🅢🅐🅑🅡 صبر is a Telegram channel with the username @z_sabr0, dedicated to sharing motivational and inspirational quotes. The content of the channel is in Russian and features quotes that encourage perseverance and patience. The title, which translates to 'Sabr' in English, hints at the theme of the channel, as 'Sabr' means patience in Arabic. The channel aims to provide its subscribers with daily doses of motivation to help them navigate challenges and setbacks with a positive mindset. Whether you're facing personal struggles or looking for some inspiration to keep going, 🅢🅐🅑🅡 صبر is the perfect place to find words of encouragement. Join the channel today and let the power of patience and perseverance guide you towards success. Don't miss out on the uplifting content shared by the admin @sanishka_01!
04 Feb, 04:57
02 Feb, 06:25
27 Jan, 12:17
25 Jan, 13:42
24 Jan, 07:04
20 Jan, 19:50
13 Jan, 19:38
04 Jan, 07:11
31 Dec, 12:45
27 Dec, 05:38
24 Dec, 07:00
19 Dec, 08:20
19 Nov, 06:36
08 Nov, 05:53
05 Nov, 08:15
25 Oct, 05:34
16 Oct, 07:14
06 Oct, 15:09
05 Oct, 08:47
04 Oct, 07:34