Welcome to خـــﯙآطــر ۦٰ٭ۦٰ, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing beautiful and heartfelt thoughts. This channel is a place where you can find inspiration, motivation, and thought-provoking quotes that will touch your heart and soul. Whether you are looking for words of wisdom, comfort, or encouragement, you will find them all here in this channel. The name 'خـــﯙآطــر ۦٰ٭ۦٰ' translates to 'Thoughts' in English, emphasizing the focus of this channel on deep and meaningful reflections.
The username for this channel is @zm_tv, where you can discover a curated collection of visual content that complements the profound quotes shared in the channel. From stunning images to captivating videos, @zm_tv adds a visual element to the powerful messages conveyed in 'خـــﯙآطــر ۦٰ٭ۦٰ'.
If you are seeking a source of inspiration and a place to connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty of words and visuals, then 'خـــﯙآطــر ۦٰ٭ۦٰ' is the perfect Telegram channel for you. Join us today and immerse yourself in a world of profound thoughts and captivating visuals that will uplift your spirit and touch your soul.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of a community that celebrates the power of words and images. Join 'خـــﯙآطــر ۦٰ٭ۦٰ' and let the beauty of language and visuals inspire and motivate you on a daily basis.اوت طلباتكم - @GJJJ24_bot
29 Nov, 10:11
29 Nov, 10:11
28 Nov, 21:00
28 Nov, 21:00
28 Nov, 10:13
27 Nov, 21:01
26 Nov, 10:29
25 Nov, 21:05
25 Nov, 11:08
24 Nov, 21:34
24 Nov, 21:34
24 Nov, 21:34
24 Nov, 10:01
24 Nov, 10:01
20 Nov, 10:54
20 Nov, 10:54
19 Nov, 21:02
19 Nov, 10:25
18 Nov, 10:56
14 Nov, 21:07
14 Nov, 21:07
13 Nov, 10:55
13 Nov, 10:55
09 Nov, 10:25
08 Nov, 21:00
08 Nov, 21:00
08 Nov, 10:30
07 Nov, 10:18
05 Nov, 10:54
04 Nov, 10:35
04 Nov, 10:33
25 Oct, 21:10
25 Oct, 10:09
25 Oct, 10:09
24 Oct, 11:46
24 Oct, 11:46