct 17, 2024

Our book, The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, was published two days ago; it is already a bestseller. This is a book that three governments — the US, the UK and Australia — all sought to suppress. The story of how it came to be is extraordinary — 3250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the greatest crime against humanity of all time. Read on.


Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 09:17

This is a project to kill and reduce the population of the world.please help sign the petition now

Katak Direbus

21 Oct, 09:08

Assalamualaikum wbt.
(Sila Ambil Perhatian)
(Mohon isi dan Syer link Petisyen)
Tunaikan Tangungjawab Kalian. Sementara ada Masa untuk kita Berusaha untuk memastikan hak asasi kita anak² kita keluarga kita tidak dicabut . sekian Terima Kasih.
Tarikh tutup Petisyen kita pada 23/10/2024
Mohon kepada pejuang muslimin muslimat. Dimana Sahaja kamu berada.Masa untuk kita Bangkit Berjuang.