این روز عزیز بر همگی شما بزرگواران مبارک
Welcome to the Telegram channel 'پیاده روی اربعین ۱۴۰۴'! This channel, with the username @zaeranghoba, is dedicated to providing information and updates about the annual pilgrimage of Arbaeen. The title 'پیاده روی اربعین ۱۴۰۴' translates to 'Arbaeen Walk 1404' in English. The channel's description includes a prayer and encourages followers to stay connected for updates on the upcoming Arbaeen pilgrimage in the year 1403. Followers can also reach out to the admins for more information and join the group for discussions. Join us on this spiritual journey and stay connected for the latest updates and information. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this special experience. Connect with us today! #Arbaeen #Pilgrimage #SpiritualJourney
14 Jan, 06:19
02 Jan, 16:33
02 Nov, 23:00
29 Oct, 01:44
22 Oct, 04:52
21 Oct, 06:01
17 Oct, 11:10
17 Oct, 11:08
16 Oct, 10:43
16 Oct, 10:41
15 Oct, 03:44
15 Oct, 03:43
14 Oct, 09:29