YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES @yasemoseuropeos Channel on Telegram

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES


Canal de información de YSE / YSE info Channel ES/EN : oposiciones, trainings, vacancies
All our trainings and info here -> https://linktr.ee/yasemoseuropeos
Contact email : [email protected]

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos 🇪🇺 EN/ES (Spanish)

¡Bienvenidos a YSE - Ya Semos Europeos! Este canal de Telegram es tu fuente de información sobre oposiciones, trainings y vacantes en español e inglés. Si estás buscando oportunidades de formación y empleo en Europa, has llegado al lugar adecuado. En YSE, nos dedicamos a proporcionar toda la información que necesitas para avanzar en tu carrera profesional. Desde consejos para preparar oposiciones hasta ofertas de trabajo, nuestro canal tiene todo lo que necesitas. No te pierdas ninguno de nuestros trainings y eventos, todo está disponible en nuestro enlace: https://linktr.ee/yasemoseuropeos. ¿Tienes alguna pregunta o sugerencia? ¡No dudes en contactarnos a través de nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected]! Únete a nuestra comunidad y comienza a construir tu futuro en Europa con YSE - Ya Semos Europeos.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Feb, 11:35

For those in Scientific Research Administrators competition , two options to help you to prepare the exams:

Scientific research administrators (AD 7) exam - I A reasoning test in English (20 verbal questions, 10 numerical, 10 abstract) + 1 written test (EPSO style) + 1 FRSTQ (specific for each field of the competition). Written test and FRSTQ contain videos to explain the do's and don'ts besides other key features.
To register, use this link

Scientific research administrators (AD 7) exam - I + Pre-exam workshop A reasoning test in English (20 verbal questions, 10 numerical, 10 abstract) + 1 written test (EPSO style) + 1 FRSTQ (specific for each field of the competition). Written test and FRSTQ contain videos to explain the do's and don'ts besides other key features.

This formula also includes access to our live workshop to analyse the written test for Scientific research administrators competition once the file is published.

(access to the exam is granted for 6 months)

To register - use this link

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

24 Jan, 15:27

Working group YSE for AD5 TRANSLATORS (work group in EN) – 5 sessions - with exercise for practice : 4 Knowledge test (EN/ES - IT+FR on demand) + 10 Translation + 10 Revision (from EN/FR to all L1) + 4 Comprehension (EN/ES - IT+FR on demand)+ 1 Complete [ L1 EN/ES/IT/FR L2 EN/FR L3 EN/ES/IT/FR + Reasoning part in English and Spanish ]. Book it via Teachable (here) Our discount policy applies -check here

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

24 Jan, 15:23

Grupo de trabajo YSE - AD5 TRADUCTORES (ES) – en marcha : 5 sesiones - ejercicios prácticos (4 Test de Conocimiento (EN/ES)-IT y FR bajo demanda)+10 de Traducción+10 Revision (desde EN/FR a todas las lenguas 1) +4 ejercicios de comprensión (EN/ES)- IT+FR bajo demanda)+ 1 examen completo [ L1 EN/ES/IT/FR L2 EN/FR L3 EN/ES/IT/FR + Parte de razonamiento disponible en EN/ES] - El curso disponible aquí (nuestra política de descuentos puedes encontrarla aquí)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

24 Jan, 06:58

4 new positions at #FRONTEX , all info here https://www.frontex.europa.eu/careers/vacancies/open-vacancies/

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

23 Jan, 16:23

Did you know we have videos with reasoning exercises? Just like EPSO ones. Take a look 👀https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfiZF5fW24Lt7JOYEENSDF8__hhKgddOt&si=lOdVLYeAJzidMGFK

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

20 Jan, 14:31

📌 If you are NOT part of our follow-up or Self-study MCQ trainings for Economists competition:

🔎 Tuesday, 21 January 18:30-19:30 YSE Written assignment analysis for Economists competition (EPSO/AD/402/23 - 3 fields): Workshop to analyse the Economists competition (EPSO/AD/402/23) exam. Particularly the EPSO source document for the Written test and explain the most efficient methodology to tackle it. Video and materials will be accesible for 6 months.

📝 Booking and payment via Teachable platform - Book it via teachable (here)

IMPORTANT NOTE: If already enrolled in any of our follow-up or Self-study MCQ trainings for AD6 Economists competition (EPSO/AD/402/23), you don´t need this workshop since this content is already included in your pre-exam session.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

18 Jan, 10:05

🔎 Tuesday, 21 January 18:30-19:30 YSE Written assignment analysis for Economists competition (EPSO/AD/402/23 - 3 fields): Workshop to analyse the Economists competition (EPSO/AD/402/23) exam. Particularly the EPSO source document for the Written test and explain the most efficient methodology to tackle it. Video and materials will be accesible for 6 months.

📝 Booking and payment via Teachable platform - Book it via teachable (here)

👉 NOTE: If already enrolled in any of our follow-up or Self-study MCQ trainings for AD6 Economists competition (EPSO/AD/402/23), you don´t need this workshop since this content is already included in your pre-exam session.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

17 Jan, 15:52

📌🔎 New competition open for application - AD6 Taxation - deadline 19feb25:

EPSO/AD/422/25 – Administrators (AD 6) in the following fields:
1. Direct taxation, including tax law
2. Indirect taxation, including tax law


YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

14 Jan, 07:44

☀️☀️☀️ Good morning!!! We remind you that the registraron period for the translator competition ends today. You have until 12:00 p.m. to register, if you haven't already.
☀️☀️☀️ Buenos días!! Os recordamos que hoy al mediodía (12:00 hs) finaliza el plazo de inscripción a la competición de traductores. Aún puedes inscribirte.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

09 Jan, 09:56

Arrancamos curso CBT hoy. Últimas plazas disponibles 🏃‍♀🏃‍♂

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

07 Jan, 19:40

Do you remember our analys for Scientific research administrators? did you know we have open 2nd work group to prepare the written parts? Here you can register

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

03 Jan, 12:03

Exams will be next Wednesday. Do you need help analysing the written test and how to tackle it? You can have it here and if you need help with the MCQ of Crisis management or Migration, click in their links

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

02 Jan, 09:55

Nuevo CBT 📝en español🇪🇸 - ideal próximo examen de economistas y CAST (razonamiento verbal, númerico🔢 y abstracto,con materiales propios) -online- 18.30-20.30-  arrancamos el proximo jueves 9 de enero (fechas 9-14-16 y 24 Enero ) - inscripción aquí

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

31 Dec, 14:32

2025 comes full of adventure, EU-competitions and treasures (your success) , do you want to join us in this adventure? Happy new Year to all our (present and future) candidates.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

31 Dec, 14:32

2025 viene cargado de aventuras, oposiciones y tesoros (aprobados). ¿ os apuntais a la aventura? ¡Feliz año a todas las croqUEtillas! (presentes y futuras).

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

31 Dec, 10:19

Besides this free-webinar, did you know we have a training for the FRSTQ test and the written test of this competition? we'll begin with group II (first was fully booked) next 8th January (following sessions 22nd January 18 February and pre-exam session) at 12.30 (online) . If you want to register. here you can

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

30 Dec, 11:15

Nuevo CBT en espan̈ol(razonamiento verbal, númerico y abstracto,con materiales propios- -online- 18.30-20.30-  fechas 9-14-16 y 24 Enero 

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

30 Dec, 09:19

New newsletter out. End of the year recap of trainings and more.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

28 Dec, 09:01

Exam will be in less than 2 weeks. Dont forget you have MCQ ans written test analysis available amoung our trainings - check here https://ya-semos-europeos-s-school.teachable.com/

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

26 Dec, 08:51

Santa 🎅nos ha dejado unos videos que iremos compartiendo. ¡Estad atentos! / Santa left us some interesting videos. Stay tunned, more are coming!

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

24 Dec, 16:10

Eguberri on / Feliz Navidad /Boldog Karácsonyt / Buon Natale / Fröhe Weihnachten / Bon Nadal / Vrolijk Kerstfeest / Joyeaux Noël / Häid jõule /Hyvää joulua / Linksmų Kalėdų / Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia / Veselé Vianoce/ Vesel božič / God Jul/ щасливого Різдва/ Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus/ Merry Chrismas

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

23 Dec, 08:31

Looking for some help with the written exercise of Crisis and Migration EPSO competition? Today, at 12.30 we have our live-workshop to analyse it and provide you the vital tips to tackle it. Subscribe here

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

21 Dec, 18:14

más información aquí (English version available)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

21 Dec, 18:13


YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

20 Dec, 15:52

If you think this can be of interest to you or anyone close to you. Don't hesitate to invite them to our channel. We'll keep posting fresh news about the EU🇪🇺 competitions

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

20 Dec, 14:53

GREAT NEWS!!!! GENERALIST IS OFFICIALLY BACK. EPSO just announced next July there will be a new call for generalist competition. Stay tunned!!!

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

19 Dec, 14:45

🎄📖 Algo de lectura para el parón navideño, nuestra Newsletter (aquí): Oposiciones, Vacantes & Formaciones YSE.

🎄📖 A bit of reading for Christmas break, our Newsletter (here): Competitions, Vacancies & YSE trainings.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

19 Dec, 08:33

Remember we still have open our MCQ trainings (More than +300 questions for practice) and pre-exam live session to assess the written test (tomorrow 20th December) To get Crisis-Training here To get Migration-Training here More information about our MCQ trainings

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

17 Dec, 14:46

There it goes! 3 new job offers, this time in Budapest 🇭🇺 #EUrojobs . All info here europa.eu/!BxG3Jb

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

17 Dec, 13:59

CERT-EU - The Cybersecurity Service for the Union entities is looking for 7 different IT profiles #EUrojobs 🇪🇺 all info here

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

12 Dec, 11:24

¿Te perdiste nuestro webinar sobre las oposiciones a AD5 Traductores? No te preocupes, aquí tienes la grabación y toda la info

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

12 Dec, 07:40


YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

09 Dec, 06:34


YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

08 Dec, 10:28

☀️☀️📌 If you are NOT part of our EUFTE Essay or Self-study MCQ trainings for AST3 Assistants competition:

🔎 *Monday, 9 December 12:30-13:30 YSE Written assignment analysis for AST3 Assistants (EPSO/AST/156/24)*: Workshop to analyse the AST3 Assistants competition (EPSO/AST/156/24) exam. Particularly the written test source document for the Free-text Essay on EU matters (EUFTE) and explain the most efficient methodology to tackle it. Video and materials will be accesible for 6 months.

*IMPORTANT NOTE:* If enrolled in any of our EUFTE essay or Self-study MCQ trainings for AST3 Assistants competition (EPSO/AST/156/24), you don´t need this workshop since this content is already included in your pre-exam session.

📝 Booking and payment via Teachable platform - Book it via teachable here:

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

07 Dec, 18:42

Did you miss our webinar for AD5 Translators competitions? no worries, here you have the recording and all the info

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Dec, 09:45

🗓📌 *YSE Webinar gratuito (en español)* sobre las convocatorias de oposiciones a Traductores (AD 5) (8 idiomas)*

*Jueves, 5 de diciembre 2024 de 12:30 a 13:30pm (CET, Bruselas, Madrid)*

Para asistir al webinar - inscríbete aquí: https://forms.gle/aB6s83MbbPLnuf488

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Dec, 09:44

Hoy al mediodía en español. No te pierdas el webinar!!!

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

03 Dec, 11:53

🗓📌 YSE Free Webinar (in English) on Translators (AD 5) (8 languages) competitions

Wednesday, December 4th 2024 from 12:30 to 13:30 (CET, Brussels, Madrid)

To attend the webinar - subscribe here

🗓📌 YSE Webinar gratuito (en español) sobre las convocatorias de oposiciones a Traductores (AD 5) (8 idiomas)

Jueves, 5 de diciembre 2024 de 12:30 a 13:30pm (CET, Bruselas, Madrid)

Para asistir al webinar - inscríbete aquí

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

19 Nov, 15:56

Looking for trainings in the next EPSO exams and internal competitions? find here ours for AST156 , Crisis, Migration and Internal AD's AST's 1.-MCQ - Assistants AST/156- Field 1 - Financial
2.-MCQ - Assistants AST/156 Field 2- Accounting
3.-MCQ- Assistants AST/156 Field 3- Procurement 4.-MCQ - Administrators Migration AD7
5.-MCQ - Administrators Crisis AD7
6.-EUropean Commission 🇪🇺 self study MCQ

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

14 Nov, 10:10

Si necesitais ayuda con la carta de motivación para esos puestos, recordad que en su día publicamos lo siguiente

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

13 Nov, 11:41

And this one for Luxembourg. Vacancy here and application form

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

13 Nov, 11:36

Another Temporary Agent Position . vacancy notice here and application form

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

13 Nov, 10:39

Vacancy notice here and the application form

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

09 Nov, 16:04

Our webinar for Scientific Research Administrators has-been published

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Nov, 10:29

🗓📌 YSE Free Webinar on Scientific Research administrators (AD 7) competition

Wednesday, November 6th 2024 from 12:30 to 13:30 (CET, Brussels, Madrid)

To attend the webinar - subscribe here

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Nov, 10:27

📌 👉 FYI New EPSO/AD/413/24 — Scientific research administrators (AD 7) competition in today's Official Journal of the European Union (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

04 Nov, 17:46

🍁📋 Our fall trainings at a glance in our Newsletter (here)!

🍁📋 Formaciones de este otoño de un vistazo en nuestra Newsletter (aquí)!

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

04 Nov, 07:49

🌞 😋 Hungry for reasoning tests? Join our next CBT reasoning tests training in English starting on Monday, November 4th. TODAY!!!

(Suitable for Assisstants, Specialists, Generalists, Cast candidates having these tests)

📝 If interested, you can find info and enrollment form (option 4, CBT) in:

YSE - EPSO CBT, Generalist and Specialists trainings (EN) (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

29 Oct, 16:14

📌 Our workshop on the Nuclear competition EPSO/AD/411/23 written on Thursday is open:

🔎 31 October 12:30-13:30 YSE Written assignment analysis for Nuclear (EPSO/AD/411/23): Workshop to analyse the Nuclear competition (EPSO/AD/411/24) exam, particularly the written test source document and explain the most efficient methodology to tackle it. Video and materials will be accesible for 6 months.

📝 Enrollment link via Teachable (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

29 Oct, 16:10

📌 FYI EPSO Source document for Nuclear competition EPSO/AD/411/23 written test is already available on the competition webpage (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

26 Oct, 08:24

🌞 😋 Hungry for reasoning tests? Join our next CBT reasoning tests training in English starting on Monday, November 4th.

(Suitable for Assisstants, Specialists, Generalists, Cast candidates having these tests)

📝 If interested, you can find info and enrollment form (option 4, CBT) in:

YSE - EPSO CBT, Generalist and Specialists trainings (EN) (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

26 Oct, 08:21

🌞 🗓 📌 ¿Quieres empezar ya con tu preparación para la próxima convocatoria EPSO AD5 Generalistas?

Este martes 29 de Octubre comenzamos una nueva formación en español para los test MCQ sobre la UE y Digital Skills.

📝 Info y formulario de inscripción aquí (opción 3, MCQ):

YSE - Formaciones CBT y AD5 Generalistas (ES) (aquí)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

25 Oct, 11:36

📌 🆕 Vacancy in European Commission DG MOVE: Policy Officer - Contract staff FGIV

Reference number EC/2024/MOVE/443215
Deadline 13/11/2024 - 12:00 (Brussels time)


YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

22 Oct, 16:24

📌 FYI on Monday, November 4th starts our next CBT reasoning tests training in English with Verbal reasoning session.

If interested, you can find info and enrollment form (option 4, CBT) in:

YSE - EPSO CBT, Generalist and Specialists trainings (EN) (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

15 Oct, 23:46

Today. Last day

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

15 Oct, 15:26

📌 If you are NOT part of our Self-study MCQ trainings for Statistics competition:

🔎 Friday, 18 October 12:30-13:30 YSE Written assignment analysis for Statistics (EPSO/AD/412/24): Workshop to analyse the Statistics competition (EPSO/AD/412/24) exam, particularly the written test source document and explain the most efficient methodology to tackle it. Video and materials will be accesible for 6 months.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If enrolled in any of our Self-study MCQ trainings for Statistics competition (EPSO/AD/412/24), you don´t need this workshop since this content is already included in your pre-exam session.

📝 Booking and payment via Teachable platform - Book it via teachable (here)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

15 Oct, 08:41

Useful input from EPSO

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

14 Oct, 10:42

Our YSE - Free-text Essay on EU matters (EUFTE) training for EPSO/AST/156/24 (3 fields) competition is open.

🔎 Check training details and dates (here).

📝 Enrollment link (via Teachable) on this form(here).

👉 Former YSE candidates as well as members of AEFICE, BECUE and ESN (evidence of membership must be provided) are entitled to discount (write to [email protected] to get your discount coupon code before your purchase). Members of Generation2004 write to Generation2004 to get your discount coupon code before your purchase. Discounts are not cumulative.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

10 Oct, 11:40

And also good news from EPSO, more CAST exam dates has been published. If you want to know more about CAST exams ans procedures , check our webinar . También en español

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

10 Oct, 09:32

Also visible in our web https://yasemoseuropeos.eu/courses-list/

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

10 Oct, 09:29

Document with links to all our trainings

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

10 Oct, 05:32

Did you miss our webinar? Interested in our trainings? all info here

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

07 Oct, 11:40

Aún a tiempo. Hoy a las 18.30 arranca. Si te interesa escribe a [email protected]

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Oct, 18:39

1.-CBT (ES) (comienza 7 octubre)
2.-CBT (EN) - show your interest
3.-MCQ - Assistants AST/156- Field 1 - Financial
4.-MCQ - Assistans AST/156 Field 2- Accounting
5.-MCQ- Assistants AST/156 Field 3- Procurement
6.-MCQ - Administrators Migration AD7
7.-MCQ - Administrators Crisis AD7
8.-EUropean Commission 🇪🇺Internal Competition -Oral test
9.-EUropean Commission 🇪🇺 MCQ + Written
10.-EUropean Commission 🇪🇺 self study MCQ

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Oct, 18:16

Short recapitulation of our available training

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

05 Oct, 07:24

🌞📌 FYI este lunes 7 de Octubre comienza nuestra próxima formación para los test de razonamiento CBT en español con la sesión de razonamiento verbal.

Si te interesa, info y formulario de inscripción (opción 4, CBT):
YSE - Formaciones CBT (ES) (aquí)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

03 Oct, 09:44

NEW WEBINAR is coming. Next Monday 7th October 12.30 we'll offer a webinar and Q/A on the latest announces from EPSO, the lessons learnt from the transport competition, Generalist AD5 timeline and more. To attend, you have to register here

As usual the webinar will be recorded and uploaded into our youtube channel

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

02 Oct, 18:18

Nuestra newsletter calentita / Our newsletter is out

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

27 Sep, 17:12

Meanwhile , check our webinar on the competition EPSO/AD/412/24 — Administrators in the fields of Data and statistics (AD 6) and Macroeconomic statistics (AD 7)

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

27 Sep, 17:11

and exams are back, next one . Data and statistics - 25th October - stay tuned, we'll publish more info on Monday

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

18 Sep, 16:00

Our YSE Self-study trainings for the Field-related MCQ tests in EPSO/AST/156/24 competition are open - Assisstants AST3 in 3 profiles:

 1. Financial management, 2. Accounting and treasury and 3. Public procurement.

🔎 Check training details (here)

📝 Enrollment links (via Teachable) on this form (here)

👉 Former YSE candidates as well as members of AEFICE, BECUE and ESN (evidence of membership must be provided) are entitled to discount (write to [email protected] to get your discount coupon code before your purchase). Members of Generation2004 write to Generation2004 to get your discount coupon code before your purchase. Discounts are not cumulative.

YSE-Ya Semos Europeos🇪🇺 EN/ES

11 Sep, 11:05

🗓️📌 Back to school: Trainings for Internal competitions, Field-related MCQ tests and more, have a look at our Newsletter (here).

🗓️📌 Vuelta al cole: Formaciones para oposiciones internas, Field-related MCQ test y más, echa un vistazo a nuestra Newsletter (aquí).