English quize


English quize

24 Dec, 09:01

ስለ ፍቅር ምርጥ አገላለፅ

I love you so much
     በጣም አፈቅርሻለሁ

I love you forever
     እስከ ዘላለሙ እወድሻለሁ

I love you beyond measure
     መለካት/ማሰብ ከምችለው በላይ እወድሻለሁ

You are the love of my life
     የህይወቴ ፍቅር አንቺ ነሽ

I am crazy about you
      በጣም እወድሻለሁ/
      በፍቅርሽ ላብድ ነው

I love you more than anything
     ከምንም በላይ አፈቅርሻለሁ

I can't live with out you
     ካላንቺ መኖር አልችልም

You are in my blood
      ደሜ ውስጥ ነሽ

I love you more than I can say
      መናገር ከምችለው በላይ እወድሃለሁ

You are engraved in my heart
      ልቤ ውስጥ ታትመሻል

I am failing in love with you
     በፍቅርሽ ወድቂያለሁ

You are all in all to me
      አንቺ ለኔ ሁለመናዬ ነሽ

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English quize

03 Dec, 03:49

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English quize

02 Dec, 02:56

በፍጥነት ስትናገሩ እና በዝግታ ሲሆን ልዩነቱን ተመልከቱ

ቀስ ስትሉ: I don’t know
ስትፈጥኑ: Arono

ቀስ ስትሉ: I have got to go
ስትፈጥኑ: Aigarago

ቀስ ስትሉ: What are you doing?
ስትፈጥኑ: watcha doin’ ?

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English quize

12 Nov, 11:52


English quize

03 Nov, 08:52

How to ask advice from someone
ከአንድ ሰው እንዴት ምክር እንጠይቃለን

What do you suggest me?
    ምንድነው የምትጠቁመኝ?

What do you advice me to do?
        ምን እንዳደርግ ትመክረኛለህ?

What should I do?
        ምንድነው ማድረግ ያለብኝ?
If you were me what would you do?
      አንተ/ቺ እኔን ብትሆን ምን ታደርግ/ጊ ነበር?

Can/could you give me some advice?
    የተወሰነ ምክር ልትሰጠኝ ትችላለህ?

Giving advice ....

English quize

30 Oct, 16:17

👩‍🦱girl: oh nice mobile😮 , where did you buy?
ኦ አሪፍ ስልክ የት ነው የገዛኸው

🧑‍🦱Boy: l won this in a running race!🏃
የሩጫ ውድድሩን አሸንፌ😊

👩‍🦱girl: how many persons  participated ?
ምን ያህል ሰው ተሳትፎ ነበር🤔

የስልኩ ባለቤት , ፖሊስ ና እኔ

focus እንግሊዘኛው ላይ😊☝️☝️

English quize

24 Oct, 15:05

Englishን በ ፈገግታ

Alem :I have the perfect son.
አለም -እኔ በጣም ጥሩ ልጅ አለኝ ፡፡

Lemlem: Does he smoke?
ለምለም -ያጨሳል?

Alem: No, he doesn't.
ዓለም-የለም ፣ አያጨስም ፡፡

Lemlem: Does he drink?
ለምለም ይጠጣል?

Alem: No, he doesn't.
ዓለም-የለም ፣ አይጠጣም ፡፡

Lemlem: Does he ever come home late?
ለምለም ቤት አርፍዶ መጥቶ ያውቃል?

Alem : No, he doesn't.
ዓለም- የለም ፣ አያውቅም ፡፡

Lemlem: you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
ለምለም- በእውነቱ በጣም ጥሩ ልጅ አለሽ ፡፡ ስንት አመቱ ነው?

Alem: He will be six months old next Wednesday.
አለም-የፊታችን ሮብ የስድስት ወር ይሞላዋል፡፡

English quize

24 Oct, 10:16

ዛሬ የ I am = I'm. አጠቃቀም እናያለን።

'I'm' is an abbreviation for the word 'I AM.' It is used in combination with other words to tell someone about yourself or to describe something you are doing.

Here are some examples:

"I'm so tired."
"I'm confused."
"I'm happy."
"I'm twenty three years old."
"I'm hungry."
"I'm nervous."
"I'm excited."
"I'm leaving work."
"I'm thirsty."
"I'm from Seattle."

You can also add descriptive words with 'I'm' such as:

"I'm extremely tired."
"I'm very happy."
"I'm terribly hungry."
"I am super excited."
"I'm very nervous."