Your English Teacher @yourenglish_teacher Channel on Telegram

Your English Teacher


Welcome to Ahliddin Yunusov's English Grammar Masterclass! 💡Unlock the secrets of grammar with a seasoned educator boasting 21 years of experience.

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Your English Teacher (English)

Are you looking to enhance your English grammar skills? Look no further than 'Your English Teacher' on Telegram! Led by the experienced educator, Ahliddin Yunusov, this channel offers a Masterclass in English Grammar like no other. With 21 years of teaching experience, Ahliddin Yunusov has the knowledge and expertise to help you unlock the secrets of grammar.

Join us on a unique journey where learning grammar becomes 'õta easy'. From basic grammar rules to advanced concepts, this channel covers it all. Whether you are a beginner looking to improve your grammar skills or an advanced learner seeking to polish your abilities, 'Your English Teacher' has something for everyone.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your English skills and take your grammar to the next level. Join 'Your English Teacher' today and let's embark on this educational journey together! 🚀

Your English Teacher

02 Dec, 09:52

Ba'zi fe’llar ikki to‘ldiruvchi bilan ishlaydi. Bu fe’llar Passive Voice shaklida ham ikki to‘ldiruvchi bilan ishlaydi, lekin ularning tartibi o‘zgarmaydi.
Fe’llar ro‘yxati:
• Give, Tell, Show, Send, Offer, Lend, Teach, Buy, etc.
• Active: "She gave him a gift."
• Passive: "He was given a gift by her."
• Active: "She sent me a letter."
• Passive: "I was sent a letter by her."
7. Passive Voice bilan Qo‘llanishi mumkin bo‘lgan Fe’llar va Ularning Xususiyatlari
Fe’llar ro‘yxati:
• Accuse of, arrest, examine, suspect, operate va boshqa shu kabi fe’llar ko‘pincha Passive Voice’da ishlatiladi, chunki bu fe’llar harakatni bajaruvchi o‘rnatilgan holda ishlatiladi.
• "Tom was arrested by the police."
• "The suspect was accused of the crime."
• "The patient was examined by the doctor."
8. Passive Voice'da Savollar
Savollar "by" bilan qanday tuzilishi haqida, masalan:
• "Who was the book written by?"
• "When was the letter sent by her?"
• "By whom was the car washed?"
Savolga javob berishda, "by" orqali bajaruvchining kimligi yoki nima uchun ishlatilganligi aniq bo‘ladi.
9. Passive Voice uchun Savollar va Mashqlar
O‘quvchilarni Passive Voice'ga oid faoliyatlar bilan mashq qilishda, ularning bajaruvchi bilan bog‘liq kesimni aniqlashlari va Active'dan Passive'ga o‘tishlarini talab qilish muhimdir. Bunda "to be" va fe'lning 3-shaklini to‘g‘ri ishlatishga e’tibor qaratish zarur.

Your English Teacher

02 Dec, 09:52

1. Passive Voice'ni Aniq Tushunish
Passive Voice (majhul nisbat) - bu ingliz tilida o‘zgarishlar va harakatlarning bajaruvchisidan ko'ra, harakatning natijasiga yoki o‘ziga e’tibor qaratishga imkon beradi. Bunda harakatni kim bajarishi muhim bo‘lmasligi mumkin, yoki harakatni kim amalga oshirganligi noma’lum bo‘lishi mumkin.
• Active: Tom watches TV.
• Passive: TV is watched by Tom.
Passive Voice'da "to be" fe'li o‘z zamoniga qarab ishlatiladi va fe'lning 3-shakli qo'llaniladi. Passive Voice strukturasida bajaruvchi (agar ko'rsatilgan bo'lsa) "by" bilan ifodalanadi. Agar bajaruvchi muhim bo‘lmasa yoki noma’lum bo‘lsa, u holda o‘sha element aytib o‘tilmaydi.
2. Passive Voice'ni Yaratish Qoidalari
2.1. "To be" va Fe’lning 3-shakli:
• Passive Voice'da har bir zamon o‘zining "to be" shakliga muvofiq ishlatiladi, va bu bilan fe'lning 3-shakli qo‘shiladi.
• Present Simple: "The book is read by the students."
• Past Simple: "The book was read by the students."
• Future Simple: "The book will be read by the students."
• Present Perfect: "The book has been read by the students."
• Past Perfect: "The book had been read by the students."
2.2. Modal Fe’llar bilan Passive Voice:
Modal fe’llar bilan Passive Voice tuzilishi "modal + be + past participle" shaklida bo‘ladi. Modal fe’lning o‘zi o‘zgarishsiz qoladi.
• Can: "The problem can be solved by her."
• Must: "The project must be finished by tomorrow."
• Should: "The news should be announced."
2.3. Perfect Tense'lar bilan Passive Voice:
Perfect Tense (Present Perfect, Past Perfect) bilan Passive Voice yaratish uchun "have/has been" yoki "had been" va fe'lning 3-shakli ishlatiladi.
• Present Perfect: "The letter has been sent."
• Past Perfect: "The letter had been sent."
3. Passive Voice’ni Qayerda Qo‘llash mumkin?
3.1. Harakatning bajaruvchisi noma’lum yoki muhim bo‘lmasa:
Passive Voice ishlatiladi, agar harakatni bajaruvchi noma’lum bo‘lsa yoki ma'lum bo‘lishi shart bo‘lmasa.
• "The cake was eaten last night."
(Bu yerda kimni yeganligi muhim emas, faqat harakatning o‘zi ta'kidlanmoqda.)
• "The report was written by the manager."
(Bajaruvchi muhim bo‘lsa ham, u holda "by" ishlatilgan.)
3.2. To'ldiruvchi muhim bo‘lganda, odatda gazeta sarlavhalarida yoki yangiliklarda:
Kontekstdan kelib chiqib, ba'zan harakat bajaruvchisi noma’lum bo‘lishi mumkin.
• "New library was opened last week."
• "The letter was delivered to the office."
3.3. Bajaruvchi yashirilgan holatlar:
Passive Voice da bajaruvchi, noqulay vaziyatlarda yashiriladi, bu esa ba’zi hollarda gapni qisqartirishga yordam beradi.
• "The ground has been dug."
• "The job has been finished."
4. Passive Voice’da “By” va "With" ning Qo'llanilishi
4.1. Bajaruvchi (agar kerak bo‘lsa) "by" bilan ifodalanadi.
• "The story was written by Shakespeare."
• "The cake was baked by my mother."
4.2. Boshqa vositalar yoki harakatlar uchun "with" ishlatiladi.
• "The door was opened with a key."
• "The work was done with great effort."
5. Passive Voice'da Boshqa Fe’llar
Ba'zi fe’llar passive shaklga o‘tishi mumkin, ba'zilari esa o‘tmaydi. Eng asosiysi, to'ldiruvchi talab qiladigan fe’llar Passive Voice shaklida ishlaydi.
5.1. O‘timli Fe’llar:
• Active: "They built the house."
• Passive: "The house was built by them."
• Active: "She bought the car."
• Passive: "The car was bought by her."
5.2. O‘timsiz Fe’llar:
Ba'zi fe'llar passive shaklga o‘tmaydi, chunki ular o‘zida to‘ldiruvchi talab qilmaydi.
• Active: "The baby sleeps."
• Passive: Bu Passive shaklga o‘tmaydi.
6. Ikki To‘ldiruvchi Talab Qiladigan Fe’llar

Your English Teacher

29 Nov, 06:47

Hurmatli Your English Teacher kanali obunachilari!

🌟 Sizlarga taqdim etayotgan ma'lumotlarim, albatta, katta hajmli bo'lsa-da, har biringiz bu ma'lumotlarga bir ko'z yugurtirib qo'yasiz, deb umid qilaman.

🤓 Ushbu ma'lumotlar 20 yillik tajribam asosida yig'ib kelingan bo'lib, ularning har biri sizning ingliz tilini o'rganish yo'lingizda katta yordam beradi.

📚 Tez orada online darslarni ham yo'lga qo'yishni rejalashtiryapman. Biroq, hozircha onlayn dars o'tish imkoniyatim yo'q, lekin sizlarga kanal sifatini va foydaliligini oshirishga harakat qilmoqdaman.

🔥 Sizlarning har biringizning o'rganish jarayoningizda menga ishonch bildirganingiz uchun minnatdorman. Keling, birgalikda ingliz tilini yanada chuqurroq o'zlashtiraylik!

💪 O'qish davomida savollar tug'ilsa, albatta, so'rang. Bizning maqsadimiz — bir-birimizni qo'llab-quvvatlab, o'sishga erishish! 🌱 #YourEnglishTeacher #InglizTili #O'rganish #TajribaliO'qituvchi

Your English Teacher

29 Nov, 06:19

some more examples.

• I'm meeting Charlotte for lunch tomorrow. 🍽
• I'm watching a match tonight. ⚽️
• I’m going to write a letter to my parents tonight. ✉️
• We're going to the theatre tonight. 🎭
• Look at that helicopter coming down. 🚁
• It's going to land in a minute.
• He's going to have a swim. 🏊‍♂️
• I'm going to need some help next week. 🤝
• Sam will be here tomorrow. 📅
• Tonight’s programme will be very interesting. 📺
• The new President will move into the White House tomorrow. 🏛
• Rain will continue throughout the day. 🌧
• I expect they'll be here soon.
• What time does the film begin this evening? 🎬
• Do you think she'll bring her friend? 🤔
• If I get that job, I'll go out and celebrate. 🎉
• It’s Wednesday tomorrow. / Tomorrow is Wednesday. 📅
• I’ll phone you when I get there. 📱
• A: There isn't any milk left. B: Oh, isn't there? I'll get some in town. I'm going there later on. 🛒
• I’ll do it for you, I promise. 🤞 (Promise)
• Will you open the window, please? 🌬 (Request)
• I'll look after the children for you. 👶 (Offer)
• He won't come with me. 🚫 (Refusal)
• Yes, I'll come with you. 👍 (Agreement)
• I'll definitely tell him the truth this time. 💯 (Determination)
• Stop that, or I'll call the police. 🚔 (Threat)
• Shall I help you with that? 🤝 (Offer)
• Shall we invite them round for dinner? 🍽 (Suggestion)
• What shall I do? 🤷‍♂️
• Shall we come round after dinner? 🍴 (Suggestion)
• A: You know it's Emily's birthday on Friday, don't you? B: Yes, I'm going to buy her a present this afternoon. 🎁
• Oh look! That car is going to crash. 🚗💥
• That child eats too much. He's going to be really overweight one day. 🍔
• It'll be a difficult year for the new Prime Minister. 🏛
• I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself there. 🏖
• We'll phone you when we get there. 📱

Your English Teacher

29 Nov, 06:13

📖 Dars mavzusi: Shall/Will bilan Kelasi Zamonda Gap Tuzish
💡 Bugungi darsda quyidagilarni o'rganamiz:

🔑 RULE #1: Bashorat va taxminlar (Predictions)
Shall/Will kelasi zamonda sodir bo‘ladigan ish-harakatlarni taxmin qilishda ishlatiladi. Bunday gaplarda quyidagi iboralar qo‘llaniladi:
🔹 Think, expect, believe, hope va probably, perhaps kabi so‘zlar.

Misollar | Examples
1️⃣ Tomorrow will be another cold day.
2️⃣ I believe that inflation will fall next year.
3️⃣ Who do you think will win the match?

🔑 RULE #2: Tezkor qarorlar (Spontaneous decisions)
Gap paytida darhol qabul qilingan qarorlar shall/will yordamida ifodalanadi.

Misollar | Examples
1️⃣ "Dad, I’ve broken my bike."
"Oh, I’ll repair it tomorrow."
2️⃣ "There’s someone at the door."
"I’ll see who it is."

🔑 RULE #3: Rad qilish (Refusal)
Won’t bilan ish-harakat rad qilinadi.

Misollar | Examples
1️⃣ His car won’t start.
2️⃣ I’ve tried to advise her, but she won’t listen.

🔑 RULE #4: Rasmiy e’lonlar (Official announcements)
Xukumat rejalari yoki ob-havo ma’lumotlarini ifodalashda will ishlatiladi.

Misollar | Examples
1️⃣ The new President will move into the White House tomorrow.
2️⃣ Rain will continue throughout the day.

📌 Keyingi darsimizda "Shall/Will" bilan bog‘liq qo‘shimcha mavzularni o‘rganamiz.
🎯 Dars sizga foydali bo‘ldi deb umid qilamiz!

📢 Kanalimizni do‘stlaringiz bilan ulashing! 📲 Your English Teacher 🌟

Your English Teacher

29 Nov, 06:11

Bugungi mavzumiz:

I. Jadval, afisha va kalendarga asoslangan ish-harakatlar
Kelasi zamonda rejalashtirilgan yoki muntazam sodir bo‘ladigan ish-harakatlarni PRESENT SIMPLE orqali ifodalaymiz.

📌 Qoidalar va misollar:
1️⃣ 📅 What time does your favorite TV show start?
2️⃣ 📅 The course ends in two weeks.
3️⃣ 📅 The World Cup begins tomorrow.
4️⃣ 📅 We have 4 English lessons a week.
5️⃣ 📅 Our plane leaves at six tomorrow.

II. PRESENT CONTINUOUS va TO BE GOING TO orqali kelasi zamon
Kelasi zamonda oldindan rejalashtirilgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalash uchun:

💬 Rule #1:
➡️ PRESENT CONTINUOUS – odatda oldindan rejalashtirilgan, kelishilgan ish-harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi.
➡️ TO BE GOING TO – bajarilishi vaqti belgilanmagan, ammo bajarishga qaror qilingan niyatlar va tahminlar uchun ishlatiladi.

📝 Misollar:
1️⃣ What time are you meeting Ann this evening?
2️⃣ I’m leaving tomorrow. I've got my plane ticket.

1️⃣ The windows are dirty. I'm going to clean them later.
2️⃣ Look at those clouds. It is going to rain.
3️⃣ I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick.

➡️ Niyat qilingan, lekin amalga oshmagan ish-harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi.

📌 Misollar:
1️⃣ We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car.
2️⃣ A: Did Peter do the examination?
B: No, he was going to do it but changed his mind.
3️⃣ I was just going to cross the road when somebody shouted 'Stop!'

📝 Eslatma:
Ba’zan WILL va GOING TO orasida deyarli farq bo‘lmasligi mumkin.

🔹 I think the weather will be nice later.
🔹 I think the weather is going to be nice later.

📢 Motivatsion so‘z:
O‘zingizga ishoning va doimo oldinga intiling! Ushbu darsni do‘stlaringiz bilan ham ulashing. Birgalikda o‘rganamiz! 🎯
📖 Kanalimizga obuna bo‘ling: 👉 Your English Teacher